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01-17-25 03:57 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Bloodstar
User Post


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 12:52 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
Especially not The Great Bath.

...Hell, that's probably the song that got me addicted to the Turrican games in the first place.


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 12:59 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
Yeah, that one's pretty damned good too.

Then there's also Traps, 1-2... a fun tune.

I mostly like Mega Turrican for overall music, though. Can't beat 1-1... not even Super Turrican's remix of it.

also, what a way to start posting after a year. =P


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 01:17 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
Heh, Super Turrican 2's music was pretty damned dark compared to the rest of the series. I love the Submerged theme, though... probably because I heard it before I knew it was ST2.

The game itself is the most boring of the series though...

I thought Turrican 2 was considered the best, actually... H?lsbeck did pretty damn good with the Genesis's hardware, considering how many people seem to hate the system's sound system.


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 01:19 AM, in A hypoallergenic kitten for $35,000? Link
I'd rather buy a laptop, a normal cat, and a new PSP with that money...

...And I'd still have about ~33,500 left over.


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 01:25 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
I think the first does... UAE4ALLPSP won't load past the first stage so I don't know.

...And it crashes in World 2's underwater part. Sigh.

The first Super Turrican is pretty nice, though. Lots of fun, and the first I played.

Turrican 3 is the same as Mega Turrican, but sounds and looks a bit worse imo...


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 01:29 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
Now that I think of it, the factory stages in ST are probably my favorites from that game.

Let me guess T2's favorites: Loading theme and The Great Bath?


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 01:37 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
1-3's is the same as MT's 1-2, actually... one of the few songs that Super Turrican does better.

Did he say what song he thought it was based off of?


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 01:42 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
Speaking of such things, wasn't the Turrican title screen based off some Manowar album cover?


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 01:50 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
Thought so. I mean, the resemblance is too obvious when side-by-side.

And then with song resemblances, I'm pretty sure a couple songs were taken by/inspired from the Transformers or Aliens series. I don't really know, nor could I point them out.


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 02-28-08 02:15 AM, in You can't beat the Turrican music Link
Actually, I'd never even heard of that gaime until now... I'll grab it when I'm not feeling lazy.


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 07-02-10 02:43 PM, in New to the board? Introduce yourself here! Link
Originally posted by Katana
Welcome, guy. Good to see a member who knows who the right sports teams are. Although the Eagles can go to hell, for all I care. They're nothing but squibs and need better team spirit. And I don't see them as good sportsmen half the time.

I like the Steelers better. So what if they're one of Philly's ultimate rival teams? Their coach doesn't take shit, and he holds them to their standards. Being a good sportsman is first and formost, in my book.

Good lord, I literally thought I was the only one who thought that way.

I'm... not necessarily new but I'm back again. Blame DarkSlaya. Maybe I'll actually stick around this time.


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 07-07-10 02:58 PM, in Rank Link
220 right now because I seriously can not think of things to post

and I'm overheating in here too ugh

e well, 211

whoaaaa not used to edits showing up below posts anymore help

(Last edited by Bloodstar on 07-07-10 02:59 PM)


Since: 01-16-07

Since last post: 5307 days
Last activity: 5296 days
Posted on 07-07-10 05:30 PM, in Rank Link
Originally posted by Vulkar
lol, they've done that as long as I've been here.

I'm pretty sure most boards like this do. The one I'm on primarily has the edit status right next to the time it was posted.

Maybe I should make something like that an official suggestion? Kinda weird seeing the layout break.
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Bloodstar

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