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User Post

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4632 days
Last activity: 4626 days
Posted on 09-15-10 01:29 AM Link | Quote
I already am :smug:

Believe it or not I am in fact the ladies man. Mind you I don't look at looks. Meaning I look past the skin and in the personality. And I work with friends who are quite beautiful people. All of them married, and all of them asking for advice to me.

But right now (Like I told all of my friends) I am not interested in a girlfriend. Hell I turned down two girls! Once when I was reading books at Barns and Nobles, and a second time when a brother of mine told me that her daughter was single (Meanwhile having a crush on me!).

Pimping ain't easy.

The person below me is in fact a furry
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5024 days
Last activity: 4998 days
Posted on 09-15-10 01:33 AM Link | Quote
False, i didn't know they existed until this year.

The person below me has had a thought recently they wish they hadn't had.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
Last activity: 518 days
Posted on 09-15-10 03:11 AM Link | Quote
True. Way more than I wish I had, actually.

The person below me has never left the country and isn't interested in leaving any time soon.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 09-15-10 06:20 AM Link | Quote
True. I want to stick around for a while, but I would like to see Europe when I'm older.

The person below me has been so tired they fell asleep standing up.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5024 days
Last activity: 4998 days
Posted on 09-15-10 10:50 AM Link | Quote
False but i've fallen asleep sitting up.

The person below me has a pet.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
Last activity: 518 days
Posted on 09-15-10 12:18 PM Link | Quote
True. Two cats.

The person below me still owns a few action figures.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 09-15-10 12:54 PM Link | Quote
I wish. i still have my legos, do they count?

The person below me has made mario or another pixelated game character out of legos.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
Last activity: 518 days
Posted on 09-15-10 01:05 PM Link | Quote
False. I don't have that kind of skill with Legos.

The person below me would rather use one of those Coinstar machines than spend the time rolling pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5024 days
Last activity: 4998 days
Posted on 09-15-10 05:44 PM Link | Quote
Of course!

The person below me has been annoyed with a coworker!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
Last activity: 518 days
Posted on 09-15-10 08:39 PM Link | Quote
Damn right. I don't think I've had a job where there wasn't someone that annoyed everyone around them.

The person below me has broken more hearts than anyone he knows.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

Since last post: 1771 days
Last activity: 1771 days
Posted on 09-16-10 06:47 AM Link | Quote
False. Only one, and I felt really bad.

The person below me has picked their nose in the past 24 hours.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5024 days
Last activity: 4998 days
Posted on 09-16-10 12:05 PM Link | Quote
False, I've been clean for years lol

The person below me has wings.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
Last activity: 518 days
Posted on 09-16-10 04:49 PM Link | Quote
I wish. False.

The person below me doesn't keep up with the reading when a teacher assigns it.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5024 days
Last activity: 4998 days
Posted on 09-16-10 05:02 PM Link | Quote
True but i'm good at it! I was supposed to read and give an oral report on Frankenstein, I read the prolouge and was bumped into an advanced english class.

The person below me is up on current events!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
Last activity: 518 days
Posted on 09-16-10 10:26 PM Link | Quote
True and false. I'm not up on everything, but I'm decently informed when it comes to more local and national news, I suppose.

The person below me thinks a Spartan warrior would beat a Roman centurion in battle.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5024 days
Last activity: 4998 days
Posted on 09-16-10 10:35 PM Link | Quote

The person below me watches the Jersey Shore.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
Last activity: 518 days
Posted on 09-16-10 10:39 PM Link | Quote

The only reason why I've seen anything of it was because Stitch was watching it when I visited him up in San Francisco last year. I didn't like it then and I have yet to watch it any other time.

The person below me would take a job as a lighthouse keeper where he would never have to talk to anyone and would be alone all the time.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5024 days
Last activity: 4998 days
Posted on 09-16-10 11:42 PM Link | Quote
If I could have books and all of my wants then sure, if not then no.

the person below me watches that 70's show.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
Last activity: 518 days
Posted on 09-17-10 01:46 PM Link | Quote
Not dedicatedly. I usually only watch it if there's nothing on any other channel.

The person below me will wait for the extended, unrated special editions of a DVD to come out rather than buying a movie the moment it comes out.

(Last edited by Rogue on 09-17-10 02:29 PM)
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

Since last post: 5024 days
Last activity: 4998 days
Posted on 09-17-10 02:21 PM Link | Quote
Depends on the movie.

The person below me won't see a movie the first night it comes out.
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