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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Cyro Xero
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User Post
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-10-05 12:27 PM, in Bawls! Link
Originally posted by Johnny Literal


Exactly. It's such a tough drink that it takes balls to drink it. Unlike the wimpy "Jones" way.

Answering your question, dear Deesse, Jones is a popular soda brand among many people for the taste ( I guess) and because there are pictures on the bottles made by people all over the nation. You can submit one and have a chance for it to be put up, or you can order your own custom sodas with your picture. 6 pack. Not sure of the cost.

Bawls on the other hand is a pretty rare drink, found in few stores, I believe. Because of that there aren't as many people who drink it. Those that do, however, love it. Myself included. Bawls is a Guarana flavored, carbonated drink and is super caffeinated. There is so much caffeine in fact that there's even a warning on the label. It makes coffee look like a depressant. Go to for more details, and look at the other wonderful products they have (like caffeinated soap.).
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-10-05 12:31 PM, in Suppose if Xeogaming have it own t.v. show... Link
That's what I'm saying. Every forum would be a show. I just provided a small list as an example.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-10-05 12:38 PM, in Crazy Frog/ Axel f Link
I must have been living under a rock then, because this is the first time I've even heard of that. I watch the video, but with lack of sound. I was pretty cool, I thought. I enjoy watchin 3-D clips, especially the older stuff.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-10-05 01:11 PM, in Most funny embarrassing stories Link
Walking into the women's bathroom on accident, on more than one occasion. That's pretty embarrassing if you imagine yourself doing it.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-10-05 01:29 PM, in Joke heard from my dad when he was Drunk.... Link
The is humurous, but it's one that's even more funny when you hear while being drunk or when a drunk person tells it.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-10-05 01:43 PM, in How much do you like it? [Enter at your own risks] Link
I think it's fabulous!
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 08:06 AM, in Sex: an honest question Link
Why are men so into sex? It's a simple answer, but it may not be known to a whole lot of people. This trait can be traced back all the way to the beginnings of mankind, the "caveman" days. Often, males were being killed for various reasons, hunting accidents, being attacked by animals/other people, killed while protecting a mate, etc. The life expectancy was pretty low back then for guy. So one of the things that needed to be done was to "spread their seed" as soon as possible before they died. This was done at a pretty early age, maybe at around 20 or so. This thinking and/or action was constant within the male mind for generations. As such, guys eventually evolved with this trait and it's been with us ever since. Much like how other things did.

For instance, women are much better than men at noticing still objects becuase in that same era they had the repsonsibilty to gather berries and plants for food, and men are much better than women at noticing even slightly moving objects because they were so focused with hunting and carefully watched for movement of hidden animals (which is one of the reasons guys are so good at video games and play it more than females).

A simple trait as a simple answer. As for why men sometimes brag about having sex think about this: would you brag if you were suddenly given a thousand dollars? Probably. Why? Because someone getting a thousand dollars just like that doesn't happen very often (unless you have a big paycheck. Men have a hard time getting sex becuase most women don't want it all the time, or at least as much we do. So if me and my buddies are average Joes' who don't get sex very often and all of sudden I do, I feel I'm on higher level of existence (sometimes guys really do feel that way) than my friends unless they had it too. So I'll go sort of brag about.

Personally I don't brag, but there are guys out there who sometimes do it. Mainly the younger lot of us.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 09:14 AM, in Work Link
Military for me. Army Reserve branch. Currently I'm on active duty and am mobilized to Ft. McCoy, WI, about 2 and a half hours from my home in Minnesota. I'm sure some you have seen me mention about myself being there. I've been here for a year and a half (on the 19th of this month) and I'm hoping to get extended out for another 6 months. My unit is a training support batallion (TSBn). We train unit from the midwest area (sometimes further out) going oversea to Iraq or wherever in what they will be doing. For instance, we have an Airforce unit over here right now, but at the moment there will be no training for today or tomorrow. So I'm sitting in a office, on the internert, with pretty much nothing to do for a while.

The Army can be a good job to have sometimes. Many people, including some of you guys here, probably think that if you join the Army you'll be sent to Iraq right away and have to fight. As such you may not want to join As someone who's in the military let me tell you this: that's not the case. Depending on which unit you end up in, you may or may not go. And even if you do, there's a good chance you won't ever be put in a situation where your life is at risk. Heh, more soldiers die over in Iraq from accidents than enemy fire anyway, so the main thing you'd have to watch for is your friends making a fatal mistake. The pay is good too. At the rank of Sergeant (pay grade E-5) and having over 6 years in, I get nearly $1500 paychecks (after taxes). Not bad at all. Plus, the benefits and retirement pay is great. There are some days where I work only a few hours and still get paid for the whole day. How many jobs in the civilian world do that?
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 09:56 AM, in s-CRY-ed Link
I've heard of the series but never got to watching it. For while I've wondered what it was about and if it was good. I have read a small bit about it, but not enough. Can someone explain the plot a little without sny spoilers?
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 10:08 AM, in XTREME Lego carnage! Link
Van, you play Armored Core too? Outstanding.

Those pictures are funny. Hehe. The first wasn't the the humurous thing I've seen, but it's something that start off with, so it's good enough. Nice work.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 11:37 AM, in Hey.... Post your suggestions about new features, here! Link
I think I submitted an Arcade idea here sometime ago. I'd love to see something like that. There's been only a few Acmlm boards that have had this feature. I'm with the arcade vote. If you're going to spend a while doing something for the board that should be one of the top projects.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 12:11 PM, in Sex: an honest question Link
See that's another thing. Some people say it's not all that great to have sex when you're not married. But, not that those same people are being hypocrites, they still have the urge to do so.

Congrats (I guess) BL. Do you regret doing it at all? I lost mine about sometime around the end of May of this year. 24 year streak of nothing. I'm with a girl right now and we've had sex a few times. However, unlike a lot people who preach about waiting, I don't really feel bad about it. I'm a Christian and go to church sometimes, but I don't really regret this. As long as I'm being with the person for a long time then I don't think it'll matter to me. If it was something to the extent of a 1-hour stand, and I never got to know the girl at all then I might have certain feelings about it.

I believe that as long you love somebody, and not just like them, then it's okay.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 12:16 PM, in XPW: July (Someone should really post those results *looks at Xeogred*) Link
Blasphemy! What rubbish! What boulderdash! 5th place for me? Nonsense. What's wrong with that picture? I should be higher, dangit! You people haven't seen the last of me. I get up there. I swear it......
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 12:35 PM, in Signs You've Chosen a "No Frills" Airline Link
Hehe, nice.

Lawyers are on board to help with wills.

Refreshments include: soda, peanuts or last meals.

While purchasing a ticket you see the logo "What do you want on your Tombstone?", only there is not a picture of a pizza near it.

You notice the captain and co-pilot constantly have their hand near an ejection lever.

First class is coach and coach is the storage room.

Pilots get their traing from Flight Simulator.

Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 12:39 PM, in Chaos Hunters Clan!!! Link
Maybe I should get into a battle as well. It's been a while since I last fought.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-11-05 12:45 PM, in Magic Elementals Link
Originally posted by Shaddow Flight
I've allways found this really annoying... People tend to put Darkness and Evil in the same Category... IT'S NOT, PEOPLE!!! Yarg! Same with Light and Goodness... *nod nod*

Amen. That's how I've always seen it. Holy is holy/spiritual magic and Light the actual scientific aspect of it- focusing on wavelengths, rays, etc. The same thing with Hell/Evil and Dark.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-12-05 07:41 AM, in Suppose if Xeogaming have it own t.v. show... Link
Yep, that's what I meant to suggested before. Restricted access, I guess.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-12-05 08:29 AM, in End of Earth Link
Another blast followed the previous. Though his ESD had become active once again he could still fell some of the heat from the explosion. Objects nearby were lit up in fire. Using the smoke and limited visibility for cover, Cyro ran out of the room and down the large hall. He need to get out of the building as quickly as possible. Wasting time fighting wouldn't do him any good.

What the heck is this guy thinking? He's blowing everything up in a building.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-12-05 08:32 AM, in XPW: July (Someone should really post those results *looks at Xeogred*) Link
There that's better. 3rd place is at least where I should be.

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 07-12-05 11:48 AM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 138 days
Last activity: 138 days
Posted on 07-12-05 09:17 AM, in sit down kids it is story time. Link
Zabuza, why aren't you a moderator yet?

Put a little more length and detail and your stories will be interesting to read, TM.
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Cyro Xero

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