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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy B-Day Kate! | |
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This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4960 days
Last activity: 4583 days
Posted on 05-14-08 02:30 AM Link | Quote
Big Sis is now a twentysomething!

How's your birthday going? What'd you get, gift wise?

Tell ussssssss!
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 211 days
Last activity: 211 days
Posted on 05-14-08 03:25 AM Link | Quote
oooh You're catching up to me. XD
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 206 days
Last activity: 206 days
Posted on 05-14-08 07:34 AM Link | Quote
Happy birthday twenty-something-year-old!

I'm not going to say that you're one year closer to death(you are), instead I'm going to offer you this nice, pretty looking cake, which does NOT have icing made from dynamite.

Nah, what you need to worry about is the exploding bannana inside!
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 745 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 05-14-08 11:30 AM Link | Quote
Jesus tap-dancing Christ! You're not a teenager any more?!

Yeah, granted not much comes with being 20, but hey, you know, you can finally yell at kids for being on your lawn and scold them saying in your day kids minded their elders and gas was reasonable.


Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 5782 days
Last activity: 5652 days
Posted on 05-14-08 11:58 AM Link | Quote
Happy b-day sis

You probably thought I would have forgot

Its ok though, I beat you to the whole 20 year old thing 10 days ago your not missing much. XD

dont be afraid to IM me once and a while i wont bite . I try sometimes but no answer?

But anyways Happy Birfday again.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1666 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 05-14-08 10:39 PM Link | Quote
You try? Bro, I haven't gotten an IM from you in ages. But I'm guilty too.

I need your number again, btw, lost it with the old phone.

Haha. Yeah. I can yell at the kids...speaking of kids...I still get the 15 year olds at my job being totally shocked when I tell them I'm too old for them. XD Or the ones that assume you can be like 15 to work at my store because I work there.

And I love Cairoi's notion of "big" sis....He's bigger than me.

Yay! Catching up and being old! Teehee.

And I do find the "one year closer to death" thing to be kinda false. I'm only one year closer if my destined day to die is on my birthday. So like...everytime Shakespeare got a year older, HE was one year closer to death.

Thanks everybody! I had a pretty good day. All my sisters and nieces and nephews came over the house. Ended up getting cake with coconut in it, and I'm allergic to coconut. Then I ended up babysitting.

But I also got officially accepted into an art school today. Was told my porftolio was one of the best incoming freshman portfolio's they have ever seen, and I'm one of 10 in line for a scholarship. Got some cash too, and I'm going on vacation tonorrow until Sunday with teh boyfriend.

Yay! I'm 20!

**goes off and cries because she DESPERATELY does NOT want to grow up.**
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4960 days
Last activity: 4583 days
Posted on 05-14-08 11:50 PM Link | Quote
We should hang out, El!!!!!! I MISSSUUURRAAAA

Also, congrats on the art school!


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4136 days
Last activity: 3502 days
Posted on 05-14-08 11:52 PM Link | Quote
Wow. 20. You're crazy, K.

Happy birthday behbeh~

*ushers in food and dancers*

(Last edited by Paritishion on 05-14-08 11:54 PM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 211 days
Last activity: 211 days
Posted on 05-15-08 04:11 AM Link | Quote
Welcome to the 20s, one more year and you can do damn near everything. Sorry I didn't get to this sooner but I always seem to miss the birthday posts lately. Foo.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 37 days
Last activity: 28 days
Posted on 05-15-08 10:09 PM Link | Quote
Damn Kate! Why'd your birthday have to be the day I write up that announcement. Among other things with the boards history.

Well happy belated then. One more year for some of us.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1666 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 05-19-08 12:38 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeoji
Damn Kate! Why'd your birthday have to be the day I write up that announcement. Among other things with the boards history.

The board's original doom... what history?! :p

Anywho...thanks again everybody! My birthday kicked ass. Got stuff. Went to Virginia for a few days. Now I'm home.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4668 days
Last activity: 4662 days
Posted on 05-19-08 02:58 AM Link | Quote
Who is Kate?

Just Joshing, I dont like calling people by their first names here on the board, so Happy Birthday Katana!

20 Years Young! How...erm...You youngster.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 37 days
Last activity: 28 days
Posted on 05-19-08 03:59 AM Link | Quote
"Stuff" huh, wish I had some!

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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy B-Day Kate! |

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