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03-11-25 07:17 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Luigi442wii
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User Post


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 09-29-17 11:00 AM, in USA vs. NK Link
So, due to Trump's absolute bakaness and KJU's threats, we might be seeing a US - NK war... I'm hoping it won't happen as I don't want my country to be involved with it nor do I want Avery getting affected (as well as many other people)...


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 10-03-17 01:10 PM, in Coming out as MtF transgender Link
For the past year and a half I've been pretty unhappy about being born a male, and feel too much is expected of my personality and appearance than if I was a girl... more lately, I've been thinking to transition in a few years. Unfortunately my parents won't let me do so, so I have to wait until I'm an adult, sadly...

Anyone else here know any transgender people in any kind of environment? ^^


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 10-05-17 10:10 AM, in Coming out as MtF transgender Link
Originally posted by Elara

Are your parents supportive at all about you being transgender, if I may ask?

Unfortunately not. I wish they were, though.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 12-02-17 03:26 AM, in Holidays 2017 Link
First post here in a while.

I'm only really looking forward to the Christmas dinner at home and being together with my family for the day. Might buy something nice too, idk. Though there's no presents or anything I particularly want, the best kind of present is love.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 12-14-17 07:12 AM, in Currently watching? Link
Thanks. Once I finished Akashic Records I'll try to find and watch it ^^


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
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Posted on 12-14-17 07:15 AM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
Originally posted by Rogue
I don't say it enough, but I really appreciate this place, Xeo, and I love that you keep it around.

Whenever I have a problem or want to vent about something I just feel like social media's too public a place. There's too many people who know me personally that I don't want to see me unload emotionally. Too much shit to hide there.

I can be myself here.

Well said. It's also nice to keep what seems to be the oldest surviving AB around still.
I love this place too even if I don't checked it in long time ^^


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 12-14-17 07:17 AM, in Is your weather drunk? Link
The weather seems to be having a lot of swinging lately.
One minute it is windy then okay then argh.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 05-11-18 09:20 AM, in New users can't sign up Link
The captcha image uses recaptcha v1 which has been shutdown as of may 2018, you might want to fix this. I'm not sure how spammers are still bypassing it, but you might want to look into it.

Also, I'm back from a long departure

(Last edited by Luigi442wii on 05-11-18 09:21 AM)


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 05-11-18 09:20 AM, in Busy? Link
Just a month left of school, exams are literally just around the corner.


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 05-14-18 03:17 AM, in New users can't sign up Link
I’m really sad to see the lack of maintenance and general inactivity ;(
I’ll support you for as long as I can ^^


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-14-18 03:08 PM, in New users can't sign up Link
My guess is that they're human spammers. Try implementing some other anti-spam like autobanning whenever a URL is inserted on the register form?


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-14-18 03:10 PM, in Sorry for the Spam Post Link
Originally posted by Rogue
Christ, Photobucket.

Still haven't found a site for all my bullshit third party hosting.

DigitalOcean VPS, Apache 2 and you're set to go


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-14-18 03:11 PM, in Answer one, Ask one Link

Want this site to make a comeback?


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
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Posted on 07-14-18 03:13 PM, in E3 2018 Link
EA = Egocentric Arseholes



Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-18-18 08:12 AM, in Xeogaming Office - 2017 Year of the Ancient Forbidden Fruit! Link
I'm still happy France won though. I'm literally 20 miles away from the ferry to go there ^^

Also people bashing England, we did so well and can do even better as we had a young squad^^


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-18-18 08:13 AM, in Post A Random Fact About Yourself Link
Same here except the female gender. ^^


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-23-18 02:52 PM, in Nice photography Link
Here's a photo of the beach I took earlier.



Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-27-18 03:02 AM, in Is your weather drunk? Link
Originally posted by Rogue
Our weather is pretty much at it's most "Go fuck yourself" yet. Ridiculously hot and stupid humid.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Same here :v


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-28-18 12:09 PM, in What communities are you into? Link
I've started a gaming board. Again. lmao

Only reason worth going there atm is that it runs a live version of a Jul fork, otherwise it's worth dismissing. It's a shame this place isn't that well maintained anymore and Xeo seems even dormant (no login since the 12th). Otherwise I'd use here...

I'm going to support this place until it dies completely, however.

(In fact I'd love to support you guys by giving Xeo access to my own VPS, but it runs on PHP7 and MariaDB 10... that said if we use the same Jul fork it would work, I think AB192 DB may be convertable?)

The fork in question is on github as Kak2x/jul

(Last edited by Luigi442wii on 07-28-18 12:13 PM)


Since: 05-27-14

Since last post: 2059 days
Last activity: 2059 days
Posted on 07-29-18 08:32 AM, in What Are You Reading? Link
Originally posted by Rogue
Been reading "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" to my clients. I've never read it before. I've nearly teared up a few times. There's so much more to the book than the movie.

Heh, there usually is a lot more to the books. There's something about words that just don't come across the same when it's directly pictured to you.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Luigi442wii

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