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Dry Bones

Since: 07-30-05
From: Macomb

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Posted on 06-24-10 05:20 PM Link | Quote
Title is pretty self-explanatory. What's your favorite game in the series? Mines a toss-up of A Link to The Past and Ocarina of Time. LTTP was perfect for the SNES. The four face buttons made it easy to switch through and use items and to do various other things in the world and the light and dark world gameplay was fun. OOT was the first 3-D Zelda game and was revolutionary and one of the best games of all-time. A honorable mention goes to Link's Awakening DX and Wind Waker even though it receives the most crap out of any game ever.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 06-24-10 06:21 PM Link | Quote
Hard to choose, but I'ma go with Majora's Mask. Shit was so different and funkytown I didn't know what to do with all of the Awesome that was pouring out of my screen.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-24-10 10:47 PM Link | Quote
Link to the Past is not only my favorite Zelda game, but probably tied with Super Metroid for my top favorite game of all time. In the end however, even beyond my numerous 50 minute speedruns for Super Metroid ... I'm pretty sure I know LTTP even better. I feel like if I really sat down and thought about it, I could map out the entire game from the overworld to each dungeon. Everytime I go back and replay it, no matter how many months or even years may pass by sometimes... once I get going in that game it's like Auto-Mode gets turned on and I just suddenly know where everything is. It's like I literally don't think when I'm playing it and I'm just watching myself complete it, haha. I'm pretty sure I never once used any kind of guide of FAQ to 100% it back in the day, so that probably helps even more. So yeah, LTTP baby.

But OoT is a big nostalgic bomb too. Mario 64 was one of those "this is the best game ever!" moments back in the day, but OoT transcended even that. I also remember saving up an allowance over one whole summer and got the early gold edition cartridge (has some extra glitches and such). It's the only N64 box next to Majora's Mask I've managed to keep in top shape. In fact I still have it in a zip locked bag, lol.

The original I grew up playing all the time as a kid. That game was brutal back then. I still love it to death, but I think I prefer some of the ones afterwards since they were a bit more 'dynamic'. The original to me nowadays isn't so hard in that it has tough puzzles or anything, but rather those later dungeons have rooms riddled with enemies all over the place that beat the shit out of you unless you've got the good swords and such. Haha.

Zelda II was fun, yeah I'm a fan.

Link's Awakening is truly something else though. I still can't believe that's a Gameboy game. It seems 10x more advance than just about every other GB game out there... okay, I guess the Pokemon games were a little ahead of their time too!

Basically something like this:

- Link to the Past
- Ocarina of Time
- Link's Awakening
- Zelda
- Majora's Mask
- Twilight Princess
- Zelda II
- Wind Waker

the rest. Minish Cap was okay at best. Phantom Hourglass is currently the only Zelda game in my life, that I haven't felt compelled to complete. Because of it I haven't really looked into Spirit Tracks and I've never played the Capcom games, but I'd like to check those out sometime.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
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Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

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Posted on 06-25-10 03:35 PM Link | Quote
I'm going to stand with Seijika again and say Majora's Mask, though OoT, Link to the Past, and Link's Awakening are definitely up there, too. If I could personify my inner child, he'd be wearing green.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 07-01-10 02:34 PM Link | Quote
I am going to have to go with Link's Awakening and OoT... mostly because they are the two that I have beaten out of the four that I have played. But yeah, I loved Link's Awakening so much that I reached new levels of geek. I would put on headphones and go to sleep with the Ballad of the Windfish playing.

Edit: Damn you, now I am on YouTube listening to it again.

(Last edited by Elara on 07-01-10 02:35 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 07-07-10 08:33 AM Link | Quote
Elara you should look on OC Remix for a good remix.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 07-07-10 01:48 PM Link | Quote
The Tal Tal Mountains theme from Link's Awakening is one of my favorites.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 07-08-10 07:55 PM Link | Quote
But I don't like remixes....

I need to get it on emulator to play it again.
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 07-09-10 12:52 AM Link | Quote
Link's Awakening, Four Swords Adventures (it's great with two cousins, heh. Fire Rod!), and Windwaker are my favorites.

Twilight Princess is the only one I've played that I disliked. Oracle of Ages wasn't bad, but I think I got permanently stuck in the fifth dungeon... Seasons was better, IMO.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 07-09-10 05:40 AM Link | Quote
In Ages I got stuck in the 7th dungeon. I made it impossible to continue.

So I eventually restarted like years later and blazed through. I still liked Seasons more.

Also Twilight Princess seems to get a lot of flak and I never understood why!?


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 07-12-10 11:53 AM Link | Quote
Link to the Past, the game was centered around a fantastically absent storyline, perfect for the games of it's generation. A Dual-world gameplay mechanic where things were different between worlds, a revolution of it's time. Solid combat mechanics, where the controls were solid. A very well proportioned upgrade system that actually made you feel like you were getting more powerful as the game went on. The secondary weapons all had dual usefulness, meaning they all had a way to be used in combat, and all were also used for puzzles, none that were only used for one or the other. And for the love of God there were sprites, which make me happy in more places than one.

All in all, LttP is my favorite. The others are merely moot points compared to how excellent LttP was, Links Awakening was nice, but since it came out after Link to the Past, it felt too similar lacking innovation.

Ocarina of Time, on the other hand, had a fantastic storyline, with depth and intrigue. Though it most certainly lacked the finesse of the two-dimensional top-down world. also, the controls were unwieldy at times, making a jump from one point to another being rather inconsistent at times. The storyline and driving factors for Link made you feel more connected to this particular Link than any other, but, once again, the story followed the Dual-World precedence established in LttP.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 07-14-10 06:35 PM Link | Quote
Sheesh Xeios forget we asked.


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 07-16-10 01:11 PM Link | Quote
inorite, damn me for posting coherent thoughts and whatnot.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 118 days
Last activity: 106 days
Posted on 07-16-10 03:09 PM Link | Quote
Sprites 4 Ever.


Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 07-23-10 01:16 AM Link | Quote
So, why did the gaming industry stop using sprites?

I mean, certain games like Odin Sphere and stuff still use them, but a really artfully done sprite looks way better than any 3d game. Simply because the detail is much more crisp, as well as there is a lack of things bringing the sprites down.

There wouldn't be any issue with Anti-Aliasing or anything like that, simply because those are mostly issues with rounded objects being rendered on a 2d surface. A 2d surface shouldn't have any problems with a 2d render.

Also, Sprites are timeless. Certainly it can be argued that if something's using sprites it's old, but sprites age significantly better than 3d technology.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 118 days
Last activity: 106 days
Posted on 07-23-10 03:48 AM Link | Quote
Funny, I don't know if you share my sentiments but that's also almost like talking about 70's -> early 90's (OVA stuff especially) anime, hand drawn cel based stuff, vs the digitally animated junk we get nowadays. Granted it's gotten way better ever since ~2005 I'd say, but go watch something like Gundam SEED (stuff from around 2000 that was digital), the shows look like ass. It's not like it prevents me from watching new anime, but older stuff was way more "personal".

Gundam SEED (2000)

A lot of 80's / 90's OVA's/movies are mindblowing just to look at. It's art! SPOILERS The ultimate Gunbuster scene (1988), Fight scene in Macross DYRL (1984), I'll just stop.

But basically I think sprites are kind of the same way for me. It's funny and sad but games like Super Metroid and Secret of Mana are still some of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. When sprite work got really good in the later days of the SNES and the PSX era, it's like you're jumping into a living breathing book or something sometimes. Crazy.

Maybe it's me though and sorry about the anime rant. , but seriously I didn't really feel that way at first but now I can't look back. Old stuff typically just has much better atmosphere to me, big hand drawn cities and stuff are gorgeous to look at.

One more awesome one, City Hunter 2 OP! (1988), Ryo's cooler than James Bond. Cobra is too (1981).


(Last edited by Xeus on 07-23-10 03:54 AM)
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

Since last post: 2510 days
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Posted on 07-23-10 11:57 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Seijika
Also Twilight Princess seems to get a lot of flak and I never understood why!?

An exceptionally slow start, for one thing. I was bored in the first dungeon. That is a very very bad place for a player to be bored; dungeons are a central part of Zelda play, and the first "item" dungeon makes the most important impression. Compare it with Dragon Roost Cavern (Windwaker) or Eastern Palace (Link to the Past). On that note, I would say Dragon Roost Cavern is one of the most well-designed dungeons in the Zelda series.

Also I have no idea what TP's first boss was, even though I know for a fact I beat it.

Also those kids. No, not the personality. The appearance. (well, the one you rescue from the dude on the boar wasn't too bar) And Oocco. I think it's the uncanny valley hitting me there.

(Last edited by Astrophel on 07-23-10 11:59 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 106 days
Posted on 07-24-10 01:08 AM Link | Quote
First boss involved monkeys, that's all I remember.

Yeah, Twilight Princess farming intro was pretty slow. I didn't mind it then, but it'd probably be annoying on a replay.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 07-26-10 03:34 PM Link | Quote
The first boss was Diababa, you clowns!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 07-26-10 04:14 PM Link | Quote
What's up with you and the name calling? Goomba Ossan.
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Favorite Zelda Game |

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