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True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 164 days
Last activity: 164 days
Posted on 10-10-06 02:32 AM Link | Quote
Keira looked up and smiled. "Your other..." She said with a smile. "I really don't want the curse," Keira said looking around. She blinked looking at the ceiling. Suddenly she shoved him off. "THAT'S RIGHT!" She yelled. "Background check!!"
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1741 days
Last activity: 928 days
Posted on 10-10-06 02:37 AM Link | Quote
He could help but laugh as he was shoved off, with Keira screamign into her headset. Silently, he waltzed over to the couch, and sat down, from where he left his right foot resting on his left knee.

He glanced to the other side of the wall, where the shadows where. He contemplated jumping into the middle of the affair, but decided against it. I'd rather live as a mortal at the moment, and let them handle their own fate...

Besides, he had other matters to worry about.

He glanced at the door leading to the other room, where Kevin and Vanessa should be. Yes... Other matters to attend to... He smiled thoughtfully.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 159 days
Last activity: 159 days
Posted on 10-10-06 07:15 AM Link | Quote
Harry shook his head. It was somewhat awkward being in the presnce of these two. But they didn't matter, he had more important things to do.

"I know I'm being impatient, but I agree with Alexander. We have hostages, and time can cost lives. They aren't going to hold them alive and breathing forever. So, unless your needs are as life threatening as those of the hostages, let's go."

The mission was the most important thing at the moment for him. These hostages would probably take a slight offense if they discovered the reason for being with these werewolves for a long amount of time was because of some person trying to find a guy who had probably been dead for years had getting scratched up because of it.

"If you want these people to stay alive, let's go!"
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1230 days
Last activity: 1230 days
Posted on 10-10-06 12:31 PM Link | Quote
He glanced at Vanessa. Her eyes seemed to show a hint of emotion, and he finally nodded.
"Y...Yeah. What's going on, anyway?"
Kevin was confused. Witch matters, and now, vampire matters. Vanessa was a strange one. She seemed familiar, somehow, though. he just couldn't put his finger on it.

(Last edited by Straight Cougar on 10-10-06 03:31 PM)
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 164 days
Last activity: 164 days
Posted on 10-10-06 03:01 PM Link | Quote
Vanessa smiled and opened the door to the rest rooms and began to walk away. "Follow me," she said lightly. She looked back at Kevin. "You wanted to talk to Martin if he challenged your orders right?" She gave a mischeivious grin. "Well," she began, "these orders include stopping Keira from hurting herself right?"

Francine swerved the car. "I'm going as fast as I can," she looked at Harry. "You know you're good with machines. Get some parts out and put together a rocket or something." Finally they made it past Ullric Manor. "That's Ullric manor." She said. "What he's wanting us to do is get back on the bypass and take exit 6." Francine continued to floor it.

(Last edited by True Flight on 10-10-06 06:25 PM)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 159 days
Last activity: 159 days
Posted on 10-10-06 06:08 PM Link | Quote
ooc: Oops, I didn't realize we had entered the car by now. That's what I get for speed reading through three pages in order to catch up.

ic: "No need to be sarcastic, if you're not careful, I just might make you a car like that, remind me when we're back, and I can design it, wouldn't be the first time."

He put his cigar down, blew out some smoke, and extuingished its flame. He'd rahter have as much air as possible during this mission.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 164 days
Last activity: 164 days
Posted on 10-10-06 07:19 PM Link | Quote
Vanessa began to walk with her hands behind her back. She turned corners gracefully and slowly for Kevin to catch up. Every corner he turned it seemed as if she was just about to turn another corner. Finally Vanessa stepped to a room on the outskirts of HQ. "Here we are," she said pressing the button to open it. Locked... "Mister Kevin-sir," she said looking over at him. "I'm going to do this once, and only once. So watch carefully, you need to hit each key just right, it's pressure sensitive, meaning that only Keira's button pushing technique works on here, meaning that you wait to hit each button. If you mess up, the room shuts itself down never to be opened." Vanessa began to tap the keys on the door. 3..6..9..4...5...28...0 she presssed them and the door opened.

Father Martin stood with his hand on the massive machine. He closed his eyes. Almost.. He thought to himself. I've almost got this working perfectly...

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 164 days
Last activity: 164 days
Posted on 10-11-06 04:23 PM Link | Quote
*Morrighan got the location of the town and nodded, walking over to a large oak as the van drove off. Channeling earth energy she touched the tree and walked forward, entering the tree itself and exiting another oak at her destination*

"Now, let's see what we've got...."

*Dropping down, she moved towards the gathering of Werewolves near the center of town. Pressing the button on her comlink she contacted Francine*

"Francine, I've arrived at the destination, just west of the main road. The wolves are in the center of town, I see no sign of a lunar ray... must not want to jepordize themselves. Over."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4913 days
Last activity: 4536 days
Posted on 10-11-06 05:49 PM Link | Quote
Darian cursed under his breath. He'd dissapeared from everyone's knowledge for a reason. This new figure, Laramie, had intrigued him, as he had Chaos's smell about him. After spying on Kiera and Laramie's conversation, he knew now what made them smell the same. They were the same person. And the mystery of Vanessa was explained. But Darian felt sick now. Kiera had had a child not after the man who had loved her unequivocally, he remembered seeing Jack long for her. Jack had not left. One would be left to assume Jack was dead, but even in death, Jack would never hold silent from Kiera. If Darian knew anything of that relationship, that was what he knew. Darian pushed off the wall and fell 3 stories, landing agily on the ground. As he landed, he tossed his communicator on the ground and smashed it.

It appeared for now, the Werewolf Clan War would have to wait. Though never directly involved, he felt his sense of honor was betrayed. Darian would bring Jack Eldridge back, he would end the Clan Wars, and restore the damned peace he had fought for 7 years ago.

He opened his phone, dialing the first number on his speed dial.

..."Wedge, man. I miss you, how've you been? Say, I need help that I think only you can help me with...Yeah, that kind of magic...Yeah, thanks. See you in a few moments."

Name: George "Wedge" Orwell
Race: 29
Age: Wiccan
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180
Hair: Short Black hair
Eyes: Green
Outfit: Typically wears blue dress shirt, and khakis. Also wears small grey-rimmed glasses.
History: The current High Wiccan of Obscure Arts.

True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 164 days
Last activity: 164 days
Posted on 10-11-06 06:29 PM Link | Quote
Francine nodded. She pressed the button as she began to turn onto the exit. "Good..." She said as the vehicle road on it's left two wheels then went back on all four. "I knew they would keep the treaty even though full moons are only every 28 days. This is not a full moon, but it's too close for comfort." She said. Infact it was the night right before the actual full moon. "Alexander, get ready to jump out and use your lightning powers to stun the werewolves. Eevie, I need you to form a water bubble around the family to bring them in closer." She pressed a button on her communicator, "Morrighan create a barrier to separate the family from the werewolves." She cracked her knuckles and swung the wheel to the left making it so she fish tailed and stopped right in the center of the city. She put on a camo jacket and looked at everyone. "Alright, the rest of you, if anything goes wrong. Do anything in your will to stun the perpatrators, don't kill them. Move out!" She jumped out of the vehicle and opened the door to count everyone.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 164 days
Last activity: 164 days
Posted on 10-11-06 11:25 PM Link | Quote
"Barrier, got it," Morrighan responded before releasing the button. She fixed her eyes on the family of humans cowering in fear and began her chant quietly, like whispering breezes.

"Tarek visul shi'dar, matar selune shi'dar...."

*The breeze traveled in a circle around the family as peaceful expressions crossed their face. The Werewolves snarled angrily and moved to strike the humans but stepped back in confusion as they found that the swirling air around the family would not let them pass. At just that moment the van screeched to a stop and the renagade Ullrics began to charge the it. Morrighan dived off into the bushes to avoid the fishtailing vehicle as it entered the town square.*

"Barrier's up, Francine... but try not to nearly run me over next time!"

*Morrighan ran to join the fray, her combat knife/athame in hand. One Werewolf ran at her swinging a massive fist. Morrighan tumbled between his legs, hamstringing him as she passed before coming up on her feet next to the van*
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 159 days
Last activity: 159 days
Posted on 10-12-06 11:51 AM Link | Quote
Harry Drenn stood up and left the vehicle, his gun in hand. a werewolf ran toawrds him, and he lifted it to his right shoulder, aiming perfectly. He stared down the scope as the werewolf charged, readied his gun, and fired.

A net fired it, one made out of his own artificial claylike substance. It wouldn't break, and it would hold the werewolf. A charge of electricty fired through the net, and the werewolf shuddered to unconciousness.

"Are you all this easy, or am I just going to have to lay down and shoot at you while reading a book?"

Another one came towards him. Harry didn't bother to shoot, he brought up a fist, and suddenly jumped into the air, bringing up his arm for a strike into the air...

And he missed. The werewolf had moved to the side. It was smarter than the one before that. "Oh, I'm not going to accept behavior like that." he siad, and suddenly grabbed the werewolf, and sent a jab to behind the ear, sending him to unconsciousness.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5138 days
Last activity: 1448 days
Posted on 10-12-06 03:27 PM Link | Quote
Alexander casually walked from the vehicle. He noted the chaos, but didn't really care. He was obviously trying to act cool. He thrust his hands to his side and electricity began charging around them. Slowly but surely the lightning ran through his whole body. With a casual grin he rushed forward at brilliant speeds and grabbed a hold of the backs of the necks of two Were-wolves guarding the civilians. By applying a small amount of pressure and just enough electricity, they were both shocked into comas. Their bodies began morphing back into those of humans. He drew his two revolvers and began twirling them.

"Hello there, You'll get out of here safely, don't you worry."

With a flick of his wrists, the revolvers went twirling into the sky. A right hand thrust outward and a bolt stuck a nearby Werewolf. He then caught both revolvers, backwards, which became charged with electricity as well. He now essentially held two electrically charged hammers. A claw struck his arm, and Alexander got thrown about 10 feet. Shit! Stumbling up, Alexander cursed several times under his breath. That guy came outta nowhere...He then moved to lay the beat-down on this fairly large Werewolf. Two revolvers hit it's chest on either breast. The werewolf was blown back equally as far as Alexander was. After it stumbled up Alexander realized this would not be easy. More lightning flowed through his guns.

"Cranking it up to a whopping 7,000 volts. Come here puppy I got somethin to show ya."

He readied himself for an attack, this werewolf was not going to feast on any more blood today.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 164 days
Last activity: 164 days
Posted on 10-12-06 03:44 PM Link | Quote
Just as Alexander aimed at the werewolf, Francine jumped in holding back her arms. Francine sent a blow to the back of the werewolf's neck. "We're not here to kill," she said with a glare. "My bretheren are not to be killed."

A downed werewolf began to attack her from behind. She held her breath and opened a sharpie. She turned around and stuck it in the clansmen's nose.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5138 days
Last activity: 1448 days
Posted on 10-12-06 03:58 PM Link | Quote
ooc-you got me all wrong, I just beat it with my revolvers and was prepared for an attack, with my guns still hammer-like

Alexander nodded. He was just going to hit it with his revolvers but whatver.

"I wasn't planning on it."

His left arm swung to the side and clotheslined a nearby werewold, bringing it into an unconscious daze.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3894 days
Last activity: 3790 days
Posted on 10-12-06 04:02 PM Link | Quote
James bounded out of the van, his rifle out, ready for action. He saw a wolf running towards him in the distance. He fired and the bullet ripped through the wolf's kneecap. He fell foreward and slammed his head against a rock protruding from the ground. A second wolf ran towards him from the left. He retracted his rifle, fliped out his pistol, and drew his revolver. He fired a bullet into each of the wolf's shoulders, but it kept coming. It swung it's claw at him. He ducked under the arm, retracted his pistol, drew his sword and stabbed it into the wolf's stomach. As he came up he fired a bullet from his revolver into the back of the wolf's head.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5138 days
Last activity: 1448 days
Posted on 10-12-06 04:09 PM Link | Quote
All Alexander saw were bullets flying for a moment, and he charged electricity into James, knocking him onto the ground before he could perform any lethal blows to any Werewolf. A forward facing kick was all Alexander needed to knock the Werewolf near James into the van and unconscious. He grabbed James by the collar.

"It is not part of our mission to kill today! Let these creatures live, they'll be dealt with by Witches Trough, not you!"

He pulled the guns away from James and threw them into the van. With a flick of the wrist he magnetically locked the doors, sealing the guns inside.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3894 days
Last activity: 3790 days
Posted on 10-12-06 05:27 PM Link | Quote
((You....took away my arm? Either way, none of those shot's were lethal, kneecaps and shoulders....and his head...))

James wasn't so much concerned with his revolver being taken away, more of the electrical surge coursing through his body. He heard alarms in his head as the circuits of his robotic arm overloaded. A small stream of smoke rose from the appendage.

"You fucker, I hope you can fix this!"

Another wolf charged at him, and he twisted his body, swinging his limp robotic arm at the wolf's head.

"Besides, can't these bastards only get killed by silver?"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4913 days
Last activity: 4536 days
Posted on 10-12-06 06:23 PM Link | Quote
Darian stewed in silence, hiding in the shadows outside the front gate. A car pulled up, an old model from the 1930's reformatted to work in the present day. Darian stepped in, pressing his black wide-brimmed hat harder on his head. He smiled as he got comfortable in the passenger's seat.

"Wedge, my friend, how have you been?"

"Ahh, life's been better."The man in the driver's seat with a friendly smile on his face, stubby black hair on his face and a short sophisticated 'do atop it. His green eyes were covered by thin sunglasses. His blue office shirt was unkempt, the sleeves rolled up hazardly, displaying his hairy arms, and his red tie dangling around his neck. "I've got most of it set up at the facility."

Darian was pleased to hear this. "Sweet...Hey, do you remember Jack Eldridge?"

"Yeah, he used to be leader of the council. Standup guy, and probably one of the strongest alive at the time. Shame he's dead."

Darian laughed loudly, causing Wedge to look at him with fear. "No, friend, that is what I look to disprove."

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 164 days
Last activity: 164 days
Posted on 10-12-06 07:02 PM Link | Quote
((Headshot = lethal, just commen logic there))

"Not really, it irritates them, but regular bullets will kill them."

*Morrighan walked past James towards the thickest of the fighting. Francine had begun it and covered her nose, so it was time for her to whip out the sharpies as well. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out two large sharpies and popped off the tops. Holding the two markers she continued hand-to-hand combat with the Werewolves... the marker and her pure skill and strength overwhelming them*
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