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02-03-25 01:13 AM
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Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5147 days
Last activity: 1457 days
Posted on 03-23-05 07:15 PM Link | Quote
Otherwise known as The Matrix Online. Very fun, lots of Customization. It's nearly impossible to make any two characters exactly the same.

As long as you are not a moron, and you can think of a cool character name, I won't want to kill you...

Anyway, has oanyone else heard of it, or seen any previews, or even played it?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 167 days
Last activity: 167 days
Posted on 03-24-05 09:10 AM Link | Quote
I would get it, but it would take a stream of money, rather then just fifty dollars, and then I'm done with it.


Since: 06-30-05
From: Music Box

Since last post: 7110 days
Last activity: 6987 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:15 PM Link | Quote
I was part of the Beta testing for Matrix Online and truth i would have gotten it if my friends hadent put me towards World of Warcraft. Its a fun game, so great i mean you can do anything and its the city! Also fighting agents and all of it is just great i liked the Beta testing. Near the end of it where the Beta testng was about to end they mostly fixed everything in the game and there was like NO LAG, PERFECT GRAPHICS, CARS, and all this shit it was so fun! I would beat the shit out of the people with my Hacking Ability. I was a pure Hacker and it is the bomb, i suggest Hacker because they are good at killing fast. I mean Soldier gets all matrix kicks...ect but hackers have bomb gear. Bomb a person, kill them, hack into a NOD and steal items, Hack items together make a better one...i mean there is so much i could do. If anyone does play i suggest a Hacker with Sim bot. a Sim bot will guard you while you fuck the person over with hacks killing them.
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - MxO |

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