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If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 707 days
Last activity: 516 days
Posted on 10-28-17 10:49 PM Link | Quote
Creamy potato soup. Cheese optional, but preferred. Broccoli bonus. No bread bowl necessary.

Stir in some sriracha (if available) and I'm a happy camper.

It's ultimate comfort food. When the weather turns cold, I FANTASIZE about creamy potato soup.

Have you ever had to remind yourself to "Let people enjoy things"?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 161 days
Last activity: 150 days
Posted on 10-28-17 10:58 PM Link | Quote
Think I've been trying to tell myself that a lot lately. Been really irritable at others recently for some reason, stress I guess...

Do you leave your heat on 24/7 in the winter?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Last activity: 516 days
Posted on 10-28-17 11:40 PM Link | Quote
Living in SoCal, no.

If you wanna talk air-conditioning, though? I've got that shit on right now, 8:30 at night in late October.

What's the last thing you made with your hands?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 173 days
Last activity: 173 days
Posted on 10-30-17 10:09 PM Link | Quote
A temporary pull card for the series 3 Apple watch, since we still haven't got real ones.

I will be starting some thumbtack dragon eggs soon, though.

What was your least favorite type of candy to get on Halloween as a kid?


Since: 07-16-17
From: Somewhere in Time

Since last post: 2578 days
Last activity: 2516 days
Posted on 10-31-17 01:19 AM Link | Quote
Anything that tastes remotely like licorice. Yuck.

What's between a rock and a hard place?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 173 days
Last activity: 173 days
Posted on 11-01-17 06:44 PM Link | Quote
A tight spot?

Do you care that the World Series is going on right now?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 707 days
Last activity: 516 days
Posted on 11-01-17 08:49 PM Link | Quote
I actually do, and I have been watching. I've been a lifelong Dodgers fan AND one of my favorite guys on the team went to Mayfair at the same time I did, then attended CSUF. He's the one who looks like Tormund.

Actually there's at least one former Titan on the Astros too, but I still bleed Dodger blue.

Seriously, baseball is the only sport I've ever cared about. I was much deeper into it in the '90s, but I still root for them. There's a lot of sentimental reason.

You had an extraordinarily bad day at work. What's your call for action on getting home?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 173 days
Last activity: 173 days
Posted on 11-01-17 11:19 PM Link | Quote
I am hoping they pull off a small miracle then from what I heard of the score....

Let's see... bad day. Well, if there is whiskey in the house, then I pick up a small bottle of pepsi and Kaleb and I have a drink when he gets home. Otherwise, it is just snuggle with cats. Maybe go to the brew works for dinner since I won't feel like cooking.

All of that was hard to type since my K key seems to be acting up. I need to take this thing apart and clean under the keys.

What is your favorite scent for stuff like incense, candles, etc?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 707 days
Last activity: 516 days
Posted on 11-02-17 09:33 AM Link | Quote
I've lately been buying these Paddywax Library Ex Libris candles -- that come at a stupid high mark-up -- inspired by different authors. The first one I ever bought was "Mark Twain," which was scented "Tobacco flower and vanilla." I've also got "Jane Austen" (gardenia, tuberose, and jasmine), and I recently got "John Steinbeck" (smoked birch and amber.) My favorite to burn was "Leo Tolstoy" (black plum, persimmon, and oakmoss.)

I buy really random candles. The only two I ever got from Bath and Body Works were these large three-wick ones scented after cities. The London one, which I burned all the way down was lemon and tea. The Rome one is called "Espresso Cafe" and smells like coffee. I seem to buy a lot of coffee ones. I don't want to buy dessert-scented because it'll just make me hungry, but the coffee and tea-scented ones just give off a sense of comfort.

What is your dream vacation destination?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 173 days
Last activity: 173 days
Posted on 11-02-17 09:07 PM Link | Quote
Heh... a tour tracing the evolution of western civilization. Start in Crete for the Minoan civilization, then visit the various countries that played roles in the major empires and civilizations... I figure it would cover pretty much all of Europe and a good chunk of Asia and Africa. Basically... I want to travel the world.

If I have to do a short one... it's a toss up between Hawaii and Belgium. Kona coffee and volcanos or chocolate and beer. Tough call.

What is your favorite metallic color (silver, gold, copper, iron, etc)?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 707 days
Last activity: 516 days
Posted on 11-04-17 02:16 PM Link | Quote
Out of those, copper.

Outside of those, gun metal and pewter.

I just don't go for overly shiny. I like a good patina.

What would you consider to be the greatest physical object that you have ever seen with your own eyes (i.e. not online, in a book, etc)?


Since: 07-16-17
From: Somewhere in Time

Since last post: 2578 days
Last activity: 2516 days
Posted on 11-05-17 01:00 AM Link | Quote
The beach of Santa Monica as it is beginning to get dark at night.


You can only have ones, dreams or safety.

If you take dreams, there's more risk, certainly, but you will be far happier than if you took the safe route in this scenario. If it fails, you've pretty much got nothing though, and are likely not going to be very happy lol.

If you take safety, you will still be relatively happy, and able to care for yourself with certainty, but you may wonder what may have been.


Since: 02-06-10

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Posted on 11-06-17 07:50 PM Link | Quote
No asking question? I'll give one then:

What are some of the best ways to travel if you could do them freely without consequence?

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 173 days
Last activity: 173 days
Posted on 11-06-17 08:44 PM Link | Quote
Driving... you see the most that way.

What are your thoughts on otamatones? (Please, do look them up if you don't know what I mean)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 707 days
Last activity: 516 days
Posted on 11-08-17 10:54 PM Link | Quote
They're ... cute? Well, it reminds me of playing a key-tar when I was a kid in the late '80s/early '90s.

When's the last time you bought a DVD and what was it?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 161 days
Last activity: 150 days
Posted on 11-13-17 11:20 PM Link | Quote
I seriously think the last two I bought were The Force Awakens and Rogue One like a year ago.

What was the last video game you beat?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 707 days
Last activity: 516 days
Posted on 11-15-17 12:26 AM Link | Quote
This one sort of breaks my heart because I didn't realize I'd just beaten story mode on "Assassin's Creed IV" until the credits were rolling and I'm internally screaming, "This is IT?! WHAT!?!?!"

Literally just beat it 20 minutes ago, and I'm still raw about it. I thought there was more story after this.

What does your "cool" outfit look like?

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 161 days
Last activity: 150 days
Posted on 11-25-17 10:23 PM Link | Quote
Jeans and hoodie.

What's your main PC? A laptop or desktop? How many monitors do you have hooked up?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 707 days
Last activity: 516 days
Posted on 11-26-17 08:33 AM Link | Quote
Brandon and I primarily use his desktop computer that's in our room. It's got his flat screen monitor and our flat screen TV, hanging on the wall, linked so you can drag the cursor and windows over to it. We'll use that to watch Netflix, HBO Now, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, etc.

Otherwise if someone's using it, the other will just sit in the same room on their phone. We recently bought an Apple off a friend, which Bran put in a spare bedroom to record and engineer music, but it's not nearly as used by us.

How well do you remember when things happened? For example, can you remember each day of last week and what you did, where you went, who you talked to on each day individually?

(Last edited by Rogue on 11-29-17 09:23 AM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

Since last post: 161 days
Last activity: 150 days
Posted on 11-27-17 10:28 PM Link | Quote
Now that you ask... I don't remember last week very well at all, haha. Guess my short term memory is resorted to just a few previous days. I think I remember the weekends a little better, so the work week is kind of a blur.

What's your favorite fruit and vegetable?
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