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02-02-25 06:50 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by KadajRodsusu
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Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-10-05 06:22 PM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
ooc: Now that we have full people this RPG is closed for any others that wanted to join, im sorry but we have a limit. Also Katana its ok that you dont know guns *pats her head* noob lol, j/k.
Jason nodded to Kara as he quickly ran towards the gun shop, as he passed by Kara and Kyle he shouted out at Kyle. Moving as he spoke he ran towards the gun shop clearly in site now, but the lights inside the gun shop were dimmed, maybe broken.

"Come on Kyle hurry up!"

Running to the front door of the Gun shop he pressed his face closely into the glass looking inisde best he could. Looking back and forth he looked at Kyle and shouted waving his hand.

"Stay outside while i gather everything, you give Kara some cover fire with her gun!"

The gun she had tossed to him he now placed on the ground for Kyle to get it when he reached the door. Not bothering to wait a second he bent his arm and elbowed the side window of the shop. Hitting with a hard force of his badded S.W.A.T gear the window shattered and fell onto the show case. Infront of him on the show case laying on a rack was a nice 12 gage shot gun, pretty old and to old for his time. Pushing it out of the way, he got to the door unlocking it as he pulled it open and kept it open best he could, leaning a gun on the side to keep from closing. Looking inside the shop he pulled his combat knife, holding it upwards instead of down as he slowly stepped threw the gun store, seeing rows of guns, some ment for hunting, and nothing really powerful yet seen to him. As he stepped threw each row of guns he looked around himself in a calm steady pace. Getting in the middle of the rows he looked up nothing, and thne to his side as infront of him stood a tall decaying corpse. Not moving at him as he stared at it, but in a second it smelled him as it nearly fell on him to take a bite. As it landed on his body he fall to the ground and struggled to keep it off. As he tried he heard some guns from the rack behind his head fall and clatter on the ground, craweling through another corpse came craweling through trying to get at Jason as he held off another. As the one on him struggled to bite at him he lunged his combat knife into the side of its skull. The force stalled it but its arms flailed, a cut across the face could injure him and make him infected and he didnt want that. Pulling the knife out he gripped the bottom bloody blade and trying to look behind himself he trew the knife best he could behind himself, as it had little speed, the sharp end jammed into the craweling cropses eye, leaving it stunned and maybe even dead. The one on his body started to quit in twitching, its arms calm down as he rolled the body off himself. Not going for his combat knife yet he ran to the large class case at the end of the rows. Looking inside he smashed the glass casing taking from inside it 4 small boxes of ammo for Karas gun, 9mm shells. Looking around for somthing to stack stuff he found a small green camo hunting bag. Throwing the ammo inside he went threw looking at each weapon, hardly any of them real powerful only a few. Jumping behind the counter holding the camo bag he grabbed a nice fold out pump shot gun, its black dull color nice but even more its power, almost a illegal street weapon. Taking it he put the strap around his shoulder and grabbed a few boxes of shot gun shells for a 12 gage. Taking as much as he could a total of 5 boxes, with 8 shells in each box. Looking around he busted another glass case removing 5 pistols. 2 common 9mm Police Action pistols, another 2 slightly custom with a longer barrel which caused more of a kick and style, it also would load a longer clip of 20 bullets, extending like an uzi almost. and the last pistol was more of a style, picking up the silver magnum he looked inside the spinning chamber, a 6 shooter of common kind, but a powerfull one. Grabbing those and stuffing them in the bag he went threw each shell under the counter taking all the ammo he could for pistols and the magnum. Coming up with 10 boxes of pistol ammo, able to hold 25 shells per box, and found 3 magnum shells, 10 shots in each box. Loading this all into the bag he looked around one more time. Seeing a few flares, flash bangs, common items of the sort he stuffed around 10 flares in the bag and 5 flash bangs, hoping they would have some kind of effect on the corpses they were fighting. He yelled out, to Kyle and hope Kara could hear aswell.

"Ok guys I think i got what we need, we have enough ammo maybe to supply our selves untill we reach a police station, then we can load up more on supplies!"

Once more looking threw he grabbed another shot gun that could hold 12 gage rounds. It was unlike the black it had a handel that could be pulled back instead of pumped, a more advanced one. Putting that over his shoulder he looked around and nodded to himself. Running outside he was pretty slow by the weight and yelled to Kara.

"Ok get over here Kara were moving out!"

Looking at Kyle he nodded and carried the bag to the back of the gun shop, hoping the would follow. As he came around he found as he planned, an old Toyota Pick Up, its large back space would be good to old 1 person for fire and to hold supplies. Throwing the bag in the back he got in the car and looked around, under the mat, under the seat, everywhere. Opening the side holder he found the oddly shapped keys, shoving them in the cars egnition he turned the car on and pulled out quickly, the screeching tires heard in the now poorly lit area, it was getting darker, and outside was not safe. Pulling out he opened the door for Kyle, as he watched him get in, and shutting the door. Backing the car up he get close to Kara and honked the horn.

"You drive i shoot, ill pass ammo and supplies through the slot k!"

Getting out of the car he now held a newly loaded pistol, his old one but new ammo. Aimming at the corpses Kara shot at he began to fire and spoke.

"Get in the car, when i slam you drive..."

He kept firing, waiting for her to go for the car.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-10-05 11:04 PM, in Aliens: Last Hope Link
Story: It has been 10 years after the insdent on the Project Station, Revo (The station from the movie Aliens Resurection, if anyone didnt know...) The Planet earth has been turned inside and out into the future of a planet, everything covered by some sort of company or building, some sort of object. The world has turned into a ball of metal, and mass, a large waste land for humans to thrive and live. Bounty Hunters are big and the Army more as the black market becomes the most used tool now on the planet. Space travel is faster and now space has bee reached to the limit as planets begin to be taken over and turned into a planet like earth, massive metal and land for more humans. With the growing population the poor become poorer and the rich...richer. Drugs, Guns, and Stealing are the big parts of Earth as it is now slowly degrading into nothing but a waste dump for lilfess beings. A company known as InaTec has kept the major cities and planets under control with its trillion dollar corperation. Weapons and the growing army are being tested as new bio weapons are being born and created, hiddin to the public but known by few as Aliens. Small creatures that infeast a human and burst out of the chest or rib cavity to evolve into a massive hell of horror. Alien Eggs are the highest bid on the Black Market, as terroist and the army itself pays good money for a single egg. Humans live in denial as the Army, InaTec, and Bounty Hunters control the system of earth, and spread out planets. Weapons have evolved, transports, and more as the planet earth becomes a heavy fortified mass of all sorts.
Rpg Itself: This is a sort of experiment and place for sci-fi, Alien Fans, and weapons fans, to those who want to come join and shoot and kill and make money! I hope to try and evolve this RPG into a few poast that all connect into one, if the owner would let me and if things go smooth as i hope. When poasting a character PLEASE be full detail and everything you can, all those who TYPE VERY LITTLE will be killed within a area they get involved (ex. if they are fighting an Alien, ill make them die AUTO) This RPG is ment for cool weapons, and fun to kill and follow a sort of ALIEN story line. Please respect the RP and if not, you get boot or killed XD
Hair Color/Style:
Eye Color:
Race: Human (AUTO, unless a good story why other)
Best Hand: (Left, Right)

Master Skills: (choose from Sniper, Rifle, Pistol, Knives, Driving, Pilot, Flame Thrower, and Shot Gun, Smart Gun) YOU MAY ONLY CHOOSE 2
Medium Skills: (All the ones listed above ^) ONLY CHOOSE 3
Low Skills: (All the ones listed above ^) ONLY CHOOSE 4

Weapon(s): (Start with Knife)
Ammo(s): (None but types you have example Shot Gun, or Pistol
Transport: (None at start)
Money: 50,000 -w- (Start with)

Head: (None)
Neck: (None)
Shoulders: (None)
Chest: (Common shirt)
Gloves: (None)
Pants: (Common Pants)
Shoes: (Common shoes)
Belt: (Common Belt)

Jobchoose from Bounty Hunter, Marine, Doctor, Scientist, Pilot, Black Market Dealer, Drug Dealer, Police Officer, Weapons Dealer, and Bar Tender)

Kills: (How many Aliens, Humans, other you kill)
Defeats: (From humans or other)

Bio: (Full detail)

Example: (Of how you fight, and rp)

Request: (if any poast here...)


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-11-05 04:37 PM, in Hello Link
AND MY KADAJ PLUSHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-11-05 06:20 PM, in Mercenaries Link
Name: Jason Grave
Age: 25
Specialty: Hacking and Gunmanship (Pistols and Sub Machine Guns)
Organization: FreeLancer
Homeland: Russia
Background: Born in Russia 1985 he was a born Hacker. Once computers became big and evolved over time he began to learn the computer. Soon he was turning to a Hacking carrier as he made several Viruses and Bombs for computer software. Signing up for the Russian Army at the age of 18 he was denied because of his site and hearing ability. To low on the test he never made it in but contiued as a Hacker, not truely known for his work but one rare of a hacker out of many, able to hack mutli companys and groups and destroying what he wanted when he wanted. Not much of a gunner or a weapon handler he wanted to keep himself safe. At 20 he bought his first gun, a Desert Egale .45. He trained as a gunner and became slightly good because of his hard effort and work into shooting at ranges. Now at 25 he is rated in the Hacking World to big time sports and companys as number 2 of his Hacking ability. Improved in shooting he became a perfect user int robbing and taking out what was needed when needed.

Jason sat on the large round wooden table in the White House. His feet folded under each other, under his butt as he clicked and pushed keys on his L. Top. He was sitting in some room of the White House, near the main door but in another room hearing others and some comotion. He had arrived early as he could on site of the White House being offered the ammount of money and a clean reccord of Hacking if he did his job. Sitting in the rotatible chair his small thin round glasses glowed and flashed as he stared at the screen, lost as if a child to a new toy. His left hand up close to his jaw as a single finger lifted, pressing on the middle of his lips, tapping it slightly as his right hand tapped the key board, pressing keys faster then he thought as he kept up with himself. As he typed he spoke softly, in mumbles hardly understanding himself or anyone who listned.

"key 5...ethf 475...backspace..."

He contiued to mumble. As he heard others arrive and talk outside the White House. He wasent really for people with macho big tough style attitudes. He didnt really care for them, and he would keep to himself as much as needed untill his skill came in handy, if ever. On the round table sticking up right stood a large black duffle like bag, only tighter and mucher more good looking. On the sides of the bag in a sort of case to hold it strapped to the sides were 2 large block looking objects, black and shined. On the back of the backpack looking object a large L. Top stayed fit and firm as it was a back up but also another faster L. Top if he needed 2 at once. Inside he saved for himself, it was heavy inside when put on and could tell that somthing, or alot of things were inside the bag. Waiting inside the warm White House he waited for the others to come inside, if they would.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-11-05 09:38 PM, in GunZ Link
Over all i think the games SWEET. I mean DJROC showed it to me i DL'ed it and played and MAN! i love all the classes btw DJROC for fun i made an Assassin Vicious Faith (cowboy bebop) and tried A preist...or however you spell it as a class and tried to name him Alexander Anderson, from (Hellsing)...but it didnt work, anyways yeah its a fun game, tho people dont understand a map name called "Lvls 1-4 only"...gosh darn lvls 1-10 come in.... -.-


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 10:35 AM, in World of Warcraft Skill or No Skill? Link
My friend (DJROC) and i were talking at his house about World of Warcraft and why he quit. Mostly his point and forgive me Dave if im off a bit but mostly all you do in WOW is sit on ur ass all day to kill things, spending 15 bukes a month just to get to lvl 60, collect epic gear...and then pvp the whole time. It is a game with no skill WHAT SO EVER involved, only skill is not dying and sitting on ur ass untill you feel an odd tingle feeling on ur left ass cheek...

Anyways i love to play WOW and stuff but once i get full epic im getting out


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 10:37 AM, in Odd Stand up Comedy Joke Link
"Why did the chiken cross the road..."

"Micheal Jackson.."

this is not spamming i think i hope lol i find it funny...


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 10:39 AM, in World of Warcraft Link
Well leave because the game dosent really take any kill.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 10:40 AM, in Star Wars Galaxies Link
I might be mistaken on which star wars game it is, seeing as how there are many games but is it the one sorta based on Battle Feild? anyways i think there makeing a 2nd one.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 10:40 AM, in Guild Wars? Link
I hate guild wars, the color,the music, the characters....ehh so anooying i hate it.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 07:15 PM, in World of Warcraft Skill or No Skill? Link
Dave you're comment on the whole a 12 lucky and beating another high or w/e lol i was playing Gunz this day and i was lvl 5 and i beat a lvl 10 with ease about like 10 times, also i was in a "Sword" map only and i never died my score was 15 and 0 ROFL.

Anyways to not spam i agree totaly with Dave and ya its funner to play BF2, and Gunz


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 07:19 PM, in Just another member Link
Welcome to the site woo hoo! IM CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! lol anyways good to have a new

**hands him a Kadaj Plushie** UBER CUTE!


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 07:22 PM, in Odd Stand up Comedy Joke Link
Well at my friends house theres this stand up comiden...however you spell it -.- and anyways he was talking about Jackson and his Sister...ect and all about the tit thing with his siter. Anyways he was talking about how people make fun of him so mostly the new punch line for every joke is...."Jackson" it was better to hear it -.- sry.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-12-05 07:24 PM, in Sinfest's Street Wars Link
That was highly strange but fun at the same time, not drop dead laugh but as a man who reads alot of comics and funny jokes i give it a LOL. Anyways funny thing, where did you get it?


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-13-05 12:43 AM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
"Anywhere but here! just drive and move towards the city, the inner part!"

He had to yell because of the speed, the wind passing over. Leaning back in the truck he opened the sliding plastic sheet so he could pere in the front and speak, he was breathing more because of the loss of wind from his move. He spoke once again but could talk without yelling at her.

"Just follow a path you think is safe and leads us to those towers..."

He looked out the glass window staring at the large towering buildings, they were taller then most, and in most cities. Leaning forward he shut the plastic sheet and looked around as they drove at a good speed, enough for him to see if anyone was ok, any survivors of any sort. Driving past drivways and streets leading into more homes and infested zones. Looking around he banged on the hood of the truck.

"Go a little slower we might find someone alive still...maybe."


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-13-05 12:46 AM, in Evangelion Link
Dude RahXephon was a little odd but over all i think it was ok...i mean ya it was ok, i like Eva more tho. The oddest show i ever saw was...hmm most likely FLCL cuss i mean common that is TOTALY FUCKED UP OVER THE WALL FUN!


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-13-05 12:48 AM, in Samurai Camploo Link
Ok now this show i looked at, at first and thought "wow...fucked up looking" my friend said he wanted to see it so i rented him the shows. Anyways i have the first DVD and i watched it and WHOA! OMG LOL BBQ ROFL great show, its perfect! I mean to me its perfect just amazing how funny and great it is. Dave i love ya man its a great show and i cant wait to see the rest i mean its so fun to watch. Lets put it this way to those who havent seen it....its like Cowboy Bebop, mixed in with Samurais minus the Jazz from Cowboy Bebop and replaced with...Hip Hop, Break Dancing, Funk...its so amazing i love it! BTW im gonna make an RPG of it lol if possible later to anyone who would want to join. Thanks Dave for the rec!


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-13-05 10:42 AM, in Endless Days: A Zombie RPG Link
"Dont worrie about it..."

He was almost talking to himself as the car kept moving, driving forward down the street.Looking around as they drove down the street, doding debree and what not he kept a watchful eye. In his hands he held his pistol but once feeling safe, safe enough to the point where he didnt have to shoot he began to rmble through the bag, pulling out everything he had takenf rom the store, and spreading it out all across the large space of the truck. Taking both shot guns he opened a case of shells and began to load the shells into the black shot gun, once fully loaded he pumped the gun and set it on safety. Loading the second shot gun he filled it to the brim aswell and pumped also. Opening the small plastic sheet that seperated himself from Kyle and Kara. Pushing the shot gun through he put it right at the leg of Kyle and patted his shoulder.

"This is you'res heres some shells..."

He placed a box of shells next time him and went back to loading the guns. Taking out the 2 common police action pistols and taking two empty clips one inside the gun and an extra he grabbed he laoded both, loading the full clip into the gun pulling back and setting it aside. Loading the 2nd police action aswell he put it also to the side now having a single pistols (his old one) and 2 new ones which he placed under both armpits in the strap holsters. Looking around he took the two custom made pistols looking them over as he loaded the even longer clip. Loading both he went back to Kara and Kyle and set both pistols, custom on Karas lap talking in a clam voice.

"These are custom automatics ok...they switch from single, to burst, to full auto. Be careful tho, to many shots on auto and you might over heat them. They have a longer clip so each shot will be a waste but also ok. Keep them safe and dont worrie on the kick its not much you can handle it..."

He reached back to the back of the truck and grabbed two boxes of normal shell 9mm rounds and handed them to her.

"Almost forgot, heres alot of ammo for the you're pistols dont worrie you have enough to last us to the Police Station, once there we can re-group."

Looking back at the truck he took the last pistol, the silver magnum in his hands. It was an ok weight for such a powerful gun. Removing the revolver to the side he loaded six shells and snapped it closed, spinning it as if an old cowboy. Looking at Kyle from inside he handed him his own close range pistol and 2 boxes of ammo.

"Herse you're own this is a good weapon take care of it..."


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-13-05 12:43 PM, in Evangelion Link
I think in EVA the characters develope more then anything i have ever seen in an Anime show...i mean in .Hack//SIGN ya they developed well, in a calm sense. But in EVA they evolved and formed in a strang way, but over all they developed better then any anime character i have ever seen. I dont see why people think thats not true i mean Shinji changes from a total quiet whimp into a kid who has control over himself to a kid whos total insane, well it me that is...


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-13-05 12:47 PM, in Mercenaries Link
Jason didnt pay much to the man who had came into the room, only untill he slid across the table, which he was working on. Watching the man slide across the table he held his L. Top with a firm force, making sure nothing screwed up or fell over. Looking at the man with an expression not really caring for he spoke, his voice was shrewd and a bit tempered by the mans first impression on him.

"If you will please sir im trying to might find this night to be a joke and fun to be in the White House but its my job, my money, and my mistakes if i screw up. For sure i know that this is a serious situation and not some petty computer game, its the real world now if you will please..."

He went back to typing on his computer, working in new codes and fragments as he began to form new hacks, viruses, and bombs for any situation needed in the next few hours. As he typed he worked with another program of the whole White House, its blue prints, lay outs and everything making sure he could hack into the White House Secruity System to use it when needed in a black out, or rampage.
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