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03-14-25 06:58 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Classic Gaming - Suikoden for those who have played | |
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Since: 09-12-04

Since last post: 6508 days
Last activity: 3193 days
Posted on 03-17-05 05:30 PM Link | Quote
personally my favorite was 2 so i will be voting for it secondly suikoden 2 had such a better story line and plot then the others and its my favorite game of all time!. also i like the chars a lot more in the first one and most of the 3rd ones are like basiclly lame i think 4 i didnt like the chars all to much and 1 they just seemed lame to a point where it was stupid.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 38 days
Last activity: 29 days
Posted on 03-17-05 07:58 PM Link | Quote
Suikoden II is easily my favorite RPG, period. Better than Breath of Fire IV, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, you name it.

It's easily the most emotional game I have ever played. You will LOVE, and HATE the characters. The character development is uprecedented. Honestly throughout several parts of the game I felt like tearing. This game is REAListic. You're not off to save the planet from disaster, you're set off to start a Republic agains't an Empire, and when you can actually gather 108 characters, you really are building an army, and this game makes you feel like you're actually accomplishing something, unlike many other RPG's that are just like "Well I leveled up, cool I'm stronger".

Mainly for awhile now, as some of you may have guessed (Or just you Bishop-Luc ... hopefully not just you though) most of my recent avatars have been from Suikoden II.

My current one is Seed, a Captain from the Highland Army. (They were called that right?)

But yeah, the original was also very good I thought, it was just a little too short and the storyline wasn't as strong as II's, but it's still worth the buy.

Very amazing RPG series, It's a shame they're so overlooked though.

(Last edited by The Xeogred on 03-17-05 11:00 PM)


Since: 03-17-05
From: right behind you.......

Since last post: 7296 days
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Posted on 03-22-05 11:30 AM Link | Quote
The first one is my favorite, I haven't played the second one but really want too >.<
the third one is ok, and the fourth one isnt that good, unfortunaltley. i hope and wish that they go back to the way they used to be, cause these games CAN be fun.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 38 days
Last activity: 29 days
Posted on 03-22-05 11:34 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, I really disliked the battle system in 3. It was just too tiring with all the camera angles switching every 4 seconds, and the battles just took to long, and I didn't like the way the characters were "Paired".

I'll probably just read over the Suikoden III manga, I hear it has an awesome storyline, but the game just doesn't interest me.

But yeah, I've heard they're already planning to make Suikoden V, let's just hope this one is good. That might not be possible though, considering that most of the old development team that worked on the first 2 have left.


Since: 09-12-04

Since last post: 6508 days
Last activity: 3193 days
Posted on 03-22-05 04:31 PM Link | Quote
theres mangas of suikoden.! cool im gona get em well yea its highland army but i think i like culgan better he was a bad ass cow boy living in the cow boy days swicth swatch yo yo bang bang him and artimes clag seed go kill the heros army... whicky whicky west from the castle left side! lmao i got bored yea but my favorite baddy was easly neclord/luca/and easly yuber they were the only bad guys if you think about it seed and culgan and all the beleaved in what you thought but they were on king jowys side ... i liked him :/ he was cool solan G is a faggot.... lmao (hardest part in game..... easly... fight with luca blight! hes a beast
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Xeogaming Forums - Classic Gaming - Suikoden for those who have played |

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