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01-16-25 04:46 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by atticusrox
Pages: 1 2
User Post


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-17-05 04:40 AM, in Riddles Quiz Link
4) 6
but couldn't #3 be the temperature? makes more sense that way


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-17-05 03:32 PM, in Help!! I want to buy a game online... Link
have you tried ebay?


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-17-05 03:34 PM, in Diablo 2 Link
So, i was looking through the online gaming threads and noone mentioned D2. Does that mean noone plays this game except me? Just wondering.


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-17-05 03:36 PM, in What are you listening to (revived)? Link
The Mars Volta - Televators


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-17-05 03:40 PM, in What Reject Sith are You? Link

What Reject Sith Are You?


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-17-05 05:59 PM, in Debate tournament! Link
i'm up for it


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-17-05 06:01 PM, in Sex... Link
Personally, I beleive that sex is overrated. I don't really remember anything about my first time.


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-17-05 06:13 PM, in What lies beyond the universe? Link
*enters Biblical-ish mode*
In Genesis 1:3 God said, "Let there be light."
In Genesis 1:14 God said, "Let bright lights appear in the sky to separate day from night."
So, God created 2 different kind of lights. One that we know of and one that we can't comprehend. I think the guy who got closest with this was Einstien. Anyway, he said that the faster you go, the slower time is. If you go 60mph to a place that's 10 miles down the road, you'll get there in 10 minutes. If you go 70mph, you'll get there in less than 10 minutes. So, if you go the speed of light, time stops. And that is why i beleive that if there is anything outside of our universe it's the other side of the first light God created. Heaven. Cause there is no time in Heaven. So if there is no time, it would make sense that it is because it's moving at the speed of light.


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-18-05 11:13 AM, in Riddles Quiz Link
he's only on the first floor. you didn't say he was any higher


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-18-05 11:29 AM, in Diablo 2 Link
Well, I LOVE the game. I always play on hardcore though so it ends up screwing me in the butt. I'll get up to lvl 70ish and then hit a Lightning/Cold/Fire enchanted d00d with physical immunities and crap. He'll freeze and explode on me at the same time. I just drop dead. It sucked. And it still does suck. I lost an awesome Vengeance pally the other day. I almost cried... Anyway, I'm gonna work up a hammerdin. That should be fun.


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-18-05 11:32 AM, in Literary Trivia Link
an evil clown...


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-18-05 11:37 AM, in Donnie Darko Link
So... I just watched Donnie Darko and I am utterly confused. The whole movie weirded me out. Anyone make anything of it?


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-18-05 12:00 PM, in Riddles Quiz Link
III + II = V

he got the death penalty... right?


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-18-05 01:11 PM, in Hilarious Yo Moma So Fat Jokes Link
Your mama so ugly when she was born, the doctor slapped her parents


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-18-05 07:16 PM, in Riddles Quiz Link
II + II = IV


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-19-05 01:59 AM, in Diablo 2 Link
Do you guys play on east or west? I'm on east. My account is Dairyman5241 if anyone wants it.


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-19-05 09:00 PM, in Riddles Quiz Link
no more riddles?


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-21-05 02:26 AM, in Riddles Quiz Link
*mind blows up*


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 07-21-05 02:27 PM, in Riddles Quiz Link
buried on the other side of the international dateline


Since: 07-17-05

Since last post: 6772 days
Last activity: 6809 days
Posted on 05-24-06 11:10 PM, in Reasons why Anakin turned to the Dark Side Link
here's an idea....

It was in the script.
Pages: 1 2
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by atticusrox

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