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Since: 08-29-04
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Posted on 06-04-09 03:06 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
Out of all the major geek blockbusters this season (among Watchmen, Wolverine, Star Trek or Terminator), I'd say Star Trek was definitely the best of the bunch (although my preference falls on Terminator and Watchmen, but that's just me).

It was pretty damn cool. Love that they finally showed Kirk's Kobayashi Maru and some of Sulu's swordplay. Above all I LOVE that Majel still played a part in it before she died. This movie's definitely something special.

So between Wolverine and Star Trek, yeah, definitely Trek.

Wolverine and Terminator were not good. Watchmen and Star Trek were both amazing. Star Trek was the better film.

Case closed.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 06-04-09 06:14 PM Link | Quote
Awhile back someone made a really good comparison about the new Terminator movie, compared to the old ones.

It's like T1-T2 is Alien, and T4 is Aliens. Same universe, very different takes on the series (I mean really both T1 and also Alien come off as horror films I'd say).

...That said, yeah unlike my friends I don't think T4 could even be compared to Star Trek, or Watchman for that matter. Those were definitely top tier stuff this year. T4 is something I could probably watch again and Wolverine, nah, no thanks.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

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Posted on 06-05-09 12:08 AM Link | Quote
I actually really hated's not that I didn't understand it, I just thought that it had a lame plot that was forgotten until near the end of the movie, and that none of the characters were the least bit likable.

Terminator I thought was good, it had some pretty awesome parts, I'd say, but it wasn't as good as it could have been.

Star Trek, on the toher hand, was born of awesomeness. It had a good story that, while it may have moved too fast, was very interesting and entertaining. Add that to good acting and a strong focus on the source material, and you've got a good movie.

In case you couldn't guess, Star Trek was a clear and obvious winner for me, although I have yet to see Wolverine.


Since: 09-02-04
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Posted on 06-05-09 02:32 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vulkar
none of the characters were the least bit likable.
One could say that was the point.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 06-05-09 10:26 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vulkar
In case you couldn't guess, Star Trek was a clear and obvious winner for me, although I have yet to see Wolverine.

Wolverine had its moments and was indeed watchable, but compared with the other three it falls to the bottom. The only things I didn't quite like were the mashing around of origin stories and mismatching of powers.

With Watchmen, it is somewhat on purpose that the characters were difficult to like. In a sense it's an anti-superhero story. Depending on your point of view any of them could be the hero to you. The movie also only covers about a third of what's in the book (time was a factor obviously) so there's still a lot of development and plotpoints that weren't used.

Still if you didn't like it, you didn't like it. I liked it a lot (loved it even), but like many other adaptations out there, the book is definitely better.

I saw Terminator with my boyfriend who's deeply into the Terminator franchise. The day we first became a couple, five years ago, he asked me if I'd seen the movies, and when I answered no, he went home and got his copies and we watched them that night. We watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles together(which both of us think has gotten unbelievably convoluted and we're not surprised was canceled). He's read several of the books and most of the comics, we talk about the fandom's time paradoxes and plotholes at random, and one of his lifelong dreams (alongside being a rockstar, etc) is to own one of those lifesize T-800 replicas just so he can put it in his closet (so whenever people come over he'd ask them to do something with the closet, open the door and move things aside and freak out when they see it).

So with all that said, going to see a movie with someone who's deeply into the subject matter tends to heighten the experience for you (at least it did for me anyway). We also went to see the advanced screening of Salvation with a friend of ours who gets excited about these sorts of movies, so I guess you could say the experience made all that much better for me. Terminator might not have been at the level that anyone could enjoy it (like Star Trek), but I loved the hell out of it.

Still it's really funny seeing Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese then as Chekov. Good stuff.

Now, bringing this back to Trek, it's the little things that make it all the better. Be it the fact that Kirk was about to bone a girl that the same species as Orion Slave girls, McCoy's eccentric worries (Urban was AWESOME), the red shirt's death, Checkov running around saying Chekov things, Sulu!, the fact that the nailed the problems with teleporting when you can't see or know where you're going (take that, Heroes writers )... there's so much.

(Last edited by Rogue on 06-05-09 10:51 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 06-05-09 06:48 PM Link | Quote
Also a point about the characters in Watchman, that the movie doesn't handle too well (making them all look godlike), outside of Dr. Manhatten, all those people were normal people. I seriously wouldn't have guessed that if my friends hadn't explained that to me because again, the movie made them look pretty much superhuman at times.

PS: Also reading the novel finally and it's awesome so far. I'd love to see the movie once again after completing it to be able to really compare them.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 06-06-09 01:28 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xeu
PS: Also reading the novel finally and it's awesome so far. I'd love to see the movie once again after completing it to be able to really compare them.

Seriously, there's so many little tidbits that went into the movie that go unappreciated (mostly because people who loved and read the book keep harping on the changed ending). I damn near cried tears of joy watching to opening montage from the Minutemen to the Watchmen stuff.

And Xeo, when you can, rent the Black Freighter DVD. They have an interview with Hollis Mason on there that's so great when it comes to putting in things from the book that didn't make it into the movie.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 05-04-13 02:19 AM Link | Quote
I saw Oblivion a few weeks back and the best part was, you guessed it, the preview for Into Darkness!

Blew my face off because it looks amazing, BUT, because it's a taste of what Abrams will do to Star Wars I'm sure. (anything is better than Lucas, right?)

Anyways I've been on a huge Trek kick in general actually. After my other PC blew up and I was too lazy to watch my anime through my laptop or whatever, I finally put Amazon Prime streaming to use. Watched the first two movies, I had seen Wrath of Khan before but it's been ages. Great stuff. I decided to jump into TNG from there and I'm already plowing through the second season. The first was pretty wonky like I've heard, but it definitely had some good episodes. I can't believe how good it still looks to this day, the remastering was damn good, the music is incredible, and yeah. Can't beat this cast. I checked out the first episode of the original too, I'll have to get through that one someday as well.

I definitely want to traverse through all of the movies, even though they mostly sound pretty bad (and I only remember liking First Contact for the TNG ones), but yeah. High hopes for the new one and I'll have to revisit the last now that I'm a bit more up to date on the original stuff again.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 05-04-13 06:00 PM Link | Quote
There's a rule of thumb when it comes to the Star Trek movies, that being that odd numbered films are lesser than the even numbered. They weren't as successful, box office-wise, and frankly they just weren't as good.

The odds being:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Search for Spock
Final Frontier
Insurrection (which I actually really liked)

The evens:
Wrath of Khan
The Voyage Home (my personal favorite of the original series cast films)
The Undiscovered Country (the last with all of the TOS cast, and frankly pretty epic)
First Contact

I'm not including Nemesis, because it SUCKED. It actually broke the the odd/even streak.

Anyway, the TOS movies are actually really good (well, except for the the first and fifth -- in which Shatner directed himself killing God).

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 05-04-13 08:40 PM Link | Quote
lmao, I heard the same from a guy at work about the Shatner directed movie. I might have to watch it... just so I can eventually say I've seen them all. It's great to hear most of the TOS ones are good though, I was originally under the impression that only Wrath of Khan was the only decent one.

But I also forget there's like 20 movies, haha... not really but damn, way more than I remembered.

Do you guys like DS9? It sounds like it gets really good from season 3 and on and breaks into its own. The first handful of episodes were great I thought, but TNG pulled me in a bit more with its amazing cast. I still might consider DS9 down the road though. Voyager seemed okay, but I'm probably fine skipping that and Enterprise... but yeah I totally want to get through the original sometime as well. Like TNG, the cast/characters are just awesome.

Super Shotgun

Since: 01-11-05

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Posted on 05-04-13 09:57 PM Link | Quote
I was always more of a Star Wars nerd, but when it came to Star Trek, I was definitely a fan of TNG. I just couldn't get into any of the other series, aside from the movies, though.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 05-05-13 03:12 AM Link | Quote
Brandon loves DS9, but Voyager was always my favorite. At least all of the different series tried to be unique from the others (though I never got into Enterprise).

Voyager was special in that they were bonding in their journey home, stuck in the Delta Quadrant, which would have taken them 75 years at their highest warp to reach Earth. You also got characters like the Doctor who was the EMH, who was trying to learn what it was like to be human from an Ocampan, and then when Seven of Nine showed up, he took over teaching HER what it's like to be human. It's an archetype that was near and dear to Roddenberry's heart -- a non-human entity trying to become such (hence where you get Data, Questor, etc).

Anyway, I only watched the first couple seasons of DS9. I never really got into it, but then I didn't get to the Dominion War stuff.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 05-05-13 04:32 PM Link | Quote
Is Dominion War the later post season 3 stuff? That's what I've heard makes it awesome later on. People claim it has more action in the later stuff than like any other sci-fi show out there, haha.

I am a huge fan of android "what is human" stuff in sci-fi, so yeah that sounds cool about Voyager. Data is easily one of my favorites, just saw the episode where his mechanic wanted to dissemble him and take him away for mass production. Good stuff.

This made my day:


Divine Mamkute
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
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Posted on 05-05-13 08:13 PM Link | Quote
I finally got around to watching DS9 last year and I honestly loved it. I thought that it gave a lot of extra insight into the world of Star Trek in general... and I absolutely adore Worf so I loved all the Klingon stuff.

I also love the DS9 uniforms.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 05-05-13 08:19 PM Link | Quote
Yeah I hear Worf plays a big part in the second half? That's definitely awesome. I dig the captain a lot too.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 05-07-13 08:34 PM Link | Quote
The best part of DS9 (for me) was Quark. Oh that shady Ferengi motherfucker with a heart of gold-pressed latinum.

Anyway, the Dominion War takes up the majority of DS9's latter seasons. I don't know much about it myself, except that it's what makes a lot people love the series over the others.
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Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 05-07-13 11:54 PM Link | Quote
Also, if you get as engrossed in the Trek-verse as I am, you might get choked up watching videos like this:

(Last edited by Rogue on 05-09-13 11:09 AM)

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 05-09-13 05:50 PM Link | Quote
... Yeah... I cried.

Damn you.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 05-10-13 08:53 PM Link | Quote
Still gotta work my way up to that knowledge.

But I guess this video just went viral, I noticed it every single time so far... freaking hilarious. This had to be an inside joke, or how in the world did nobody think this was super weird?


Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

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Posted on 05-17-13 02:22 PM Link | Quote
Just saw Star Trek: Into Darkness yesterday at the Omnimax in Pittsburgh.

1) Actual Imax is fucking amazing.
2) Movie = freaking awesome!!!

I loved all the nods to the Original Series but the twists they took to still keep it original and even now I still cannot get over how much Zachary Quinto looks like Nimoy.
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Star Trek: The new movie coming out by J.J. Abrams |

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