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This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4960 days
Last activity: 4584 days
Posted on 12-20-07 10:51 PM Link
Seifer's eyes opened slowly. His body was a torrent of pain. What else is new? He thought to himself, though he felt a strange peace in the air. He tried to rise, feeling the smashed bones in his chest, legs, and right arm. He slowly lifted himself up, ignoring the pain, to see Leon. Somehow, it all made sense. He started to speak, the pain choking his voice.



Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5186 days
Last activity: 1496 days
Posted on 12-20-07 11:08 PM Link
"Edgar is well, he has crossed over and now sits by our Lord."

A darkness seemed to come across Leon's face. A thought reminded him of his destiny, of his purpose.

"...Phantom Shards..."

Leon spoke to himself.

"I must rid this world of the Phantom Shards, though by doing so I will send myself back to the Lord."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1667 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 12-20-07 11:50 PM Link
Holly looked up at Brad as he made his way over to the pair. She smiled and nodded. She was at a loss for words. Now that it was all over, even though she had managed to be the only one to come through completely unscathed, Holly was shaken up on the outside, as well as the inside.

Slowly, she glanced around. Every one was hurt somehow, some worse than others...Alden and Jack seemed to be in good shape, but she was sure that things would hit them later, but everyone was alive, and for that, Holly was grateful.

As Leon finally spoke, she smiled as she listened. Then, Seifer began stirring. Despite his injuries, she did not stop him. It would do more harm to him if he didn't at least sit up to speak to Leon, than it would if he didn't. She scooted over slightly, to give him room to move. As he propped himself up, Holly moved closer again, leaning gently, so that he could have something to lean on, other than his own strength.

She kept her eyes down to the snow, not wanting to look up at Leon. She grew attachments to each person there, perhaps even Alden, and re-attaching herself to her father. Leon died once, and he was already speaking of leaving again; but it was Seifer she worried most about. Edgar had already passed. Leon was another close comrade of his...

"The Phantom Shards..." She mumbled. Holly cringed, recalling the day she ran away...when she met Josiah and agreed to search for the Phantom Shards with him.

I was lucky... she thought ruefully. He never harmed me physically...even now... she thought as she realized that if they weren't dead, everyone else had been crushed, shocked, thrown about...part of her was grateful to the others for helping to keep her safe, even Brad, who had offered protection while she was at the E'shyum base...and especially Seifer...but another side of her was displeased with herself. If she hadn't gotten in the way, perhaps some of the injuries could have been avoided...or perhaps Holly could have been able to help them at least...

Finally, she looked up at Leon, a sly grin slowly creeping across her lips. Some time spent in thought would cure her of her regret. She would not pity herself. "So you get to stay long enough to find these suckers?" She asked, playfully.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4960 days
Last activity: 4584 days
Posted on 12-21-07 12:07 AM Link
Seifer slowly stirred once more, attempting to rise. He could barely stand, and the wounds laced over his body began to drip blood once more due to the strain of his body. Despite all of this, he tried his hardest not to lean on Holly and show his weakness. He did all he could to rise and momentum took him wobbling and in searing pain. He put his hands on Leon's shoulders, using him to keep standing.

Seifer's head was down for a moment, but it slowly rose, looking Leon straight in the eyes. Tears slowly slided down his face, a mixture of physical and emotional pain.

"Leon, listen...This isn't over, alright?! You and me, we never finished our duel! I've got business still here, but as soon as I'm done here, I'm coming for you. Shards or no shards, I'll beat your ass down."

Seifer's legs gave out and he fell to his knees, grabbing his hair violently to shake out the pain. His weakness was showing.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5186 days
Last activity: 1496 days
Posted on 12-21-07 12:16 AM Link
Tears began to well up in Leon's eyes. His friends, they cared so much for him. He wished he could stay longer. He wished that there was a way he could. But, no, it was his destiny. His cause, his purpose. Leon placed a reassuring hand on Seifer's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, brother, but our dues will have to wait. It's been a few years, whats a several dozen more. When we meet in heaven, we shall have us a glorious match, one which all the angels will come to see. Then we may fight as we were born to, against the demons below."

Leon's eyes rose to Holly.

"I would that I could my dear. However, the Phantom shards will be destroyed, much like Josiah destroyed the shards."

(Last edited by Meta-White on 12-21-07 03:20 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1667 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 12-25-07 01:14 AM Link
Even though she spoke to Leon, her eyes were on Seifer as he struggled to hide what was already obvious to her. She smirked, knowing what it was like in his position. Despite the physical pain he was causing himself, Holly didn't budge as he moved. Physical damage will heal before the pride does...that was the way she had always felt at least.

However, when he dropped to his knees again, Holly fell right beside him, speaking to him in a stern voice.

"Okay, I let you go for a little while. No more being dumb." She placed a finger gently on his chest. "You're not allowed to move until we can get help."

She then tilted her head upward to peer at Leon through her dark, mangled hair.

"So you're not..." She shook her head.

"The Phantom Shards need to be long will it take to find them? We need to get everyone back..." She sighed, looking over at Jack. "We're the only ones who are not injured..."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5186 days
Last activity: 1496 days
Posted on 12-25-07 01:36 AM Link
"I won't be finding them."

The darkness of Leon's destiny shown in his face.

"I will use the clean shard as a power source, and myself as the catalyst. My body was mutated, as a result of being so close to the crashing of the meteors. The Phantom shard energy lay dormant, and only truly awakened when the blast destroyed the other shards. With all other shards gone, the energy inside my bloodstream, my body, awoke. I will use myself as the key, and the world will be rid of these shards. Man's imagination far exceeded it's bounds, and now the test from above will be wiped clean from this earth, because we do not deserve this power."

Leon stayed humble throughout his speech, he knew that he was going to his death. Since the shards were as much a part of him as he was, there could not be a world where he exists as well as the shards.

(Last edited by Meta-White on 12-25-07 04:54 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1667 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 12-25-07 01:42 AM Link
Holly looked up at Leon.

"But...that's...stupid." She didn't know what to say, but the comment was able to carry the raw emotion she felt.

She blinked a few times before speaking again. "How are we going to get everyone out of here and taken care of?" She asked, shifting her attention to something else.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3942 days
Last activity: 3838 days
Posted on 12-26-07 11:37 PM Link
"This is an old Marinae lab."

Alden spoke, sitting beside Eric's unconscious body.

"There will be some old communication equipment. It may be out of date, but it shouldn't matter in the long run."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4960 days
Last activity: 4584 days
Posted on 12-27-07 12:45 AM Link
Seifer spoke from the ground, his face remaining hidden. His voice had calmed down, as he now faced the reality of life once more.

"So, how are we going to do this?"

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1667 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 12-27-07 02:32 AM Link
Holly looked up at Alden and her eyes widened with excitement.

"We can get help!" She exclaimed happily.

Her excitement dwindled for a moment, as she looked down at Seifer. His current state was breaking her heart...Gently, she rubbed his back, not knowing what else to do.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5186 days
Last activity: 1496 days
Posted on 01-05-08 02:32 AM Link
"We don't do anything."

Leon turned his head away from the group.

"I want you all to leave, I must do this alone. It may get pretty gruesome, and I don't want any of you to have to bear the image."

His head slowly returned to Seifer.

"Friend, you can do my honor by carrying on my story. My selflessness will inspire others, I'm sure. I can only hope that an incident like this does not occur again."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1667 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 01-05-08 03:08 AM Link
"Leon..." Holly's voice came out quietly, with a sense of helplessness attached.

"How can we leave?" She slowly gestured with her right hand, the men lying on the ground. "We need to get to the communication equipment to get help getting everybody else out of here."

She turned to shoot a quick glance of warning in Seifer's direction. "I'm one of the only few who can possibly aid getting everybody else up and out of here...and...I'm not medically trained to relocate anybody safely. So I'm telling you now, without at least trying to call for help...I'm not chancing further injury..."

She knew she wouldn't be able to convince Leon to change his mind. In fact, she was almost certain that Leon didn't have much choice in the matter anyway. The only thing she hoped to accomplish now, was to offer Leon and Seifer a chance to speak alone.

Slowly, she rose to her feet. She looked back at Seifer and smiled sadly, hoping he would take the opportunity to talk with Leon, now that she wasn't acting as his shadow.

She then turned and made her way over to Alden.

"I'd like to try and get these communication devices working, sir."

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3942 days
Last activity: 3838 days
Posted on 01-16-08 12:11 AM Link
Leon clutched his chest, an unfamiliar pain gripping him. The power flowing through him was calling to him. If he wanted to use it, he would have to use it soon.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5186 days
Last activity: 1496 days
Posted on 01-16-08 12:48 AM Link
"It looks like my body will not wait for you to leave. Farewell friends, see you in another life."

Leon walked to the machine, calmly walking to his death. A finger ran over the buttons, and he turned the machine on. No hesitation, not for his Destiny. I'm coming Edgar, let's protect heaven together.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3942 days
Last activity: 3838 days
Posted on 01-16-08 01:01 AM Link
As Leon activated the machine, he placed his hand where Josiah had previously placed his shard. A glow emanated from his palm. He pressed the final button and the tower below began to whir once more.

A purple glow appeared around Leon, coming from his inside his skin, pulsing up and down. He let out a cry of pain and doubled over, the glow surrounding him grew stronger. He lay down on the floor as cracks appeared on his skin, purple energy pouring out.

The cracks grew wider, until Leon's form was barely visible. He let out one drawn out, agonizing cry of pain as the energy burst forth, washing back over the group and receding into the distance.

Leon was gone.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1667 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 01-17-08 12:34 AM Link
Holly watched, her eyes widened in shock as Leon met his fate. She flinched as he screamed, balling her hands into fists and casting her glance down to the side.

When it was all over, she did not look up. Instead, she collapsed to her knees and leaned against Alden, letting out a breath of defeat.

Her shard...the last thing her mother left behind...was gone. Eric, with whom she had grown quite fond of, was injured. Her father, the man who suprised her the most in the recent days, was injured. Despite the kidnapping, Holly had aquired a certain affection for Brad, who was injured as well. Seifer...Leon...Almost everybody was taken down in one way or another. was over. Josiah had been defeated. There was no reason for her to fake strength anymore. She took in a deep breath and held it for a moment. Still slumped against Alden, who was standing beside her, she buried her head in her hands, letting out a quivering breath of air which turned into sobs.

(Last edited by Katana on 01-17-08 03:36 AM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3942 days
Last activity: 3838 days
Posted on 01-17-08 01:08 AM Link
Alden rested his hand on Holly's shoulder and gazed at the aftermath. From the pillar before them, to their dying allies around them. He looked out across the desolate landscape and stared into the empty horizon and-- He squinted, unsure of what he was seeing. In the distance he could see a sea of specks, growing incredibly fast.

Within minutes the helicopters were right above them. Alden suppressed a grin as the one closest to them descended. As it touched down a man in a Marinae uniform, and a sling on his left arm stepped out.

Jeremy looked around.

"Thought you guys could use some help. Looks like I'm a little late."

5 Years Later

Holly looked up at Leon, his benevolent gaze staring over her. Her gaze dropped down to the plaque at the base of the statue. She ran her fingers across the engraved lines in the metal, and recited it's words in her head. Leon Machina, he gave his life to save ours.

She stepped back and gazed up. Lines crisscrossed the sky of the aptly named "Dome City." 80 square miles of manually controlled living conditions, and at its center, an homage to those that were lost in the War of the Shards. To her left was an aptly designed statue of Edgar, to her right a memorial to the soldiers lost, and before her, the courthouse of the IFDF. The Integrated Factions Defence Force, a union between the new world powers, five years in the making.

She pulled up her sleeve and began toying with the glass ornament on her wrist. It was an exact replica of the shard given to her by her mother. Hers, being the last in existence, was safely locked away.

There was a quiet mechanical hum behind her.


(Last edited by FX on 01-17-08 04:08 AM)

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1667 days
Last activity: 1484 days
Posted on 01-17-08 01:28 AM Link
The familiar sound from behind her pulled Holly out of her daydream.

She turned toward the sound, strands of her now layered, shoulder length hair, whisping softly against her cheek.

Five years had passed. Holly was the same in many ways. She was still hot-headed and short-tempered. However, the events of the past had caused her to mature greatly. The time that had passed had also brought on change...much more visible change.

When she turned to face the man behind her, she placed her left hand over the small bump hiding her previously flat tummy, a personal habit she had recently picked up. More than not, she did it without realizing it. On her left ring finger, a small, but elegant gold ring with a tiny emerald on top, glistened as she stepped from the shadow casted by Leon's statue.

Holly smiled down at the man, a soft blush warming her cheeks. Her pride still rarely allowed her to show signs of many of her moments...thinking deeply being one of them.

"Henry..." She says, a warm smile spread across her rosy lips and a playful tone t her voice.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4960 days
Last activity: 4584 days
Posted on 01-17-08 02:53 PM Link
Seifer stood alone at the steps of St. Edgar's Cathedral, eying the stone structure with a familiar. He had helped build it, after all. Above the doorway sat the sword that Seifer had stained with Josiah's blood. It had been a gift from Edgar, and he felt it was at home there.

Seifer had far from given up swordsmanship. In fact, he trained far more vigorously then he ever had before. However, he only used one sword. It was a beautiful white gold broadsword left with crimson decorations, and it once belonged to an old friend. It rested at his home, in his study. It never lost its edge. Just like its old owner.

The doors opened, their heavy weight causing a deep creak to resonate. He lowered the white hood that hung on his head as Isha walked out of the Cathedral in a black dress, a young man stepping out behind her, gun visible.

"Seifer, I'll never be able to get over you wearing Edgar's cloak. It looks so strange on you." She said, giggling lightly.

"Isha, don't start. You're wearing a dress." At that, they both laughed, and the warm feeling continued for a moment.

"Five years, huh? I still can't believe how much we've gotten done in those five years." Isha reminisced, looking at the Cathedral.

"It's only the beginning. With you as the Sujov representative of the IFDF, you've still got a lot of fight and the ability to change the world still at your hands."

"Seifer, I've been meaning to ask you. Why didn't you take the position? You're far more qualified then me." Her smiled faded slightly, worry and wonder splashed into her voice.

"Don't start. You're much more of an elected official then I could ever be. I'm doing my part by serving as a general in the Army and a bodyguard. I have vows to keep, promises to fulfill."

Suddenly, Seifer's wrist began to beep. "Ah, I'm gonna have to run, Isha. Holly's waiting." Seifer smiled warmly and waved before turning and walking away.

Isha watched as he turned the corner and slipped out of sight. Seifer's hair was now long and his stubble was prominent, much like Edgar. He seemed to be able to read people better than ever before, much like Leon. But inside, he was still Seifer. For some reason that warmed her heart. "Alright, come on, Dalan." The young man, grandson of the wise Old Dalan, nodded and walked close. Isha would never need a bodyguard. She considered Dalan more of a gun caddy.
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