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#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4669 days
Last activity: 4663 days
Posted on 05-15-05 06:07 PM Link | Quote
(Did I spell that right? oh well)

Has anyone seen this anime on AdultSwim? Its like the best anime ive ever seen! It looks like cowboy bebop with samuari action in it, its the coolest!

They used the voice of spike in this anime too...and guess who it is...the same guy whom haas the same hairstyle as spike....heh, how convient....

Has anyone seen this anime? Whats your views on it?

Baron of Radical

Since: 08-19-04

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Posted on 05-15-05 07:53 PM Link | Quote
I edited the title for you...

*sigh* Yeah. Samurai Champloo is a good series. I'm still a littler erked that its been licensed though. (But i'm getting over it.)

I watched it on Adult Swim and I'm not to upset on how its being shown. It's not edited from what I can tell, and that makes me somewhat happy. I'm not used to the voices, but they aren't toooooo bad. (For a dub)

I still recommend getting your hands on the subbed version somehow.
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5880 days
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Posted on 05-15-05 10:30 PM Link | Quote
i like it, but i just didnt think they need to cuss and such too much to get their point across. i mean, i can name prob a dozen anime that can do the same but w/o such foul languages, but then again, in japan kids can watch anything. but yeah, tis good, too bad i cant show it to my lil sibblings.
Master Naruto


Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 05-16-05 12:46 AM Link | Quote
I havn't watched it yet but from the previews i've seen, I can't wait to see it. I missed it Saturday, along with Metropolis. I hoope it comes on again soon so I can check it out
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 05-16-05 11:02 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Úzúmal‹ï Nªrú†õ™
I havn't watched it yet but from the previews i've seen, I can't wait to see it. I missed it Saturday, along with Metropolis. I hoope it comes on again soon so I can check it out

they might rerun it again on thurs night, like they did with zatch and FMA... anyways, you didnt miss out on anything with metropolis -.-' horrible why do they stereotype white ppl with big ass noses in these types of anime? why why why.... -.-'

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 05-16-05 02:28 PM Link | Quote

The subbed version is way better.

I hear the voices aren't that great in the dub, and besides, aren't you people sick of hearing Spike in every single anime?

I've seen about half of the series subbed, and yeah I can say it's pretty awesome.
Master Naruto


Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 05-16-05 02:35 PM Link | Quote
Yea...they probably will rerun it again. I'm catching it!!! And they stereotype us with big noses caus we stereotype them with little eyes...O_o. I heard from Darth Darth what Samurai Champloo is like and I heard that a spike look-alike is on there. This is gonna be ab awsome anime!!!

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 05-16-05 02:37 PM Link | Quote
Picture Spike with shorts on, Feudel Japan styled clothing, and a Katana.

There's Mugen.
(Spike-lookalike character)

I like Jin more personally.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4669 days
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Posted on 05-22-05 11:58 AM Link | Quote
basicially its cowboy bebop with swords.... <.< >.>
Angel of Deceit


Since: 04-15-05
From: I thought you knew thats why I asked.

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Posted on 05-22-05 01:41 PM Link | Quote
This sounds interesting maybe i should check it out sometime. what time does it air?
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

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Posted on 05-25-05 07:59 PM Link | Quote
umm... i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it just took full metal al's timeslot during saturday... so i'm gonna guess that it's 12:30am? well let me think about this, zatch bell is on at 9:30pm, then i watch an hour of one piece, then futurama comes on, then it goes on, so it's 11:30... it reruns again on thurs night at the same time i guess =/


Since: 10-24-04
From: Kansas

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Posted on 05-28-05 09:02 PM Link | Quote
I just got done watching episode three I think it is. The two part episode where Jin and Mugen join two seperate gangs that hate each other then eventually they have to fight each other at the end. The voices didn't seem to bad Spike's voice is used as Mugen which has already been stated. I think it fits his character pretty well though since he's kind of a show-offy thinks he's best character. I wasn't to happy with Jin's voice though I thought they could of done a lot better job on that. At first when I heard it I hated it but once I heard it after a couple of lines it was a little better. I still think they could of done better and I never would of thought Jin would sound like that.

Overall I wold say to stick to the fansub if you can.

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4669 days
Last activity: 4663 days
Posted on 05-29-05 06:07 PM Link | Quote
The show aires at 1:00 in he morning on thursdays, and 1:30 on Saturdays (New epesode included)

Ive seen the first 8 epesodes with my friend Buddy, hes got the first 2 DVD's, there are 17 epesodes in all, and yes, get your hands on the Subbed verson, its way better!


Since: 10-24-04
From: Kansas

Since last post: 7116 days
Last activity: 6733 days
Posted on 05-29-05 10:05 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto

there are 17 epesodes in all!

Theres a total of 26.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 38 days
Last activity: 29 days
Posted on 05-29-05 10:09 PM Link | Quote
Man, I did not like the dub at all.

In my opinion, "Spike" just didn't fit in with Mugen at all, and Jin's voice just seemed way out of place ...

I don't know, I usually always prefer subs, but I can pass for some dubs, but I honestly just didn't like what I heard when watching this last night.

Broken Dreams


Since: 05-29-05
From: California

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Posted on 05-30-05 02:00 AM Link | Quote
I been hearing of this anime for a while now but
never got to watch it till they put it on Adult swim,
I thought it was really cool.

Everyone I swear in this whole world keeps
talking about spikes voice being on there and
that he looks just like spike well I figured we all
knew it was the same voice actor. I don't know
I just didn't really give it much thought my friends
would tell me

"oh really? thanks for pointing that out, oh by
the way did you know you hair color is brown?"

(Last edited by Broken Dreams on 05-30-05 05:03 AM)

#1 Enhancement Shaman US Ravenholdt

Since: 09-05-04
From: His Laughin' Place

Since last post: 4669 days
Last activity: 4663 days
Posted on 05-30-05 03:40 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Shinobi
Originally posted by Sajin Gorotto

there are 17 epesodes in all!

Theres a total of 26.

whoops, thanks for that!

Yeah, the guy who looks like spike has the same voice, yet a younger/immature attitude. As everyone has said, buy the subbed versions, however if you dont like all the cussing, too bad, you get it in adult swim anyway....


Since: 05-15-05
From: In the kitchen eating all the food!!!!!!!!MMM YUMMY!

Since last post: 6812 days
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Posted on 06-06-05 11:16 AM Link | Quote
I watched this show for my first time this saturday and i thought it was good but i also thought the ending to the episode i watched sucked!!! I'm gonna try and watch it next saturday but i hope it doesn't have another sucky ending hehe...
Azen Dalin


Since: 08-30-04

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Posted on 06-07-05 04:25 PM Link | Quote
Dubs alright. It could have been better. Honestly...story line is WAY to overused in Japanese animes. Not necissarily the whole Fudal Japan bit, but the "Two enemies unite to help a young girl" bit is a bit over played if you ask me.

The way it is portrayed is semi-alright. I like the fight scenes.

All-in-all, don't watch it for the plot, just the pretty pictures...


Since: 10-24-04
From: Kansas

Since last post: 7116 days
Last activity: 6733 days
Posted on 06-07-05 05:20 PM Link | Quote
I actually enjoyed the plot and the world that was portrayed. Sure the whole two samurai's helping a girl out is a bit over used. Still that doesn't mean you should stop watching this anime. Up until the last three episodes is where the real plot comes into play. I did like the earlier episodes but the last 5 episodes are fantastic and ends the series in a postive way. I like how it progresses like Bebop too, the first 24 or episodes or so have their own story to them and their own plots. While throwing in some of Jin's and Mugen's backstory into there and with the final episodes resolving the main conflict and ending the series in a great way.
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