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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Favorite line from movie and song | |
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Since: 09-12-04

Since last post: 6369 days
Last activity: 3054 days
Posted on 03-02-05 03:58 PM Link | Quote
this might be be here but it has movies and songs in it

Favorite move line (The Girl Nextdoor)
guy- how does it feel to be such a young porn director and not gone to collage couldnt this affect it.
Forgot guys name- STFU next question.

that mayed me giggle lol

Favorite song line-
From Autumn to ashes
Short Stories with tragic endings-

Did you ever look, did you ever see that one person,
and the subtle way that they do these things and it hurts so much?
So much like choking down the embers of a great blaze.
It's that moment when your eyes seem to spread aspersions
and to scream confessions at the insipid sky parting clouds.
You let this one person come down in the most perfect moment.
And it breaks my heart to know the only reason you are here now is
A reminder of what I'll never have
I'll never have... I'll never...
Standing so close knowing that it kills me to breathe you in.
Standing so close knowing that it kills me to breathe you in.

thats mine

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5859 days
Last activity: 5125 days
Posted on 03-02-05 06:29 PM Link | Quote
Here are asome good ones..

Boondock Saints - "Hey fuck ass get me a beer!"

Fight Club - "I want you to hit me as hard as you can"

As for songs..

Bloodhound Gang- Hell Yeah " Thou shalt not worship false Bill Idols....and thou shalt add the book of flavor- flav to the bible."
X Marks the Spot
Lack of maturity
Hack threats
IM Harassment

Since: 10-06-04
From: Petaluma, CA

Since last post: 6643 days
Last activity: 6528 days
Posted on 03-02-05 08:46 PM Link | Quote
Well, here's mine...

99 dream I have had
In every one a red balloon
It's all over and I'm standing pretty
In this dust that was a city
If I could find a souvenier
Just to prove the world was here
And here is a red balloon
I think of you and let it go

Awesome, huh?


Since: 02-02-05
From: U.S.A.

Since last post: 6458 days
Last activity: 6080 days
Posted on 03-03-05 06:26 AM Link | Quote
Movie: American Wedding Stifler - "It's time to boom boom with the brides maids, Im gonna hang out with my wang out, and im gonna rock out with my cock out!"

Song: STYX "Crystal Ball" - "I wonder what tomorrow has in mind for me, or am I even in its mind at all, perhaps ill get a chance to look ahead and see. Soon as I found myself a crystal ball.

Posting Pig
Not Dead

Since: 01-12-05
From: Nowhere

Since last post: 2654 days
Last activity: 2513 days
Posted on 03-03-05 08:03 AM Link | Quote
Movie: Donnie Darko

Gretchen: You're weird.
Donnie: Sorry.
Gretchen: No, that was a compliment.

Gretchen: Donnie Darko? What the hell kind of name is that? It's like some sort of superhero or something
Donnie: What makes you think I'm not?

Kitty Farmer: I'll tell you what he said. He asked me to forcibly insert the Life Line exercise card into my anus.

Dr. Lilian Thurman: The search for God is absurd?
Donnie: It is if everyone dies alone.

Music: Deadsy - Brand New Love

Follow what you feel, you alone will decide what's real.


Since: 01-15-05
From: The Shadowlands

Since last post: 6358 days
Last activity: 5317 days
Posted on 03-04-05 11:25 AM Link | Quote
Favorite line from a movie:
"I'm your huckleberry"- (Doc Holiday)Tombstone
"Shut your fat ass Rainy, I can't buy a pack of smokes without running into nine guys you fucked"- Roco from Boondock saints

Favorite line from a song:
"I feel irrational, so confronational, to tell the truth I'm getting away with murder"- 'Getting away with murder' by Papa Roach
Van Rhanell

Missile Bot

Since: 08-15-04
From: Fraser, Michigan

Since last post: 6318 days
Last activity: 6321 days
Posted on 03-05-05 02:37 PM Link | Quote
my favorite movie line would be from the Spongebob Squarepants movie: "You don't need a liscense to drive a sandwich"

from a song, Solace, by Diecast
"Pain has a face......allow me to show it to you"

Since: 08-14-04

Since last post: 1518 days
Last activity: 1518 days
Posted on 03-05-05 03:41 PM Link | Quote
"He could make a deal you can't refuse." - Godfather. (It actually mean that they are holding a gun to your head, and you get two choice.)

"10 years ago, your past self, prayed for your happiness." - ~A letter from the lost day.~ Came from Silent Hill soundtrack so I am just going to put this under song.

"You think it would be that easy?"
"For a second there, yes, I actually thought it would." - Kill Bill, Vol. 1.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 606 days
Last activity: 415 days
Posted on 03-05-05 08:03 PM Link | Quote
Seriously, if you're going to pick a line from Boondock Saints, it has to be:

"Is it dead?"


But from my favorite movies from Princess Bride :

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father prepare to die!"

"I'm not left-handed either."

And the line that oddly made me cry. From Finding Neverland (it also got me going in Hook :

"To die would be a great adventure!"

From a song and I'll just leave it at the lyrics:

"Be they ugly or unsightly,
Or just plain make you sick,
Every girl is pretty with her lips wrapped 'round your..
Hey nonny nonny nonny, hey nonny nonny nonny!"

(Last edited by Rogue on 03-05-05 11:04 PM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 72 days
Last activity: 72 days
Posted on 03-06-05 02:30 AM Link | Quote
Ah yes, you gotta love the Poxy Boggards lyrics!

Hmn, let me see... movies, this is gonna be long:

"Wyatt... I am rolling." - Doc Holiday, Tombstone (damn you Cryus!)

"Is it dead?" - Roco, Boondock Saints

"He just wants his machette back!" - The professer guy from Jason X

"Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains." - King Theoden, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

"The enemy? His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he comes from, and if he really was evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home, or he would not rather have stayed there... in peace? War will make corpses of us all." - Faramir, The Two Towers

"Shall I describe it to you... or would you like me to find you a box?" - Legolas, The Two Towers

"That only counts as one!" - Gimli, Return of the King

Songs... oh boy:

"If you die when there's no one watching then your ratings drop and your forgotten, but if they kill you on their TV you're a martyr and a lamb of God." - Marilyn Manson, Lamb of God

"Death is the first dance, eternal... deceit is the second without end... Love is the Dance of Eternity" - Dream Theater, Metropolis part 1 - "The Miracle and The Sleeper (three parts brought together)

"Old loves they die hard, Old lies they die harder" - Nightwish, Wish I Had An Angel

"The worst is over now and we can breathe again. I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away" - Seether feat. Amy Lee, Broken

"I don't need your prayers, I don't need your religion, I don't need a thing from you" - Dope, Die MF Die

"You cannot sedate all the things you hate, I don't need your hate, I decide my fate" - Marilyn Manson, Dogma

"Pseudo-morals work real well on the talk shows for the weak, but your selective judgements and goodguy badges don't mean a fuck to me" - Marilyn Manson, Get Your Gunn

"The minute that it's born it begins to die, I'd like to just give in, I'd like to live this lie" - Marilyn Manson, The Minute of Decay

Yeah, I have a lot... and this was ignoring most of them.


Since: 01-15-05
From: The Shadowlands

Since last post: 6358 days
Last activity: 5317 days
Posted on 03-06-05 07:20 PM Link | Quote
Now you shall recieve us
We do not ask for your poor or your hungry
We do not want your tired or sick
It is your corrupt we claim
It is your evil that shall be sought by us
With every breath we shall hunt them down
Each day we will spill their blood
Till it rains down from the skys
Do not kill, Do not rape, Do not steal
These are principles that every man
Of every faith can embrace
These are not polite suggestions
These are codes of behaviour
And those of you that ignor them
Shall pay the dearest cost
There are varying degrees of evil
We urge you lesserforms of filth
Not to push the bounds and cross over
Into true corruption, into our domain
For if you do one day you will look behind you,
And see we three,
And on that day you will reap it
And we shall send you to whatever god you wish

In nomine patris, Et fili, Et spiritus sancti

From the Boondock Saints.
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Favorite line from movie and song |

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