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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Common *word related* errors that annoy you | |
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Red Super Koopa
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Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6191 days
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Posted on 10-28-05 04:28 AM Link | Quote
Ok. When people type, you can see all their spelling errors and grammar errors. What annoys you the most about people when they type?

What common misspellings of words annoy you, or what grammar error pisses you off the most?

I hate horrible grammar, but that thread in general made me realize one misspelling that really annoys me:

spranged my ankle

as opposed to the proper spelling of "sprained."

Luckily, no one did that in the thread in general that I noticed. You all are spared my wrath.
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Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 10-28-05 05:07 AM Link | Quote
i like it when ppl are trying to spell "lose" but they spell it "loose" and i've seen it done dozens of times from different ppl XD

so they're all, yeah, he's/she's a looser.... and im all, no you're the loser, cause you cant even spell it -.-'

and i dunno if you did this on purpose, but "You all are spared my wrath," is also an error... it's you all are spared from my wrath =/

Divine Mamkute
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Since: 08-15-04
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Posted on 10-28-05 05:16 AM Link | Quote
The only one that ever really got to me was when one of my exboyfriends would spell 'bored' as 'borred'. Me and Zabuza had a field day making fun of that one!

Here, minor errors don't bug me... but if they leave out a letter or something it irks the hell out of me.

Posting Pig
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Since: 01-12-05
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Posted on 10-28-05 05:22 AM Link | Quote

I hate it when people use 'wood' instead of 'would'.

But what REALLY gets to me is when people do these things on purpose, like "boi"..
Okay, what the fucking hell? I can understand things like 'ppl' to a certain POINT because they're shorter than the original word, right? Well this contains the exact same ammount of letters as the originally properly spelled word..

So why do these people insist on making themselves look like an idiot?

It's beyond me.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

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Posted on 10-28-05 09:01 AM Link | Quote
What gets to me, is those fuxking youngsters that TyPe LiKe ThIs. Is it cool to show what an idiot you are? I don't get it.

Also, somehow in AIM grammar doesn't exist with some people. I understand typing brb, mainly because when I'm typing it I'm in a hurry. And lol, because it's really more of an action. But is it that hard to say, I have to go, or I'll talk to you later.

I personally take a lot away from a person if they don't type correctly.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 10-28-05 02:06 PM Link | Quote
I have editor's disease. After years of editing people's stories and seeing the same words/contractions spelled or used the wrong way, I've started using them too.

Most common problems that I've been seeing:
- "You're" in place of "your" and vice versa.
- Along with this "They're" in place of "Their" and vice versa.
- The wrong to/too/two used.
- "Bored" spelled "Board"

Other things that somewhat stick out and slightly bug:
- People using "ur" in place of "you are" SPELL IT OUT!!
- The deliberate misspelling of "the" (teh), which apparently is "1337"
- "Rogue" spelled "Rouge"... heh, it's been done so much here that I just shrug it off. ^_~

(Last edited by Rogue on 10-28-05 08:20 PM)


Since: 10-13-05
From: Socal, US

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Posted on 10-28-05 03:47 PM Link | Quote
Personally, it's fairly frustrating to see any simple word spelled incorrectly, from "boi" to "people." In other words, I detest netspeak. cUz WhN pPl TlK lYk dIs, it makes me wonder whether they are just too lazy to type or aren't actually capable of typing properly.

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

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Posted on 10-28-05 05:38 PM Link | Quote
I think when PpL TyPe LyK ThiS, it actually takes more effort than normal, so they're just trying to be annoying.

Rogue, it's also common for me to mix up letters while typind, most common of them being teh. I ALWAYS spell that one wrong online. Well, not always.

Another common typo thing for me is typing Well as "WEll"

And Rogue, I know what you mean. People around me use the wrong "your" all the time... it drives me nuts. I used to be known for correcting my friends' grammar online over AIM or what not.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 10-28-05 07:44 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Evo

Rogue, it's also common for me to mix up letters while typind, most common of them being teh. I ALWAYS spell that one wrong online. Well, not always.

Yeah, but I meant when people do it deliberately. Like "I am teh awesome! I r0x0rz your b0x0rs!!"

I understand a typo here or there, but 1337 5p34|< just seems to glorify typos. I pwn!
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Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 10-28-05 10:19 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue

Most common problems that I've been seeing:
- Along with this "They're" in place of "Their" and vice versa.

You missed 'there'. I see that one used wrong quite often...

Actually, that's the main annoyance. I've developed a semi-immunity to AOLspeak, since most times I see it are when it's excusable (in an online game where most don't have time for the full sentence), and it's also a good Jackass Detector in most places... it's grammar mistakes that annoy me more.

(Last edited by Tamarin Calanis on 10-29-05 01:21 AM)
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

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Posted on 10-29-05 01:34 AM Link | Quote
You know what really grinds my gears? All these new-fangled acronyms. It seriously took me a year to make the connection of "lol" and "laugh out loud". The new tricky fellow is IMO, after about a month I think it means "In My Opinion". Also, the whole concept of "l(1)33t(7)" annoys me, unless for small humor based instances. I commonly refer to it as "leet", just to confuse the populus and remind them that numbers usually shouldn't replace letters and that EVERYONE knows this 'code'. And ebonics in general is terrible and I would be embarrased to represent that as part of my culture.


Since: 10-13-05
From: Socal, US

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Posted on 10-29-05 03:11 PM Link | Quote
1337 I have no problem with, because it tends to confuse those that use "ntspk." Oddly enough, Some definitions for leet:

Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

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Posted on 10-29-05 07:10 PM Link | Quote
The grammar here doesn't phase me when something is wrong with somebody's typing. Usually, I'll catch my mistake either before or right after posting something and go back to edit it. I'll even go so far, and have on several occasions, as to correct a minor error in a post I've made in a thread already a month or more old. Talk about being a bit obsessive compulsive. I understand that people get the "theres" wrong, because they're literally one of the most goofed up words in our language. Here's something that should help you all to remember the "They're" word:

Know that all words, every single conjunction know in this language, that has "are" in it is going to have 're after the first original word. Every conjucntion.

How are...- How're
What are...- What're
You are...- You're
and essentially, They are...- They're
It even applies to the wilder words like, "You people are..."- You people're.

Whenever you come across these word in your typing career think back to this post and remember the examples I've given. Other than that, I really don't like it when people use RU instead of "Are you...", just like Rogue doesn't.

(Last edited by Cyro Xero on 10-29-05 10:11 PM)
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Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 10-29-05 09:18 PM Link | Quote
i dunno as long as it's not ridiculous, it's fine. i dont like ppl who hate it when others use "brb" "ppl" and the likes.... i mean, we are online! so dont judge -.-' and yes... brb, is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy easier than typing out the entire be right back -.-' i mean, who the hell still write be right back anymore? anyways, like i said, if it's not totally ridiculously crazy... it shouldnt matter

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

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Posted on 10-30-05 01:58 AM Link | Quote
A couple things that annoy me.... (again)

For some reason, what really bugs me is this:

You know how people (for example the Warner Family) put signs out in front of their house saying "The Warner's" ???

THAT BUGS THE CRAP OUT OF ME. In my opinion, it should be The Warners's (or The Warners'). Because it's the house that belongs to the Warners (the family). Or (let's get even more simple here) "The Warners."

I just don't see the need for the apostrophe in the location it's in given the circumstance. Unless that is really correct........ if so, can someone explain this to me?

...There was another thing taht bugged me, but I can't think of it now. Darn.
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Posted on 10-30-05 10:40 AM Link | Quote
New Username with lots of love to everyone
Cyro Xero

Rune Mage

Rave Atom

Since: 02-23-05
From: Minnesota!!

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Posted on 10-31-05 03:33 PM Link | Quote
What's wrong with you?! Making a username like that. Are you trying to get us all ticked off??! Sheesh!

And I still haven't figured you out.

Funny thing about this thread is that some post have mistakes in them, despite pointing out mistakes made in other places.

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

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Posted on 10-31-05 11:56 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, but that's bound to happen in any thread, whether it be intentional or not. I know I use "..." a lot, and that may tick some people off.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

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Posted on 11-01-05 12:37 PM Link | Quote
U al R jUz 2 st00pid 2 rEaLize teh TruE ArT behiNd 1337!!!1111oneoneone.


Lol, acctually, I really don't mind most spelling, unless they do something like that line I just put done >.< Past that, the only other thing that bugs the hell out of me is just when I spac eto odam nearl y >.>
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 11-01-05 10:09 PM Link | Quote
I don't like 1337 anyway. It's not typing that gets to me... It's when I speak I have a sort of southern accent. Anyone can point it out. You all want to know? Ask Mark.. Anyway when I say you all I say y'all and Jexim had a field day with that the first time I talked to him about it. Infact Mark and Jexim made fun of me for that. Only because Jexim hadn't heard "y'all" for the longest time.

Living in the south also puts a lot of pressure on you to be lazy and type something like:

How r u?


So, I was runnin' through the woods...

Plus there's the double negative rule here.

and the word "ain't"
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Common *word related* errors that annoy you |

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