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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Greatest Batman Villian. (Joker Excluded) | |
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Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
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Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 07-01-10 01:59 PM Link | Quote
My vote goes to Victor Zsasz insane psychopath who kills and then carves a tally mark into his body. Also Batman can even be quoted in Batman: Cacophony as saying Victor Zsasz is my most hated villian.

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Since: 08-15-04
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Posted on 07-01-10 02:09 PM Link | Quote
So we can't vote for Joker because we are giving the others a chance?

Um... I think I will go with Scarecrow. Honestly, the guy is just too messed up not to pick him.

The one true Xeodent

Since: 01-08-10
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Posted on 07-01-10 02:13 PM Link | Quote
I agree with Elara. Besides the Joker, Scarecrow has always been my favorite. I tell you this all the time, Vince He is just the right amount of insane, and I love his plans. I dislike the Hatter, though. He doesn't do much.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 07-02-10 03:34 AM Link | Quote
Other than Harley, Ivy and Catwoman, my favorite would be Mr. Freeze. Freeze was always sort of an anti-villain who only becomes such out of necessity to try to preserve his wife's life. He's simply the most tragic of Batman's villains, and probably among the most underrated.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
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Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 07-06-10 02:09 AM Link | Quote
I absoultely detest the scarecrow! I hate drug addicts as villains (exception Bane). The only reason he's crazy is because he od's all the time and his plans are giving people anxiety attacks he doesn't lead towards anything. The Hatter is an okay villain, I mean when he's written by a competent author. Mr. Freeze is my LEAST FAVORITE VILLAIN OF ALL TIME!!!! he's just a depressed nerd who likes the cold. BTW change of my favorite villain finished cacophony. Onomonapia is a great villain!
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Since: 08-29-04
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Posted on 07-06-10 02:15 AM Link | Quote
Neo Mr. Freeze (aka animated series and on) is one of the most dramatic comic book villains in popular culture. He has purpose, depth, believability, and even the ability to be sympathized with when he's doing evil things.

Also, Scarecrow makes a great foil for Batman and his emotional insecurities, showing that he's a great hero because he's not perfect but he still gets the job done.

I feel like we're reading different stuff here.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
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Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 07-06-10 02:22 AM Link | Quote
The scarecrow is completely useless in The Long Halloween and the sequel who's name escapes me. He was only useful in showing batman's weak side when he was being controlled by Ra'as. Mr. Freeze is a man who is brilliant and could get any job that he'd ever want but continually decides to try his hand at crime, that's why i can't get behind him. Victor Zsasz was a rich man who lost everything (including his family) he sees the world filled to the brim with people who only exist they don't live so he releases them from their ball and chain lives. Onomonapia lives two lives which he seperates quite nicely. He kills those who break the law and goes home to his family. He is ruthless and cunning, and cold blooded. Beautifully written.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 07-06-10 08:24 AM Link | Quote
I'm just going to leave these up.

It's OK if you don't like Mr. Freeze. Like I've said he's thoroughly underrated and many think he's just boring. That's fine. I didn't fully appreciate him until years after watching the animated series.

My other top favorite is probably Catwoman. She just likes taking the pretty things and she's not interested in killing anyone to get them.
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
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Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 07-06-10 03:31 PM Link | Quote
I like Catwoman alot.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

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Posted on 07-06-10 06:25 PM Link | Quote
Coming from a guy who never watched the series, read any comics, read two of the novels (like, a book, without pictures), played Batman Arkham Asylum, and saw the movies.

So...I'm going for Twoface, just because he's a bit more complicated than most of the other villains. He protected Gotham for about a year when Batman left for training, and he allied with Jim Gordon during the No Mans Land thing.

Ball and Chain Trooper

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Posted on 07-06-10 07:26 PM Link | Quote
Those two videos Rogue were better than watching Batman Forever / & Robin altogether.

Seriously though, I always liked Mr. Freeze a lot as well. Him and Two Face might be my favorites, the more sympathetic villains.

I can admit I honestly didn't like Scarecrow that much until Batman Begins (even if he wasn't amazing in that) and Arkham Asylum. Just made me really think that he's a little more than meets the eye I guess. But still not exactly my favorite.

His story is a little silly and most don't seem to like him as much as I do, but I've always been a huge fan of Clayface. That three parter set of episodes in the 90's series was incredible. I don't remember liking anything the later shows did with him though. Maybe I preferred he had that tragic ending.

It's funny but one thing I loved so much about Arkham Asylum (and I know I really need to read the comic! along with many others) is that it really did a good subtle job at making you realize Batman is just as insane as a lot of Gotham's villains. In a way him and Joker definitely have some kind of bromance going on, without Batman what would the Joker do? And without the Joker and everyone else, what would Batman do?

I'm still waiting to see something handle the Riddler well. Maybe he'll appear in the next Arkham game, I dunno. His interviews and such in the game though were hilariously crazy. In a way though, I kind of think him and the Joker are pretty similar ... just like to play games, but the Joker is probably far more psychotic.

Catwoman and Ivy can be awesome, since they kind of dance on the line between good and evil. Characters like that are always awesome in my book.

(Last edited by Xeu on 07-06-10 07:27 PM)
Squire Vince

Storm Eagle
is watching you, he sees your every move.

Since: 04-17-10
From: Victorian London.

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Posted on 07-06-10 10:22 PM Link | Quote
Xeu thank you so much I totally forgot about the Riddler, now that my opinion is void because of my third switch. But if you take solace in anything i say the Riddler has and always will be my favorite character in all of the batman series (save the Joker and Batman).
True Flight

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Posted on 07-07-10 04:39 AM Link | Quote
Two Face... Hands down. *flips coin*
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Greatest Batman Villian. (Joker Excluded) |

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