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Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

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Posted on 11-19-16 03:20 AM Link | Quote

Trying to wrap my head around Visual Basic, which is technically much my first programming language, is hell; especially considering that my teacher isn't very good. My course load is pretty low this term but I've never been more stressed out. I suppose it gives me plenty to talk about in therapy, though.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 11-20-16 09:14 PM Link | Quote
I did Visual Basic too. I was worse at C++. Web design with some HTML, CSS, and PHP fiddling is the only programming I've ever really enjoyed... otherwise, get me out of there!

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 11-22-16 08:11 PM Link | Quote
So about that Fuck Black Friday in advance part...

Yeah... two days to prep for the event. Two. Technically one and a half. For the biggest event of the year. Almost by my fucking self.

Fuck this.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 11-27-16 06:49 AM Link | Quote
Okay I'm taking this to this thread... after a near two week long sinus infection and cold, now I have a stomach bug and feel like complete crap. Apparently some of my family from Thursday got it too, so we think it wasn't food poisoning but some terrible virus really is going around. (as my mom was sick with it and didn't even attend the family stuff).

Fuck this month.

(Last edited by Xeoman on 11-27-16 06:53 AM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 11-27-16 09:36 AM Link | Quote
Fuck this month, indeed.

I have my boyfriend's aunt passive-aggressively posting about me on Facebook. She doesn't use my name, but she's doing that whole "Scenario: you're going to see family..." thing and is throwing in a lot of half-truths and outright lies and getting all her friends to pity her and talk shit about me. It's rather interesting since this person is 46 years old.

Not sure what to do. Guess she's just not invited to the wedding.

Anyway, if you remember the saga with this aunt, she's the same one who went off on me for not being politically correct enough and who also has had her daughter molested by her cop husband (molesting his own daughter) and hasn't reported him.

Woo, Thanksgiving!

(Last edited by Rogue on 11-28-16 08:52 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 11-28-16 05:14 PM Link | Quote
Yeah... not invited would be a good start. Seriously, fuck that bitch so hard.

Fuck entitled members. No, you aren't getting your phone in 10 minutes. Yes, we do make appointments the entire weekend of Black Friday, so you can't just walk up on Sunday and get one. And if one more fucking person asks at the last second if "someone canceled their reservation for the iPhone 7 Plus" one more goddamn time I am going to kick them in the face.

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 12-01-16 11:20 PM Link | Quote
Since posting that last comment, Brandon's grandmother came out of her bedroom and I apologized to her if I came off offensive or ungrateful over Thanksgiving. Her literal first statement was a sigh and then saying, "[Aunt's name]'s crazy." I hadn't even mentioned her in my apology. As it turns out there was more to the story.

Apparently while Bran and I were wandering around the northern part of Arizona the day before, the aunt was over and just ranting and raving about me. Brandon's mom said it was enough to make her chest really hurt and the two of them stood nose-to-nose yelling at each other. Linda said she eventually just yelled, "Christine is off limits." The bitch also put a strain on Brandon's poor grandmother (whom I adore beyond words) who has four fucking coronary stents. She doesn't need this kind of stress over fucking NOTHING.

When no one in the house (which included Brandon's mother, grandmother, and the aunt's father) would agree with her or give her the support she wanted, she went back to her hotel room saying she wouldn't be back the next and was just going to head back to California from the hotel. In the middle of the night she turned to the superficiality of Facebook support, overly embellishing my "sins," and soliciting these people's sympathy, hateful comments toward me, and other ego-boosting bullshit, which she repeatedly fed off in the comments. I was tempted to respond, hell even just to write something benign like, "Sending thoughts and prayers your way," but I decided it was beneath me and just let her have her tantrum. Again, she's 46. Staring down the barrel of 50.

Brandon's family is appalled that she put it online. I told them to also leave it and not say anything, though Linda was absolutely FURIOUS.

By the way, she never approached me to talk about the things I supposedly did that she found so objectionable. She just blew up at my future in-laws while I was a couple hundred miles away, was allegedly "cursing like a sailor" at them, and then ran back to her hotel and posted lies and half-truths about me. Not sure if she even realizes I could see the fucking post.

Essentially she couldn't find someone in person, who was there, to fucking side with her. Not even her father, who's spoiled her rotten.

In the end, I pity her and am disgusted by her life choices. I didn't want her at our wedding, anyway, so I'm grateful she decided to make so public a spectacle of herself to warrant the lack of an invitation.

As Brandon's grandmother put it, the aunt's a bully and she called her a "Trump," then later said the aunt and her father (he's the grandmother's second husband) are only driven by money. She's so busy telling everyone else how to live their lives and how wrong they always are when she has such a repulsive closet full of skeletons.

I'm about ready to send her a mirror for Christmas -- whether to indicate she's so fucking narcissistic or needs to fucking realize some shit about herself would be open to interpretation.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 12-04-16 08:47 PM Link | Quote
Not invited to the wedding, possible restraining order so she can't try to crash without being arrested... and a glitter bomb for xmas. If she managed to piss off the whole family, she won't know for sure who sent it.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 491 days
Posted on 12-26-16 11:19 PM Link | Quote
FUCK the judge who handled my future-sister-in-law's case against her abusive husband. Apparently he's known for blaming the victims in cases and went ahead and accepted the letters of the husband's family (he was only supposed to allow 20 pages and he allowed the full 63 pages) as evidence that he's a great father and that Sara's a horrible mother with a disgusting house. The judge fucking dropped the restraining order she had and a lot of the resources out there for single mothers and battered women are dissolving up there.

I'm so goddamn pissed.

I mailed Sara some money earlier this month, which she's been using for food and presents for the kids. Thankfully it sounds like this asshole has not gotten to it.

Her husband's family are fucking awful at that. She had to call the cops because they showed this weekend, banging on her door to let him see the kids. They're terrible people and I've seen them being shitty firsthand. Goddamn classless hillbillies.

(Last edited by Rogue on 12-28-16 02:30 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 12-27-16 12:57 PM Link | Quote
Wow... she needs to file for divorce and run back to California. Also demand another judge who does not have a clear bias against victims. I'm so sorry she has to go through this.

Fuck 2016... just fuck it SO HARD!

Glasses snapped in half last week, violently ill on Christmas day, and my aunt just died this morning. The doctors gave her only a few days, and my parents were on the first flight they could get this morning... she passed an hour before the flight. My dad called me while I was at work from the airport when they found out... he ended up having to tell me via text. Only good thing was they let me go home because I was an emotional wreck. I had almost called off work because I broke out in hives this morning... not sure why.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 682 days
Last activity: 491 days
Posted on 01-22-17 11:15 PM Link | Quote
Friend who loved to brag about how much money he made all the time asked Brandon and me out to sushi as a late birthday thing for me. The wait was two hours long and I'm standing in the cold wearing a much-too-thin sweater over a sleeveless dress and end up with a cold over the course of the week. Bill comes, it's $95, and friend throws down $20 and can't pay the $10 for parking.

I'm not saying fuck this friend or anything, but I'm somewhat frustrated while I'm attempting to work out how I'm going to pay off my credit card with most of my next paycheck and then try not to rack up that much before the next one.

I'm hemorrhaging money at the moment. Some charges suddenly disappeared off Bran's debit card, so he thought he had more than he had and ended up over-drafting. I gave him money to cover the overdraft and keep his head above water there. Paid the phone bill.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 01-25-17 11:00 PM Link | Quote
I'd say fuck that friend. If it was for your birthday, you should not have been expected to pay a dime.

I'm sorry you're having a rough patch... hopefully you can get yourself to a better place soon. Tax refunds are coming at least. I kinda feel similar... this month my major bills doubled up on each paycheck so it really sucks.

Fuck ingrown hairs. They hurt, and they are not fun.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 01-29-17 11:00 PM Link | Quote
Fuck one of my friends... I will call him M.

He just made a post on Facebook saying that he is unfollowing people posting a lot of political stuff because it's all negative. M is gay, but is still semi-closeted, and has actually been fired before for being gay. But he feels that he is totally fine just ignoring the government and living with his head in the sand, because even if they move to strip him of his rights because he is gay he will "deal with it if/when the time comes"

Really? Just because you're white, male, and Christian you don't feel the same level of fear that the rest of us do... so it's okay for you to just dismiss those of us who feel the need to be vocal about our opposition?

Willful ignorance pisses me off. Pair that with the dismissive attitude that "I don't have to worry about it" because it may or may not affect me... ugh... fuck you, M. Fuck you.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 682 days
Last activity: 491 days
Posted on 02-05-17 10:25 AM Link | Quote
Oh, Elara. I know this frustration quite well.

My Facebook is also completely full of it. Indeed, fuck all you Ms of the world.

OK, so... I got in trouble at work because something happened that was out of my control and I failed to report it to my boss. I made a mistake. I'm ashamed of myself, even though everyone involved is fine or doesn't care. The boss was disappointed, though, and I hate disappointing people.

Anyway, cut to this past Friday, a week after that incident. I'm stressed out with the week I've had and was given, as an aide, a co-worker who'd made a bizarre report against me a couple months ago and other co-workers told me she's been videoing my driving with her phone. She used to be considered someone I could trust, but apparently not.

So we're out at a Home Depot with my garden club because it's raining. Apparently two of my clients were holding hands, which is something we consider inappropriate. The other co-worker tells me while we're sitting down to do notes and yells at the male client that he shouldn't be doing that. He becomes agitated and tells her she's being mean to him and he doesn't like the way she's talking to him. Anyway, she tells me to not report it.

I take a minute to finish my notes, then go pull the male client aside and quietly tell him that while he can have friends, it's just not appropriate to be holding hands while we're at program. Outside of program is another story. He calmly says OK and that he understands, and we return to what we're doing. I write a service note about the incident in his field folder and we all let the matter drop.

Back at the center, the co-worker slips away while we're watching the clients, waiting for their rides home, and runs off to tell our case manager (second to the boss at our center) about the incident at Home Depot. I happen to overhear it while I'm taking a client, whose ride's arrival had been announced, to their taxi. So I step in to throw in my two cents and she turns, shocked that I was there. Again, she tried to get me to not report something and here she is telling the CM in hushed tones.

She's become a part of this clique at work that's been currying a lot of favor with the CM and getting him to be a part of their group, and this clique happens to hate the rest of the people at the center.

I'm really fucking tired of this workplace.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 02-06-17 02:12 PM Link | Quote
There are people like that at every workplace, sadly. It just makes you want to not care about anyone or anything some days, but overall I refuse to let selfish dickbags like that make me stop caring about people.

Fuck local taxes. One, they are stupid and inefficient when it can be handled as part of the state level taxes. Second, because I moved from one area to another, I have to file the form physically instead of online... because somehow their idiotic coders are unable or unwilling to add in a worksheet.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 136 days
Last activity: 125 days
Posted on 02-12-17 07:56 PM Link | Quote
Worst tax refund ever.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 682 days
Last activity: 491 days
Posted on 02-14-17 09:57 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeoman
Worst tax refund ever.

Well that blows. Hopefully, you don't owe too much.

I have a few fuck yous for people at work, but I'm trying to learn to let things go, even if it's completely unfair and talking to the boss might help (it hasn't so far.)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 02-19-17 06:49 PM Link | Quote
Fuck my ex. Seriously. So he found out about Kaleb and I dating... admittedly not from me or him, which I can understand being rather vexxing. But he decided to not only act like a petulant twelve year old (which I knew would happen, and thus why I put off telling him)... he tried to guilt trip and shame me like we were still together. Ugh.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 682 days
Last activity: 491 days
Posted on 02-21-17 10:03 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Elara
Fuck my ex. Seriously. So he found out about Kaleb and I dating... admittedly not from me or him, which I can understand being rather vexxing. But he decided to not only act like a petulant twelve year old (which I knew would happen, and thus why I put off telling him)... he tried to guilt trip and shame me like we were still together. Ugh.

He only now figured it out? He's one dense motherfucker.

And yes, don't let him guilt you. He made your life hell for a long time and you deserve happiness.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 148 days
Last activity: 148 days
Posted on 02-22-17 06:15 PM Link | Quote
Yeah... I posted a couple of pics on instagram, so that it wasn't in his face... and his sister's friends saw them and decided that this was middle school. Sends pics to sister, sister shows him, he has a meltdown.

I almost fell into the emotional abuse cycle again... but friends helped pull me out. Now I'm just curious how long he sulks before he gets over himself and talks to me again.
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