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03-13-25 05:11 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Ezekiel
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User Post


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-06-05 11:41 PM, in I'm Baaa-aack Link
Hello everyone, not quite sure if you remember somebody named 1-UP (think back months) but its me again and now that school is almost out I am returning to the forum scene.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-06-05 11:46 PM, in Final fantasy 11 Link
I played FFXI for the first year(ish) when it came out and its ok. I ended my account a month ago with a 61SAM/28MNK on Siren but if anyone wants to play with me i guess i could come back.

ide Note: FFXI is ok, but it does get kinda boring and tedious where a level takes 5 hours of straight playing. Worth it though, AF armor does rightfully rock.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-06-05 11:48 PM, in World of Warcraft Link
Khadgar pfft! Frostwolf is the way to go. It used to be lag central until everyone left it for the new servers now it never crashes. By the way 41 Undead Warrior, Arms/Fury specced, currently saving for mount. Im broke so if your horde and Fwolf stop by and say hello.
Then donate.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-06-05 11:51 PM, in The Most Annoying Enemy Link
Lets see.

Del Lily from PSO Ep. 1+2. Hello Mr. LVL 126, shiny armor, can it protect against my black ball of pain and agony. Ha guess not. Oops instant kill, see ya. No way to defend against it either.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-07-05 11:29 PM, in I'm Baaa-aack Link
Aww this makes me feel loved. I actually can stick around now that I dont have other family members breathing down my back without buying my excuse that this IS homework.

And I'm not using my old account because i no longer use the Email account registered on that, and I dont really remember the password.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-07-05 11:32 PM, in PSO Blue Burst Link
I'm kinda attached to my PSOXbox character. Is PSOBB really that much more fun. Ive heard good things about it but I'm not sure whether or not it is worth redoing the whole leveling process. Ya Know. Just wondering if it lives up to its hype.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-07-05 11:35 PM, in Step Mania! Link
I remember playing that. Pretty tough on a PS2 controller in a pitch black room. I sucked as i recall. Still someday I want to find it so we can challange each other to a Step Duel (ominous music).
Where do you download that because I was looking around for it and I couldn't find a version that worked. Link would be nice but a URL or site name is cool too.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-07-05 11:39 PM, in Guts and Gore Link
Mainly because the gore becomes gimmicky after too long and the movie then becomes stupid. Blood is nothing, gore does faze me after a while. Depends how tounge-in-cheek the movies is though. Dead Alive (oh, a gallon of fake blood a scene) was so campy that there was no way it was scary, but wrong turn was definitly bordering on too much in a serious manner.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-07-05 11:42 PM, in King of the Internet Link
You don't know who Maddox is, for shame. Maddox is the number-one authority in all things cool. He is always right and his website is all about telling you that. I recommend you go read all 7 years of content and humble yourself. Also signed, because he rocks, and he has a book coming out.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-07-05 11:49 PM, in Samurai Champloo Link
Samurai Champloo is pretty sweet, but it does borrow heavily from old Samurai films of yesteryear. While Samurai 7 is clearly the Seven Samurai (great, if long, movie) Samurai Champloo is like Yojimbo and Sanjuro (also great movies). Even in the last 2 episodes Jin is referred to as "Bodyguard" which is the name of Toshiro Mifune's character in Yojimbo. Also check the plots with aforemented movie, very parallel. Don't get me wrong though, Samurai Champloo kicks massive ass. Go stay up late watching it.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-11-05 09:27 PM, in XBox 360 or PS3? Link
Xbox 360 is gonna have the coolest stuff out of the gate, but once the PS3 catches up i don't know which will win. Imma buy a 360 first tho, just because the games that are promised look really sweet.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-11-05 09:29 PM, in Is the end of sidescrollers near? Link
yes, Alien Hominid was the yellow alien sidecroller.

And no sidescrollers are not dieing. Like last month Metal Slug 4 and 5 was released on the Xbox. Clearly people are buying stuff like that, someone just needs to reinvent the genre. You know create something new to make sidescrollers the new hot thing. Comment.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-11-05 09:30 PM, in PSO Blue Burst Link
Well if its not free then I don't think that I'm gonna shell out to play it. I already got PSOXbox and I don't think its really worth it to totally restart my character.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-11-05 09:32 PM, in X-box Live (Gamer Tags) Link
heh Xbox Live. My gamertag is Sh0rt 0n3, yes its a bit stupid but ive had it for about 2 years, back when I was short. You know I'm short and L33t (in my head) so I am the Short One.
Anyways once my Xbox is fixed I'll play Halo 2/ Phantom Dust/UC2 with anyone here that wants.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-11-05 09:33 PM, in I'm Baaa-aack Link
Sweet a smore. Thanks everybody.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-11-05 09:38 PM, in Your favorite villian? Link
Originally posted by Xeomega

Fou-Lu from Breath of Fire IV

Damn Skippy, Fou-Lu rocked.
The bestest villian ever though is Edgar from Phantom Dust (its Xbox its $20 go buy it now). That guy is a trip. I can't say what make him so weird and special but you should just go play the game and find out. He is really freaky at the end of the game though. Think Kefka with a Shinji Ikari Complex (tm).


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-11-05 09:46 PM, in Naruto coming to USA Link
Now you and I know that no mainstream channel would ever do that. Too much of viewer alienation. Most of the American Public wants movies in a language that they can understand. Even the freaking Anime Network, THE ANIME NETWORK, the 24/7 anime cable channel that you have to pay extra for dubs everything. Seriously. It will probably be dumbed down though to pander to ther 12year old boy audience. Shame really.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-11-05 09:55 PM, in You know you watch too much anime when.. Link
You literally cannot draw anything without making it manga style. Nothing. Not a thing. Not even a freaking cat.

Your friend's hairstyle defies gravity.

You own a Nerv wallet. (Count it Jexim)

Your boot screen, logon screen, and wallpaper are all anime related. (I <3 Nerv)


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-12-05 05:00 PM, in X-box Live (Gamer Tags) Link
one year is free then it costs $50 a year.


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7184 days
Last activity: 4992 days
Posted on 06-12-05 05:04 PM, in Unreal or Quake Series? Link
Unreal all the way. Quake was just too bleh (adjectives fail me) for me. Unreal had cool aliens and sweet weapon combinations, not to mention alt-fire for everything. Now it has been resurrected in Unreal Tournament and Championship there isn't really much competition against Quake. QIV may change all that but hey, what do i know?
Pages: 1 2
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Ezekiel

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