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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Cyro Xero
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User Post
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-19-05 10:28 AM, in XPW: June (Summers on it's way, will it show?) Link
Wow, I actually managed to get first place for a day. Right on, man!
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-21-05 01:31 PM, in AOL To Get Rid of AIM? Link
Well, whoever made that didn't think it out very good. You wouldn't need a petition to see how many people would want it. They can simply count how many people already use it. I'd say that number is quite a few million. They make people start paying for it, then that number would be reduced to only thousands. Not a smart move. No wonder AOL is the nations number 1 service provider......................................................... what?
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-21-05 01:37 PM, in Personal Mods Link
I guess my EL Blade would fit this category. A simple wooden long sword, some EL wire around the blade part and I have myself a battery powered glowing sword. Makes for a nice prop.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-24-05 01:51 PM, in Photoshop Link
Well, those are real pieces of work, True. I'm interested in how you put the animations with the pictures. You did a great job with them.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-24-05 02:06 PM, in Paint Shop Pro art Link
A few days ago I sat at my computer with nothing really to do and then came up with the idea that I should try to make a picture. I drew a few lines and expiremented with the effects. After a while I came upon a cool effect and did a little more modifying to get these three images. They are all of the same design, but with different effect put on. My favorite is the last picture, along with it's name.

"Lepton Wire"

"A Raver's Mind"

"Xenon Rose"

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 06-24-05 05:07 PM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-24-05 02:13 PM, in As of whenever.... [Battle Hack is down, new one in development] Link
Hey cool. I'm wondering, however, is there anything you can do with the current hack to get me out of the batle state when I'm not really in one? I can't access the market because of it.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-28-05 09:23 AM, in End of Earth Link
[Sorry for the wait ]

Cyro dropped to his bottom against a metal wall let out a big puff of air in relief. That was close. Too close. There were too many security units for him to take on by himself. He realized his boss wasn't joking when he mentioned them. There were a few cameras along the building walls, but fortunately not a whole. Still it would be unwise to disable them. All Cyro needed was the security raised becuase of a sudden "malfunction" and he would be having the time of his life. So far he was doing fine, though the weight of his weapons had slightly limited his moving speed. The targets weren't far from his position, but he still had to get inside the building.

The agent slowly got to his feet and peeked around the wall to see if he was clear for movement. Nothing was there. He rose himself up and took the first step out from behind his cover.


Cyro froze stiff in his tracks when he heard the voice. He was shocked, and wondered how he didn't see that person. He slowly turned his head around to see who it was and where he was. He didn't see anyone. He heard the man speak again.

"You can't be leaving stuff unlocked around. Especially this. This thing's a security issue."

"Alright, alright. But I'm not the one who put the container there in the first place."

Another sigh of relief. Since Cyro couldn't see guards, they surely could see him. He kept low and walked away from his hiding position to go for another.

*Bam!* *Peeerrrrrr!*

Aw, damn!* Cyro turned to look at the guard talking to him.

"Hey! Who are you, and what are you doing here?!"

"Uh...nothing!" Cyro lied.

"Nothing? What the hell? Stop right there and don't move. This is a restricted area. Are you even authorized to be here?

"No, but I don't care, really." He replied.

Someone else's voice was heard.

"Sir, he's got weapons."


Cyro wasted no time and quickly slapped his ESD to create a temporary shield around his body and brought up the Nearsight.

"And another battle I go into," he said to himself. "I'm sure this will be a noisy one."

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 06-28-05 12:23 PM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-28-05 03:15 PM, in myspace Link
I suppose I could make one since I have plenty of pictures to put up, but I really don't need it to meet people, although it wouldn't hurt. I don't know when I'll do it, but I'll let you guys know.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-28-05 03:17 PM, in Paint Shop Pro art Link
Well, I didn't know I could all that either until I messed around with some options. But you are right, they are cool. I can't get over how much I like "Xenon Rose". A blacklight flower, pretty cool thought
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-29-05 07:22 AM, in What can I say? Link
I suppose I might like to do the same if she were real.

Pretty good drawing, Clockworkz.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 06-30-05 02:38 PM, in End of Earth Link
The situation was pretty intense, and Cyro looked above to see another figure coming down from the helicopter overhead. Once he opened fire, Cyro ran and dove for cover. The forcefield deflected some of the shots that were fired at him. He was surprised to see his subordinate suddenly arrive. She closed in near him and proceeded to give backup.

"Hey!" he yelled in shock. "What the hell are you doing here?! There's too many of us! You're going to get yourself killed! Get out of here, now!" Cyro drew up his nearsight and aimed at the wall, looking for thin material to see through with the scope at any targets. He spotted one at fired. The energy pulse pierced through the well flew past the recent enemy arrival and struck a guard on the side of the abdomen. He dropped back while firing his weapon into the air and his body was lying still soon after. Cyro then pressed a button on the Nearsight and the weapon began to automatically fold itself up into a compact block which he quickly stored away.

His DUAR becam unslung with a hard twitch of his right shoulder and fell into his hands. The magazine was pre-loaded, so it was all ready to fire right away. Cyro shot up to his feet and made a fast observation to see where another guard was. Up on a balcony one was preparing to shoot him. Cyro aimed with haste and fired three rounds at the guard, then quickly ducked back down to his position with Catrin. The uranium rounds pierced the guard body and left a slightly visible hole in his midsection. The body dropped to the metal grating and he was dead. Behind him was a hole created by the rounds passing through the concrete to inside the tower and going out the other side. Cyro stood up once more and fired and the newly arrived enemy.

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 06-30-05 05:38 PM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-01-05 08:16 AM, in The Comment Game! Link
I've done this at a board I used to go to a long time ago.

I guess what I can comment about you, Kadaj, is that you have a pretty unique name.

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 07-01-05 11:55 AM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-05-05 08:37 AM, in Happy Fourth of July! Link
Well, there seems to be a lot here who really enjoyed yesterday. </sarcasm>

I came to my cousin's place in Winona last night expecting to see the annual fireworks show. Instead I find out that they do all that during the Steamboat Days which I went to about a week and a half ago. I don't know why they stopped doing them on the fourth.

So what I ended up doing was walking around the neighborhood with my little cousin to listen to and watch people light their's off. What's a little spooky is that I had just seen War of the World about an hour earlier, so hearing all the bangs an explsions made it seem like it was part of the movie with the military striking at the aliens. After getting back to her house I broke out the glowsticks and we started glowstringing. I tried teaching her a simple move. She's almost got it down.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-05-05 08:53 AM, in End of Earth Link
"Hey wait!" Cyro yelled. "What disk?! I'm here to capture people! Dammit, woman, what the hell is your reason for being here?!"

Cyro grabbed his weapon and stood up to follow his subordinate into the building. a bullet suddenly struck his shield and caused it to finally deactivate. Cyro froze in surprise for moment but then quickly got back down to avoid getting hit. He slapped the button to activate it again, but nothing happened. He hit it again, still nothing.

"Damn, out of power in a time like this," he said to himself.

With no options left but to make a run for the entrance Cyro got up and sprinted as hard as he could, despite the gun fire around him. Barely dodging enemy fire, he managed to make it inside unharmed. He turned to close the door behind him and then quickly looked around the lobby for Catrin.

"Catrin!" he called out. "Catrin! Where are you?!" He was short on time to do his task and was sure he would be followed behind by the securitey personnel. With no sign of her anywhere he ran for the stairs to proceed with his mission.

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 07-05-05 11:53 AM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-06-05 06:08 PM, in Our Board Quilt Link
For a picture I'll submit you can use the one from my avatar or one of the first 4 light pictures in my bio below the anime girl thing I have up. I think raves are a very good thing that represent me.

[edit] Aw, heck. Put this one in. It looks nice.

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 07-06-05 09:17 PM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-09-05 08:42 AM, in End of Earth Link
His search led Cyro to one of the targets, and while there was no one there gaurding the person it would be next to impossible to arrest and take the man with him back to government. To many dangers lied ahead. Instead he held up the EL Blade. The man looked at him with surprising eyes, in wonder of what Cyro was going to do. The man reached for a phone to report Cyro's presence and get help.

"You," Cyro said to him. "Mr. ...Lemn. I'm sorry about this, but you see I can't really take you with me."

"W-what?" the man said back. "What do you mean by that. I wasn't going anywhere with you. Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you the one who's attacking this building?"

Cyro didn't have much time to respond, but let him know the reasons for him being there.

"My name is Cyro. I am a GOVERNMENT agent. For this mission I am to arrest you and Mr. Boise. So in a sense I am attacking this building. However, as it stands now I really can't arrest you two without endangering my own life, so I'm left with nothing but to kill the both of you."

"W-WHAT!?" said the man in shock and fear. "What the hell! Who do you think you are?! What do you need to kill me for?!"

Cyro didn't answer. He moved foward toward the man with his weapon. The blade was powered on and a blue glow lit the man's face. The man seemed helpless and became paralyzed with fear.

"Please," he began to plea, "don't do this. Let me live!"

In the reflection of the man's eyes the glowing sword drew closer to him. It was raised up and, in a blink of an eye, swung down onto his body.

Upon reaching the second target Cyro used the same explanation and quickly struck him down. With both men dead Cyro felt a sense of relief when the task of escorting two people back came to an abrupt halt. The battles were the perfect excuse to kill them off, and there would be no reason for his boss to yell at him. During his escape from the building Cyro received a call from Catrin.

"Hey, capture who you need to and then get your ass out of there as well. I'm out, I got what I needed to get. Meet me back at the sta-" *BAAAAMMMM*

The message was cut and Cyro suddenly found himself in the air, spinning around. His body had been launched from the floor beneath his feet, and thrown like a rag doll into a wall a few meters away before landing on his side. His eyes were closed and his hearing impaired from what sounded like an explosion. He wasn't sure if he should move, but to escape another incident like that he would quickly have to. His eyelids opened up after a few moments to see what was going on. He lied on the floor staring at a mess of rubble and thick dust in the air wondering what had just happened. Cyro then felt pain on his body, most of which was in the area of his legs. At least he could feel them. He struggled to move but managed to get up. Luckily he wasn't badly injured and was still able to move. He peered ahead and across a big gaping hole in the floor to view what looked like a person. Making out the figure he realized it was the one from outside who had come down from the helicopter. With him was a large weapon he was carrying. Cyro assumed it was something dangerous and ran to grab his weapons on the floor. He slapped his ESD a few times to get it working again and scrambled to get out and into smaller room across the large and wide hall.

He nearly dropped his Nearsight trying to handle it, but evenually had it ready to fire. He looked through the scope to find his pursuer among the colorful "X-ray visioned" objects. After few long adrenalin-filled seconds the man was sighted and Cyro hastily pulled the trigger.

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 07-09-05 11:42 AM)
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-09-05 09:05 AM, in Weird turn-ons/offs Link
There are things I like about women, but there are a few that really have a turn-on effect for me.

I like athletic, or at least physically active women. When I see them engaging in an activity, espcially weight lifting, it gets me going. Also, a little sweat on them is a bit of turn on. That indicates they're really active. I think by far the most affecting thing a woman can do is have a nicely toned tummy. I find women with that very sexy. Not much beats a soft six pack on a female. That's an absolute turn on for me.
Others include, but are not limited to: being creative/imaginative, coming on to a guy instead of the guy having to go to her and wearing shirts that show her stomach.

Turn offs include smoking, and now that I think about it, the list Naruto has. And please ladies, no snobby attitudes. Don't be like "I'm so hot that I'm better than other girls." No, you're not when you act like that. I hate that about women.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-09-05 09:08 AM, in Happy Birthday Belial! Link
Geez, either I've been away longer than I think or I just haven't seen you around very often. It's been a while since I last heard from you. Happy birthday, Belial. Enjoy the new freedoms you have and cherish them. Also, stay out of trouble, consequences are more severe for you now. Have fun lot of fun too.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-09-05 09:12 AM, in Bawls! Link
Oh hell, I love Bawls. I'm glad to see that people even know about it. It's now easily found. Few places I know of even carry the stuff. I've bought two cases of it once. My cousin drinks it and saves the bottles becuase he wants to make a design out of them and submit it to the website. I know it doesn't have the grandest taste in the world, but I like it anyway.
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

Since last post: 114 days
Last activity: 114 days
Posted on 07-10-05 12:18 PM, in Suppose if Xeogaming have it own t.v. show... Link
Must everyone here have a thing for hell and demons? Can't you guys think of something a bit more on the bright side?

One thing that would work a heck of a lot better than having a show is having a channel. This way we could have all the forums be a separate show. Things like General Discussion be a talk show, News forum would of course be news. Sim Battle forum would a non stop action show along with some RP stuff. Game forums as gaming shows. The list goes on: Music show, Help show, Craziness show, The Hidden show.

And of course, probably one of the better ones, the secret show that only certain members (staff in this case, I guess) would have access to.

My idea, right there. Have a whole channel instead of a show. Name it "Channel Xeo" and the channel number would be "0".
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Cyro Xero

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