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Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 37 days
Last activity: 28 days
Posted on 05-28-05 04:46 PM Link | Quote
I'm curious if anyone has any sort of ideas, or suggestions for the board.

Things such as new features, updates, changes, and things like that. I've just recently gotten interested in wanting to modify this place, or to bring it things other boards -don't- have. Therefore we'd have some originality, since so many new Acmlmboards seem to be popping up, I think being original is a good thing.

I was thinking of a Quick Reply option, that people could enable or disable and it would bring up a "Quick Reply" box at the bottom of a thread. I personally wouldn't use it, but maybe some of you would?

I'd also like to completely remake the User CP, the current one (that we've always had) I've never personally liked. I think maybe something more fancy and something that could actually do things would be nicer to have, than just a placeholder for more links.

I also plan on updating the Item Shop here in time. Finishing up with putting all the Accessories in (I know, I know), and adding a "Transfer" option where people can easily send money to other users on the board.

Even if you have ideas for Staff related things only, feel free to comment.

No idea here will be neglected.


Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1656 days
Last activity: 1656 days
Posted on 05-28-05 08:54 PM Link | Quote
Well... A quick reply doesn't seem right through... Seeing how that there is a Reply button there as well...

It would be nice to have a class system feature for the Market place, where we could use some of the FE sprite to provide some additional stat bonus and they would appear in the Arena as well. I mean, let say if you pick a swordmaster (pay in 500G in advance), your stat would decrease the str and def, but increase skill and the critical rate by 10% more.

Not to mention but given a option to fight monster for some extra money too. So if they would fight a slime, they would get little money but fighting a dragon would give them about 100,000 G since it would be based on NPC intelligence and difficulty.

I would also think that we should give a chance to create out the weapon too, but make them VERY rare and expensive to buy and get.

Hope that help a little.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 37 days
Last activity: 28 days
Posted on 05-28-05 08:55 PM Link | Quote
Keep in mind I didn't make the Shop or Arena.

Characters were planned, but I think Syntax has decided to completely restart work on a new itemshop and battle arena, so who knows on that.

Repeated Trolling. Grow up.

Since: 08-14-04
From: Australia

Since last post: 6809 days
Last activity: 6800 days
Posted on 05-28-05 09:46 PM Link | Quote
i should really get back on that. I was doing it, then lost interest cause of school. Ill start yet again on it. Because i code a crap load better again. Suggestions will be made soon enough.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4668 days
Last activity: 4662 days
Posted on 05-30-05 01:18 PM Link | Quote
This place should have a if your boerd and you dont have AIM, ppl should be able to talk to people instead of waiting for a reply and constantly hitting the refresh button....

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 37 days
Last activity: 28 days
Posted on 05-30-05 01:23 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto
This place should have a if your boerd and you dont have AIM, ppl should be able to talk to people instead of waiting for a reply and constantly hitting the refresh button....

We actually did have IRC Chat back on MoD, nobody ever used it though.

It could be added, but it probably wouldn't really be used.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4668 days
Last activity: 4662 days
Posted on 05-30-05 02:52 PM Link | Quote
I remember everyone telling me that the chat room really diddnt work on most PC's. I tried it, but i dont remember what the problem was.

I remember me and Uzu just wanted to use it to fight each other on, hence i think thats how you made the battle arena, im not sure, ahh well.....

Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 161 days
Last activity: 161 days
Posted on 06-02-05 11:28 AM Link | Quote
I think a good idea would be to have a page that listed everybody's art work. I know people like creating and showing their art here, so making a page where you can click on a member's name and be taken to another page with their art work on it could get people to post more artwork. I beleive people would really like this. If you want, you could even make a main page for the board and have a link to the art one there.

Something that VG is doing for NFF is letting members buy forum space with money or points. On a bi-weekly basis, costing around 7500 [money] where you can a forum of your own. You can keep the forum as long as you can pay for it each session.

One thing that would be great that I've seen very few boards have (none were Acmlm boards) is an arcade page. Get simple mini games and put them in a page with so members can play them. For an added bonus, make a scoreboard listing the top ten or whatever highest scores.

You could also re-input the custom scheme editor.

Red Goomba
busy, busy, busy working on the new Anti Reality

Since: 08-14-04
From: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Since last post: 79 days
Last activity: 75 days
Posted on 06-02-05 01:10 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Cyro Xero
One thing that would be great that I've seen very few boards have (none were Acmlm boards) is an arcade page. Get simple mini games and put them in a page with so members can play them. For an added bonus, make a scoreboard listing the top ten or whatever highest scores.

Actually thats something that me and someone are actually working on... FOR an AcmlmBoard!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 37 days
Last activity: 28 days
Posted on 06-02-05 02:56 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Randy53215
Originally posted by Cyro Xero
One thing that would be great that I've seen very few boards have (none were Acmlm boards) is an arcade page. Get simple mini games and put them in a page with so members can play them. For an added bonus, make a scoreboard listing the top ten or whatever highest scores.

Actually thats something that me and someone are actually working on... FOR an AcmlmBoard!

Well we're talking about development and ideas for -here-.

So unless that's something that'll be released or something ... yeah.

I really like the Art page idea Cyro, it would probably be some work but it's a good idea to think about.

Repeated Trolling. Grow up.

Since: 08-14-04
From: Australia

Since last post: 6809 days
Last activity: 6800 days
Posted on 06-02-05 07:46 PM Link | Quote
How about other useless and pointless features that boards are planning to do that never have done it, like another icon or a pointless post letter counter.,
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1788 days
Last activity: 975 days
Posted on 06-03-05 09:07 AM Link | Quote
Lets avoid negativity please.

I personally think that the User CP could be set up slightly diffrent. Right under where it says "You have ## private messagess (# new)"

It's screaming "Put Last PM here" where it's acctually showing your latest un-read message.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 37 days
Last activity: 28 days
Posted on 06-03-05 09:17 AM Link | Quote
I just noticed the PM count doesn't even match up with the real PM count, which members can see themselves on the index.

The UserCP will look totally different though.
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Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Ideas on Board Development |

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