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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 04-07-14 10:56 AM Link | Quote
I, sadly, did not have the camera ready since it was in the list on shuffle. It came on a song or two after their first dance, and at that point most of the guests were standing and on their way out.

I mentioned it on Facebook, but no one really noticed what it was. I doubt any of them watch the show or have even read any real books, let alone "A Song of Ice and Fire." Hicks and (recovering?) meth addicts, I tell ya.

The groom's family are lazy jerks. They showed up for the rehearsal dinner, which was supposed to be a decorating party in the church. Brandon's mom bought pizza, which we showed up with. They ate and then all left.

Same situation with the reception. They came, they ate, they had cake, they left. It was just me, Brandon, his mom, aunt, and grandma doing all the cleaning along with this woman from the church.

We also had to babysit the bride's daughter while they took off to a hotel for the night. Loralei, who's 2, fell down the stairs. It was kind of surreal. I happened to be sitting on the couch after we got back and suddenly I see her flipping through the air and hit the floor. She's fine. I mean, she cried for a while, but then she laid on me, ate the turkey out of my sandwich, and it's like nothing happened. No bumps, bruises, or broken bones.

Anyway, I'm glad the wedding shit is over. The bridesmaids copped an attitude when they were asked to help, and didn't do ANYTHING because they said they shouldn't have to.

Matter of fact, when we needed Sara to be there for the decoration party the night before the wedding, the bridesmaids insisted on taking her away to party and get drunk so she doesn't stress. The girl wasn't even stressing -- it was Bran's and Sara's mom who was losing it, if anyone. Worst bridesmaids ever (well, to us, they were). A couple of them treated us like we were "the help." Bran's grandmother has a much more *cough* "colorful" word for it, but I'll refrain from saying it here.

When it came to the wedding and reception, it was like it was straight out of that Gogol Bordello song:

Seriously, right down to the sandwiches for the entree and the soda/punch. I mean, our sandwiches looked better, but come on!

We couldn't have alcohol because some of the groom's family are in AA and it was in a church. Bran's mom swears it's because they just didn't want to spend the money for two-buck Chuck. We had to toast with sparkling apple cider. Bullshit, I tell you.

Man do I hate these things.

(Last edited by Rogue on 04-07-14 11:08 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 04-12-14 10:54 PM Link | Quote
Um... helping with that shit is the POINT of bridesmaids. I'd make damn sure Sara knows how pissed off you all are at this. Such bullshit.

That is why I am having a bonfire. Screw that shit.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 04-17-14 01:40 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, even with a small affair like Sara's where the catering, cake, DJing, sound tech'ing, photography, decorating, dresses, and cleaning were all done for free by family, there was STILL too much bullshit.

Anyway, my house may as well be a bed & breakfast at this point. Since getting back from the trip up the coast, we've hosted our old family friends from Australia. She flew home a few days ago, but she'll be back in a July.

In the mean time, my cousin is coming down in June from Sacramento. Her daughter's acting troupe leader decided, on a whim, to submit their latest play to be performed in the Hollywood Fringe Festival, without consulting the parents. They'll be staying with us. No clue about the rest of the kids or their parents, but they're all pretty sheltered and privileged so no idea how they'll take to L.A.

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 04-22-14 12:18 PM Link | Quote
Had the most delightfully exhausting weekend.

On Friday, Brandon and I hit 10 years together and got meat pies and went whale watching in the morning to commemorate before heading to WonderCon in Anaheim. Lee got a hotel room, which made for a crazy-long walk to and from the convention center.

Saturday, got re-sunburned from the day before walking to WonderCon, went to the big Warner Brothers and 20th Century Fox presentations (which involved getting to see things and people like Bill Paxton, Richard Armitage, Gary Oldman, Andy Serkis, and preview clips for "Godzilla," "How To Train Your Dragon 2," "Secret Service," and "X-Men: Days of Future Past"), and saw lots of great cosplayers.

At night, went to watch Brandon's band play, then came home to take a shower in my own shower, write news for the podcast (which my friend wants to start recording on Sunday nights) at 2 in the morning. Around 3, we got back to the hotel and went to bed.

Sunday, went to faire because Rosy was doing some sort of group rate. Little did we realize, getting to the damn park would take hours what with all the Latino families trying to get in for their Easter picnics. And even with sunscreen on, got burned again. But I got a new bodice (my first not made by either my mom or Brandon's grandmother), so it ACTUALLY fits correctly. I love the sewing women in my life, but neither knew the concept of making it tight and not to fit.

Left faire to go home to record the podcast, but was stuck in traffic. Called my friend and he said he'd already canceled recording (thanks for not calling, asshole). So yay for watching "Game of Thrones" instead of having to record.

And we had gaming on Thursday night and last night. We're completely fucking broke, but it was all worth it.

(Last edited by Rogue on 04-22-14 12:36 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 38 days
Last activity: 29 days
Posted on 05-06-14 10:55 AM Link | Quote
Finals week...

Still alive...

I shall be back again soon! X_X
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 05-07-14 10:24 PM Link | Quote
Eep, finals. That's probably one of the few things I don't miss about school.

Just got off the phone with my cousin. My weekends in June are entirely taken up driving my cousin's daughter to and from her show in Hollywood during the fringe festival. She'll be staying with us the entire month.

Then once she leaves, our friend from Australia comes back to stay. We've got grand plans for the first weekend of July.

This month is a bit packed as well, but with much more variety, at least. Going to see Elara (yay!) and shoot post-wedding pictures. Will be dropping by the locations this week to get a good idea of where to shoot.

We're doing faire this weekend. Last weekend was Free Comic Book Day and free day for the animal mummies exhibit at Bowers.

Next weekend is Elara's bonfire and that morning is a Gallifrey One staff meeting. Not sure if I'll be running down to San Diego that night to pick up friends or what. Then that Sunday is our Anime L.A. recruitment picnic (need to bake slutty brownies in the middle of the night and still need to run by the park to figure out which table to take when we get there at dawn).


Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 05-15-14 03:36 AM Link | Quote
I have been super busy this week. Running around... well, driving around, trying to see people who can't make it to the bonfire, get all the food in that we want, etc etc.

Then back to work on Tuesday until the 7th of June, when we fly to Miami for the honeymoon... yay cruises!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 05-16-14 12:46 PM Link | Quote
Bon voyage, Elara!

This weekend... oh god. This weekend. I'll be operating on no sleep.

Next weekend is the only one I'm not booked for for anything for a while (that was a lot of "for"s in that sentence). FOR! Not sure what I'll do with it.

(Last edited by Rogue on 05-28-14 11:32 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 38 days
Last activity: 29 days
Posted on 05-17-14 11:21 AM Link | Quote
I saw the news on FB, congrats Elara!!!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 05-21-14 11:54 PM Link | Quote
Indeed, I repeat my congrats to the happy couple! <3

Now I just need to finish editing the photos and get them in the mail.

Since we're expecting more than a month's worth of company, I've been forced to help my dad remodel the guest bathroom. I've been tearing off wallpaper, which has been TEDIOUS.

At the same time, we're having brick steps installed in the backyard, and Dad wants me hanging around the lower floor to sort of monitor them. It's been pretty bullshit around here.

That list of people coming again:
- June 5th through the 26th-ish, my cousin, her daughter, her daughter's friend, and her daughter's friend's mother are staying. Maddie will be here all month, and god only knows how long the strangers will be here. This is actually REALLY stressing my family and me out.

- First weekend of July, my mom's best friend is visiting from Australia. Really looking forward to her visit since she only comes so often, but was here last month. She's a huge "Game of Thrones" fan and we geek out on so much. Big plans when she's here.

(Last edited by Rogue on 06-05-14 04:17 AM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 05-28-14 05:52 PM Link | Quote
Leaving for Vegas in a couple days.

Looking up things to do, there's a lot of fuckery to be had. Like paying $300 to drive around a bulldozer or getting spanked at a restaurant for not finishing my food.

We'll just see how the next few days go.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 38 days
Last activity: 29 days
Posted on 05-28-14 10:02 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
or getting spanked at a restaurant for not finishing my food.

... has this ever happened, haha wow.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 05-28-14 11:37 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeoppai
Originally posted by Rogue
or getting spanked at a restaurant for not finishing my food.

... has this ever happened, haha wow.

Yeah, there's a restaurant that Bran and I used to go to Arizona that's since moved to Vegas and has picked up a ton of stupid rules (like how you HAVE to wear a hospital gown and the scantily-clad nurses HAVE TO spank you if you don't finish your meal).

I'm not sure if I really want to hit the Heart Attack Grill. The food is more expensive and total crap now from what I've heard. They were in Arizona for years without incident, and now people there are ACTUALLY having heart attacks. Ugh..
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 05-29-14 04:21 PM Link | Quote
Jebus, is 2014 the year of weddings? Is this "A Storm of Swords"? Just got another wedding invite for this year.

Now we've got Brandon's cousin, Melinda's, wedding up in Washington that we have to plan for in September and Liz and Erik's in October.

I played "The Rains of Castamere" at Sara's. I finally opened the Fire and Blood to commemorate Elara's visit.

What can I do to "Game of Thrones" up these other nuptials?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 06-05-14 04:14 AM Link | Quote
Woo, triple post.

It's going to be a busy month. Hell, this week is not looking too great.

My cousin, her daughter, the daughter's friend, and his mother get in tomorrow. And they'll be here most of the month. Not sure if I'll make it to gaming tomorrow night.

Bran's great aunt just died and we have the funeral to attend on Friday. Saturday and Sunday are probably going to involve driving the people around Hollywood, and then on Monday I'm borrowing Bran's car and driving down to Ramona to be a character witness for a friend who's trying to ensure CPS doesn't take away her daughter.


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 38 days
Last activity: 29 days
Posted on 06-05-14 08:19 AM Link | Quote
How, who, what, when, and why is it June already?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 212 days
Last activity: 212 days
Posted on 06-06-14 05:37 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
Jebus, is 2014 the year of weddings? Is this "A Storm of Swords"? Just got another wedding invite for this year.

Now we've got Brandon's cousin, Melinda's, wedding up in Washington that we have to plan for in September and Liz and Erik's in October.

I played "The Rains of Castamere" at Sara's. I finally opened the Fire and Blood to commemorate Elara's visit.

What can I do to "Game of Thrones" up these other nuptials?

If I had had the time and money, I would have totally done a whole Game of Thrones style wedding... costumes and all. Betrayal and murder left out though... the old folks wouldn't get it.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 06-09-14 11:53 PM Link | Quote
A friend suggested having a wedding where the bride and groom's first dance was to "Rains of Castamere" and all the guests pull out Nerf guns and shoot them. Sounds fun.

This has been a weird and tiring day... week... month? Fuck.

All right, there was the trip last weekend, and I've probably talked everyone's ears off with that one and then the week was spent taking my cousin and her daughter around a bit.

Friday, went to Brandon's great aunt's funeral. It was open bar and people were double-fisting drinks and there was tons of food and desserts. Well, at least one ton. I'm actually not kidding. Got a bit buzzed.

Saturday, took my cousin around a bit more. Got a bit buzzed.

Sunday, my grandmother's 93rd birthday. Took cousin around some more. Introduced my parents to new places. Sat up 'til 3 in the morning talking with my cousin about her father's murder and the issues she's had with her mother.

Monday, today, got up at 5 a.m. to leave the house at 6 (again, after going to bed at 3) to drive down to Ramona, through the tight, winding mountain roads to be a character witness for a couple friends having issues with CPS.

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 06-26-14 12:36 AM Link | Quote
I missed the board. I really did. I checked it several times a day when it was down. *Sigh*

It's been a hectic month. We've had the houseguests, as I mentioned, and there's been a lot of drama between my cousin and the other mom who's been staying with us here and there. My cousin's home in Sacramento and the other mom has been tasked with taking Maddie here and there and has had to cancel her own plans left and right because my cousin keeps changing the itinerary and travel plans without much notice.

This coming weekend and the week following will be quite.. er.. challenging.

My cousin gets in tomorrow night and I think she's picking up Maddie. The other mom and her son might stick around, but have plans to stay with three other moms and their children in a rented house somewhere. Susan's asked if they can stay if those plans fell through and I said sure.

Then this weekend we're going to see about hanging out with my other cousin, who'll be in town to see the play. Seeing another Hollywood Fringe play on Friday night.

Saturday is up in the air, but I'm going to try to see about going to this mermaid convention. Yeah....

Sunday, family breakfast. I've been tasked with figuring out where to go.

Monday, doing a shoot where I'm going apparently going to be in zombie make-up. Not sure what it's for yet.

Friday and Saturday, volunteering for Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade. Need to work on costume. Our friend from Australia gets in on Saturday.

Sunday, will be taking out our Aussie friend. Holy crap, this will be awesome.

Tuesday, first meeting of women's reading group this girl on Yelp is starting and I threw my hat in to join. Now... when will I find the time to read this book that hasn't even been picked yet?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 746 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 07-02-14 09:50 PM Link | Quote
Well... now I can say I've been flirted with by a man with no nose.


I should be reading my book group book, but I don't wanna.

Also need to work on my Labyrinth Masquerade costume, but I need my mom's help with that.
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