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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Spartan? Join the Military? It Wants me? | |
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Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 165 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 07-07-07 03:24 PM Link | Quote
So I was just called by an army recruiter and told him about my interests in skills and he said "He could gaurentee me a job setting up networks and managing them"
Sounds like trash to me because i know from a few people I have talked in vent with that if it isnt in your contract...IT isnt going to happen..

He mentioned the Signal Corps and I was just wondering what you guys think...

I am working on both my CCNA and my NET+ currently and I start a course in the fall about Network Security which is based on getting my CCSP

I was wondering what sort of input and advice you guys have to give cause uh...To be honest I was seriously considering joining...but uh...Need way more information from people with far more experience then me.

Looking at my skills and what not he decied that the Signal Corps woudl be best for me...and he said I may have to go in combat and have I ever fired a real weapon...I almost laughed but I answered him yes...

But I am not sure what to do... this is all new territory for me.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

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Posted on 07-07-07 11:17 PM Link | Quote
I've gotten letters from the airforce to play basketball. It wouldn't be like joining the Army as a recruit, but it'd still be military. I'm hoping things pan out for me to move in with my significant other after I graduate, but if I don't. I'm pretty dead set on the military.

I'd say go for it, but it's really not a decision someone can make for you.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
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Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 176 days
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Posted on 07-08-07 02:22 AM Link | Quote
If your are going to join the military, don't join the army unless you really want to go to Iraq. Look into other branches first. Personally, I wouldn't join.

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 165 days
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Posted on 07-08-07 09:46 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Elara
If your are going to join the military, don't join the army unless you really want to go to Iraq. Look into other branches first. Personally, I wouldn't join.

The thing I see alot of in this board is a lot of Loathing of the military and our current president...

I think it would be a valuable experience for me...I have a meeting this tuesday and I am going to be talking with him for a few hours.

I planned on getting in shape and If I end up Career army so be it alot of family tradition there...I have found myself seriously thinking about it..I was contacted a few years ago when I did alot of Competition shooting to join when I was old enough and be a part of the Marine Core Comp team...

And if I end up in Iraq so be it. I get to see what the real world is like that part of the world most people ignore and dont care about...

I am going to talk with True on Aim about basic and I asked alot of people on the SWG forums that I know and well I got alot of good information...I will not make a decision without more research to be certain.


Since: 07-24-06

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Posted on 07-09-07 12:00 AM Link | Quote
Forget what real life is like, I was thinking more of what happens when foreign policy goes horribly wrong.


Since: 12-17-04
From: Petaluma, California

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Posted on 07-09-07 12:22 AM Link | Quote
I think that joining the military would be a very valuable experience. Two of my cousins are in the armed forces. One a Marine and the other in the Navy. I have talked with the on in the Marines and he said that it was a good experience for him. Scary at times but over all a good thing. You get to serve your country.
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5844 days
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Posted on 07-09-07 06:00 AM Link | Quote
this is what i've noticed about people after HS

A) real college (knows exactly what their path in life is, or at least somewhat)
B) go to community college (is undecided about life, but is willing to give college a try and see where it goes)

C) military (is undecided about life, but hopes the military can help them straighten up. or at least, get major cash, in the meantime. or even lured by recruiters by the promises of government grants, ect for college, which in reality is really hard to accomplish)

D) something random (family business, stripper, acting, something weird)
F) let's not talk about them

C unlike B are braver or more stupid, which is why they join the military. Many people go with their friends. Like my brother who joined the service with his friends. or other ppl i know who are in community college with their friends. C & B are in the same boat in life, but C will eventually drift downwards because of time (you're wasting your prime years in the military, instead of at college, where you can easily stablize your life, and income later). after the military, you'll have to go back to college to get a decent job, unless you stay in longer because of your promotions, or you actually like that life. if the latter isnt true, you're really behind in life. B will eventually catch up to A. however, many B's turn into D's or F's if they can't stablize.

for C to get to A, he'll have to either go full force into the military, gaining promotions, maybe even officer rank, or wait till his contract's expired, and go back to school as a B, then becomes A, or join another paramilitary service ( like law enforcement) thus gaining A status.

(Last edited by avatar of law on 07-09-07 09:04 AM)

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 165 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 07-09-07 06:17 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by avatar of law
this is what i've noticed about people after HS

C) military (is undecided about life, but hopes the military can help them straighten up. or at least, get major cash, in the meantime. or even lured by recruiters by the promises of government grants, ect for college, which in reality is really hard to accomplish)

C unlike B are braver or more stupid, which is why they join the military. Many people go with their friends. Like my brother who joined the service with his friends. or other ppl i know who are in community college with their friends. C & B are in the same boat in life, but C will eventually drift downwards because of time (you're wasting your prime years in the military, instead of at college, where you can easily stablize your life, and income later). after the military, you'll have to go back to college to get a decent job, unless you stay in longer because of your promotions, or you actually like that life. if the latter isnt true, you're really behind in life. B will eventually catch up to A. however, many B's turn into D's or F's if they can't stablize.

for C to get to A, he'll have to either go full force into the military, gaining promotions, maybe even officer rank, or wait till his contract's expired, and go back to school as a B, then becomes A, or join another paramilitary service ( like law enforcement) thus gaining A status.


First of all, Avatar I want to know what you are basing all of this off of?
Alot of my family has been in the military at one point in their lives...all of them have said it worked better for them because they got money for college and alot more hands on experience.

Another thing and dotn take this personelly but who are you to peoples lifes should be grades? are you judge and jury now? Takin over St. Peters job? Sorry you got a F+ in life no pearly gates for you?

I know the recruiter is going to lure me in there with alot of false promises they are paid to keep recruitment levels up...Its their job...but According to... This thread I posted on the SWG forums

I have gotten quite a bit of useful information from them...I may enlist with another buddy of mine if I do...but I am nto sure..I may do it alone for all I know I have yet to decide but I wanted to get the opinions of you guys and I seem to have gotten them...Regardless of the lack of factual information backing some...

Anyway keep em rollin in I need moar opinions and thoughts.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 176 days
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Posted on 07-09-07 10:39 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Chris
He mentioned the Signal Corps and I was just wondering what you guys think...

If you go army don't go reserves go national guard you get more bonus money. Here's a little something I need to tell you being that I'm in the signal corps. I had to go through a ton of bullshit in AIT because people are stupid. But that's a part of training. Here's a couple of things to add to the list of signal corps being a 25 series is all that it's chalked up to be btw.

25U - get the A+ and N+ courses but it's mainly a crash course and not a certification but they ARE IASO certified.

25L - short course about being a cable dog and climbing poles.

25B - like the 25U but under them because they actually get more training but not in radios. The 25B soldier goes to the same schools as the 25U but when they are taught by 25U instructors things get a little out of hand.

25C - a color blind 25U know more about radios though so their more likely to be foot soldiers than 25U.

25P - a six month course about networking and microwave systems. Very long but 25P's are pretty cool. I kinda wanted to be one myself.

Then there are the jobs that I have no clue about:

and 25S

What I do know about 25S is that they spend about a year in Ft. Gordon.... ew...

If you plan on going signal you're going to train in Ft. Gordon. Where I might add is a cesspool of idiots who had no clue what they were getting themselves into. You're going to have a ton of people skip out on school and be sent to be infantry and cooks as punishment. If you going to go ANY 25 series job. I wouldn't go 25U or 25L for you that would mean you would be sent to 369.... And 369 is not that happy of a place. What you want to go for is 25N, 25S, 25B, and 25P. Maybe 25Q or 25F. if you want just networking for for the 25F. Those all get sent to 447 after basic. And if you go into basic now you're probably going to be sent to one of three places Ft. Jackson, Ft. Benning, or Ft. Knox. That's where most of the males I know came from when they went to AIT with me. Also if you're male and from Benning, Knox, or that one in Oklahoma you're safe if you're basic was in Jackson consider this... You trained around women. You survived women drill sergeants who happen to be worse than male drill sergeants. You also worked with female squad leaders on PMS, which happens to be really bad.

And no my incentives weren't hard to get to avatar. It was quite easy. You fill out paperwork and you're don. You GI kicker comes in about three months after you're done training and you get HALF of your bonus. You get the other half when you reenlist along with your reenlistment bonus.
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5844 days
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Posted on 07-10-07 01:45 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Chris

Sorry you got a F+ in life no pearly gates for you?

you dont have to agree w/ what i said, but you sure didnt need to start flaming.
anyways, those arent grades. they were bullet points in letter form, and has nothing to do w/ where you'll go in life. it is merely a focial point of where you currently are in life. those higher, know where they want to go, or have an idea of what they're future jobs will be. those lower, will only take longer to find themselves.

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 165 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 07-10-07 04:52 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by avatar of law
Originally posted by Chris

Sorry you got a F+ in life no pearly gates for you?

you dont have to agree w/ what i said, but you sure didnt need to start flaming.
anyways, those arent grades. they were bullet points in letter form, and has nothing to do w/ where you'll go in life. it is merely a focial point of where you currently are in life. those higher, know where they want to go, or have an idea of what they're future jobs will be. those lower, will only take longer to find themselves.

I wasnt flaming the way you explained is the reason I responded the way I did...also I like how you avoided the fact that I asked you were your information came from...

Dont sidestep my questions plox I would srsly like to know information is what helps me make decisions I need reputable info.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 176 days
Last activity: 176 days
Posted on 07-10-07 10:47 AM Link | Quote
Oh and about the whole don't join the army you'll go to iraq thing. I'm in the army and I'm sitting at home. I'm in the reserves and my unit left WITHOUT me.

I'm sorry about being defensive, but I'M HERE!!! RIGHT HERE! Not going anywhere for about a year... but I'm here.

In all honesty go active.... Drills are a bitch for me to get to. Thank god my unit is allowing me to RST with my recruiter
avatar of law


Since: 12-29-04
From: paris, canada

Since last post: 5844 days
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Posted on 07-10-07 07:20 PM Link | Quote
i'm not trying to start an argument. dont look for one. the first thing i said was "this is what i've noticed," which means, they are opinions. i am basing this on my experiences with people i've known, both in and out of the military. i'm not trying to convince you to go, or not go. you can do w/e you want. honestly, i dont see why you're up in arms about my "opinons."

straight out of high school are the best years of anyone's life. it should be spent somewhere constructive and meaningful. if you're planning on going to the military because you dont know what to do in life, you're better to spend it finding yourself in college. unless you wholeheartly want to have a career in the military, then it really isnt something you should do. there's financial aide, and scholarships up the ass everywhere. but w/e they're just opinons.
True Flight

The One

Since: 08-21-04

Since last post: 176 days
Last activity: 176 days
Posted on 07-10-07 11:17 PM Link | Quote
I spent three months after summer break knowing I was to go to basic training. So I had a lot of fun after summer break.

This was fun because I did a lot of stuff like go to concerts and conventions. The thing is... Yes the military does change you, but most people who go in to find themselves just don't find themselves. It's the people who join because they found something they're interested in who find themselves.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Spartan? Join the Military? It Wants me? |

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