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Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6170 days
Last activity: 6176 days
Posted on 01-12-08 01:59 PM Link | Quote
OMG I love reading. Don't do homework and read instead. *repeat several times*

Course I won't actually do that cause it has to be done, but that's what I'm thinking.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 702 days
Last activity: 511 days
Posted on 01-12-08 07:13 PM Link | Quote
So I'm eating the limited-time-only Philly Cheesesteak-flavored Pringles.


Tastes nothing like it.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 156 days
Last activity: 145 days
Posted on 01-13-08 04:04 AM Link | Quote
I had 4-5 shots fos omething and lost 4 games of beer pong.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 168 days
Last activity: 168 days
Posted on 01-13-08 11:52 AM Link | Quote
I have been having this question on my mind for a LONG time... wtf?

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4625 days
Last activity: 4619 days
Posted on 01-13-08 04:48 PM Link | Quote
Just bought Monty Python and the Holy grail.

Yeahhh, I'm not too happy with the ending, am I the only one who thinks this?

Everything else was good. Excellent movie.

Also got Afro Samurai, just thought I wanted to add a little Anime in my Entertainment Collection. It was a good find (On sale for 15 bucks, limited Edition) and I'm enjoying it in the privacy of my own room.

Also, Xeo will be proud, I finally got my hands on the Star Wars Trilogy. Wednesday im planning on Spending the entire day watching it in one go.

Cant wait to pop my Star Wars Cherry. It'll feel like getting laid im assuming.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 156 days
Last activity: 145 days
Posted on 01-13-08 04:57 PM Link | Quote
Yeah I was totally drunk last night.

Lost 4 games of beer pong, had random shots of vodka (and Dr. Pepper?) in between games, almost lost my keys ...

That'll be awesome Nagis, you will cry! Haha, but yeah I'm not sure if you'd care for the New Trilogy (Episode 1-3). It was a mainly a thing for the younger generation at the time or for those who have pretty much grown up with Star Wars, compared them to the Old Trilogy is kind of joke thesedays. They aren't terrible movies, but the OT just ... way more classic, you can't beat it.

I do have to say that the idea behind the NT is really, out of this world though. The story follows Anakin Skywalker, whom becomes Darth Vader in the OT. That's just really unique I'd say, following a hero fall into the "darkside" who becomes the main villian of the series.

It'll be interesting what you think of the series though, really. Not a whole lot of people out there haven't seen the series, lol. But I'd say those films are timeless and they'll probably always be my all time favorites, being the nerd that I am.

(Last edited by XeoLVII on 01-13-08 07:59 PM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4625 days
Last activity: 4619 days
Posted on 01-13-08 05:07 PM Link | Quote
Well, I think it will be pretty pointless to make my own reviews for it. Sure everyone has their own ways of looking at the series, but me personally reviewing a movie is either a "Thumbs up" or a "Thumbs down". Plus im not that much of a movie person, but im definately giving this movie a go.

I guess Ill post what I thought about it in this thread. I just hope I can actually follow the story. (Im guessing the Force must be with me in order to)

And speaking of getting Drunk. Im not going to Drink for a long while.

Last night, I was drinking with my Friend, even saw one of my good friends Walter Weiver, who was made fun of in school for being in the Closet. Have not seen him in like, 4 years. He was one of my good friends.

Well anyways, I bought some 2-11's, and he got some really shitty Vodka. I'd say it was a 1/3rd bottle.

We dranked the whole bottle.

In one hour.

Yeah, biggest fucking mistake of my life. I was crying, throwing up, and I kept apologizing to Ben's mom, who was really laughing at the way I was talking. She kept telling me, "Its ok, you are fine Dale", but I really looked like a Jack Ass. Never in my life did I vomit that hard.

Waking up today was the ROUGH part. For the first time ever, I had a massive Hangover from Hell. My head was ringing, I could see the sun beams coming from the windows and INTO MY EYES.

*Sigh* But I learned a lesson. I wont be drinking for a long time.

(Last edited by Nagis on 01-13-08 08:11 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 156 days
Last activity: 145 days
Posted on 01-13-08 05:21 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, drinking gives you lessons alright. I remember over the summer one night when I was still kind of new to drinking (I guess you could say?) I was downing beers way too fast. One of my friends there said I was done with like 4 or 5 when he was still on his first. Didn't take long for me to start feeling it and man, I went out of control for awhile too. Spouting things left and right, yelling about everything I hated, I couldn't control what I was saying at all. Luckily it was just two friends of mine from work when this was happening, I would've looked so stupid if more people were there. Eventually I passed out on the couch, apparently threw up (into a trash can they put next to it) which I don't even remember doing and the next day I had the worst hangover ever (it's like the only one I've ever had but it was pure hell, lasted the entire day).

Wall-o-text. Anyways, I learned my lesson. Take your time.

I guess I'm one of the lucky few whom doesn't really throw up though. Besides that one night, I've only vomitted once in my entire life. Somehow, everyone I tell this to never believes me but it's the truth, I just don't puke. I'm sure if I drink enough and mix too much stuff up it could cause it, but it does seem like I can take quite a bit in and get away with it.

Oh man, all this talk about that ... I can almost taste the beer in my mouth. Gross, time for some chocolate milk!

(Last edited by XeoLVII on 01-13-08 08:23 PM)


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4094 days
Last activity: 3459 days
Posted on 01-13-08 05:46 PM Link | Quote
The reason why I don't drink is because I hate the taste. Plain and simple. I won't drink something that's ucky. Same applies for coffee. If I want caffeine, I'll have pop kthxbai.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 156 days
Last activity: 145 days
Posted on 01-13-08 11:20 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, Coors is the only beer I can drink and not be totally bothered by it. The cans are usually bigger and it's just more watery it seems ... I'd say beer from the bottle tastes better than cans too, but that's me.

In the end yeah, beer isn't that tasty.

Fox of all Foxes

Since: 06-13-07
From: Washington

Since last post: 6170 days
Last activity: 6176 days
Posted on 01-14-08 01:35 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Politician
The reason why I don't drink is because I hate the taste. Plain and simple. I won't drink something that's ucky. Same applies for coffee. If I want caffeine, I'll have pop kthxbai.

Same goes for me really. Though I do like coffee so long as it has a bunch of cream and surgar in it.

Caffeine never works for me though. -___-

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4625 days
Last activity: 4619 days
Posted on 01-14-08 06:10 PM Link | Quote
I kinda like the Taste of beer.

I dont know what it is about it. But to me, its a crisp enjoying taste, and getting a nice buzz from it to me is a wonderful feeling.

Budweiser, and 2-11's are my personal favorites. Im always refreshed when I first drink them.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 702 days
Last activity: 511 days
Posted on 01-15-08 08:35 PM Link | Quote
Based on some of the things I've seen as of late, here's some things I've been thinking about lately:

- Unless you're the one girl chosen to save the world from vampires and the evils that might come with them, you SHOULD NOT be allowed to be named Buffy.

- You should be forced to wear a sign that warns people of your stupidity if you're caught dumping what's left of your Diet Coke (which is about five-sixths of the bottle) on a fake plant in the mall. Doubly so if you paid $3 for a 20 oz bottle in the mall machines to begin with.

- If the teacher decides to post a sign-in sheet on the door on the first day, don't be that one asshole who stands there while people sign in exclaiming how the teacher sucks and try to get people to drop. Methinks you are a petitioner trying to get a spot in the class and off the waiting list.

(Last edited by Rogue on 01-17-08 10:32 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 156 days
Last activity: 145 days
Posted on 01-16-08 06:48 PM Link | Quote
4th semester started today.

I wonder if I'll make it. I really can't get into school.

Maybe it was the rainy day.

(Last edited by XeoLVII on 01-16-08 09:50 PM)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 702 days
Last activity: 511 days
Posted on 01-21-08 12:26 AM Link | Quote
Someone come up with some new topics already! I'm so close to the big 4-0-0-0.

Random things I've been thinking about: Why do people want their movies to be more realistic and serialized, but they hate reality television?

Then again reality TV comes off very scripted.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4094 days
Last activity: 3459 days
Posted on 01-21-08 01:08 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
Random things I've been thinking about: Why do people want their movies to be more realistic and serialized, but they hate reality television?

Then again reality TV comes off very scripted.
And stupid. =/

Realistic can be awesome if done right, but terrible if done poorly (Reality Shows). Just like Communism. Just like everything.


Since: 04-24-07
From: Canada

Since last post: 5984 days
Last activity: 6002 days
Posted on 01-22-08 01:37 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Politician
Originally posted by Rogue
Random things I've been thinking about: Why do people want their movies to be more realistic and serialized, but they hate reality television?

Then again reality TV comes off very scripted.
And stupid. =/

Realistic can be awesome if done right, but terrible if done poorly (Reality Shows). Just like Communism. Just like everything.

Unless you're trying your hardest to act poorly?

Yeah that was spam, bring it.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 156 days
Last activity: 145 days
Posted on 01-22-08 11:14 AM Link | Quote

Alright, I think I've said it before somewhere else once or so, but I've been unemployed for about 3 months now. Well, I just got back from an interview for this place that "sounded" good but it was just bad vibes everywhere. I met the manager, founder, and president of the company and while they all seemed "nice", it didn't sound very promising and I'm not sure if I'd like it there. They were very strict about my applicaiton and references was a huge deal for them, me with only one previous job was made out to be a very unexperienced person in their eyes, judging from all their questions and whatnot.

So I don't know. It's a medical supply packaging place / warehouse type thing, I'd be getting about $3 more than what I was getting paid, but from the vibe and everything I got it just seemed bad.

I can fallback on my previous job and probably get a raise (my old boss wants me back), I think a raise and with all the time off it might be easier to go back there ... Jiffy Lube. I just needed a break from two and half straight years of working there I guess.

What would you guys do?

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 157 days
Last activity: 146 days
Posted on 01-22-08 12:00 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by XeoLVII

Alright, I think I've said it before somewhere else once or so, but I've been unemployed for about 3 months now. Well, I just got back from an interview for this place that "sounded" good but it was just bad vibes everywhere. I met the manager, founder, and president of the company and while they all seemed "nice", it didn't sound very promising and I'm not sure if I'd like it there. They were very strict about my applicaiton and references was a huge deal for them, me with only one previous job was made out to be a very unexperienced person in their eyes, judging from all their questions and whatnot.

So I don't know. It's a medical supply packaging place / warehouse type thing, I'd be getting about $3 more than what I was getting paid, but from the vibe and everything I got it just seemed bad.

I can fallback on my previous job and probably get a raise (my old boss wants me back), I think a raise and with all the time off it might be easier to go back there ... Jiffy Lube. I just needed a break from two and half straight years of working there I guess.

What would you guys do?

Go back to the Lube and make more cash?

Thats what I would do.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 702 days
Last activity: 511 days
Posted on 01-22-08 12:48 PM Link | Quote
Well, how often is your intuition wrong?

Between working at a place that you're already getting a weird aura off of and a place that you already feel comfortable in with the possibility of a pay increase and a boss that wants you back, go with the latter.

Yeah, you probably did just need the break. It happens. Just don't make Jiffy Lube your career.
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