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Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 06-08-07 03:01 AM Link | Quote

Originally posted by Aint it Cool News
Hey, everyone. ”Moriarty” here.
... and my theory is this: Tom Rothman was once molested by a giant.

No, seriously. It all makes sense now. This is the guy who absolutely resisted any attempts to put the Sentinels in any of the X-MEN movies, who once famously said, “There won’t be any giant robots in any movie my studio makes.”

And now... well, now Fox has finally locked down the look of Galactus in the film that is, I’m now hearing from people on the picture, “a heartbreaker.” And not in the good way. More in the “hates superheroes and plays more like a parody than a real film” way.

Are you ready for this?

Wanted to let you know what Galactus is going to look like / be represented as in the FF2 sequel:

A storm cloud.


That's it. That's the solution from the creatives.

(clears throat).....pretty lame.

Think Superman/Silver Surfer flying through clouds with Galactus / Jorel VO.

My source is in the eye of the storm.

I've written reviews for your site as MegaSwarm (Fountain, Tenacious D, Scanner Darkly)

I don’t want to hate this movie. I didn’t think the first one was the worst Marvel movie ever. I also didn’t think it was a particularly good film. It was just mediocre, with a few elements that sort of kind of worked a little bit. I want a Silver Surfer/Galactus movie to be cool.

But a storm cloud?


Mr. Rothman, please just tell your therapist about where the giant touched you, then get over it and stop raping these comic book properties in an effort to settle the score, okay?


Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-08-07 03:04 AM Link | Quote
*jaw drops*

*head in hands*

I don't know. Seems worth seeing for the Silver Surfer alone ... maybe the clouds will just be "hiding" Galactus? But if this is official, fans are definitely going to go crazy (in a bad way).

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 06-08-07 03:08 AM Link | Quote

Does not equal

If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

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Posted on 06-08-07 05:41 AM Link | Quote
*Is not shocked. Not one bit.*

I should add more, but you know, there's really nothing to say.

X-Men was gutted with X3 having any and all of its integrity lopped off. Silver Surfer's being sold as a villain. Hulk became Day-glo and sappy, jumping all over the desert. Spidey, well, considering I haven't bothered with the latest installment which I've heard ruins good, old Pete, I really don't want to consider how much worse it could be.

Galactus represented as a cloud--the consumer of planets.

I'll pass on this one until I see it remade 3 or 4 times over down the line.

Let's see what Tony Stark is up to.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
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Posted on 06-08-07 01:14 PM Link | Quote
Agreed. While I was thinking superhero movies would just keep on getting better and better, Marvel is just destroying series after series.

Speaking of Iron Man ...

I've still got my hopes up for that one.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 06-08-07 06:35 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rogue
Silver Surfer's being sold as a villain.
Well, wasn't he an antagonist at first? He was scouting Earth because Galactus wanted to eat it.

But Galactus a CLOUD? D= What's next, the Uncle Ben death story being butchered?

Oh wait.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
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Posted on 06-08-07 06:53 PM Link | Quote
What if I told you that...

I approved?

*hides behind the horse to avoid the bullets*

Seriously, a big giant with purple armor walking around. Isn't that sort of lame? If they manage to make the cloud cool, then I think they can pull it off, as long as he doesn't just look like an ordinary storm cloud.

Just remember what they did with the sand and the water in the Mummy series, when they all got attacked by it. Think that, only as the main villian.

I approve.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 06-08-07 11:36 PM Link | Quote
Because, if they change it, then it's not Galactus anymore, it's a cloud that they are calling Galactus. It's about faith to the source material. What if, in Harry Potter, they decided to make Harry a midget, because it's cooler? Exactly.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

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Posted on 06-10-07 08:54 AM Link | Quote
Actually, I tihnk that would be pretty awesome.

Anyway, I never read the comics or watched the movies, so I don't really care how accurate it is to the original, aslong as it's good.

And sorry, but a purple armored giant who likes to eat planets isn't that cool. However, a sentient cloud of nanobots trying to destroy the world is most definitely cool.


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 06-10-07 02:52 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vulkar
And sorry, but a purple armored giant who likes to eat planets isn't that cool.
Ah! I've figured you out! You're from Bizarro World! Anything that's actually cool, you think isnt, and vice versa right?

Because Galctus is most definately awesome. If you just say "Purple Giant That Eats Planets", it can possibly sound lame, but that might be because an image like this appears in thought when first said:

But really Galactus is:

I mean, EATING planets? Own. I know it's ridiculous to even argue about it, but I couldn't help it. Agreeing with cloud is coo' and all, but saying classic Galactus is lame...

Either way, I'm still gonna watch FF4-2.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 06-10-07 02:53 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vulkar
And sorry, but a purple armored giant who likes to eat planets isn't that cool. However, a sentient cloud of nanobots trying to destroy the world is most definitely cool.

Well, Hellboy is cool, why don't we make the Thing red and give him horns? And Invisible Woman should wear a bikini, that's cooler. And the Human Torch should have a mohawk, those are cool.

Originally posted by Wikipedia
Galactus wields the immeasurable Power Cosmic and has been described as "the most powerful creature in the universe."[19]
As such, Galactus is able to employ the limitless cosmic energies within him to produce nearly any effect he desires, including size-alteration,[20] the molecular restructuring and transmutation of matter,[21] the teleportation of objects—even entire galaxies—across space and time,[22] the erection of impenetrable force fields,[21] the creation of interdimensional portals,[23] telepathy,[24] telekinesis,[25] and cosmic awareness on a universal scale.[26]
Galactus has even shown the ability to create sentient life in the form of Tyrant,[27] resurrect his herald Morg,[28] manipulate mortal souls[29] and remake dead worlds—including their populations — in every detail.[30]
Galactus requires his armor to help regulate his internal energies. As Galactus must continuously feed to sustain himself, his power levels are inconsistent throughout any given period. For this reason, Earth's heroes have been able to achieve various degrees of success in repelling — though not defeating — a starving, weakened Galactus.[31]
As the oldest known living entity in this universe, Galactus employs technology that by Mr. Fantastic's own admission—perhaps the most brilliant mind on Earth—he cannot even begin to grasp.[32]

(Last edited by Morrolan on 06-10-07 05:58 PM)

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-10-07 05:40 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vulkar
Actually, I tihnk that would be pretty awesome.

Anyway, I never read the comics or watched the movies, so I don't really care how accurate it is to the original, aslong as it's good.

And sorry, but a purple armored giant who likes to eat planets isn't that cool. However, a sentient cloud of nanobots trying to destroy the world is most definitely cool.

Don't forget Unicron, the obvious Galactus/Transformers clone that's awesome!

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 06-10-07 05:46 PM Link | Quote
Besides, when you take a more realistic looking version of him, it's awesome:

That's what he would have looked like in the movie.

Originally posted by Wikipedia
Although Galactus is usually perceived in humanoid form, each species perceives Galactus in a form resembling its own.[7] As a being who is both abstract entity (e.g. Death, Eternity, et al) and a physical creature, Galactus' true form and nature are beyond the capability of mortal beings to comprehend.

Also, I know where they got the cloud idea:

Ultimate Galactus, called Gah Lak Tus, was introduced in a trilogy written by Warren Ellis. Gah Lak Tus is first mentioned by Ultimate Vision, an early-warning system for worlds under threat by Gah Lak Tus, an immense (approx. 100,000 miles long) group mind of city-sized robotic drones that attacks worlds using envoys (resembling the Silver Surfer) followed by a flesh-eating virus that destroys all life. After this the entity breaks open the dying world and sucks all thermal energy from the core. Gah Lak Tus considers all forms and expressions of organic life to be so abhorrent it believed itself desecrated when telepathically contacted by Professor X.[45]

Not only that, but he will be calle Gah Lak Tus in the movie... I hate the Ultamite Marvel series so much. I mean, look what they did to the Green Goblin:

Yeah, it's cool, but it's not the Green Goblin.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-11-07 12:03 AM Link | Quote
@first picture: Yeah that's pretty awesome, that was from Ultimate Alliance (the game) right?

But yeah, the Marvel Ultimate series from what I've seen and heard and by just looking at how some of the characters look ... its definitely an insult to the Marvel Universe.

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 06-11-07 12:17 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, it's from UA. And about the GG picture, there was a Green Goblin like that, an experimental one before Norman Osborn, but he wasn't a villain.

A funny thing, in the new commercials for the movie, they have interviews with the cast. Jessica Alba says that the Silver Surfer is "A new kind of villain." One that's 41 years old. And Chiklas says that he is "an enigma." Whatever that means.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

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Posted on 06-11-07 05:57 PM Link | Quote
Meh, don't shoot me, but I like what the Ultimate version of the universe has done. Sure, it's different, but it isn't supposed to be the same thing, is it?

And even Galactus in UA didn't look cool. I played through the game, and he's the reason I thought of the big purple giant.

Clouds look cool anyway. Besides that, it doesn't look like Galactus is going to be the main part of the movie, so he's not that big of a deal.

Ball and Chain Trooper

Since: 08-14-04
From: 255

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Posted on 06-16-07 01:29 AM Link | Quote
Some spoilers ahead, not a lot of surprises though.

6/10, maybe a 7/10.

It was decent. Random, next to no plot, slapstick humor throughout the entire thing (thus didn't seem to always take itself seriously most of the time), Galactus royally sucked, Jessica Alba looked like an alien, the stuff with Doom was stupid, etc.

Silver Surfer was the best part of the entire movie, but it needed more of him.

Galactus ... sure you saw some thin 'outlines' of his face at times, but they ultimately destroyed him. I had heard somewhere you clearly see a silhouette outline of his hands and face, but nope. No dialogue or anything either.

The Army was retarded. It was almost as bad as the Army showing up in DBZ. Them teaming up with Doom and all that was extremely retarded too. Dr. Doom was utterly lame in this one.

It was okay. Not like I had my hopes up extremely high anyways.

(Last edited by MasterSylar on 06-16-07 04:31 AM)


Since: 09-02-04
From: Destroy Tower

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Posted on 06-16-07 02:49 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by MasterSylar
Galactus ... sure you saw some thin 'outlines' of his face at times, but they ultimately destroyed him.
Destroyed him as in ruined him, or he was killed?

Because if he was killed, boy howdy, that'll be the day. The FF beating him? Ha!

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

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Posted on 06-16-07 02:53 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, Galactus has never been defeated, only driven away.

EDIT: Actually, they did sort of defeat him once:

Galactus recently discovered he was "starving" to death due to an addiction to the life forces of living beings which offer no sustenance, and was apparently killed when the Silver Surfer turned Galactus' own Elemental Converter against him. As Galactus dies he warns that his death will allow a great evil to surface. After his death, Galactus' remains took the form of a star.[12]
That great evil that Galactus spoke of emerged a year later in the form of the Biblical demon Abraxas, the universal embodiment of destruction and the antithesis of Eternity. The Fantastic Four discover that most of the energy that Galactus took from planets was devoted to keeping Abraxas imprisoned as, if released, the entity will eventually destroy the entire multiverse.[13] Franklin Richards pools his Celestial-level power with that of his sister Valeria Von Doom and reconstitutes Galactus, but the siblings permanently burn out their powers in doing so. The newly reformed Galactus reclaims the Ultimate Nullifier from Abraxas, and Reed Richards uses it to remake the multiverse into a version in which Abraxas never escapes. The Ultimate Nullifier is revealed to be an aspect of Galactus himself.[14]
Soon after however, Reed Richards designs a weapon with the express purpose of stripping Galactus of the Power Cosmic. The creation of the device is made possible with help from Quasar and Johnny Storm, who is cosmically aware at this time. The weapon succeeds in separating Galactus into his two core components - Galan and the Power Cosmic. Galan then exiles himself in another dimension, hoping that this act will prevent the Power Cosmic from finding him.[15] The ruse fails, however, as a fully reformed Galactus encounters the alien warrior Beta Ray Bill soon after.[16] The manner in which the Power Cosmic finds Galan has not been revealed.

(Last edited by Morrolan on 06-16-07 05:53 AM)

Since: 08-02-06
From: California

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Posted on 06-16-07 03:19 AM Link | Quote
Oi. Comic book stuff nowadays is kinda hard to follow. Interdimensional evil this and dudes dying and being brought back to life that, it's pretty ridiculous.
Wait, is this movie out yet? Totaly slipped by me.
By the way Morrolan, where did you find that Galactus pic?
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