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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Van Rhanell
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User Post
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 05-31-05 12:40 PM, in World of Warcraft Link
my computer would have a heart attack if i put anything this size on it, but I'm learning things about the game and like it a lot. I'd want a paladin as my main character, and either go one char. at a time or a few joke ones. I recently saw the hilarious video of Leroy Jenkins, a pretty famous WoW video in which Leroy messes up this party's strategy horribly by running into the area by himself and everyone follows, gets massacred, and gets pretty mad at him.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 05-31-05 02:36 PM, in where do you belong quiz Link
wow, i scored as whore somehow, and had geek second to last. I really don't like most of the quizzes from this site, and there should be a gender question because its not often a guy is called a whore, that's usually called a certain p word and is prided throughout the hip-hop community
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 05-31-05 02:40 PM, in Choir sings nintendo songs Link
I've seen this not too long ago, and it is amazing how well some of the sound effects are done (still doesn't beat the Mario Twins "tiku-tiku-tiku" tunnel sound though). My school isn't doing things nearly as cool as that, though a few people were talking about somehow turning Mortal Kombat into a musical. I must also add that this is quite the singalong.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-01-05 06:56 PM, in Biggest Accomplishments Link
That reminds me of the days I would try to count as high as i could, just for fun. I got to around 1,200 (i was 6 or 7).
I think my biggest accomplishment is being accepted to Blue Lake fine arts camp for the second year in a row. Many people from the U.S. and the world come here for its exellent instruction. Hmm, i also saw over 250 american episodes of Dragonball Z (11/12ths of the series), which can't be compared to the original but is still fun to watch.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-01-05 07:02 PM, in Avenge Sevenfold Link
This is my favorite of the metalcore bands, such great heavy songs and good melody, actual singing to go along with screaming. The two guitarists in jazz band would play unholy confessions almost every day in between and after songs, that's kind of how i found out about them. Warmness on the Soul has a good piano part at the beginning, which is very rare for any bands in a "-core" genre.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-01-05 07:12 PM, in German email what now? Link
There is firebird, the email program by Mozilla that supposedly is better than many others. My yahoo account stopped working shortly before this, i don't check it much though. A foreign language filter doesn't seem like it would do too much harm now, what with online translators/dictionaries.

(Last edited by Van Rhanell on 06-01-05 10:13 PM)
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-01-05 07:30 PM, in Things you shouldn't know, but you do..Trivia! Link
because of all the carotine (sp?) in their diet from eating certain fish.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-01-05 07:44 PM, in Van discovered the curve tool! Link
i finally managed to put the curve tool in Paint to good use, after months of leaving it out of the circle.

fun with fungi!!

Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-02-05 06:43 PM, in Pictures Link
That rule is true, though a few flukes made my sketches into some of my best drawings ever, like my 30 min. pencilled, inked, and erased picture of Trunks, which is too big for my current scanner. I like how you can draw multiple characters at once without messing up their scale size, the and really like the grayscale coloring. Work on the bodiyl symmetry, maybe also the 3/4 front look, the left shoulder on the boy is too far out.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-02-05 07:10 PM, in What Color Is Your Heart? Link

Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

my favorite color, close enough and definately better than the other crap quizzes that have been on here on here recently
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-02-05 07:21 PM, in The best times of your life. Link
My remaining years of high school will probably rob me of what little self-esteem I have, I am doing the best i've ever done as far as music goes though. If I can do at least half of my goals I'd be way happier in future years. These include being in a ska/progressive band, making an epic graphic novel, designing an airplane, building a mech, getting a few more people to see life like they should, and seeing the end of the world. Wow the end of the world would be incredible.......
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-02-05 07:36 PM, in Is the end of sidescrollers near? Link
Well there is Super Smash Bros Melee, in which the characters only move in 2d which is awesome. It would be great though if they made a truly gigantic real time rpg sidescroller, like a 256 bit Castlevania game Viewtiful Joe and Alien Hominid were pretty good, but 2dness is fading away a great amount. Topscrollers are completely gone now, and no recent sideways space shooters have come out that weren't remakes.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-03-05 12:26 PM, in Remember "The Sonic the Hedgehog Show"? Link
ohhh man this was the coolest back then, if i''m thinking about the right one there was the movie made by these artists which i have (the tagline is Scrape some knuckles, Catch some tails ), . Tails had the permamently blocked sinuses and the action was fast and fun looking. And Knuckles has the hat like in the comics. It really told you the most about the Sonic the Hedgehog story, and made metal sonic a very interesting character with glimpses of 'personality'.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-03-05 12:32 PM, in Conan O' Brian is the Greatest Link
yess! i was laughing hard even before i heard it, Conan is one of the most entertaining people i've ever seen. *will put link into AIM profile* It is that amazing.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-03-05 12:42 PM, in Only an 8th grade education Link
If i only knew how much a bushel was.....
That is amazingly hard. It feels really awkward now that i'm the smartest kid in my class in Global studies, if i passed this exam, it would be the bare minimum of 60%. keep in mind that until probably the 50's, most schools had kids from single digits to their twenties learning the same thing. A grade in that time generally did not represent one year, so most students would be older than 13.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-03-05 07:47 PM, in The Most Annoying Enemy Link
as far as annoying goes, i really hate the fission metroids in Prime. You have to shoot them a good amount until they split into two, then kill them with a specific beam ( color coded and I'm colorblind! ). The other way you could destroy them was with one of your precious power bombs, but not all places in that game are morph ball friendly. Ten of those in an open room would be much harder than either final boss.

(Last edited by Van Rhanell on 06-04-05 03:47 PM)
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-04-05 10:15 PM, in My Faygo!!! Link
I live in the Detroit area, which is where Faygo started They make many great kinds of simple yet delicious soda. They make a good cream soda, and Red Pop is another one of my favorites. I've never had any awkward effects from drinking it, but when i drank Red Pop then Red Bull right after it i got much more energy than i thought i would....
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-06-05 06:52 PM, in What are you listening to (revived)? Link
19-2000 Soulchild remix

i heard this mix was better, and i hadn'd heard the song in a while, so now i'm listening and enjoying it a lot. One of the best simple songs i've heard in a while.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-07-05 03:12 PM, in Cussing / Cursing Link
I'll say lots of dirogatory things, and be as politically horrible as you could imagine (out of humor), but won't actually swear. By that I mean even if you asked me I would not be able to say them, too much of me is holding back. People don't seem to notice, since cursing goes on as often as the word "the" now. I prefer it when people don't swear, but people with swearing ticks are hilarious and some comedians make good (or funny) use of the words. I swore a lot when I was 5 and 6 =/ back when Beavis and Butthead was on, but slowly stopped for no apparent reason after a while. When all the other kids decided to expand their vocabulary and corrupt their tongues, I guess i never started swearing again because I didn't like rap as much or think wrestling was cool. I've not sworn for a good 3 years now, it feels very normal to me.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 06-08-05 08:37 AM, in J-Rock? J-Pop? Link
I've heard some of Gackt, and lots of music by the Pillows (have the flcl soundtrack). L' Arc en Ciel is another good J-rock band, they did "Ready Steady Go". I also like the music (and only the music) from Gravitatioin, which is synthesizer rock. Now if i can just remember who did "Soramimi Cake".............
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Van Rhanell

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