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01-15-25 04:21 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Azen Dalin
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Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 03-27-05 09:28 AM, in Good Days and bad days Link
...I have a few things to get out. Quit blaming satan and god for every little thing that happens to you. Why? Well, yes I will admit that in the Christian realm of mind-set it is true that satan and god do rule over a lot of things. However god gave people something called "free will" to do what they please. satan may lead you into temptation...but I don't think he's the one to blame for "ruining" friendships. Its not as though satan has consumed those people that your friendship is fading with...and if you think he has your're sorely wrong.

You have to realize, SaJin, that you and other people around you are truely to blame for the ruining of old friendships. Whether it was you or the second party that changed, one of you did. I speak on this about our friendship as well...since I happened to be the person that told you that. I did not end our friendship, I never wanted to. True did not end this either, neither did satan. To be honest, I think the reason our friendship has been fading slowly to the point where we are just acquaintances (sp?) is that we've both changed far to much for the other.

You decided a long time ago that you wanted to walk the path that you are walking. I respect you for that, but I as well am walking a path that I have chosen to walk. I'm not saying that we can't or we'll never be friends again...that's the last thing I want. I'm not blaming any god or satan for our friendship fading, I am blaming me and you, the two parties involved in this small fiasco. Whether you want to except your blame or not is your choice, but I have come to terms with mine. I can only hope you will do the same with your's.

One last thing. Whether or not those words in your post were directed at me, it changes nothing. I have pained over this friendship for a very long time, I have given advice and had it spat back in my face...many times. I have tried my hardest to calm the raging waters between you and my sister, I have tried to be friend, sister, mother, idiot-friend, clueless...I have tried every angle to reach you but have failed. I even tried the I-want-to-be-your-girl-friend-but-I-won't-say-anything...but I failed with that as well. I won't tell anyone you're a bad person, because to be're not. We all have things we still need to sort out, so I'm going to give you your room to sort things out.

I don't care if you don't want me to back away...or even if you do...its time for me to do as I need. And this is my choice. Whatever happens I will not give you dirty looks, or look at you any differently than I have. I will still say "hello" to you and laugh with you. None of it is a facade, so please don't think that I'm trying to hide any anger.

I only feel remorse because I am to chicken to sit you down and talk about this face-to-face. Somedays I bitter wish for things to turn back to what they had been, but...then I remember that there is no use in wishing for the past...because there is no way to go back. So I hope that things can push forward an we can ALL get past this.

I'm always here,
Kristen K.

(Last edited by Yuzukichi Kaze on 03-27-05 12:30 PM)
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 04-18-05 04:46 PM, in Thoughts and Ideas Link
So, yeah, I've been thinking lately. My life is a radical string of non-sense and little things that make me happy. I don't know why, it just has become that.

Non-sense is the way I seem to live. Day-to-day living of eating, being bored, sleeping, and writing. And this makes me think about things. I don't really become depressed anymore, but I have been angry lately. For instance, my brother and I got into a fight over something so stupid, I lost my head completely. When I cooled down, I wondered why. Probably PMS week or something, but it still worries me.

As for the little things that make me happy, its just become that, little things. People saying, "Hey Kristen, I love you" or "Hey, Kris, you know what? You're my best friend" it just makes me happy and I almost want to cry with joy when I think of things like that. Its not that things have been rough lately, or rocky with anyone. I just think about it and its there, that happy little feeling that makes me euphoric.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting, so I thought I'd make a bit of a post. What are the little things or insane crazy things in your life that make you feel this way? I'm not talking about "Hershey Bars" or anything like that. It's not really insane either, its more like...just happiness. Things that make you happy that aren't that huge, but small. Things your friends might say or do that just fill you with a sense of well-being and pride.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 04-18-05 04:52 PM, in What would you do for a klondike bar? Link
I would run into the nearest traffic lane and scream "STOP" and hopefully not get hit then munch on one.

I would run around my high school screaming, "MY MOTHER FUCKED A BEAR LAST NIGHT!"

I would slap the nearest chicks ass...wait I already do that XD

I would slap the nearest guys ass...wait I do that too

I would smack a saint and run into a confessional and tell them all the dirty, naughty things I've done in the loudest voice I could.

I would pronounce that some random guy on the street is a Vampire in the loudest voice and then run him through with a stake.

I would get mauled by an animal...and live to eat the KLONDIKE BAR!

I would steal an old man's denchers.

That's all I can think of that I would do. XD none of them are really funny, but they are things I would do just for that small chocolate waffer filled with vanilla ice-cream
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 03:12 AM, in "Under God" in the Pledge and on money Link
It sucks, it really does. In my school you don't have to stand up to say the pledge, yet my student teacher almost wrote me up for not doing it. I got into an arguement and told him that its my right as a United States citizen not to say it if I don't want to, not only that, but I had the police officer at our school tell me that if I didn't want to stand, I didn't have to. No one can make you stand for the pledge...and if they do they're wrong on their part.

Now for the "under god" part. That has not killed, hurt, harmed anyone so I don't see why its even an issue. People who are concerned with this really need to find a life and stop arguing over stupid bullshit like "under god" (note: I am not Christian, I'm Pagan. And this I mean no offence to anyone on the board). But honestly, when we have people in the world dying from starvation...why in the hell are we worrying about this trivial crap?
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 03:22 AM, in Difference in opinion.. Link
Speach of one's own mind should always be kept in mind. What you believe is what you believe. I disagree with Jedi not allow someone else to speak is doing what they constantly do to you. Note: I'm both bi and Pagan, many people at my school dislike me for this. When people walk up to me and say, "You're going to hell for your ways," I take into concideration that this is their religion, and in their religion it is correct.

So generally I respond with, "Yes, that is your belief," and go on my marry way. This tells the person that I have acknowledged what they have said to me and that I have also told them I don't believe that. People can put down a religion and tell you its wrong, but if its your belief then stand strongly by it. That doesn't mean you have to yell and scream back though, you can do it quietly like I did.

There are certain times when confrontation and arguements can be called for, but I always take into mind the background a person is raised in and their beliefs before I start saying, "WAIT YOU'RE WRONG!" Not everyone will share the same veiw, so try and find a commen ground. If you can find where the other person is coming from, it will ease the conversation.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 03:28 AM, in WTF?! Erm... Link
Wow...who ever owns a camel needs a life. XD honestly...wouldn't that be weird if you were painting your fence and PLOP! Camel butt on top of you. Wow...that is so sad.

The saddest part is the fact that the paramedic actually said, "There was no protocal on something like this." Well duh! Jesus! What the hell, like there is going to be something in the handbook that says, "What to do when a camel sits on you..." oh god...the idiots.

=_= the other good part...a camel sat on her and she ONLY had trouble breathing. XD
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 03:36 AM, in What lies beyond the universe? Link
You need a cigarette after thinking about something like this, no? Or maybe a cookie for those of us less addicted to nicotine. *cracks knuckles* Okay, my turn to take a crack at this shizzle!

At the end of the universe is more universe. If it is endless, it only continues to go on. There are thousands of more stars, planets, suns, solar systems...everywhere. Our human star-spotting people just haven't been looking in the right places.

In short, there really is no end to ONE universe. Most likely, we just kind of bump into other universe in a sort of "unaware" way. No one notices each other, so we go on living with that itching question, "alone? maybe...." and then the scientist make up bullshit to keep us all on the ends of our seats.

"Well me and Professor Bob here decided that there are billions more stars out there and maybe MAYBE one of them may hold another planet..." and so we sit, awaiting an answer to that question, which is within, "What is at the end of the universe...?"

Want an honest straight forward answer? Your ass...that is what is in the end ultimately. No matter if we find it in this life time, just take comfort knowing that your ass is still at the end of your body.

Why ask questions like these? Because we're humans and we can for that cigarette. O.o no sleep in almost 24 hours and going on adrenalin, aderol, and coffee. ^^ it is the true happiness (that last statement was only relavent to tell you all why I've been so phylisophical )
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 03:44 AM, in Broken Link
Wow...three years. o.O I've known you longer than that Oni and we're not even that close...lets see...since like what 4th grade. XD *pats you on the back* PM me and tell me who she is, she must be really important to her. I wonder if I know her...anyway (oh just so you know, its me Kristen XD)

Look, if she likes you that way, you should bring it up. Despite the fact that she's going back out with this fellow, maybe you should just go ahead and bring it up. Get it out in the open, it'll do you some good Oni.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 10:21 AM, in WTF?! Erm... Link
Originally posted by venomouslobster
most of that was utter ranting but i bet you anything it was her camel, that would explain why she wasnt expecting it to sit on her

Okay...first of all...anyone who owns a 1500 pound camel would most likely not paint their fence with it running rampent. Also, it was old woman and I doubt she wanted a camel for her birthday...wouldn't that be odd if your mom gave you a camel for your birthday *ponders* I think I'd be pissed.

I want a playstation 3 not a camel.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 10:25 AM, in Cape Cod potato chips Link
Dude...what the hell is that? It sounds like something my mom would buy...the name reminds me of fish. O.O fiiiiiish

Anyway, you'll have to introduce me to the nummy chippies.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 10:45 AM, in How Gay are You? Link
You scored as Out and Proud Queer. You're the Out and Proud Queer. Everyone knows you rgay, and if they don't, they soon will! Just watch out for those rural parts of America where Rainbows are something shot at with shotguns by rednecks!

Out and Proud Queer




Drag Queen


Gym Bunny


Circuit Boy




Str8 boi


Drama Queen


Attitude Queen




Abercromibe Boi




What gay personality are you?
created with
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 11:18 AM, in Pictures Link
Image hosted by

This is a picture I've been working on for a while. ^^ tell me what you think.

(Last edited by Spyware on 06-02-05 02:36 PM)
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 11:30 AM, in Life sucks Link
Oni, Oni, Oni...if it can't get worse than this, it can always get better. I know how it is to feel like you're worthless, hey we'll all get over it. Things happen, we grow up and get over it. It's just life. Friends will come and go as we walk down our seperate paths, you have to understand that it may feel like no one cares...when its really that you don't see us caring enough.

We all love you in our unique way, and I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in a while >< its hard to talk when I only see you in the hall and shit.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-02-05 11:52 AM, in Pictures Link
"The longer it takes, generally, the better it will look". That is a rule I hold to my heart, and it went well with this. The original looked horrible it was too sketchy and I just took my time.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-03-05 06:45 AM, in Pictures Link
Yeah, I know. It wasn't a 3/4 its a front veiw with the head turned to the side. I actually made the position before I drew it. XD Anyway, thanks for the critism, I'll keep it in mind.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-03-05 08:35 AM, in Challenge For Oni Link
A young girl stood in the wind, looking out upon the meadow, it seemed to go on forever. She turned, feeling that this was the perfect spot to fight him, Oni. Her long, brown locks blew in the wind. Her green eyes closed as around her a gale was summoned.

Whenever he decides to get here, the batlle with start.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-03-05 08:46 AM, in Only an 8th grade education Link
Children in the 1800s were expected to learn things like this, most were either farmers or rich-snobs. Also in the 1800s it was rare to actually have people pass the 8th grade, or even GET to the 8th grade because of the fact that most had to drop out to help their parents with farms and things like that.

I can see why they'd have to know things like this. Not only that, but passing the eight grade in the 1800s was like getting through college or high school. XD Our Highschool Graduation Tests are like idiot tests (or so I hear). This all makes me laugh at society today.

Not only were kids smarter back then, but also in shape. More than Half of the United States is either out of shape or obese. Back then you rarely saw an obese kid. (Trust me, I've seen pictures of my Grandma and her siblings from the 20's an they were like sticks! They always worked on the farm...)

It amazes me...
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-03-05 11:48 AM, in End of Earth Link
In the year 2023 GOVERNMENT has become obsessed with taking control of every country. 19 years later (2042), Russia, Japan, America, and most of Eastern Europe have fallen to the mysterious agency, GOVERNMENT. Now it is up to an underground association named F.E.H (For Every Human) to release the world from GOVERNMENT.

You can be either from F.E.H or the GOVERNMENT. I need both GOVERNMENT and F.E.H officials, so please be both if you can be. There can be spies, but you have to specify which agency they are for and whether or not they switch sides in the end. Also, this is a MALE world, so if you play a female character, your character may be descrimanated against (unless, of course, if you out rank that person) You can not have any magical powers, we use big machines in this RP!

Just a side note, but remember that if you have a character with a sword, it is still likely that they will get shot.

Job in Agency:
Background History:
Weapon of Choice:

Name: Ariya
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Origin: Spain (learned English very young)
Agency: F.E.H
Job in Agency: Second in Command (1st in Command is rarely seen)
At the age of 7 she was sent to America to learn English and become an agent for the American Government by her own Government. She was a slave for over 8 years, when she turned 13 GOVERNMENT took over. Although GOVERNMENT had released her, she decided not to go into service for them. Two years later she entered F.E.H. because she realized what GOVERNMENT was doing to Spain. Fifteen years later and the war is still going strong, Ariya has become second in command, only second to the founder of F.E.H. who is unknown.

(Side note: if you want to be the founder of F.E.H. you are more than welcome to become the founder and first in command.)

(Last edited by Spyware on 06-05-05 01:20 PM)
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-03-05 12:02 PM, in Who's Who amongst us!!!! Link
XD Jin, I think he was talking about his Ethnicity, not your's.


Kris, Kri, Yuzu, Kaze

Hazel (can be completely brown when mad)



Right now, brown...someday later blonde and then RED!

Recently found out that Sarah(True) and I are 3rd generation Croatian (look it up), 1/16 Indian, German, and Scott-Irish

Bi, but more and more I lean to the female are way to much trouble for me.


Harris County...moving...

Hey, I'm a slave owned by my parents...what more do you want from a 15 year old?

Went to Waddle Elementary for 2 years in Columbus and then moved to HC (elementary: Pine Ridge Elementary, middle school: Harris County Middle School) I now attend: Harris County High School.

Hanging, Drawing, Writing (poetry and short stories), acting, singing, staying out of trouble.

One Bearded Dragon (Kayda), One cat (Luna - mixed breed), Two Dogs (Nibbles - Rat Terrier, Feets - mixed breed)
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

Since last post: 6678 days
Last activity: 6677 days
Posted on 06-03-05 12:42 PM, in The best times of your life. Link
My best time is when my mom and I just hang out. Those are and always will be the best times. If you think of it you have good times and bad times everytime something happens.

Good times:
Hanging with SaGin and others at CyberLanding, watching an old movie for the hundreth time, watching an old movie for the hundreth time with someone else, talking to my girlfriend and listening to her problems, helping her through her problems, having people help me with my problems.

Turning good days into bad days by ranting about something to someone for the hundreth time, laugning at stupid shit, laughing at funny things, laughing so hard I cry, reading poetry, writing poetry.

Realizing something, realizing that I'm an idiot, laughing at myself, laughing at others, laughing at mistakes, laughing at arguements that were stupid, working through an arguement, getting through a bad time, helping others through bad times.

Playing Grand Theft Auto and killing people, Playing video games, walking, playing tennis until I'm tired.

Most of all, the best times are when you get those warm fuzzy feelings. I love those times.

To recap I feel like I've had a lot of good times, not just one. There's no way I can say that, "Oh this was the BEST time I've ever had," because to be honest, there will never be a time better than this. There will never be a time I'm doing this exact same thing, or saying this exact same thing, so I let most everything be my "best time".
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Azen Dalin

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