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Since: 08-16-04
From: Nihongo Freak Forums

Since last post: 6008 days
Last activity: 5993 days
Posted on 09-23-05 06:32 AM Link | Quote
In the month of September, we have had three deaths in the school system. I don't know about you, but that's freaking me out pretty good. Thoughts?

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6220 days
Last activity: 6160 days
Posted on 09-23-05 01:39 PM Link | Quote
Hmm..? Not heard anything about this. Is it a local thing where you are or what? Please elaborate.

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1657 days
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Posted on 09-23-05 04:56 PM Link | Quote
Let me elaborate...

I only hear this one but there was a student who was crossing a road to get to his school or to go home. Anyway, the student didn't see it coming or the driver didn't see it coming and the driver actually ran over that student crossing the road. He died, I think...

Not sure on the other two, but it happened to our area (StickMan and I worked in the same school.) and yes, it was weird to see one student getting ran over from a car and I can't recall the third one. I did remember there was two but what was the third, StickMan?

And I have to agree, 3 or 2 deaths in a school system?


Since: 08-16-04
From: Nihongo Freak Forums

Since last post: 6008 days
Last activity: 5993 days
Posted on 09-23-05 05:19 PM Link | Quote
I was talking about deaths in the school system, sorry for being so non specific.

There also that one that graduated last year that killed himself and the sub/ student teacher/ summer-schooler that was shot in a cab.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-23-05 07:10 PM Link | Quote
The rival high school to mine couldn't keep a principal for 2 years. Either they'd die off or were fired for sleeping with students.

I dunno... there are bad years when students seem to die off and then there are years when nothing happens. I wouldn't call it a sign, so much as coincidence.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5998 days
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Posted on 09-24-05 12:09 AM Link | Quote
I've been surrounded by death like that.

I mean, it could be that I' mjust extremely comfortable with death, but it doesn't really bother me. I don't think it's a sign or anything, it happens. 7 people that I was very familiar with have died within a month of eachother. 3 of them from the same thing on seperate ocasions. It's a little weird, yeah, but don't freak out over it too much.

Red Super Koopa
Watching you fall brings joy to my heart....

Since: 08-16-04
From: Oregon

Since last post: 6220 days
Last activity: 6160 days
Posted on 09-24-05 03:38 AM Link | Quote
Hmm... yeah, I don't think three deaths are anything to worry about. Especially since they're non-related. I'd be more freaked out if I was in Makura's position.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 211 days
Last activity: 211 days
Posted on 09-24-05 05:23 PM Link | Quote
That is trippy, but then again, they do say that deaths occur in threes. Don't know why, but the seem to.


Since: 10-20-04

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Posted on 09-24-05 05:40 PM Link | Quote
"Bad things come in three's."

I've known several people that have died, more than half of them being family members.... *shrugs* No big deal. It sucks but people die, it's a natural result of mortality.

I don't want anyone to feel sad or mourn me when I go. I'm gonna put it in my will that everyone that considers me a friend is required to go out to the same bar and get completely smashed.

And I know I have friends that don't get along with each other so it will also state that there are to be no fights or arguments, everyone is a friend there.

Wall Bot

Since: 08-16-04
From: the world of warcraft

Since last post: 7090 days
Last activity: 6986 days
Posted on 09-26-05 10:39 PM Link | Quote
Thats odd Makura...if that many people died that quickly around me and I actually knew and cared for them I would probably be a very dull, sad person.

Yeah I live in the area that StickMan does but I dont go to that same school...thats a shame though, IMO suicide is never a way to go....Dare I say it's a little selfish...
Artemis Nevermore


Since: 09-28-05
From: Cornfields

Since last post: 7076 days
Last activity: 7061 days
Posted on 10-01-05 12:24 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Elara
That is trippy, but then again, they do say that deaths occur in threes. Don't know why, but the seem to.

Wow, then our school is screwed.

Last year, Our assistant Football Coach/Social Sciences teacher died of cancer.
The year before, my Humananities teacher commited suicide.
I hope none of the teachers now die. I'd be sad. =(


Since: 08-16-04
From: Nihongo Freak Forums

Since last post: 6008 days
Last activity: 5993 days
Posted on 10-07-05 06:22 AM Link | Quote
News update: We've got 4 now, this one from a car accident. Not quite at Makura's record, but we're getting there.

Ready to be challenged in sim battles

Since: 10-07-04
From: Petaluma,CA

Since last post: 6743 days
Last activity: 6219 days
Posted on 10-07-05 09:22 AM Link | Quote
I think this IS a sign that kids at your school need to learn how to cross the street, learn to drive safely (no drinking please) and some may even need mental help. But other than that I think its just some weird chance in hell.

Repeated Trolling. Grow up.

Since: 08-14-04
From: Australia

Since last post: 6809 days
Last activity: 6800 days
Posted on 10-07-05 11:05 PM Link | Quote
Well 3 days ago, a kid got stabbed twice in the back at school, just before it started. I don't go to that school anymore, but I went in at 12 to visit and that was the first thing that was said to me.
Jedi Master Desroth


Since: 08-24-04
From: Macomb

Since last post: 5381 days
Last activity: 4821 days
Posted on 10-07-05 11:45 PM Link | Quote
Errr, the one that got hit went to Dakota. He was a freshman, and was drunk. He was in the middle of 21 Mile road at like 11:30 pm (A WHOLE FREAKIN HOUR AFTER ME AND BEOWULF DROVE PAST THE EXACT PLACE TO GET JETS PIZZA!!! TOTALLY BIZZARE!). They found alchol on his person, but he was dead. The driver never got prosecuted (how could they? The driver probably didnt see him in time to do anything to avoid him.) He was a football player, so maybe they were playing football by the road.. I dunno... The other graduated guy I have heard nothing more about, but me and my partner in IT Class (my partner was friends with him) think he overdosed and killed himself on purpose. My partner said that the guy asked his sister (my partners sister) if she wanted all his drugs or something (clear sign of suicide when you give your stuff away). The teacher, I dunno, all I know is that he died and I dont know him ... I dont think anyone else got hit by a car recently..
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6457 days
Last activity: 6459 days
Posted on 10-10-05 09:54 PM Link | Quote
I go to Fraser which isn't too far from you guys, some kid died last year from a car crash and a graduated senior died this year from a heroin overdose. Funny story about the first one though, a friend of mine was in a class the day after that kid died and there was some girl crying in front and to the left of him. He didn't notice her much because the seat in front of him was usually taken up. He asked "why are you crying?", she replied "Jeff died". He asked who this jeff was, and the girl said "The guy who sat in front of you!". Amazing how some people percieve the things around them.
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