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Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5280 days
Last activity: 4761 days
Posted on 09-20-06 09:57 PM Link
::The figure removed his hood to reveal a young man with green hair and white streeks on the sides. His yellow eyes now peered at the carrage with much excitement as he began to sprint at top speed. It took a few moments, but with in thirty seconds he had arrived at the carrage and lept onto it, planting both feet firmly upon the rear of the cart, causeing it to shake momentarily. The man stood firm with a sorrowful look on his face::

Which of you is to blame for this

::He pointed to his cloak which was covered in booze and glass shards. His eyes glared at them with tremendous hate in his eyes::



Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-20-06 10:18 PM Link
Leon's eye rolled into the back of his head. He almost yelped in pain, and bit his lip night drawing blood. A rattle was heard coming from his shirt, and he dumped something rattly but unnoticable into the palm of his hand and slammed his palm inot his mouth. He returned the rattler into his coat pocket and looked out the window while grasping the bridge of his nose. That hit the spot...Leon turned back to Seifer.

"I can take you now. I know it. So yes, let us duel again sometime. You'll not be disappointed..."

His face turned back to the front, he noticed something back behind them, but it was too late and he was starting to become less stressed. Definitely hit the spot...


Since: 07-24-06

Since last post: 6083 days
Last activity: 6073 days
Posted on 09-21-06 12:09 AM Link
Erick stopped the car now about 50 miles away. He walked to the back of the truck; next to some gas cans was a large metal brief case. He opined it, in side lay a black lap top computer. He turned it on and typed in his password. He opined a program labeled “Merc 2.6” it was a program he and a couple other mercenaries developed to help keep track of old clients and locate new clients, he changed his status from Employed to for Unemployed. He than wrote a letter to E'shyum's
“my work hear is done, I’m going to the base to collect payment and my personal effects. I expect the 3lb of gold promised to be weighting for me” he had requested 6 lbs of gold for his sauces rate and 3lbs for his failure rate. And since he was unable to acquire the shard he figured he better chare failure rate.
He than drove at a more normal speed back to the encampment where he collected his rifle, sword and other pistol, along with some other personal effects. He weighted patently for his pay to be brought to him. While he weighted he watched his computer weighting for some one to request his assistance.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-21-06 03:27 PM Link
Leon noticed the figure now, and was enfuriated by his appearance. the all to familiar sound of the hammer being pulled back on a revolver was heard. And the gun was aimed directly at this unknown's chest. Leon stared this man down with a look of pure calm.

"You do not belong here, and you threaten the safety of my colleagues. Get out."

Leon's face clearly expressed that he meant business.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 09-21-06 04:01 PM Link
Holly gasped as the man she spotted moments ago jumped onto the vehicle. She was still clutching her shard in her hand and instinctively, she placed an arm over Josiah. She was oddly protective of her partner and it was no secret once people were around the two long enough.

However, as Leon reacted to the man, Holly couldn't help but narrow her eyes at him. This man, though it was mere coincidence, reminded her slightly of her father.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1139 days
Last activity: 1139 days
Posted on 09-21-06 08:03 PM Link
OOC: I'm temporarily leaving this thread.

BIC: In the middle of the chaos, Zaku bailed on his newly found allies. "Fuck it; We'll handle these Rahways boys on our own. Move out!" In the middle of the gunfire, the Yaiden Marauders sped away on their bikes, and out into the horizon with bigger plans on their mind.
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5280 days
Last activity: 4761 days
Posted on 09-21-06 08:35 PM Link
::The young man glared into the eyes of the man with the gun, with no fear or hesitation. The man grasped the cloak with his right hand and hurled it to the side, throwing it from the carrage. He was wearing a white vest with blue trim, and a pair of baggy black pants. The vest fit tight, and showed off what muscles he had. On the back was the picture of a shield, cracked and burning with blue fire around it, and below that was some words in latin: "I am the shield that is broken, yet never destroyed" ::

I Dare you to fire, coward.

::The man brought both hands to his front and threw a side kick at the figure with the gun::

You strike me and then say I am the threat. You Fool

::The Kick stopped abruptly short of its target and spun around, sending the man into the air and aiming a downward axe kick at the man with the gun::

(Last edited by Leon D. Sagara on 09-21-06 11:38 PM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 09-21-06 08:40 PM Link
Don watched the monitor as the squad of bombers descended on the camp. When the meeting spot had been obliterated, he opened a connection with Jeremy.

"Nalust, did anyone get out of the blast radius?"

"Let me check." A faint tapping of computer keys could be heard, "There are three vehicles that escaped. A squad of motocycles, a buggy carying several people, and a jeep carrying one. "

"Get me a satelite feed on the jeep."

The monitor displays an image of Erick, pulled over, sitting in the back of his jeep.

"Zoom in on the computer. Can you get an image capture on his password?"

The man running the computer nods.

"Good. Ruin him"

Don walks over to a large round pad in the corner of the room.

"I want you to teleport me as close as possible to the Suvoj base. Barrek, you're coming with me. Eric, get some guns."

The bodyguard grinned and went into a nearby room. He came back moments later with a large calibur pistol, a shotgun slung across his back, and a mounted machine gun in his hand. The three men stepped onto the pad. A ring of smoke shot up around them, and when it cleared, they were gone.


Since: 07-24-06

Since last post: 6083 days
Last activity: 6073 days
Posted on 09-21-06 09:13 PM Link
Erick shut down his laptop. He angrily muttered to himself “son of a bitch there not back yet” he desided to go make camp for the night and bother them about pay in the morning.
He put the laptop away and got in to the jeep and drove toward a rocky outcrop at a slow speed. It wasn’t far away from the main encampment where the army had started there march from. It was still in view and close enough that a good sniper could hit a target in the rocky outcrop if absolutely necessary.
Than he saw something that made him twitch, something darted over on a nearby hill. He opined the door grabbed his rifle and aimed at the thing that startled him, he peered carefully threw his scope. It was just an ordinary jack rabbit nothing spatial at all.
“I see diner” Erick muttered to himself as he took careful aim and fired.
The jack rabbit fell to the ground and died, Erick drove up to it and collected the body. He than drove to the rocky outcrop and made camp, he figured he would weight till the next day to collect his pay than be on his way back to new England to put his dad on a plane back to Bavaria, 3lbs of gold would be enough to convince someone to make a trans Atlantic trip.
When he arrived at the outcrop, he took some supplies out of the back of the jeep; he removed and set up a tent a small table and a chair. He removed a few pieces of wood and tinder and lit a small fire. He skinned and cleaned the rabbit and put it on an iron spit over the fire and ran the rotisserie while it cooked.
“Things are going to be all right” he thought to himself as he watched the rabbit cook.
After the rabbit was cooked he ate it, by this time dusk was falling he brewed some tea and sat in the chair and watched the sun set on the Harrison.

(Last edited by Amudaus on 09-22-06 12:16 AM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 09-21-06 09:19 PM Link
OOC: Leon(Sagara), I have permission to do this from FX.

BIC: Seifer twitched as someone took up the little sitting room he had and whined like a fiery megabitch. He put up a fake smile as the person moaned like a baby about getting hit by Seifer's carelessness.

"Oh, that'd be me, man. It seems, Leon, I'll have to postpone our prospect of a duel. Edgar, nice seeing you. And Holly?"

Seifer leaned over and grabbed her hand, kissing it.

"Until next we meet."

He then let go of her hand, grabbed the odd man by the collar when he tried to attack Edgar's vassal Leon and tugged roughly as he jumped off the back of the buggy feet first. He landed softly despite the speeds, and despite being a little shaken, this new man would be too. Seifer had stopped the foolish newcomer's attack on Leon and brought it to a match between them, mano a mano or whatever the expression is.

"Now, we have a broken beer bottle to discuss, hmm?"

As the buggy sped off into the distance, Seifer unsheathed his sword and laughed.

"Seriously, green hair?"

Edgar smiled, watching as the odd intruder was dragged off the buggy by Seifer.

"I suspect we'll be hearing from Seifer after we reach the base. He's always able to seemingly teleport as such."

(Last edited by Cairoi on 09-22-06 12:27 AM)
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5280 days
Last activity: 4761 days
Posted on 09-21-06 10:23 PM Link
::The man was flung from teh carrage and landed softly on the path. His expressino changed from angry to confused. He was dased at the speed of the man who had stopped his attack, but all good things are short lived. His eyes filled with glee and happiness as he crouched down and began to cheer abruptly::

MAN, its been so long since someone was able to match my speed and power. I like you bottle thrower, it will be an honor to smeer the ground with you FACE

::the man jumpped back and entered the same martial stance that he had taken moments earlier::

My Name is Plexis, and I am a Bounty Hunter.

:: Plexis's eyes changed from happy and joyful into angry sadistic eyes as he threw a kick at his attakers chest. The kick wasn't very strong, but it was impossible to detect with normal human eyes::



Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-21-06 10:27 PM Link
Leon pulled the trigger at the first sign of movement from the man, who luckily was pulled out of the way by Seifer. The bulled whizzed past the odd man's head, completely removing a chunk of his hair. Had the man not have been saved by Seifer, he would currently be residing on the desert sand, feeding the dirt his blood. How unlucky for me. The noise from the bullet was lound and resounded across the empty space of the desert, never returning in an echo, but not being drowned out by other noise either. It was the odd silence of the desert that Leon loved.

"What a shame..."

Leon spun his gun on his finger, reloaded it, and shoved it in it's holster. He turned back around and faced the front.

"How much further till we're home...God deliver us the rest of the way without...interruptions..."

Leon seemed to mutter this to himself, but it was loud enough for others to hear, and hopefully answer him. He concentrated on the horizon before them, attempting to make out any shapes he could.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 09-21-06 10:42 PM Link
As soon as Plexis introduced himself, Seifer nodded to himself.

"Seifer Ehnzo, the Swordsman of God who Walks Alone. I take it you're looking for thrills or the considerable bounty on my head."

The enemy suddenly attacked, and Seifer was more than ready.

The shard around his neck hummed and a green wall formed 2ft away from him, blocking Leon's attack instantly. He was well accustomed to speed. Seifer backed up 15 ft with one clean jump and pulled a crystal out of his pocket, slamming it into the socket as he landed. The sword's blade began to vibrate immensily, and with what seemed as though one slash, a barrage of 15 kinetic shockwaves shot out from the trail of the blade at the enemy. It moved somewhat faster than hurricane winds, making it incredibly fast and deadly. It would operate the same as a sword slash though Seifer did not even need to be near his foe.


Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 09-21-06 10:47 PM Link
Holly stared back at Seifer and the man with the green hair in shock. She drew her hand back, the one Seifer had kissed, to her chest and wrapped her other hand around it.

"Wait!" She shouted, the moment she saw Plexis make his move toward Seifer, but the buggy was still in motion.

Holly then turned to face front, leaning in toward Leon. "Sir, we have to stop. We were exacuating for a reason, were we not? We can't just leave them there!"
Leon D. Sagara

Zombie Tarma
HELLO!!!!! ^_^

Since: 08-18-04
From: To Hell and Back

Since last post: 5280 days
Last activity: 4761 days
Posted on 09-21-06 10:50 PM Link
:: Plexis stared at his foe and smiled::


:: Plexis clinched his hands at his sides as they each shined a translusent color. The slashs seemed to his Plexis in the chest, but when the attack finished, he was standing without a scratch on him. He let out a secon giggle as the wind spun around and shot all of Seifer's attacks rigt back at him. Plexis then crouched and raised one hand into the sky and the econd near his left knee. His shards shone with tremendous light and power::

Master of R&R......... I am the Ronald Lexington. ((Plexis for short))

:: Plexis's eyes narrowed as he quickly followed the wind slash's and barraged Seifer with four more kicks just like the first that was sent::

((In Plexis's left hand is the shard of Reflex, allowing most attacks to be nulled out instantly. In his right hand is imbune the shard of Rebound, able to rebound the attack that was just shot at him. However powerful it might seem, There is a limit to its usage on a daily basis))


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 09-21-06 11:14 PM Link
The information did not even seem to process in Leon's brain, that is how unreactive he was to anything right now. He was totally relaxed and calm.

"Miss, we were evacuating, their bombs can't reach this far, they'll be fine. And the reason we're going at this speed, and in this direction, is because we're going back to our military bunker. It's a safe place to lay low for a bit..."

His eye still faced forward, almost in a different world, he couldn't tell how far they were from base, but he was relaxed and ready for a nap. His eye began drooping and showed how drowsy he had become, but it was only the slight rocking of the buggy across the flat desert.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 09-21-06 11:17 PM Link
She kept glancing over her shoulder. Though they grew further and further away, she could still vaguely see the two fighting off in the distance. When they were finally out of sight, she relaxed. She glanced from Leon to Josiah.

"We'll wait for Seifer before continuing to pursue that that alright?" She asked her partner.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 09-21-06 11:22 PM Link
Josiah stared after Plexis and Seifer. He realized that Holly was talking to him.

"Huh? Yeah, we'll go after the box."

He nervously looked back, towards the camp, periodically reaching into his pocket.

Sailor Déesse
Mistress of Pink
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

Since: 08-14-04
From: The Moon

Since last post: 6538 days
Last activity: 6269 days
Posted on 09-23-06 03:17 AM Link
Camped out in a large crater area in the desert, Thora looks down at her map. Her compass went haywire just a few seconds ago and unable to locate herself on the map, Thora starts to get moody. Throwing the map into her tent, Thora starts to walk towards the slope, hoping to get a decent view of the area around her.

As she climbs the sand she can hear a noise coming from somewhere, so she quickens her pace up the slope finally reaching the top. “That sounds like a vehicle.” She thinks. But unable to see anything around her, she throws her arms up in the air in frustration.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 09-24-06 03:03 PM Link
Seifer laughed as he activated Holy Trinity , calling a green barrier around him using mental concentration. With each slash the barrier was shattered slightly, but a new sheet of green energy took it's place. After the last kick, Seifer allowed it all to fall all, and it appeared as though the shards of green energy snowed to the ground, fading as they slowly fell. He dashed forward at an incredible speed, getting 30ft between him and Plexis in seconds. The entire time he had begun charging a negative kinetic force to his sword, causing a small tornado force to his sword. He turned to his foe.

"I've only had bandits and weaklings to fight for quite some time. Thank you for having strength.

NOW, let's get this started!"

Seifer slashed horizantally but stopped when the sword pointed directly at Plexis. From the pull of air surrounding the sword, Seifer managed to let out postive shockwaves of air moving at high speeds at Plexis. There was a half-second wait between the shockwaves, and about 30 blasts in total. Eventually, Seifer became affected by the recoil and changed his stance to better protect against it, and sweat began to form on his face.

"This is proving to be some fantastic fun!"

During that time, Edgar, Isha, Leon, Holly, and Josia were passing into Colorado, home of the Sujov military base. They saw the Rocky Mountains begin to loom in the horizon. When they did, Isha reached underneath her seat and pulled out a box.

"Edgar, Leon, here's your suits. Holly, Josiah, put these on. The Sujov base is protected by heavy yet non-lethal defenses, and in case we get attacked, these will be incredibly important to have. No need to put the helmets on yet, but the suits on and the helmet at the ready are important."

Edgar smiled after she finished and looked at the two young people. The Sujov base was at the foot of the nearest Rocky Mountain, which once had a name, but it is now referred to as Sujov Mt.

"No worries. Our base is one of the most protected facilities in the world. In a way we are prepared for every eventuality. Make yourselves at home here while you wait for Seifer to find you. We will take you in with open arms."
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