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Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 36 days
Last activity: 27 days
Posted on 09-23-18 06:49 PM Link | Quote
- Oreo cereal this morning
- Frozen pizza for lunch
- Oreo's and chocolate almond milk for a snack
- Finishing up the last of an old box of Oreo cereal for dinner after pouring another glass of chocolate milk

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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 09-25-18 11:11 PM Link | Quote
This speaks to me.

We ate at The Habit for dinner. I had a Cobb salad, because I've been eating like shit for months. Really would have preferred a cheeseburger, but The Habit does make some great salads.


Since: 05-27-14

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Posted on 10-14-18 09:11 AM Link | Quote
sausage sandwich with pepsi max.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 10-14-18 05:36 PM Link | Quote
Went out for donuts and Mexican food because I'm a piece of shit.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 36 days
Last activity: 27 days
Posted on 01-03-19 10:25 PM Link | Quote
I think this is my new favorite thing in the world.

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 553 days
Posted on 01-03-19 11:51 PM Link | Quote
Oh yeah, that is good stuff. I was using Califia's coconut-flavored almond milk with cereal, but it had a kind of weird taste for me.

I ate Carl's Jr. for dinner. Yeah, nothing earth shattering, though I really need to cut down on the fast food.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 36 days
Last activity: 27 days
Posted on 01-04-19 09:16 PM Link | Quote
I've been pretty happy with Hyvee's own brand of almond milk for a few years now. Not sure if that's out Westcoast though. I did So Delicious coconut milk for a few years but it seemed to get worse and worse over time... even got consistently cloudy, that's freaking nasty to pour over your cereal. Almost milk seems way more consistent.

I've been big on coffee over the last few years since I got a data entry job, haha. So yeah I kind of finally realized, since I'm a sucker for fancy mixed coffee blends but stay away from dairy normally, I should look into the alternatives for coffee too. Definitely happy with this Califia brand. I just wish there were some options at my work in the vending machines. It's just a bunch of Starbucks stuff.


Since: 05-27-14

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Posted on 02-10-19 10:21 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeoman
- Oreo cereal this morning
- Frozen pizza for lunch
- Oreo's and chocolate almond milk for a snack
- Finishing up the last of an old box of Oreo cereal for dinner after pouring another glass of chocolate milk

that sound like my girlfriend's dream tbh

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 36 days
Last activity: 27 days
Posted on 02-11-19 12:37 AM Link | Quote
I don't recommend it.

I'm glad I fell back off my cookies kick again, lol. Think some of those pounds have maybe fallen off.

Can't stop the chocolate milk though. NEVER!
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - What are you eating? |

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