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02-13-25 05:40 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Inner Enemies
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Posts: 2368/2954
"Yea, dude, that's my name. So, Tyler, that tattoo is like that doll, hm...I want something gnarly like that. Like, some sort of eagle, or...a skateboard that, like, talks. That'd be sweet."

Kyle was lost in his own world of thought. Thinking about how cool having something that is like the others,' something special.
Posts: 2356/3807
A look of concernment came upon his face, but he instantly washed it off. He smiled.

"Tyler. And sorry for not hearing you earlier, friend, I've been so alone I've gotten used to tuning myself out. And this is much more than a tattoo."

He walked over to Kyle and placed a hand on his shoulder. He stared into Kyle's eyes for a moment before looking down onto his arm, words flithering about everywhere.

"Kyle, is it?"

True Flight
Posts: 2464/5245
Risky looked at Tyler and floated in mid air looking at his arm. "See his arm is like me, only not. C'mon c'mon. Follow meeee."

Erica looked at Kyle when she was called an idiot. She shook her head at his comment. "The thing is. When I look at Risky, I feel like I look at me somehow...." She looked at Tyler. "What's your name?"
Posts: 2349/2954
"Cool tattoo."

Kyle's eyes widened.

"Hey you're the dude from before!"
Posts: 2334/3807
"So, you need a guide."

Tyler seemingly appeared out of nowhere, walking closer to the group. His hands were in his pockets as he approached, and a smirk on his face.

"I can find anything in this world. Anything. Just ask."

Tyler lifted his left arm up so everyone could see the Verse traveling over his forearm.
Posts: 2493/3775
Bobby quickly slapped Kyle's hand away. He glared at the man for a moment, before a smile crept across his face.
Posts: 2337/2954
"Dude, that's harsh."

Kyle shook his head, and kicked the grass a couple of times. He looked troubled, but that wore off after a moment, his face back to it's normal cheerful self.

"Awww, I can't stay mad at you, just look at this face!"

As Kyle said the last part, he grabbed Bobby's cheek and pinched it affectionately.
Posts: 2490/3775
Bobby stood.

"I don't think there are any towns here. I've been flying for who knows how long, and I've seen nothing but landscape. Then again, I wouldn't put it out of the question, because nothing seems to stay the same here for long."

He turned towards Kyle,

"And I'd rather listen to the doll than you."
Posts: 2328/2954
"There's towns here? I ain't seen any. This toy looks evil, can we trust it?"

Kyle looked shocked that this broad Erica was taking advise from a talking doll. What an idiot.
True Flight
Posts: 2457/5245
Risky looks at Kyle with a sort of smirk. "I can tell you where, but you gotta find out yourself."

Erica looked straight at Kyle. She felt really short. So she sort of had a pouty look on her face having to look up to see everyone. "So where's a town?"

Risky looked at Erica and pointed east.
Posts: 2323/2954
Kyle smiled awkwardly, that little thing was weird, he wondered if he had something like that...Meh, Maybe later.

"Hey, I'm Kyle... Nice to meet y'all. Nifty toy, know where I can get one?"

Kyle looked stoned. And he sounded stoned. And He looks like the type of person who would get stoned. There weren't any drugs in his system, however, an after-effect of being stoned so often.
True Flight
Posts: 2447/5245
Erica looked at Kyle. She smiled and looked at the small thing that came out of her pocket. "What is this thing?"

The figure jumped up out of anger. He took a small breath and floated on the scythe. "My name is Risky, I'm the risk factor in your gear. You take a risk I pop up."

Erica blinked. "So you know where we are?"

Risky glared at Erica. "If I did I wouldn't tell you."

Erica sighed and looked at Kyle. "I'm sorry, my name's Erica."

Risky floated up to Erica's shoulder and then landed. "I sense someone who has something like me. Only it doesn't talk like me."
Posts: 2331/3807
Hmm, Tyler thought to himself. It had been so long since he had contact with people that it was difficult for him to get his voice back. No matter. He coughed a small amount and began going through the alphabet until his voice was back to normal. Now, to catch up that man.

He looked down at his arms, noticing the Verse speaking to him again. The door is now open. Tyler, not entirely sure of its meaning, took it to mean that this paradise, mostly devoid of human activity, now had an exit. Fear washed over him like a splash of cold water. He would not leave this paradise, ever.

"Verse, lead me to the others."

The silvery wind began to slowly swirl about him, glowing a faint blue, as strange words and symbols floated around his as well. Suddenly, his eyes flashed blue and he saw the path and destination he sought. The Verse began to float over his body once more, glowing blue before fading back to black. He began to run, hoping to find the others.
Posts: 2314/2954
Kyle shook his head, he guessed this guy wasn't in the social sort of mood. He hopped back on his board and began riding over the grass. Soon he saw a small gathering of people, smiling, as he was quite the social butterfly, he rode over.

"Hello, you're the first people I've seen in a while."

Kyle figured the other guy wanted to be left alone, best not to mention him.
True Flight
Posts: 2432/5245
Erica stopped rolling around in the grass and looked up at the sky. She blinked as her arms were flared out. She sniffed the air and smelled as the sweet smell of the grass filled her nostrils.

Then Bobby spoke. She looked over at him and closed her eyes. "Operation huh. I've heard of people who go into shock during operation. Hmm... Last thing I remember was getting bit by a mosquito and going to bed." She blinked for a minute and put her hands over her mouth. "You went to sleep too and you're from the real world."

I just want to know where I really am...She thought.

All of a sudden a little nymph with a scythe and a black outfit pops out of one of Erica's cargo pockets on her belt. He had black hair the length of his shoulders and black dark eyes. He carried a smirk along with his scythe. "You really want to get out right? Well you gotta meet the others first."
Posts: 2438/3775
Bobby folded his wings behind him and sat down on the grass.

"Have any of you heard accounts from people who've had near-death experiences? Because the last thing I remember was being put to sleep for a fairly... risky operation."
True Flight
Posts: 2426/5245
Erica looked around. Many strangers about and she was stuck here with them. She didn't know whether to listen to them or not. Erica just looked as dumbfounded as ever. "So you all weren't born here," she finally said. "You just found yourself here." Erica looked down at the grass and sniffed it. "It's sweet," she said putting a hand down on it and then she rolled around. "And comfortable!" Erica laughed as she rolled around in it. "I haven't felt so comfortable before!"
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2261/4541
A man wearing a t-shirt and jeans walked forward. Nothing special about him was immediatly visible, but then...things never were as they seemed.

"To wake implies sleep, and to sleep implies life," he said. "My name is Jack, by the way. I know about as much as you, even if I've been here a few more days."
True Flight
Posts: 2424/5245
Erica's mind raced. "Okay," she said. "I went to sleep and I found myself here. I don't know how. I don't know why, but I can't seem to go back." She said. "Usually when I spend this long in a dream, I find my way back and wake up. Why am I not waking up?"
Posts: 2312/2954
The beautiful sunset cast long shadows. A silhouetted figure rode above the waves. A board beneath his feet. Not a surfboard, not a skateboard, but something else. Something which could only be described as a "hover board." The figure cut through the crashing waves, and when it seemed he was to be crushed by a particularly large one, he rose into the air. Flipping and spinning wildly. A smile was on his face as his shaggy hair floated in the wind. He noticed another lone man, one he had seen before, but never chose to speak to. He felt compelled now, he didn't know why, he simply acted on impulse. Riding near to this man, doing several tricks along the way. Kyle finally reached his destination. Hopping off the board, Kyle smiled awkwardly.

"Hey, man, what's...uhhh...Going on?"

Kyle was never really good with introductions.
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Inner Enemies

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