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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Movie Review Request | |
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Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

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Posted on 04-02-06 12:47 AM Link | Quote
I saw it at the IMAX and it kicked major ass. I was really surprised at how good it was.

The next movie that looks promising is Xmen 3, but that doesn't come out for awhile. My fanboy bias for Phoenix is going to make me love or hate the movie, I can already tell.....

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 04-10-06 09:33 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Valhalla

The next movie that looks promising is Xmen 3...

I hope cable makes an appearance...I already know Beast and Angel are gonna be in it...

So whats this I saw about a Superman Movie? The previews made superman fly away fake as usual....

=.= ;;; Ugh...
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

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Posted on 07-02-06 11:24 PM Link | Quote
The X-men movie will piss you off...simply because if you're an X-men fan you know that one character has to be in there to make it X-men...

That is Remey aka Gambit. AND HE STILL HAS YET TO MAKE AN APPEARENCE IN THE MOVIE AS A CHARACTER! I mean...Gambit and Rogue should be falling in love...not Rogue and Bobby.

It's just not fair.


Since: 07-17-05

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Posted on 07-03-06 01:27 PM Link | Quote
actually in the first one he's there. He's just a child though. He's sitting on a bench throwing cards up into the air. I do agree that it sucks that he's not even a minor character though. He was always my favorite.
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

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Posted on 07-03-06 04:00 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by atticusrox
actually in the first one he's there. He's just a child though. He's sitting on a bench throwing cards up into the air. I do agree that it sucks that he's not even a minor character though. He was always my favorite.

Well, what I meant was a minor character. I've heard that he's seen in the movies...but he's never really IN the movie...with a speaking line. Anyway, XIII is an awesome movie...and you will be shocked and amazed. But remember, there are certain characters Marvel just doesn't like to kill off.

Red Goomba

Since: 12-31-69
From: Petaluma, CA

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Posted on 07-05-06 12:00 PM Link | Quote
Vandetta was the best KICK UR *** movies of the last bunch of years. I cant think of a better one. Saw it in theaters 3 times. Every pixar movie sucked lately..... ANY1 notice Pixar sucks now..... Disney is dumb... This 2, This 2, This 2, This 11/2....sheesh.
Fooly Cooly Kirby


Since: 10-25-06
From: Tennessee

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Posted on 10-26-06 12:02 AM Link | Quote
I didnt really like x-men 3, but I can really say its a bad movie, simply because its not. Compared to the other two films its a great movie, people just get off track and call it bad because it doesnt follow the exact story, but people forget that this is just a story from one X-men universe and anyone who has read the X-men comics relizes there are many different universes with various plot and character changes. So you really cant whine just because its not the universe you like.

As for V for Vendetta it was an excellent movie, up against the graphic novel though the comic will always win simply because of certian things they had to cut from the movie.

Has anyone see The Departed?

Im a huge fan of Martin Scorsese's work but havnt been able to see the film yet, i've heard mix reviews on it though, any suggestions?



Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 10-26-06 12:34 AM Link | Quote
Xeo saw it and said it was amazing. The Departed that is. I wanted to see it but I just can't spend the money right now. And even though it's not out yet I'm totally gonna need a review for Saw III, I liked the other two just as a gruesome movie with a good theory behind it. But I've been strapped for cash, what with Guild wars coming out later today, and the Wii on the way. I need every penny. *sighs*

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 10-26-06 02:12 AM Link | Quote
All I can do is hype The Departed I guess. Just take a look at what I said about it there.

Its easily one of the best movies of the year, by far.
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Movie Review Request |

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