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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you consider a "good game?" | |
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Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1654 days
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Posted on 05-14-05 12:27 PM Link | Quote
Interesting question eh? Now explain the reason you consider your favorite games a "good game" or if you want to add something to your good game, tell us what would you change the game about it.

For me... I want Fire Emblem hold a Valkyire Staff like in Fire Emblem 4. Not only it is very expensive to repair but save alot of time from going to start all over when one of your unit die. I mean, it would be so much easy to get Valkyrie Staff with only one uses and still cost 40,000 golds.

I also would like Fire Emblem to have a battle system mixed with FE 4 and FE5, where you can use skill to fight (and those skills kick ass! Meteor Sword is my favorite.) and capture enemy and steal their stuff. It would also save half of the money being spent on weapon that overpriced through.

It wouldn't hurt to have a little FE2 / 8 free roam where you can fight monster that appear on the map. You can train your character these way.

Oh yeah... I WANT A HUGE FRICKING MAP. By huge, I mean as huge as Fire Emblem 4 maps. It may take 11 chapters but the maps are still huge and bid.

I also like Thrica 776 hard battle system. I heard that Thrica 776 is the hardest FE game but if you want to set a record, try getting a SSS rank. I heard it is impossible to get that.

Wouldn't hurt to get a decent storyline too. I like to see something that make the plot very interesting too.

Is back!

Since: 10-01-04
From: Stafford, UK

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Posted on 05-14-05 12:41 PM Link | Quote
If people have seen my post on acmlm's they will know my favourite would be Mario games. Especially it would be SMB3.

Reasons I Like it/.consider it a good game:
It was different from the older ones
The hammer bros' suit is awesome
I can only think of ONE bug in the game, where you slide through the wall in bowser's castle
The graphics were brilliant for the NES

What I would change:
With the technology today, I would make a 3d remake of it. Much bigger levels, larger maps, the ability to use inventory items during levels and make it much more enjoyable (im not saying it wasn't but any game can be made more enjoyable by making it bigger and better)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 05-20-05 03:52 PM Link | Quote
a great storyline and a great replay value!

Death X


Since: 05-14-05
From: Cataula, GA

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Posted on 05-20-05 06:42 PM Link | Quote
A game with LOTS of blood and gore!!!
Dismembered body parts.
An occasional zombie or two.
The works.
It speaks for itself.
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

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Posted on 05-20-05 10:03 PM Link | Quote
an engine that is easy to learn but works great with complex systems later on (ex. Ocarina of Time engine, later used in Starfox Adventures) ,

a sense of accomplishment after each completed task, whether it be little or big,

smooth movement. graphics are only impressive if they're not in stillframe or a cutscene, so a simple character with great movement makes a game much better

overall uniqueness. you can't get away with copying everything from another game and expect everyone to buy it, unless all male college students become addicted to it and the game before it (you all should get the example here)

Metroid Prime is a good game to me. One of the most original first person controls ever, fun speedrun attempt, and very very hard methods of cheating. A scan strafe takes a long time to acccomplish, as does the triple bomb jump. I would like the story progression to involve a little less backtracking, something you can't avoid in Metroid (any one)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1043 days
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Posted on 05-20-05 10:11 PM Link | Quote
Two words, Katamari Damacy. Best game ever. Best music ever. I mean, rolling a giant sticky ball around to fix some error your father did while he was on some mushroom trip? Yeah, totally kick-ass coolio ever.

And the two-player game (which reminds me, I'm still missing my second controller) where you can roll up your opponent if needed...that is TOTALLY awesome.
Master Naruto


Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 05-22-05 02:41 AM Link | Quote
Sajin said it matter none.. as long as the gameplay, storyline, and reply value is good then i'll buy it. Like Psy Ops....that game was unbelievably awsome. The controls to your psychic powers were great, the storyline was great, and it DEFINATLY had reply value with cheats you got depending on how you did when you beat the could have full "mana", the bad guys be burnt bodies, clowns and some other stuff
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 05-22-05 11:10 AM Link | Quote
A good game to me has to be Pong. You just couldn't stop playing you have to play more and more and more and more. *gets lost saying "and more"*........... *blinks and shakes head with 1980s haircut*

Graphics matter, but...... IT'S PONG MAN!!! XD

Just think that this generation would talk about these games like Pac Man to their grand children.

"We used to play a game where you were a yellow dot, and you ate white dots and FRUIT! And you ran from ghosts! ahhh ghosts! But if you eat the super dot you can EAT the ghosts!"

...... That was Mike Burbiglia

But then again we would be talking about Pokemon and Final Fantasy VII to our children who play futurific games like Final Fantasy's Fantasy Fantasy FORTY-NINE!

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

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Posted on 05-24-05 01:09 PM Link | Quote
Im sure Final Fantasy will stop at 12 true, just like they planned on 5 years ago on OPM....

Then again, the new PS3 is coming out so i wont worry if they make remakes for it like they are going to on FF7, yup thats right, they are making a REMAKE of FF7, check out for the video
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 209 days
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Posted on 05-24-05 03:08 PM Link | Quote
It was only a theory. You know just think about the games that they have out now. Hard puzzels... Strategically placed items. Beating it without the guide being considered one of the highest honors in your head. XD Then again games like those to the consumer are hard to come by. I just started playing Okage. It's a good puzzel game. XD I love it.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4666 days
Last activity: 4659 days
Posted on 05-30-05 01:11 PM Link | Quote
Games nowadays need to be like Final Fantasy 7 or 6, great game, but the graphics dosent really matter. If they made a game on the next generation concols with Snes Graphics, with a fun replayvalue, think how awesome those games would be!!! Spamming 10 discs!!!! Whew, think how long that might take or something....freaking sweet, itll take over 5 years to beat that damn game!


Since: 05-30-05

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Posted on 06-01-05 06:01 PM Link | Quote
For me;
Easy controls to learn, or already familliar controls.
It either needs to be long and have a good plot (The Soul Reaver and Blood Omen plot - very good example of this) and I can let i have poor replay value

Or if it is short than it needs good replay value (like Hitman contracts... thats was insultingly short but I am still trying to get silent assasin in every level)

also a remward for things done well is nice.

Graphics although nice aren't essential to me any more, i did use to think they were more important than game play.
Toilet Master


Since: 09-24-04

Since last post: 7155 days
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Posted on 07-02-05 08:57 PM Link | Quote
While considering good games step one: make sure it does not suck or made by eletronic arts. good games are concider by if it keeps my attation (which is hard to do)but mostly their are Fps's that i play of over M games tons of violance ecpetions gandia 2, skies of arcidea, kingdom hearts, ect.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 1043 days
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Posted on 07-03-05 02:02 AM Link | Quote
You can't ask a game tester this question and expect a decent reply. In reality, no game is good anymore. I can't find any game to keep my attention for longer than 30 minutes. Mostly because of my new training, I can usually find something wrong with a game within a few minutes of playing it. And, it disgusts me to think that testers let that slide...or for that matter, that production teams let things slide in order to make deadlines.

If it works and doesn't make my console crash, it's a good game.
The Accidental Protege

Iggy Koopa
I\"m your accidental protege...
The gift, the blood, the thrownaway...\"

Since: 03-08-05
From: Marching on the city of Southern Cross

Since last post: 1275 days
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Posted on 07-03-05 12:30 PM Link | Quote
Good Game: Metroid Prime
Bad Game: Drake of the 99 Dragons.

Why Metroid Prime Rocks:
-Excellent story line
-Beautiful graphics
-FPS elements with out having to search everywhere for ammo (unless you're using missiles)
-A whole ton of puzzles to keep the story fresh
-Some genuinely scary moments
-Huge bosses that take some skill and brainwork to beat instead of the normal "blow the frickin' hell out of it".

A good game needs to have ingenuity. Without being original and creative, the game is going to play like every other game of that genre, which is going to be tiring and boring. Graphics are just a plus, unless they're so abysmally bad,you can barely tell what's going on. It has to offer something new; keep the fans satisfied by constantly adding more new, cool fun stuff to play around with.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4957 days
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Posted on 07-03-05 02:24 PM Link | Quote
This is a difficult question. But, in this matter I use the "Nothing is Perfect" philosophy and say that every game (EXCEPT MY MORTAL ENEMY:MADAGASCAR!!!!) has something good for it. Which is why, when I go to play a game, I rapidly change games. I was playing Enter the Matrix this morning (Test Level is fun with infifite enemies) and then I found myself getting bored. So I shiemmied downstairs and started playing Fire Emblem. then Mario Kartouble Dash with little bro. Then Ocarina of Time. Then Destroy All Humans. Then back to Enter the Matrix. All in 1 hour. But when a game really grabs my attention, I don't sleep. Or practicezise my Geetaur. Yeppems.

Zabuza, you're a game tester? Kickass! How much does it pay?


Since: 06-06-05
From: Hickton, CA

Since last post: 7181 days
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Posted on 07-03-05 06:12 PM Link | Quote
the game has to have as much replayability as it can possibly have, and still be a normal game. Graphics don't really matter as long as it is so much fun to keep playing that it doesn't that what your playing looks crappy.
Still, on a slighly hypocritical note, Fable is a good game. I have like 50 hours logged on each of my 2 main characters, one good and one bad, and then just random people that i play for a day. And every time i replay it it is always new in some way, thats a well crafted game.

P.S. I do realize I probably sounded like a total consumer whore on the Fable is well-crafted thing, but bear with me.
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you consider a "good game?" |

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