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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jeez Zabuza!!!!11!! | |
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#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4666 days
Last activity: 4659 days
Posted on 05-10-06 08:37 AM Link | Quote
This thread might get trashed and everything...But I just had to tell you...

You sure did post a shitload of threads on videogame trailers...

So tell us "here" about your trip to E3...And how many days were you there?

Oh yeah, and please tell me ( Without being an asshole about it) if you are not allowed to tell us on what you saw there....

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1043 days
Last activity: 1043 days
Posted on 05-10-06 12:50 PM Link | Quote
E3 is still going on, dork. Look it up on the web. I mentioned in several of the trailers that I was picking them up from the internet since I'm unable to attend the conferences, I just wanted to share with the gamers on this board.

Also, I attend today, tomorrow, and Friday. I have my pass:

And a picture of something from the Kentia hall, taken the day before it opened up. The day I went to pick up my pass:

And, finally, this thread which houses my video of the day I went to the convention center to pick up my badge:
Adventures of a Gay Man

So, mister skeptical, what say ye now?

(Last edited by Zabuza on 05-10-06 04:05 PM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4666 days
Last activity: 4659 days
Posted on 05-10-06 12:57 PM Link | Quote

Ahh nevermind

Its cool to see that you went to E3 and are sharing with us a couple of bits of your wisdom of what you saw up there...But ah well seen how you want this closed...

S'cuse me for asking

(Last edited by Master Sajin on 05-10-06 04:08 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1043 days
Last activity: 1043 days
Posted on 05-10-06 01:04 PM Link | Quote
You tend to be a little confrontational lately, so I don't want any of that. I don't care if people don't believe that I could have possibly gone to E3 this year. I'm there, and that's all that matters.

Now, I'm late for school...heading to E3 after school.
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jeez Zabuza!!!!11!! |

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