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02-05-25 10:40 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - I don't even need to tell you this, but even the blind can see Date Movie sucks. | |
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Not so much dead.

Since: 12-11-04
From: Someday, Somewhere, Over the Rainbow

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Posted on 02-23-06 03:47 PM Link | Quote
Uh huh.

Seriously, don't waste your money, or time... unless you really are attacted to incredibly corny spoofs that make a bigger ass of themselves than it does the movies they are trying to make fun of.

Lets see... they did Meet the Parents, King Kong, Shallow Hal, the Bachelor... most of which I haven't even seen, but if I did I'm sure my appreciation for this movie wouldn't be any higher.

I'm just here to be the scapegoat; Voltron saw it so you don't have to. Now, when you have children of your own you can tell them "Voltron almost died of agony so you wouldn't have to watch bad movies!" whenever they go out to see a crappy movie.

And at nine dollars, I'd rather pay to get hit by a truck than to see this movie. At least the truck might leave a lasting impression... of sorts.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 02-23-06 05:53 PM Link | Quote
Well, I saw the trailers for it a few days ago on TV, and it honestly just looked stupid other than the fact of me thinking "Hey is that Carmen Electra?"

But yeah, I don't think I'll ever see this, the commercials made it look bad enough.

(Last edited by Xeomega on 02-23-06 08:53 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 02-23-06 06:55 PM Link | Quote
I was curious about it. Not curious enough to see it, but you never know. Random things amuse me.

Scary Movie was sort of a lark. Then they made Not Another Teen Movie and tried to expand on the satirical movies. The other Scary Movies weren't near as amusing. Really if I were to spoof the romantic comedies, I would have done it much differently.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 02-23-06 07:04 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
I was curious about it. Not curious enough to see it, but you never know. Random things amuse me.

Scary Movie was sort of a lark. Then they made Not Another Teen Movie and tried to expand on the satirical movies. The other Scary Movies weren't near as amusing. Really if I were to spoof the romantic comedies, I would have done it much differently.

See, I just don't really care for those kind of movies in general. Scary Movie, American Pie, etc.

The only movie along the lines of that kind of comedy that I actually liked (and a lot) was Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.

For comedy, I'm just more of a fan for stupid / retard funny, like Dumb and Dumber (classic).

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 02-23-06 07:20 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Voltron
"Voltron almost died of agony so you wouldn't have to watch bad movies!"

You aint' kiddin!

I saw this movie with a friend of mine today after i got let off from school Today...DAMNIT why diddnt you post this earlier so i would have known this movie seriously...SERIOUSLY sucked.

At least Dynamite made an appearance...but he wasnt on for long...
Trigger Happy Jones

Since: 02-21-06
From: It's not hell... But it sure feels like it. *sweating*

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Posted on 03-01-06 09:52 AM Link | Quote
Funny. Everybody I ever talked to said it was halarious.
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - I don't even need to tell you this, but even the blind can see Date Movie sucks. |

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