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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - News Flash: Benja released from prison.......on parole for good behavior | | Thread closed
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Dark Silhouette

Cannon Bot

Since: 12-02-04

Since last post: 6744 days
Last activity: 6744 days
Posted on 03-09-05 05:23 PM Link
Yee! another one!

*Kumi-Sa levitates itself in the air and postions itself towards Benji, and tap dances on the floor.*

Hee hee...welcome back, is for the you-know-what wristband wrapped around your you-know-where hand...

*Gives Benji a wrench and screwdriver which turned out to be rubber and disappeared into the darkness.*

Battering Bird

Since: 08-15-04
From: none of your damn business

Since last post: 615 days
Last activity: 615 days
Posted on 03-09-05 09:44 PM Link
Soooooo you just gave me 2 items that are not useful at all since they are rubber. I now have a rubber screwdriver and wrench. I can only bounce them off of things and have dogs chew on them. Yipee. I still hold my heavyweight title by the way and have made customizations (yes its a word, I checked) to it.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1043 days
Last activity: 1043 days
Posted on 03-10-05 12:08 AM Link
You spelled "bandana" wrong, and I was using the handcuffs for work, yes. But, I'm still p.o.'ed (and yes, I can create words because I'm hopped up on 14 cups of tea and Katamari Damacy) at mainly everything so I really don't care about anything right now.

The writer has been messed with...good day.

Battering Bird

Since: 08-15-04
From: none of your damn business

Since last post: 615 days
Last activity: 615 days
Posted on 03-10-05 05:56 PM Link
14 cups of tea will do that to a man, and I was messed with? Nah, I dont think so

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1043 days
Last activity: 1043 days
Posted on 03-12-05 02:06 PM Link
Not you,**deep sigh with eyeroll**

Need more tea, need more paperwork, need haircut...

Despite my reluctant nature...**forces words through clenched teeth**...welcome back.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 04-03-05 04:18 AM)

Battering Bird

Since: 08-15-04
From: none of your damn business

Since last post: 615 days
Last activity: 615 days
Posted on 03-13-05 03:23 PM Link
now see that wasnt so hard

Benja remembers the moony war that went on before the fiasco happened

Oh no!
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5416 days
Last activity: 4897 days
Posted on 04-02-05 07:37 PM Link
::Behind Benja, his own shadow took form into a smaller man with a long flareing coat and hair blowing with his entrance in the wind as he grasped Benja's right arm and with a single motion removed the bracer and faded back into the shadows saying only a few words into Benja's ear::

"I am a man of my word, Your Shadow has returned"

(Last edited by Leon on 04-02-05 10:38 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1043 days
Last activity: 1043 days
Posted on 04-03-05 12:18 AM Link
Actually, yes that was hard...mostly because I didn't want to do...and I still don't. A retraction s'il vous plait...

Technically, you're on probation, not really parole...but roll with that. We'll keep shooting.

Battering Bird

Since: 08-15-04
From: none of your damn business

Since last post: 615 days
Last activity: 615 days
Posted on 04-03-05 01:22 AM Link
Im not worried.........with my shadow with me, its hard to keep me down.
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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - News Flash: Benja released from prison.......on parole for good behavior | Thread closed

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