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Since: 05-20-05

Since last post: 7176 days
Last activity: 7161 days
Posted on 05-31-05 07:52 PM Link | Quote
This is my newest story I'm currently writting. I hope you all enjoy it. Its based on FFXI!!! XD Its cool in all But I STILL WANT COMMENTS!

Chapter 1: Damn Birds!
Tuk tak tuk tak. The sands stirred as taloned feet
clawed away, as my chocobo raced across the sands. I
turned many heads as I raced along, even the
occasional goblin gave me an odd glance. That was to
be expected. I was late. I gave my chocobo a soft kick
in the side, and the great bird bolted into Selbina. A
small voice echoed in the pearl by ear.
"Bluegaruda, how close are you? Is something wrong?"
I kicked my chocobo harder, and he dashed through the
market place. People ran aside as I bolted past. The
boat was leaving as I got there. This was gonna be
I pulled a feather out of my chocobo, and it dashed to
it’s fullest. It approached the dock, and dived over
the edge! Time seemed to slow as we went air borne,
and we missed the main deck of the ship, slamming into
the side of the hull. My chocobo tossed me off it’s
back, and flipped back to shore, as I slowly
plummeted. I jammed my great sword into the hull, and
stuck into it. I hung there for a split second, then
flipped myself onto deck, taking my sword with me.
"No, everythings fine. I just got on the boat."
The boat ride was simple. Time flew as I grabbed
another bird at the crag temple, and raced towards
Windurst, also known as "Taru Land". My chocobo quit
on me before I could clear Sarutabuta, however.
Obviously my first chocobo was his cousin.
So, here I was, stranded in the wilderness, late for
an appointment, and surrounded by bloodthirsty beasts.
They were being real smartasses, blockading the way
into Windurst, and were quick to draw their blades.
"Damned creatures..."
The goblins growled, and lit a bomb or two. The
bird-like Yagudo charged me, staves and club at the
ready. I stood still, and waited for the unit to come
within striking range. But, naturally, a small echo
embedded itself in my ear, Leyi’s small voice yet
again scolding me.
"Hey, where are you? What’s taking so long?"
I drew my claymore yet again, and cleaved two yagudo
in one stroke, halving them. The other two backed up,
and the goblins stepped forward.
"Sorry about the delay, I ran into a slight delay.
I’ll be there in a minute."
The goblins threw bomb after bomb at me, making a
small crater in the ground. A massive black cloud was
where I was standing, and the goblins laughed and
jested with the Yagudo. They were still laughing when
my boomerang cut through the goblins, and the Yagudo
didn’t even have time to get a bewildered look.

I pocketed whatever was on their corpses, and dived
into the city. I saw a small person by the auction
"Hey, I’m in Windy right now. Where are you?"
The small person raised a linkshell, and talked into
it, not noticing me.
"I’m by the auction house. Where are YOU?"
I walked up, and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned
around, and I was pleasantly surprised. He was a SHE.
I snickered lightly, and smiled at her.
"Leyi right? I’m Bluegaruda."
She smiled sweetly, and her cat ears perked up
"Hi! It’s good to see you."
I snickered again, somewhat embarrassed.
"You know, up until now I thought you were a guy!
That’s the last time I listen to Diamianos."
She was taken aback, yet laughed at the irony of it.
"WHAT?! You thought I was a guy?"
I was smiling again, and started being a PROPER
gentleman. I may be a warrior, but I’m civilized.
"Yes, I had a feeling you were a lady though. I have
kind of a sense with women, and you were registering
pretty well."
She smirked sarcastically, and poked me in the arm.
"Well, your SENSE isn’t very sensible, because you
still thought I was a man, Mister Bluegaruda."
I shrugged.
"I never said it was perfect."

Chapter 2: A journey abroad
"Well, Leyi, shall we?"
She giggled. My, she had a pretty laugh.
"Yes, we shall."
I smiled, and stood tall, trying to make myself look a
bit more chivalrous, and more like the leader of the
Red Dragons. My image has always been something I try
to uphold.
"Well, Leyi. How about I take you on a tour of my
homeland, Sandoria? It’s a wonderful place, and I’m
sure you’d like it."
She seemed pleased at the idea. I had my most proper
face, and gazed through my mask into her eyes. She
guided her eyes away, and blushed slightly.
"Ok. Sounds fun!"
I took off at a fast, yet steady pace, towards the
gate. She took off, at a light run. It seemed as if a
race towards the gate had begun. This, apparently,
would be a good day.
She stayed close to me as we crossed exotic locales.
Rabbits, Birds, and the occasional crawler would slink
past us, perhaps curious to the presence of this
Elvaan and Miithra casually wandering together. After
a while, I was wounded, and rested for a bit, to
regain my strength. She sat down next to me, smiling.
She was blushing slightly, and I chuckled to myself.
"You’re blushing. Have I embarrassed you somehow?"
"No, no. I’m just surprised."
"About what, Kitty?"
"This is a long came all this way for me?"
I gave a warm smile.
"I would go any distance for a friend."
She smiled back. I liked her a lot. She was fun to be
around, funny, and really knew how to handle herself.
I had a feeling, that this was the start of a great
Naturally, my relaxed feeling would not last, knowing
my luck, as a goblin struck me with it’s sapara.
Fortunately, this harness I wore was fashioned of the
great Jugner Beetle shells, and would not yield to a
simple goblin sword, easily deflecting the blow. The
goblin grunted in frustration, and leapt for Leyi. I
used an old warrior trick, and provoked it into
attacking me instead. Leyi readied her claws, and
slashed away at the creature, each blow in itself did
little, but threw the beast off guard, and I
dispatched it with my great sword, killing the
creature with a few decisive strokes.
I felt the same, silly smile caressing my face, and I
looked at Leyi.
"We make a good team, eh Kitty?"
She wore the same expression, and purred softly.

Chapter 3: To Selbina!
Our journey continued, as the two of us crossed the
great desert, slaying goblins, exploring, and just
having a grand time. She was a very interesting girl,
and I was happy to spend some time with her. I was
truly having a grand time. In about 20 minutes, we had
crossed into Mhaura. She sighed blissfully.
"This town is so peaceful. I like it here."
"It is nice, isn’t it? This place has always been a
haven to me on my trips to Windurst. I always wished I
could stay."
I nodded, then handed her 100 gil. The money was to
pay for the trip. You needed 100 gil to purchase a
ticket for the ferry. The ferry was the quickest, and
safest way to Sandoria.
We climbed aboard, and settled aboard the great ship.
She was aflutter once onboard, she ran on to the deck.
Who could blame her? The ferry ride is one of the most
beautiful things one can experience in Vana’diel!
I stood over the side of the deck, and watched the
water go by. She stood beside me, and I was happy, as
we both gazed onto the passing waters of the land.
"Blue, this has been so much fun! This world is so
much bigger than I ever imagined!"
" is. I’m glad I have someone to adventure
with. This makes exploring so much more fun!"
I looked over, and our eyes met. She looked away,
embarrassed. I chuckled lightly.
When the boat arrived, we stepped off, and headed for
Sandoria from the port. We had a long way to go.

(Last edited by Atreyu on 05-31-05 10:53 PM)
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