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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Boy may have STDs after playing with condom he found in hotel bed | |
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-25-10 02:10 PM Link | Quote

4-yr-old boy develops sores after playing with used condom in hotel room

A family in the US is threatening a lawsuit against a hotel in Atlanta after their 4-year-old son developed sores from a used condom that was found in the room they were staying at.

Attorney Thomas Jones revealed that Chase Del'Shawn Jones was staying with his grandmother, Carmen Jones, and other family members at the Wyndham Garden Hotel on Piedmont Avenue NE in Atlanta on July 31.

The attorney said the boy's grandmother was in the bathroom when she heard another member of her family scream.

And when she ran out of the restroom she saw her grandson with a used condom in his mouth, and he was attempting to blow it up.

According to the attorney, the condom had semen inside it, and the boy had found it in the sheets of the bed. He had his tongue in it. I immediately took it out of his mouth," quoted Jones as saying in a statement released by her attorney.

The attorney said the hotel manager came to the room, and took possession of the condom, citing company policy, even though Jones had requested to keep it so it could be tested.

The family then took the boy to a family doctor and later to a hospital for treatment.

They say he developed sores in his mouth following the incident, and he has had a series of tests. They say the results are pending.

Jones' attorney says she has filed a report with the Atlanta Police Department. (ANI)


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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 08-25-10 02:20 PM Link | Quote
That is disgusting, the hotel should be sued and they better not have tossed that evidence.
Squire Vince

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Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 08-26-10 12:03 AM Link | Quote
This is utterly disgusting. Disturbing to the core, my family will be going on a roadtrip soon and we will be staying at a various assortment of hotels, safe to say i'll be checking the sheets.

(Last edited by Urban Astronaut on 08-26-10 12:51 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 08-26-10 12:24 PM Link | Quote
I've been thinking about this situation and wondering how fake it could be, like the finger in the Wendy's chili or all the people who've claimed to find condoms in soup. I just don't see a family purposely infecting their child for money. I mean, I could believe there are people that evil, but I don't think this is the case.

And the hotel very suddenly became college dorms. That might be a reflection of how terrible the place was that it was sold off so quickly.

What gets me, though, is how reckless someone who has at least one STD could be by not disposing of their fluids and prophylactics. The boy has what looks and acts like herpes now. So a person who has that and is aware of it, just leaving it in a hotel bed? Even if you think so lowly of maid service that's just despicable to leave.


The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

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Posted on 08-26-10 06:21 PM Link | Quote
Yes, I doubt that this is fake. The thought of a family doing this to a child is even more sickening than the story itself.

What gets me is not just that the condom was left, but that the sheets were not changed at all between customers. This may be happening more than people may know. It isn't possible to tell if your bed has been used without new sheets in every case. People may well be sleeping on unknowingly infested beds.

As for the case itself, the hotel, be it sold or not, should be sued. There is no excuse for something like this, in my opinion.

Red Goomba

Since: 07-01-10

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Posted on 08-27-10 09:31 AM Link | Quote
I say that hotel's management is bullshit. Also why the hell can't certain people throw their garbage in recycle bins. Does that move consume too much of their fat or something?

Also, those little kids are like dogs, never let 'em touch whatever thing they see ;P Someone would say the parents were at fault for not keeping an eye on the kid, but I guess not, they probably assumed the room was clean.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
From: Xeomerica

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Posted on 08-27-10 09:36 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Mega-Mario
Someone would say the parents were at fault for not keeping an eye on the kid, but I guess not, they probably assumed the room was clean.

Yeah, I wouldn't expect a used condom to be lying in my supposedly clean sheets while I was brushing my teeth, either.

I could see how they would say that, but everyone uses the bathroom. I am doubtful that they bring their child with them.

Banned for flaming and flamebaiting

Since: 08-28-10

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Posted on 08-28-10 11:52 AM Link | Quote
If your child doesn't know not to put a (clean much less soiled) condom in his mouth, then there's something seriously wrong in the first place.

What next, you can't have sex in private?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 709 days
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Posted on 08-28-10 02:54 PM Link | Quote
At 4 years old, I doubt he's had much exposure to condoms.

But then again, blaming the victim is always the way to go, right?

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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Boy may have STDs after playing with condom he found in hotel bed |

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