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Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 06-21-07 01:20 AM Link

Jeremy stood in front of Holly.

"I doubt Josiah is even here anymore. But if he is, I will be able to give you fair warning."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-21-07 01:25 AM Link
Holly crossed her arms and narrowed her blue eyes into a glare. "Fine." She mutters. He's looking for Alden... she suddenly realized. Maybe he should go alone? she thoughts.

"But I'm staying right here by this door, alright? In case something does happen..."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-21-07 11:54 PM Link
Leon glanced at Seifer quickly, and sighed. Seifer always made fun of his shard-eye. Leon just got tired of letting it get to him. Jeremy easily denied the girl allowance to go see Alden.

"Jeremy...Good luck, and Godspeed."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 67 days
Last activity: 67 days
Posted on 06-22-07 09:07 AM Link
"If he wants to kill himself, let him," said Brad, who was sitting in one of the seats in the helicopter. "He'll call if he needs us...or maybe he won't."

Brad's headache was fading, but it was still irritating. He just hoped that it would go away before he had to do any real fighting.

"So, we never got one thing straight," Brad said. "As far as I know, we're sending Jeremy into that building, so that he can see if Josiah is there. If he is, we go and fight Josiah, after Jeremy is already dead. Am I the only one who sees the flaw in this plan, that is...the fact that we don't even have a tactic for the battle?

"While we're at it," he suggested. "Does anyone even have an idea of what shards Josiah has? As far as I've seen, he's got more than should be resonable."

Brad disapproved of the sudden decision to go after Josiah, but that could wait.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-24-07 01:50 AM Link
"I think that's why Jeremy is looking for Alden..." Holly chimmed in. She glanced over in Brad's direction and shrugged. "I doubt Josiah has killed Alden, and if that man manages to come back to us without any sort of information..." Her voice trailed off as she stepped closer to the helicopter. She stopped however, once she was close enough to get a good look at Brad.

"I'll shoot the bastard myself."


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-24-07 03:04 AM Link
Leon smirked at Holly's comment.

"Listen Doll-face, you don't even own a gun. You gonna shoot him with some negative words...Nag him to death? Maybe you'll use that shard of yours, and heal him until he dies of over-healing."

Leon was beside himself, he shook his head once more and sighed. He loved being a dick.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-24-07 12:10 PM Link
She tilted her head and grinned at Leon. "I'm sure one of the other fine gentlemen here wouldn't mind loaning me their gun. If I have any doubts on how to work it, I'll be sure to use you as target practice so that I don't screw up with Alden."

She climbed back up onto the helicopter, and found a seat next to Leon and flopped down in it. She glanced up at him and simply shrugged before relaxing into a comfortable position.


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-25-07 12:43 AM Link
Leon smirked.

"I'm far to good looking to be used as target practice. Seifer on the other hand..."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 06-25-07 02:44 AM Link
"Ha ha, Leon." Seifer scuffled Leon's hair as he walked by, handing Holly his revolver. "Here's my gun. I have to hold onto the shards for a while. In case anything happens to the point I can't use them anymore, I'll give you my shards. I trust you'll use them right if you must, love."

He lightly kissed Holly on the forehead then sat down next to her, fiddling with two shards.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-25-07 02:57 PM Link
Holly blinked as Seifer handed over his revolver. While her intentions of possibly shooting Alden were true, she still didn't know how to use the weapon. She shook her head as Seifer sat down beside her. "What do you mean 'to the point I can't use them anymore'?" She says.

She twisted around so that she was facing Seifer and looked directly at him.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 06-26-07 01:28 AM Link
Seifer lightly tilted his head, looking at her with one gleaming eye. "In case Josiah gets the best of me. I'm going into this with realistic expectations, Holly, I don't plan on coming out of all this unharmed, let alone conscious. This entire time, we've been chasing Josiah, and now that we're narrowing down on him, we're going to have to come to terms we might not all escape this with our lives."

Seifer looked down at the ground for a moment before running his hand through his hair.

"But hey, I don't doubt we'll win."

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-26-07 02:02 PM Link
Holly sighed as she pivoted around to sit the correct way. She gave a light nod at Seifer's last statement and clutched her shard tightly. She kept her eyes to the floor for a few moments before looking over directly at Henry. She was furious that he had come along anyway. I suppose I'm not much better than he is, for sticking around... she thought to herself.

Suddenly, she sprang to her feet and facer Seifer. "Are you going to show me how to use this thing or not?" She asked with a smirk, waving around the revolver.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 06-26-07 02:45 PM Link
Eric grabbed Holly's wrist as she waved the weapon around. He snatched the gun from her hand and held it out to Seifer.

"You don't know how to use that thing. We don't want anyone getting hurt--"

Suddenly the door on the roof burst open, and Alden walked out, carrying a limp body in his arms.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-26-07 03:06 PM Link
Holly turned around and glared as the gun was taken from her hand, but the glare turned into a sheepish grin the moment she noticed that it was Eric.

"Fine, ruin my fun." She says with a pout. Just then the door opened and Holly grabbed hold of Eric's arm. As soon as she saw it was Alden, she let go, only to throw her hands to her mouth as she let out a gasp at the sight of Alden's baggage.

"The hell...?" She says softly as she walked over until she was standing directly in front of Alden. "What happened?" She asked, looking up at Alden.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3803 days
Last activity: 3698 days
Posted on 06-26-07 03:29 PM Link
Alden carried Jeremy's body to the helicopter.

"H-he caught me off guard. I thought he was Josiah..."

The medic rushed over and took Jeremy over to the cot. He placed a clear cup over his mouth and nose, and slid in a silver canister.

"That will slow down his heart rate to keep him alive for a few hours."

He began to bandage Jeremy's chest wound as Alden sat down and stared at the floor.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-26-07 03:35 PM Link
Holly watched as the medic becan taking care of Jeremy. She spun in Alden's direction to say something to him. He was sitting on the floor, staring blankly. She tilted her head back in Eric's direction with a helpless expression. Quietly, she made her way over toward Jeremy and gently sat down as close as she could.

She had been clutching her shard since Jeremy had left, and didn't realize how hard she was holding on to it until there was a warm sensation in the palm of her hand, but she did not let go. How the fuck does this thing work?! she thought. It took care of Leon and shielded her several times within the past few days. Why can't I control it? the grim thoughts invaded her mind as she watched the medic continue his work.

(Last edited by Katana on 06-26-07 06:36 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5047 days
Last activity: 1357 days
Posted on 06-26-07 10:26 PM Link
Leon sat relatively calm through this turn of events. Jeremy came back wounded, probably going to die. No biggie. What Seifer had said rang true throughout Leon the most. Not all of us would come back alive. At least that's the way this seems. Leon knew he could kill Josiah, but at what costs? His own life? Other's lives? A small cost to save the world. Leon thought of the shards, their existence. How they came into the world. The divine initiation of the shards. Leon thought of the shards as a test for mankind, and Josiah was causing the whole race to fail. Leon began to think it his destiny to save the world from this man, if not their lives, their souls in heaven.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 06-26-07 11:02 PM Link
Seifer was slightly panicked by Jeremy's condition, but just like Leon, he had seen enough of these sort of these things not to be completely shaken. He patted Alden on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, man. I'm sure he'll pull through this."

Seifer walked over and took the gun from Eric's hand. He pointed it up and got Holly's attention.

"Cock..." He did so, demonstrating it for her, "Aim..." he pointed the gun forward, "And then shoot. Do not take the time to aim perfect, but don't miss." He twirled it once, flipping the safety on, then placed it in her hands.

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1527 days
Last activity: 1345 days
Posted on 06-26-07 11:18 PM Link
Holly watched intently as Seifer demonstrated how to use the weapon. She gave a curt not and accepted the revolver with her left hand, meanwhile shaking off the small droplets of blood that remained on her right hand. She then placed the gun on the floor beside her, and pulled open her right sleeve. With a light shake of the wrist, her bracelet, along with the shard shimmied it's way up her arm and inside her sleeve. She then picked up the gun again and rose to her feet.

"Well, apparently Alden is alright..." She says grimly. "Henry, you should stay here with Alden, Jeremy, and the medic." She looked over in Henry's direction and narrowed her dark blue eyes into a glare, hoping that he would catch on to her efforts to get him to stay behind.

"Are we just going to sit here or are we going to do what we came here to do?" She asked, surveying the rest of the crowd. As she usually did, Holly was acting on impulse and she knew it. She just didn't care anymore. With that she turned and hoped back out of the helicopter.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4821 days
Last activity: 4445 days
Posted on 06-26-07 11:25 PM Link
Seifer smiled. "Now that's the girl of my dreams." He followed after her, activating Holy Trinity. His shadow was now green, the energy ready to act at his command.

"Let's make a quick run in. Leon, come on!"
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