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01-16-25 04:31 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by geeogree
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User Post


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-02-05 02:46 PM, in Ten Commandments Displays On Government Property Link
I say yes... because the ten commandments are a significant part of the founding of the USA.... however, I see no reason why other religious symbols or statements can't be on government buildings as well.... as long as the message itself is not offensive in nature...


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-02-05 08:51 PM, in Ten Commandments Displays On Government Property Link
let me explain something about seperation of church and state...

the reason for this.... was because 500 years ago.... the Roman Catholic church WAS the same as the government.... the Pope controlled everything whether directly or indirectly.... he told the Monarchs what to do.... how to act....

the seperation of church and state was never to take religion itself out of government... but to take religious leaders influence out of government.... big difference....


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-02-05 08:53 PM, in Self Injury Link
well, I'm going to post here before anyone else does and ask...

why in the world would you purposefully cut yourself? hooray for cutting "I want to die" into your skin or something?

is it just for attention or what?


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-03-05 09:48 AM, in Ten Commandments Displays On Government Property Link
[sigh].... do you guys read? at all?

the seperation was to keep church LEADERS out of the government.... to keep them from having control over the monarch or president or whomever....

however, the leader has every right to be religious and there is no good reason why religious symbols on a building shouldn't be allowed... it's not hurting anyone...

it only offends the really stuck up liberal folk


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-03-05 10:10 AM, in Ten Commandments Displays On Government Property Link
well, I'm willing to bet if someone would actually offer some good quotes from some other religious leader, that they might actually get put up there....



Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-03-05 10:49 PM, in "Under God" in the Pledge and on money Link
actually.... the fouding fathers were all nazis!!!!

who cares what people claim they were? and how can you prove it either way?


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-09-05 09:25 AM, in Wouldn't you be pissed too? Link
it seems to me like msot of what happened was legal....

and I personally and tired of hearing about people badgering the police about everything they do....

we shouldn't be policing the police


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-12-05 07:42 PM, in fast food Link
it's not the food that is the real problem.... it's the level of activity of the people eating eat...

how many of you exercise every day under your own free will? probably not too many... not every day....

well, a guy in Edmonton Alberta Canada went on the "McDonalds Diet" like the guy from supersize me.... and guess what.... he lost 17 pounds.... because he exercised every day....


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-15-05 11:19 PM, in Sexual Preferences Link
I'm going to answer the girl with girl and guy with guy question

guys are visually stimulated.... a naked girl is sexy.... two naked girls is even sexier....

naked guys are not very attractive, nor is it very arousing for those of us that are straight.... I just don't find anal to be very attractive....

that's why two chicks together is more attractive than 2 guys.... at least for me


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-16-05 02:27 PM, in Sexual Preferences Link
thanks.... I wasn't talking about a guy getting touched.... I was talking about visual stimulation....

physically yes.... a guy would probably get turned on regardless of who was touching him.... as would a girl...

so what?


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-25-05 12:06 AM, in Happy Birthday geeogree Link
hehe, awww...

I feel loved.... even if you're the only one to have posted in here so far...

it's nice to see that someone cares


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-25-05 04:02 PM, in Happy Birthday geeogree Link
I've been having a great day

I already got a cake too.... with candles.... and singing .... and other stuff too

yeah... and I get the day off too


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-25-05 10:35 PM, in Happy Birthday geeogree Link
heh, nice gesture.... but I don't drink...

but, I'll do what I can to enjoy being a year older all week


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 03-26-05 12:56 AM, in Happy Birthday geeogree Link
I'll pick the wife.... I'd enjoy seeing her the most


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 05-05-05 07:26 PM, in Gay men not allowed to be sperm donors Link
many of you know my stance on homosexuality.... but this is just stupid.... at least these guys can contribute to someone else's baby even if they themselves can't have one yet....

screen for aids and high risk sexual activity.... but don't be prejudice about it just because they are gay.... it's just sperm....


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 05-15-05 10:30 PM, in Would you date someone who has VD? Link
I wouldn't....

thanks... I like you and all.... but tough, I'm not getting some STD just so that I can have sex with you

and true love isn't real.... get your head out of the clouds


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 05-22-05 01:28 AM, in Would you date someone who has VD? Link
well, it seems a few people understand what I'm trying to say...

oh, and my post assumes a little...

who in here actually gets into a serious relationship with anyone else and has absolutely no interest in having sexual interactions with that person?

I know I haven't.... and I doubt anyone can say they can....

AngelBay: I'm married.... and I love my wife, more than anyone else.... but I don't think it's "true love".... why is that such a big deal?


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 05-27-05 12:25 AM, in What lies beyond the universe? Link
RYjet911: and therefore is untestable and unprovable.... making your theory not a theory at all.... but just some wild made up story...

that's okay though


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 05-27-05 05:51 PM, in What lies beyond the universe? Link
so, it wraps around like the earth does? if you drive/fly long enough in one direction you will eventually come back to the same spot from the opposite direction...

it's possible


Since: 10-19-04

Since last post: 5230 days
Last activity: 323 days
Posted on 05-27-05 05:54 PM, in A'ight, a question left unanswered... Link
well, he didn't mean "Sith".... he did say Evil.... the sith aren't neccesarily evil.... just self-centered...

but, depending on what he means you are correct.... he trained as a Sith before these episodes occur
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by geeogree

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