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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - Question about server access | | Thread closed
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Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2060 days
Last activity: 2060 days
Posted on 08-14-18 10:27 AM Link
Does Xeo have server access? Just wondering, if he doesn't I feel like he should move to a different host... specifically, a VPS somewhere.

And maybe update the board to either AB1.92 fork provided by Kak2x on github, ABXD 3.0 (which works on PHP7) or AcmlmBoard 2.5 (kafuka fork of board2).

The 1.92 jul fork tested by me and works on php7 also, so it could be a consideration, and is fairly actively developed. Plus it can be imported an ab1.92 DB to it methinks.

any other thoughts? Also, if you do want a server for this site to be on, I can possibly give you access to my VPS - my only concern is that I don't really have much reason to be the site host.

I'm not trying to push darkslaya out of the way either. I just fear he might one day forget to renew it (afaik he's the hoster/coder). And also another thing if this is on a shared host it will likely break one day without major changes

And SSL support plus proper protection against spambots (perhaps nuking every existing one completely and having admin-approval would work)

(Last edited by Luigi442wii on 08-14-18 10:27 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 36 days
Last activity: 27 days
Posted on 08-14-18 09:37 PM Link
Have you ever reached out to DarkSlaya? Maybe you can share some ideas with him. Updating the board could be good but yeah he did a lot of his own updates to it, so I'm not sure how well that would work. I just wish we could do something about the bots.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2060 days
Last activity: 2060 days
Posted on 08-16-18 02:45 AM Link
Not sure where I can contact him tbh, but I want to :p

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 36 days
Last activity: 27 days
Posted on 08-16-18 10:05 PM Link
Oh yeah, guess he uses an alternative name thesedays! lol


Think his email is current.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2060 days
Last activity: 2060 days
Posted on 08-27-18 01:59 PM Link
Cant see his email on the page sadly. Probably he hid it from public view lol.

Maybe you should speak to him about Kak2x/jul, enabling HTTPS support via letsencrypt and perhaps a mod_rewrite rule that redirects all instances of '' to ''... I find it really annoying when I click a link here on the non-www domain and it redirect me to the www version, and I'm logged out :v

(That'd also help Googlebot etc.)

As for the spambots, we'll need something to blast them out into space and into the orbit of Pluto instead of this place's orbit path. Though the real question is, what if XG is in the same orbit path?

If we can't reach DS at all about things, I'd be sad to see this board go if it does. It holds a lot for me despite me being about 4-6 years of age during its heyday...

... heck, I think a board update and better maintenance, tearing down the forums that haven't been used in years, among other things would get older members who just lurk, posting again here. If we're unable to do that and the board goes kaput I'd still like to see a successor or some place to go at least. The few people that do come here are good people.

(Last edited by Luigi442wii on 08-27-18 02:01 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 36 days
Last activity: 27 days
Posted on 08-30-18 10:19 PM Link
I'll see if I can reach him this weekend about your ideas.

Honestly, I did used to think about another reboot years ago and using phpBB or something. But it would suck to lose all this history. Not to mention this is technically my third Acmlm Board incarnation (Shadows Edge, Masters of Darkness, and then Xeogaming), as Rogue and Elara could confirm... one too many reboots over the years. It was good to have something finally stable. Sad to see everyone gone now though.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2060 days
Last activity: 2060 days
Posted on 09-02-18 12:40 PM Link
You don't have to delete everything if you were gonna reboot. You could archive the board and start over again, and phpBB 3.2 is a decent choice (everything before it wasn't great but 3.2 brought many improvements). Hell, I could even setup a phpbb testboard on a freehost for the time being, before we migrate to a paid host if needed so that we can try to make a start. =3

This place has a deserved history that deserves to be archived and not filled with spam and the look of a dead site, I think rebooting with phpBB might help get more people involved from outside the AB communities and bring up activity again, because these days ABs aren't appealing to a lot of people...

... I'll also help with anything if I'm needed.

I'm sorry if this sounds pushy, but maybe a good idea would be to work with DS to relocate the site on a new domain, completely update the server, archive the board etc. - I think Xeochat could be a cool name for a small, but fun community tbh

It's my birthday in 3 weeks, so I could even buy the domain if it's necessary (i.e. DS doesn't have time anymore or such), because I really wanna help out. I'm optimistic about giving this place a new face one day and reaching back glory days (oh and another thing I'll do is link to the site in the footer of mine perhaps)

I'm not directly asking for staff/expecting staff. I just want to help this place get revived in a sense, even if just a few old members return, it'd be great to see new faces etc. other than the Indians who spam. - and if I'm partially the reason for getting the idea off the ground, I'd be honoured to have supported the community that's left and get it fun and interesting again! Just being optimistic normal user can help a lot, even if not directly related to staff matters.

If DS agrees with this at all (preferably I want him to handle stuff relating to server management etc) and is willing to do something like this, I'd like to make a new thread (or maybe you can) discussing how we can set it up etc. with everyone's ideas! I'm sure at least two or three people probably lurk occasionally, and would come back for the occasion of making the board fun once again.

(Last edited by Luigi442wii on 09-02-18 12:55 PM)


Since: 11-24-16
From: Cartoon Hell

Since last post: 2088 days
Last activity: 2088 days
Posted on 06-18-19 12:11 AM Link
Given that this is a relatively old version of acmlmboard, you could probably just post some SQL somewhere and suck the db down.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2060 days
Last activity: 2060 days
Posted on 06-18-19 03:13 PM Link
Originally posted by TheRealLazloFalconi
Given that this is a relatively old version of acmlmboard, you could probably just post some SQL somewhere and suck the db down.

wasn't there a leaked build of some sort from this site from long ago? I recall someone testing it once that I know of on some old php version to see what happened


Since: 11-24-16
From: Cartoon Hell

Since last post: 2088 days
Last activity: 2088 days
Posted on 06-23-19 10:47 PM Link
Pretty sure this is that leaked version.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 210 days
Last activity: 210 days
Posted on 06-25-19 03:29 PM Link
Originally posted by Xeoman
I'll see if I can reach him this weekend about your ideas.

Honestly, I did used to think about another reboot years ago and using phpBB or something. But it would suck to lose all this history. Not to mention this is technically my third Acmlm Board incarnation (Shadows Edge, Masters of Darkness, and then Xeogaming), as Rogue and Elara could confirm... one too many reboots over the years. It was good to have something finally stable. Sad to see everyone gone now though.

I blame Facebook and Twitter. But those of us that remain are happy that it is still here... even if it hates smartphones.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2060 days
Last activity: 2060 days
Posted on 07-06-19 08:32 AM Link
I reckon just adding a viewport wouldn't be too bad looking here, it'd be fairly similar to Jul's layout on a phone.
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Xeogaming Forums - Game Over - Question about server access | Thread closed

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