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Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6457 days
Last activity: 6459 days
Posted on 10-17-05 03:07 PM Link | Quote
ever remember anything strange or absurd from your early childhood that you saw or did? I remember that for a time in kindergarten, I completely forgot how to move my eyes. I tried to, but nothing would happen. Eventually it came back to me without realizing it. So weird though...
Artemis Nevermore


Since: 09-28-05
From: Cornfields

Since last post: 7076 days
Last activity: 7061 days
Posted on 10-20-05 12:22 AM Link | Quote
Does 1st grade count?

I will willingly admit this because my teacher was a bitch.

You know, how teacher's tell you not to ask to go to the bathroom during class right?

I asked.

I always asked, cause I always had to go.

One day she said I couldn't.

So, I was a little chicken shit, and just sat in my seat, and held it, and held it, and held it, and held it... And then.

You can guess from there.

(Last edited by Artemis Nevermore on 10-20-05 03:22 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 37 days
Last activity: 28 days
Posted on 10-20-05 07:54 PM Link | Quote
Whenever we had nap time, I'd lay there in on my blanket, and would make a videogame out of my hands. I can to this day remember some of the shapes I'd put my hands into that were certain bosses. And the levels went along the ceiling ...


(Last edited by XeoLord on 10-20-05 10:55 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5185 days
Last activity: 1495 days
Posted on 10-20-05 08:29 PM Link | Quote
You geek. I think I just went along with the motions, but there were always some wierd things I would do. I would scream "God Damn TV" every time my tv got screwed up. Mind you I was 3. And I would also smack the TV really hard.

I would talk to the mirror, kinda like an imaginary me-friend...


Since: 08-28-05
From: California

Since last post: 7046 days
Last activity: 6886 days
Posted on 10-21-05 01:06 AM Link | Quote
One time in pre-school "Barney" came in dressed as a magician and I got realy scared and hid under a table... DON'T LAUGH AT ME!!! what would you do If a big purple creature walked into your class room?
Artemis Nevermore


Since: 09-28-05
From: Cornfields

Since last post: 7076 days
Last activity: 7061 days
Posted on 10-21-05 01:39 AM Link | Quote
Scream and run under the table.

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

Since last post: 4076 days
Last activity: 3982 days
Posted on 10-21-05 01:47 AM Link | Quote
My mom told me that I used to sit in front of the tv and eat chapstick. Same with butter.

OMFG What if they made Butter Chapstick!? *Le Drool*
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 745 days
Last activity: 554 days
Posted on 10-21-05 09:09 PM Link | Quote
Oh jeez, I went to a private pre-school/kindergarten and we have the most random things that we had to do.

We had Juice Time, which pretty much entailed getting a cup of watered down juice and a few crackers. And before we could eat or drink any of it, we had to sing a song that was designated by the teachers.

It's juice time!
It's Juice Time--
At Wonderland Preschool
We play games
And sing songs--
At Wonderland Preschool!

Yeah... weird... that was only one of the many songs we had to sing before we could do ANYTHING.

I also spent an ungodly amount of time on the bench for one reason or another. My worst offense was taking this girl that was wearing a white dress and dragged her all over the blacktop. I don't remember if she really did anything to provoke me to do or I just did because I felt like it. Her dress was so gray/black that she had to stand naked in the bathroom so the teacher could wash it and dry it and then call her mother to let her go home. The next day, we were pulled in by the principal to explain our behavior. I told them innocently that I was just trying to help her stand up and that's why it looked like I was dragging her.

I got off totally scot-free.
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - back in the day |

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