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Since: 08-17-04
From: Hillsborough, New Hampshire

Since last post: 3770 days
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Posted on 03-12-05 10:21 AM Link
I want to watch this anime, but haven't seen any of the episodes. I read a little article in Newtype magazine about the storyline. It's about a boy and his brother doing experimenting with alchemy when things go wrong. In short, he has to sacrifice his right arm to save his brother. I think this is a good storyline, and will definitely buy this anime when it's released on DVD.

(Last edited by VGFreak877 on 03-12-05 01:21 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-12-05 10:23 AM Link
Although I haven't seen more than just a few episodes, I can say, a LOT of people claim it's perhaps the greatest anime out there, and that I wouldn't argue.

On top of that, it was directed by Bones, who also directed Cowboy Bebop, Rahxephon, and other great animes.

So yes, you are very right that it is truly probably very good.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 03-12-05 11:55 AM Link
Yeah it's a really good anime. I'm just tired of the stupid fan girls who are crowding around just to fight over Envy, Roy, and Ed. It gets kind of tiring when girls AND guys fight over bishi and bisho. Ofcourse, that's basically the consequence of putting out any anime now a days. Stupid fans who just love to talk about one anime.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-13-05 11:22 AM Link
Yeah, respect for it has seemed to somewhat drop ever since it was released.

And that reminds me VG, I'd suggest watching it subbed over dubbed. I've heard the voice overs are pretty bad ...


Since: 10-07-04
From: California

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Posted on 03-13-05 01:46 PM Link
the only thing i don't really like about the american version is the fact that they're never going to take it further than the first seison on adult swim... we'll have to buy the dvd's if we want to see the rest in english... it's all fucking merchandising... well that and the fcc... damn fcc... i never had liked them... ohe well... i still think the english dubbin was alright...

Wall Bot

Since: 08-16-04
From: the world of warcraft

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Posted on 03-15-05 02:41 PM Link
(Im a stupid fan who likes to talk about the anime, just putting my insight in)

This is one of two shows I watch weekly, the other is Ghost in the Shell which follows FMA. It airs on Cartoon Network on Adult swim at 11:30 EST. I absolutley love this show, I could easily say its one of my favorite animes of all time. The story is great, like VG said, its about two boys who are both alchemists who lost their mother and tried human alchemy which could not be possible and was very deadly. During this forbidden act one of the brothers Al lost his body and Ed tried to save him losing an arm and a leg in the process. Al is now a huge suit of armor and Ed has an auto-mail arm and leg. The story revloves around them trying to find the philosophers stone and bringing their mother back to life. Aside being one of my favorite animes of all time the story is in my opinion the best out of all types of media. It can go from happy to hatefull to shockingly sick, I litteraly shivered at a few episodes. This has great animation, music, action, story, and above all, character development. I really reccomend this to anyone who hast'n see it yet.

The voice overs/dubbing arnt that bad and I dont like subsequent (you miss some of the scenes while reading) but since its liscensed by Funimation they use their voice actors such as Major Armstrong who is voiced by the same person who did Piccolo/Vegeta for the Dragonball series.

(Last edited by TheDaftPunk on 03-15-05 05:44 PM)
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

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Posted on 03-15-05 03:07 PM Link
Whoa! Now that you mention it Major Armstrong does sound like a Chris Sabat character. Funimation did a not-bad job on this one, the story and dialogue seems to have kept its original meaning. I really like how it can go from humorus to dark in a moment, making the mood of the show very catchy. I'm also impressed with the mechanical drawings like how Ed's arm fits together and Al's whole suit.


Since: 10-20-04

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Posted on 03-15-05 03:19 PM Link
I've seen a little over half of FMA I think. I have to say that i agree with the popular opinion. It's a kick as show with a very angaging story line. It's a great story and it really does throw a lot of twists and such at you to keep you on your toes and paying attention.


Since: 03-16-05
From: Drifting twords certin oblivion...

Since last post: 7240 days
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Posted on 03-16-05 11:20 AM Link
Yea. Full metal alchemist is the $hit. Fire alchemy is awesome. I like Mustang.
Master Naruto


Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 03-16-05 02:05 PM Link
I downloaded all the episodes of Full Metal Alchemist cause you won't believe how much they cut from the Adult Swm Episodes. I got almost all of the Japanese version with english subtitles. It pissed me off so much to know how much Adult Swim cut and the cut entire episodes when they went to other towns. u_u It's sad and pathetic


Since: 03-16-05
From: Drifting twords certin oblivion...

Since last post: 7240 days
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Posted on 03-17-05 05:00 AM Link
Hahahaha i own it all in japenese......hahahaha


Since: 10-20-04

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Posted on 03-18-05 04:13 PM Link
Mustang is a dick. I hate to go with the Hero of the show but Ed just kicks so much ass. I love his arm. Hell if they could actually do stuff like that I'd voluntarily have one made for me, though hopefully without all the severe pain that he goes through whenever they have to reattach his arm or his leg.


Anyway. Ed or Scar I think are the coolest characters in the show. They both just kick ass. Greed was very cool too.


Since: 03-16-05
From: Drifting twords certin oblivion...

Since last post: 7240 days
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Posted on 03-19-05 06:19 PM Link
I think ED is a dick. He is so full of him self......i cant STAND IT! He should have died......i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE HATE HATE HAT HATE HATE HATE HATE HIM!


Since: 03-17-05
From: right behind you.......

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Posted on 03-22-05 03:16 PM Link
well, like jexim said, you'll be forced into buying them, i was. But i really dont regret it or nothing like that, its a really good anime with lots of story twists at the end.


Since: 03-25-05

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Posted on 03-25-05 05:10 AM Link
I've only seen the first couple episodes so far, but I like what I see.

As for the dubbing, I think it's safe to say that it's not the best in the world, but it's redeemed somewhat by Lust's dub. Hawt.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 03-25-05 02:02 PM Link
Originally posted by Jarukoth
I've only seen the first couple episodes so far, but I like what I see.

As for the dubbing, I think it's safe to say that it's not the best in the world, but it's redeemed somewhat by Lust's dub. Hawt.

I'm not sure, she sounds a lot like Faye.

Whom, I've heard one too many times in dubbed animes.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

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Posted on 03-25-05 03:19 PM Link
If it's funimation it could be a newer voice actress or the person's been in another anime like Case Closed or Fruits Basket or something lol. That's as far as they go sometimes. I don't think they makes as much money as GeneonPioneer does now.

Or do they?

Posting Pig
Not Dead

Since: 01-12-05
From: Nowhere

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Posted on 03-25-05 03:22 PM Link
I've only seen a couple episodes of the dub. And I must say, It sucked a massive ammount of anus.

The sub is -alot- better.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Last activity: 1 day
Posted on 03-27-05 08:41 AM Link
Originally posted by Jin
I've only seen a couple episodes of the dub. And I must say, It sucked a massive ammount of anus.

The sub is -alot- better.

As my friends always say, Ed (I think that's the one in the armor ...) sounds like some kid is talking into a bucket.

And yeah, I also heard that the kid who does the voice acting for that character is brand new, this is his first time.

Toilet Master


Since: 09-24-04

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Posted on 07-06-05 10:12 PM Link
full metal alchmist is an awsome show. the story is relley well done and the characters are well desinged so all thogether it is a good thing i do hate is how the one girl who works on ed armwas bulit in to the story she is the dumbest person in the show.
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