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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - how old are you? | |
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Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6191 days
Last activity: 6131 days
Posted on 10-12-05 09:49 PM Link | Quote
I just love how everyone assigns themselves a more mature mental age.

Hehe. Clock, I think we all have those times, and we can all act crazy and imature as well as mature. Comes with everyone.

But hey, if you actually ARE bi-polar, nothing wrong with that.

You put a bullet in my head, Till black turns to red! This could all end in tragedy!

Since: 08-20-04
From: Read \"Real Name\"

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Posted on 10-12-05 10:27 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Evo
I just love how everyone assigns themselves a more mature mental age.

Hehe. Clock, I think we all have those times, and we can all act crazy and imature as well as mature. Comes with everyone.

But hey, if you actually ARE bi-polar, nothing wrong with that.

Ha... I didnt assign me being mental... I am more of a older looking person...Lol

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5969 days
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Posted on 10-13-05 09:19 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, it seems like a lot of our members have mental ages. I wasn't going to post mine, but mentally and emotionally I say I'm somewhere around 25.

(Last edited by Makura on 10-13-05 12:20 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1016 days
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Posted on 10-13-05 04:46 PM Link | Quote
You know irks me, people that use the word "plus" as a segue into other sentences. Argh!! And, that's ... um.

Twenty-three, last I checked. Twenty-four very soon. Add all my past lives together, I'm over 1200 years old. Well, 1243 very soon.

You do realize that being bipolar would have nothing to do with your age. It's a mental chemical imbalance that plays havoc with your emotions and mental stability. However, if you have MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), then you can have multiple mental ages.

If you are bipolar, cool...if not, and you were confused, cool. Welcome to knowing me.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 10-13-05 07:51 PM)

Dragon Fly

Since: 09-19-05
From: Woodlawn, TN

Since last post: 6121 days
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Posted on 10-13-05 05:05 PM Link | Quote
errr, I feel old now.. I'm 25.. I turn 26 in June.. But dont feel bad folks. Have younger sisters (7 of them and one on the way) yes dad is that irresponcible. Mom stoped at 3 (yes mom and dad are devorced). Anyways the youngest (not including the one unborn) are 20 years younger then me.. yes when they are my age I'll be 45.. :: shudders a bit :: Anyways I'm 25

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5969 days
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Posted on 10-13-05 05:11 PM Link | Quote
If you don't mind me asking, Zabuza, How do you research your reincarnation? Do you do it through meditation and such or do you have other sources?

Sorry that was off topic. That's kind of creepy Murdock, no offense. You have a bigger age range with your siblings than I do with my father.

Ready to be challenged in sim battles

Since: 10-07-04
From: Petaluma,CA

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Posted on 10-14-05 09:36 AM Link | Quote

I remember the last time this thread came up...

Anywho Im 16 now, and Ive been on the board for about a year now...

Ive learned so much random stuff while ive been here.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1016 days
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Posted on 10-14-05 12:59 PM Link | Quote
Mostly a combination of meditation and my pagan friends, as far as the reincarnation thing is concerned. That, and I retain random memories from my past lives. I'll visit locations for the first times and know things I shouldn't know. Some of the personalities of my past lives overlap into my current life and occasionally surface.

One of the frequent surfacers lived in feudal Japan as a hired ninja assassin. He likes to drive my car occasionally. Fast driver. Evil driver. Wears out my tires. Tires are expensive.

Murdock, my father would be 92 if he were still alive today. My mother is 62. My eldest sibling, courtesy of my father, is 58-years-old. Half-sibling, but brother nonetheless. I'm the youngest of nine, yet still an only child. Ponder that a bit.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1637 days
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Posted on 10-14-05 05:43 PM Link | Quote
**blinks** Sounds a bit like my family...I have 3 older and 4 younger sisters...and since they're all either step-sisters or half-sisters, we're all over as far as ages are concerned...the oldest being 33 and youngest going to be 3 in December. **shrugs**

But yeah, I second that Caiori is 14...and...**remembers going to see Charley and the Chocolate Factory** I wouldn't say he's ALWAYS a bit mature for his age. **giggles**

Hmmm...and since other people are giving how old they are mentally...Well I honestly don't know how old I would be mentally. I'm 17. I'm still a child. Yes, I said it. But I want to be a child until I'm an adult. I'm going to be an adult for the rest of my life, so I'd like to enjoy the innocence of being a kid now, while I can. It goes too fast. That doesn't mean children can't be smart though. I don't mean in academics or anything either. I know how to go out with my friends and have fun. But I'm also responsible. I don't do things that hurt anyone or that could have negative permanent effects. Usually. Adult, child, whatever, I'm still human. So I'm NOT saying that I ALWAYS make the mature decision, or that I ALWAYS handle everything that life throws at me maturely, but I try. That's all anyone really can do.
There's nothing wrong with being young. Just sit back, pay attention, and don't be afraid to consult anyone with more experience than you. Always go to more than one person. For one, everyone's different, so there is more than one right way to do things, and it all depends on you too...and there is also more than one wrong way to do things. So listen to others, and train yourself to decipher what's good and bad, that kinda stuff...then when it is time, you will be older, mature, and able to be there for those who were once in your place.

Sorry for going off...I kinda stopped myself there so that there wouldn't be anymore overkill.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6427 days
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Posted on 10-14-05 07:14 PM Link | Quote
We had a poll a while ago about this, and from this thread it doesn't seem like everyone changed much. I'm 15 right now, and apparently my generation is the smartest but at the same time the most foolish, so I don't know how I rank among people my age. I sometimes think I was more mentally advanced when I was four, I'd routinely count numbers just for fun and figure out patterns to some of the most random things.

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6191 days
Last activity: 6131 days
Posted on 10-15-05 03:42 AM Link | Quote
I think Katie's the only one that's got her mental age right, and she doesn't even know.


physically : 18
Mentally : 18

W00t. We can all be mature at times, but we can all be immature too. Me being one of them. So even though I have a lot of responsibilities and I make a lot of mature decisions, I also make a lot of stupid ones too, just like others my age. So therefore I am my age mentally.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 182 days
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Posted on 10-15-05 03:53 AM Link | Quote
I'd have to say that I am the same way to be honest... at most I'm no more than a year or two older mentally than physically. I've grown more immature over the years to be honest, but I see that as a good thing, since I'm still mature where it matters.

Dragon Fly

Since: 09-19-05
From: Woodlawn, TN

Since last post: 6121 days
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Posted on 10-15-05 05:00 AM Link | Quote
Dun know a few here know me from person and online.. feel free to give a guess to what you think the mental age I give off in my domenor...
Artemis Nevermore


Since: 09-28-05
From: Cornfields

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Posted on 10-15-05 11:44 AM Link | Quote
Blah... Age.

15 now, 16 in December. Look out safe drivers, here I come!


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

Since last post: 4107 days
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Posted on 10-15-05 06:12 PM Link | Quote
My body has been in existence for 14 years. In April, it would be 15 years. But! Some say I'm pretty mature for my age. When they exclude the...zany things.

(Last edited by The Politician on 10-15-05 09:24 PM)
Fear will kill your mind and steal your love as sure as anything;
Fear will rob you blind and make you numb to others suffering

Since: 10-03-04
From: Azul Lux Orbital, Kirin Beta

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Posted on 10-15-05 07:18 PM Link | Quote
I'm 17.

But mom won't let me get my driver's license, so the sidewalks are safe...

Continued Harassment.

Since: 03-07-05
From: In pieces

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Posted on 10-16-05 11:33 AM Link | Quote
I fall in under the 18 year old category here.

And let me tell you, it sucks I wish I was 16 again, Good times back then, good times

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1016 days
Last activity: 1016 days
Posted on 10-19-05 02:14 PM Link | Quote
I'd just have to disagree with Evo's mental age of 18. I just don't buy it. Physical, maybe. Mental, no.

It's hard to take a snapshot of my life and try to peg a mental year to it. I'm more mature than I'd like to be, but I'm still a mental range of 5 to 50, and each and every number in between.

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6191 days
Last activity: 6131 days
Posted on 10-19-05 04:03 PM Link | Quote
Zabuza, I don't know what problem you have with me, but I suggest you PM me about it. I say it's hard to peg others' mental ages when you don't SEE how they react to every day life situations. But, yes, PM me if you feel like you need to get something out, please.

(EDIT : LJ doesn't count, cause I usually only post extremes in there, heh.)

(Last edited by Evo on 10-19-05 07:04 PM)

Posting Pig
Not Dead

Since: 01-12-05
From: Nowhere

Since last post: 2763 days
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Posted on 10-19-05 05:34 PM Link | Quote
I'm 17 and cannot even drive yet, how pathetic is that?

I'd say that mentally I'm about 13.. I'm not that mature at all, and I really do wish I were 13 again. Heh.
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