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True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 02-28-05 04:48 PM Link | Quote

I have created a rp based off of the CIA finding the "King Pin(Yes people the Marvel Comic idea)" of all crime. Ofcourse there's a catch too. The King Pin CAN BE existant. It's just a bunch of conspirators who want to be this leader. Thus this rp is mainly about the King Pin fanatics vs the CIA trying to find the real King Pin. Who is the real King Pin? No one really knows until all of these fanatics are wiped out, but the population rises along with the many fanatics. Male and female a like act as if they are the leader. Thus leading to a lot of over population in the jails. Only a very few know who the main conspirators of this Core of Crime are, and the few are either in jail, missing, or killed.

1. No super powers. This is a reality rp.
2. Choose a side; CIA, Neutralist, or Fanatic
3. If your a Fanatic you can be a Conspirator or just one of the wannabes.
4. CIA people can have the suits and stuff. You know the technology has to be LIMITED.
5. Conspirators can be rich and have technology too. But it needs to be LIMITED!!

~Character Forms~
Special Traits: (A flaw or positive on your personality)
Special Talents: (NO SUPER POWERS)

~My Character~
Name: Emma Gray
Side: CIA
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes. She wears a leather jacket with a light blue shirt with dark blue jeans. Under her blue shirt she wears a long sleeve shirt that is black.
Special Traits: Her personality changes when the subject is changed to something about evidence that the King Pin is really out there.
Special Talents: Hacking
Past: Horrible past dealing with the death of her mother and father at the hands of a King Pin fanatic of whom she thought was the real King Pin, but turned out to be one of the conspirators.
Present: She's in the CIA to find this Crime Master for revenge, she's constantly kept herself in control of her "Special Trait."
Future: She plans to make the best of her life after she is through. She wants to get married, have the SWWWWEEET home, with the cute pet, and the big lawn.

(Last edited by True Flight on 02-28-05 07:48 PM)
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1759 days
Last activity: 946 days
Posted on 02-28-05 05:09 PM Link | Quote
Name: Billy Steel
Side: CIA
Appearance: Likes to wear a solid Bullet proof vest, and black military pants. Silver hair, tanned skin, and contacts that make his eyes look silver. His gun is strapped to his right thigh, an extra carry pack on his left thigh, and has two holders on his shines for extra Magazine ammo.
Special Traits: Easy going, and has a bad case of being a Pyromaniac.
Job: Demolition, and assult team leader. "Tanker" as many refer to his job, since he's always the one people hide behind.
Special Talents: A Marksman by nature, and talented Bomb handleing.
Past: A Pyromaniac as a child, he had a bad habbit of burning stuff down, or blowing stuff up.
Present: Instead of being in prison for accedently blowing up his Science lab, the CIA decided to recruit him for his gun, and bomb expertees. Being only a young 19 years old, he's thought of as a rookie, untill they see him in action, and feel like the rookies themselves.
Future: Has no plans for the future, though he's enjoying his "Explosive" live he currently lives. Probably plans on jumping the ranks in his life.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 03-02-05 01:49 PM Link | Quote
{{I would really like to have some more people join in this RP... *sighs*}}

*Emma sat at her desk and tapped a pen on her nose. She jumped and logged on her computer.*

Welcome Emma



"The storm's not gonna get me."

Welcome... What are you doing?

"Give me the report data on Jeana Timberstone."


Jeana Timberstone goes under the alias UnderHisGuidingWing. Known to be a fanatic and one of the main conspirators. Her location...uknown...helpers....still to be found.

Do you have anything to add?

"Yes as a matter of fact I do."

*Emma takes out a picture of a red haired woman wearing a grey business suit. Emma stared at the picture. The woman was at a church. Behind her were the words 'We are all under His Guiding wing and Protection.'*

Thankyou. Anything else?

"Yes she attends the Miracles Presbyterian Church."

Thankyou. Anything else?



Emma annoyed by the computer began to log out and go into typing her report about her last encounter with Jeana. "I swear she gets away all the time. Not to mention the pesky task forces gets in the way too."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5156 days
Last activity: 1466 days
Posted on 03-03-05 02:57 PM Link | Quote
Name: John Ballain
Side: CIA
Appearance: Wears a black dress-shirt, black dress pants, black combat boots, and is often seen with two revolvers in the holsters of his gun. He has pale blue eyes, and black hair. He is about 40 years old, but lacks most wrinkles.
Special Traits: Positive--John has good control of his temper, and is cool in hard situations, He is also confident in himself. Negative--Smokes, his confidence sometimes leads to cockyness.
Job: Investigation, and undercover operations.
Special Talents: Revolver skills. Can do Ocelot style tricks with them. Is very accurate and can reload quickly.
Past: Broke several major crime cases, sending him up in rank.
Present: Teaches and recruits people to the CIA. His expertise in every aspect of the CIA comes because of his age. He is one of the most valuable to the CIA in areas of crime investigation.
Future: John hopes to eventually make head of the CIA, but he knows doing so will interfere with his undercover jobs.
Dark Vader


Since: 10-21-04
From: Menzoberanzan

Since last post: 7128 days
Last activity: 7114 days
Posted on 03-04-05 09:54 AM Link | Quote
Name: Logan Cain
Appearance: white hair, brown eyes, a scar that runs from his left temple done to his right jaw
Special traits: Positive - creative, will determine a way to use anything that is not orthodox. Negative: trigger-happy, tends to waste more ammo than is really nessessary
Job: Undercover/intel
Speacial talents: He can blend in with any crowd.
Past: the most popular kid in every school he went to, he learned the ability to change personalities to fit in with various groups.
Present: The best undercover agent that the CIA has to offer.Has a girl friend, who he tells he is away on business when he goes undercover. Plans to propose soon
Future: Plans to retire from the CIA and get a job in buisiness after the deal with the King Pin is over.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5156 days
Last activity: 1466 days
Posted on 03-04-05 10:29 AM Link | Quote
John stepped behind Emma, he placed his left hand upon her shoulder. He smiled and said...

"Hello Emma, I see you are a tid bit frustrated by your computor today. Anything I can help you with?"

John was a fairly attractive male. He looked as if he was twenty, with only a few wrinkles to give his true age away. His pale blue eyes seemed to pierce into one's soul, and he always could see people's true feelings.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 03-04-05 06:31 PM Link | Quote
Emma looked up at John. "No I'm not having any problems with my computer, I'm frustrated by myself." She taps on her computer some more. "Everytime I find something on this King Pin, it's deleted right at the spot. Everything. I don't even have enough time to hack in." Emma sighs and looked at the screen to her computer. "I don't blame the computer, infact I never have, because I understand that a computer only understands on, off, and reset." Emma laughed and looked back at John she closed her report and saved it.

Emma looked at the wall as she stood up from her desk. "And this 'UnderHisGuidingWing' is getting on my nerves too. I'm beginning to think that she is one of the main conspirators. Everytime, everytime, I get close to her she's always at the same church as me. And I can't even arrest her there, because of 'Separation of Church and State' not to mention my cover would be ruined." Emma turned around and put her hands to her sides. "The last time I got so close to arresting her, and it wasn't her, it was her weakling fanatic lackey. She's fooling with me. I know she is." Emma sighed and looked at the ground. "I'm beginning to also think that she's just another stupid fanatic, only a richer one."
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1759 days
Last activity: 946 days
Posted on 03-04-05 09:44 PM Link | Quote
"Holy Crap that was a RUSH!" Billy yelled loudly, it disturbed most of the quiet workers around the building, as he came marching in. His face was a pitch black, and his SWAT-like cloths were on the singed side... He had a white towel haning on the back of his neck.

He grinned to himself, showing his pearly white teeth as me marched by Emma. A few people pulling on Billy, trying to get him to calm down, but to little avail.

"Ah common, get off me already." He batted them off him, as he stopped over to his foot locker he had stored to the side of the room... He was still laughing like a nut, apperenly over somthing that happened to him not a moment ago.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5156 days
Last activity: 1466 days
Posted on 03-05-05 03:23 PM Link | Quote
John smiled at Billy. It was usual for him to set random things on fire and laugh. John simply patted out the flames on Billies back and turned back to Emma.

"Of course it isn't your fault. But you are getting too worked up over one person. Don't use your predjudice against her to falsely judge the evidence. That will get you in more trouble than it will do you good."

John's face showed all of the serious needed on the subject of the Kingpin.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 03-05-05 03:49 PM Link | Quote
Emma looked at John and nodded. "Yeah, I need to relax," she said finally. Emma looked at her laptop courier and wallet. "You know, it was also the SWAT team's fault that she escaped too. If they hadn't gotten in my way I----" Emma shook her head. "Then again it's my fault too. I should've told the SWAT team I had a lead..." She picked up her laptop courier and wallet and walked towards John. "Thanks you know, I should relax. I'm going to take a break." She smiled and walked away putting a hand through her hair. "To be honest this whole failure in the operation was everyone's fault. It's the CIA that's supposed to bring in the culprate and if everyone fails, the CIA fails."
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1759 days
Last activity: 946 days
Posted on 03-05-05 04:23 PM Link | Quote
"Hey hey now!" Billy grinned as he threw his right arm around her shoulders, and slightly leaned into her. His face was nearly cleaned, and he had a tanktop on, still wearing his singed military pants.

"You know I can't be at fault, I just blow stu.... err, 'Disarm the Explosives'" He corrected himself trying to sound professional. "Hey, I'll buy ya a drink, that always cheers me up!" He grinned to himself still having the towl around his neck, all the while slightly shaking Emma with his arm, having his hand slighly off her oppasite shoulder of him.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5156 days
Last activity: 1466 days
Posted on 03-05-05 05:22 PM Link | Quote
Johnny laughed again, he pulled Billy off of Emma, and allowed to leave. She's gonna go work anyway, whe'll just use her lap-top.

"Hey now Billy, What did I tell you? I said that you need to calm down and not set somuch crap on fire. Set the wannabe Kingpins on fire, they deserve it. Screwing up our leads and all."

John turned and walked to his office. He opened the lap-top and clicked the keys repeatedly. He was writing summary reports of his team. Emma was doing well, but Billy was currently showing no improvement, John wanted to say that billy was regressing, but he knew that without any action, Billy was not the best to have around.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 03-05-05 05:22 PM Link | Quote
"Oh yeah?" Emma gave an affectation(OOH VOCAB WORD) of happiness towards Billy... "Really you don't have to buy me a drink," Emma said smiling. Emma looked at the burn boy.

I would really like to play around with security systems to get this out of my head, Emma thought.
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1759 days
Last activity: 946 days
Posted on 03-05-05 07:56 PM Link | Quote
Billy chuckled to himself as he drapped his arm back around Emma, and began to lead her to the door.

"Johnny-boy, you gatta understand, I didn't set myself up on fire. A new experimental bomb blew up in my face during training." He mused to himself, even though he knew fell well the dangers of it. He face was charcoled temporarily, even though he was wearing a helmet. "Noone's perfect, my friend...

Now how bout that drink? You can take a laptop and mess around on the net with whateva it is your craving to do." He laughed to himself once more. "Seen as how Johnny-boy is too good for a drink now an then." He mused, teasing Johnny
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 03-05-05 10:20 PM Link | Quote
Emma smiled and walked out with Billy. She kept her fake grin for the longest time ever. Her eyes still were filled with anger towards the SWAT team for getting the wrong person. She took out a picture of Jeana. "I also have more information on our main mission too Billy, and mainly some complaints on your ill-trained team too." She smiled slyly. "Maybe we can solve this over some drinks hm?"
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1759 days
Last activity: 946 days
Posted on 03-05-05 10:35 PM Link | Quote
"Eh-heh..." A Coy little grin slipped upon his face as he neared the bar. "Yea... I may be the leader, but I'm not the trainer... I'll have to speak with him on a later note." He chuckled to himself. "I also had a complaint that one of the trainees likes practical jokes, so he's been switching the wires around..."

He finally slipped his arm off her shoulders to find himself a seat, and plopped down into it as if it was the softest thing in the world.

"Waitress!" He hollored over to on of the young waitresses. They all looked up from their job annoyed at him... marking this to not be a suprise he's there...
Dark Vader


Since: 10-21-04
From: Menzoberanzan

Since last post: 7128 days
Last activity: 7114 days
Posted on 03-06-05 01:39 AM Link | Quote
*Logan walks into Johny's office shortly after Billy and Emma left.*

You wanted to see me sir?
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 03-06-05 04:10 PM Link | Quote
Emma smiled weakly at the waitress. "Um... I'll have a Sprite. It's all I can stomach right now." The waitress nodded and looked at Billy.

Emma lost in her own mind right now took out her laptop. She smiled as she began to type on it. Her mind went back to her training from her last partner.

"Everything has a back door," he said, "remember that."

"Right I will..." Emma said typing at the security system. "But finding the backdoor is harder than entering through the front."

"You have to think on that Emma," he said. "And you know what? You always have thought outside the box." He put in two keys.

Emma looked at the screen. "If it was that easy why did you make it so hard?"

"Those are the easy levels in this exercise," he walked away. "Gotta think way outside the box too. Keep trying."

Emma looked at the screen and typed going through the many exercises. Her eyes concentrated on the laptop until she looked at Billy. "You gonna order?"
Kaijin Surohm
Living the dream

Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 1759 days
Last activity: 946 days
Posted on 03-06-05 04:44 PM Link | Quote
"Yea..." He chuckled as he looked up at the waitress. "I'll have the-"

CRACK! The big red handprint quickly planted on Billy's face crackled throughout the bar. The waitress then picked up her pen and notepad and was ready to order.

"-Usuall..." He blinked, his head turned the oppasite way due to the force of the slap...

He turned and looked at Emma with an amusing look, while rubbing his face.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 03-06-05 05:09 PM Link | Quote
Emma shook her head. "Billy, I'm not going to ask where that came from, but that makes me think that you made her really upset about something. Ofcourse your personal life is secret." Emma held in her laugh. She closed her eyes, held her sides, and begin to giggle. It was very hard to hold in her laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She laughed so hard she fell out of her seat. "I've never seen someone actually do that in life." She said taking out a napkin and wiping her tears. She sighed. "I have never laughed like that in a long time."
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