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Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5969 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 04-17-07 07:51 PM Link | Quote
I will post my character last. Just in case any holes need to be filled for substance of plot and such. Each intro post must be your character waking up and going through their morning routine.

Divine Mamkute
Dark Elf Goddess
Chaos Imp
Penguins Fan

Ms. Invisable

Since: 08-15-04
From: Ferelden

Since last post: 182 days
Last activity: 182 days
Posted on 04-17-07 08:55 PM Link | Quote
Name: Moraine Dawson
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: 5'7", 150lbs. Shoulder-length black hair, green eyes, wears jeans and t-shirts when she can get away with it.

History: Moraine just recently moved out on her own, has always been good at school and likes playing video games and reading books. Rather accident prone.

Occupation: Manager at the local bookstore.

Residence: Small apartment (ground level) in a nice neighborhood. Lives alone.

*The alarm clock rings on the table next to Moraine's bed and she glares at it as she turns it off. For a few moments she contimplates setting it to go off again in thirty minutes, but decides against it. She crawls out from under the covers and stumbles over to the closet. After a few moments she pulls out a pair of black, boot-cut jeans and a cammo t-shirt with the phrase "Spot Check DC 22" on the front and then goes to the dresser for the daily undergarments. Having gathered her clothes for the day she makes her way to the bathroom for her morning shower and teeth brushing.

Emerging from the bathroom an hour later, Moraine heads for the kitchen and begins preparing a hearty breakfast of granola cereal with soy milk and berries. She puts the electric kettle on to make some much-needed coffee and goes to grab the paper from her mailbox. Upon returning, she makes her cup of coffee and sits down to eat and peruse the funnies.*

(Last edited by Elara on 04-19-07 10:38 PM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4931 days
Last activity: 4554 days
Posted on 04-17-07 09:49 PM Link | Quote
Name: Ashton Elwood
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, shaggy black hair, contrasted upon his olive complexion, muddied emerald eyes, and apparent facial hair. Think the lead singer of Maroon 5, Adam Levine, if you will. Wears a different set of clothes every day, and is occasionally picky when it comes to style, despite his financial position.
History: He's lived a relatively simple life up so far. He was raised in a picture perfect suburban neighborhood, with a loving mother and jocular older brother. His father had been dead for many years, and his mother was still too affected by Ashton's father's death to speak to him about it. He went to college for a while, community college, before realizing he couldn't breathe in those conditions. So he's moved to the city, and living alone in his old convertible. He uses his good looks and social skills to meet local women, who offer him a nice bed, a warm shower, and some good company, so despite his vagrancy, he's managed to keep life going..
Occupation: Occasionally works at a 7-11
Residence: Car

Ashton loved the feeling of silky satin sheets against his skin. It was so soothing, so tranquil, it erased all his fears and worries with it's beckoning comfort. But those few precious moments sliding his skin against the lining of exotic fabric came to an abrupt end when a door opened and shut in the apartment he was currently in. Fuck.
Ashton looked over at the naked woman beside him, remembering her name just as the new visitor called it out. "Darlene!" The main yelled, opening and closing cabinets. Ashton quickly threw on his clothes, and he looked disheveled, but he had no time to care. He currently wore a pair of light blue jeans, a tight black belt, a bright yellow shirt with black lettering, and a thin blue hooded jacket. He looked around the bedroom and noticed a window, his only escape. He opened it and climbed out, getting a rude awakening from the sights and sounds of the city. He quickly jogged down the fire escape and made a brisk jog down 22nd street until he reached his car. Sighing, he climbed inside and flipped the ignition on. He turned on the radio and listened intently to the smooth jams of HelloGoodbye as he caught his breath and reclined his chair.

Just another day...


Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5173 days
Last activity: 4689 days
Posted on 04-18-07 01:04 AM Link | Quote
Name: Daren Clarke

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: 5' 10'', brown hair worn at mid back length, usually in a braid. Light colored skin and hazel eyes. Slim build but defenite muscle defenition so he frequents a gym periodically but not obssesively.

History: His parents died when he was two and he has no memory of them. He was one of the lucky ones that go through the public system and was eventually placed with a good family. Honest foster parents, a foster sister that was three years older than him. Working hard he excelled in school and developed a passionate love for reading which he eventually turned into a business license and he opened his own bar at the age of 25.

The Green Dragon bar was an all around solid establishment. There was a spacious if simple living area upstairs where Daren resided and the downstairs sported several pool tables, a well stocked liqour section and several different beers to match the tastes of his customers.

Overall there is very little that is remarkable about Daren. He's single, honest, works hard in his bar and has few friends or much of a social life. He still loves to read and frequently plays games of trivia with some of his regulars.

Occupation: Owner and Operator of the Green Dragon Bar.

Residence: Apartment located above the bar that he owns.


Daren woke to a blaring alarm clock and quickly smashed his fist down on it
several times until he finally hit the off button. Sunlight streamed in through the
windows of his apartment located above the bar that he owned and ran himself.

"These late nights are gonna kill me," he muttered as he slowly dragged himself
out of bed.

Taking a quick shower and drinking some coffee he made his way downstairs and
turned on the tv's. Flipping the juke box on he unlocked the front door and opened it
turnign around a sign so that it read "Open" on the outside.

Going around behind the bar he sat down and picked up a book on Particle

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 9 hours
Posted on 04-18-07 01:15 AM Link | Quote
Name: Chris Wistock
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5' 11", Swimmers Build rather short blond hair Slate Grey eyes, Usually in Some black jeans or his normal jeans, some sort of long sleave shirt or a T-shirt with some logo on it(usually a hardware manufacturer)

History: Chris Got out of High School at the Age of sixteen and went to the Junior College for Two Years Clearing up his General Ed Requirements, He is now going to College to get his BA in Computer Sciences with an Emphasis on Networking. He likes to play alot of Video Games and does peoples websites in his spare time, he is currently working on his CCIE at this time as he just finished his CCSP and is now Certifed in CCSP and CCNA.
Occupation: Informations Technology at a Local Corporation
Residence: Live in a Small House that his insurance money payed for after he got hit by a car during high school, he pays the mortgage on it and is currently looking for a roomate.

*Chris's Alarm Clock blares out some Kaizers Orchestra*

His head snaps up and looks away from his monitors and his eyes open wide

SHIT! I have to get ready for work...fuck fuck fuck...Damnit Waxx you kept me awake working on your damn site...

Chris gets up and shoves his chair to the side and runs to get the shower going and he beings throwing his laptops(2) into his Messenger bag. He sets the bag on his bed and hops in the shower and frantically scrubs himself down and gets out of the shower and goes into his closet and puts on some black Slacks, and a dress shirt, on his way to his bed he trips over his cat Shadow and begins cursing profusely[/i}


err..Sorry Shadow I didnt see you there, I have no time I need to go

Chris grabs his bag and keys and runs out the door slamming it behind him, he unlocks his Honda Civic Type-R and hops in and begins his drive to work

(Last edited by Chris on 04-18-07 04:22 AM)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 177 days
Last activity: 177 days
Posted on 04-18-07 09:41 AM Link | Quote
Name: George Smith.
Age: 29
Gender: male.
Appearance: George is a slightly overweight man, with balding hair, and a few wrinkles on his face.
History: George started out late in his carreer. He didn't graduate highschool, and took a lot of time to build up enough money to go to college, where he got a masters degree in marketing.
Occupation: He currently sells used cars, and progressing almost no where in life.
Residence: He lives alone in a house, fairly close to where he works.

George woke up to his blaring alarm. He brought up his arm, and slapped the snooze buton, giving him a few more minutes to sleep.

He woke up again, five minutes later, his alarm blaring. With a curse, he sat up, and switched his alarm to off. He was supposed to have today off, though he had no idea what it was he was going to do in his free time.

He heard the phone ring, and he got up to answer it, "Yeah, what is it?" A few seconds later he said, "I need to come in again?!" Another few seonds passed. "Alright, I'll be there soon."

Fifteen minutes later, he walked to his car, put his keys into it, and turned to go to work. This day wasn't going to be nearly as relaxing as he had hoped.

(Last edited by Vulkar on 04-18-07 12:41 PM)


Since: 08-16-04

Since last post: 5156 days
Last activity: 1466 days
Posted on 04-19-07 01:20 AM Link | Quote
Name: Violette Jackson
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: 103lbs, 5'4", long black wavy hair, and bright green eyes. Violette has the body and face of a model, but the way she dresses gives her a more "girl next door" look. She usually wears tight jeans, of multiple colors, tight-fitting T-shirts, or button downs. Her hair is usually left in it's wavy state, but from time to time, she will straighten it or curl it. Depends on her mood.
History: Violette has been moved through life on the arms of a man, she relies on them, and uses them for what she needs. She's generally dislikes doing "real" work, and having a boy to help her always makes things easier. She's a bartender so she can keep her cheap apartment's rent paid. She is currently single, but most certainly looking, as always.
Occupation: Model(when she can get work), Bartender.
Residence: One bedroom apartment, the bare minimums of what she needs. A nice place in a nice neighborhood. Kind of boring, but decorated with an exquisite style.

Violette awoke at 10:13AM, wearing only a cotton bra and panties. She forced herself to get up, rolling off her soft bed she walked bare-foot to her shower. After quickly showering (24 minutes exactly) she dried herself off, dried her hair, brushed her teeth, and dressed for the day.

A pair of tight, dark blue jeans was her choice, a white button-down, leaving two top buttons undone, so her black bra could be seen and her cleavage was noticeable. She put on her beat-up Chucks and headed for the door. Making it outside to catch a glimpse of the sun looming overhead. On her walk, this warm day, she walked to the nearby ATM.

-- -- Welcome, insert card for service.

-- -- -- -- Please type your PIN then hit Enter.

-- -- -- -- -- -- XXXX

-- -- -- -- PIN accepted.

-- -- Remaining balance: $342.33

-- -- Withdraw: $120.00

-- -- -- -- -- -- Thank you, have a nice day.

The automated teller thanked her for taking her money away. She pocketed the cash and moved down the street, keys to her car and apartment located in the opposing pocket. She walked to the corner market store, picking up a plum, buying it with a stray buck she had in her pocket. She took a bite of the plum and savored the flavor. On her way to the Park, as per her normal routine, a stop was made to grab a paper. She simply had to solve this week's Sudoku puzzle, then the Crossword if she was feeling up to it.

The park was filled as usual, such a beautiful day, people were tossing Frisbees to their dogs, and the dogs were retrieving them. A few college kids undressed her with their eyes as she walked to a black metal bench with wooden planks. She crossed her legs, work was not on until 4:00, she figure she might as well make the most of the day.

Pulling a black pen from her back pocket, she quickly got to work on the puzzle, exhausting all simple solutions within minutes, now, the thinking part of the game came along. Making quick work of it, she glanced up to see the college kids leaving for class. One looked back at her, and she flashed him a smile, making him think he had a chance. But soon returned to her puzzle.

(Last edited by White on 04-27-07 08:15 PM)

Dragon Fly

Since: 09-19-05
From: Woodlawn, TN

Since last post: 6121 days
Last activity: 6059 days
Posted on 04-19-07 01:58 AM Link | Quote
Name: Murdock DeNoss
Age: Ageless eyes, physical apperance is late 20's
Gender: Male
Appearance:Murdock strides into the picture standing broad shoulder around 6' tall. He wears a leather vest with metalic buttons down the center and no shirt under. His biceps are well defined showing he takes care of his body. He wears a necklace that goes inside the vest not allowing for anyone to see if there is a pendant on it or what it would be. He wears sunglasses as the sun will be showing soon. After putting on his jeans on he does a few stretches to loosen up and heads out getting on his mooter bike. He takes off heading down to the docks for work.

Occupation: Long Shoremen & IT
REsidence: Where the work leads him. Normally makes enough to move about.

History: Loner. Never staying long enough for any to know his face or behaviors. Into alt life styles and subculture's.

Murdock rides into the work place just before dawn, he looks around with a expressionless face eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses, some would wonder if he could see in the darkened morning or not. He parked the bike and pulled on a pull over covering his head with the hoody, with a light sigh he pulled out some roll your owns and made himself a cigarette and smoked before his shift started.

(Last edited by MurdockDeNoss on 04-19-07 05:09 AM)

Zombie Marco

Since: 03-24-06

Since last post: 3912 days
Last activity: 3808 days
Posted on 04-19-07 02:03 AM Link | Quote
Name: Martin Cassetti

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Appearance: Martin wears a tan panama hat trained over his eyes, to match his wonderful rumpled trenchcoat. He is a tall man, about 5' 9", well built with short cropped black hair and a fairly handsome face.

History: Ever since his early childhood, Martin was fascinated by the image of the classic 50's film noir detective. He constantly was reading novels like The Maltese Falcon, and films such as The Asphalt Jungle. It was only natural for him to create his own private detective agency. Two years later, his mildly successful company hasn't quite provided the life he had expected, but only time will tell.

Occupation: Dur.

Residence: Small apartment over his office.

Martin's watch beeped, signifying the end of the hour. Or the beginning, it didn't really matter, but the end sounded so much more dramatic. He flipped up the collar of his coat to protect him from the cold that the car's heater should have. He probably could afford to fix it, but a good PI always had to have a beat up car: it kept them in a bad mood.

He returned his large binoculars to his eyes and watched the couple sleeping. 'Couple' wasn't the proper word. Lovers. Close friends. Fuck-buddies. Whichever word was correct, he was watching them. These were the only jobs Martin got: jealous husbands and wives, suspicious about their spouse's loyalty, while they were usually the one sleeping around. No one seemed to commit cunning heists or daring kidnappings anymore.

The boy jolted awake, and Martin panned to the front of the building to see what had aroused him. The husband, the man who had hired him, returning early at an attempt to do Martin's job. He read the man's lips as he called out his wife's name.


Martin turned back to the boy, who was already halfway out the window, and beginning his descent down the fire escape. Martin, still planning on getting
paid for this job put his car into drive and slowly followed the young adulterer to his own vehicle, where he just... sat there.

Martin brought a cigarette to his lips and lit it with a match. Well this was unusual. And it would probably take a while, which irked Martin's desire for a heater even more.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5969 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 04-20-07 12:45 AM Link | Quote
Name: Rourke Simon
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Appearance: 5'11 160lbs Rourke has dark dark brown hair. That falls infront of his eyes unless he has it comped back or in a top knot. His eyes are a piercing blue. He is well toned. He usually wears black button downs, or clever t-shirts, and jeans. He has had the same pair of beat up converse for years and the duct tape holds them together just fine.

History: Rourke is briliant. He is very creative. He paints, sculpts, if it's art he does it. He can also play any instrument, And his voice would make anyone melt. His downfall is drugs. He does just about anything. He lives with his parents, but they are getting rather tired of his distant nature.

Occupation: Odd jobs. Never kept a solid job for long.

Residence: Parents' Suburbia Hell

Rourke awoke to his mother's knock at the door.
"'s nearly ten. Are you getting up soon?" She said rather annoyingly.
He let out a heavy sigh, sat up in bed and said, "Fuck." He stood up steadied himself and began walking to the bathroom. He filled the bathtub and stewed.

"I've got to get out of here."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 177 days
Last activity: 177 days
Posted on 04-21-07 03:35 PM Link | Quote
George drove, annoyed at work. It was his day off, he shouldn't have to drive in! How he hated whoever was responsible. He looked to his right, at a person walking his dog. It was an ugly dog, no tail, dirty fur, and a terrible face.

He looked forward, and suddenly pressed the brake, hard. He had driven into the intersection, a red light on his side, and just narrowly missed the car ahead of him.

He looked to his right, and suddenly saw a honda charge into his car, sending his flying to the side, swinging wildly. Unable to stop it, his car slammed into a telephone pole on its right side, flipping him over, so that his car lay sideways, with the now collapsed roof against the pole. Luckily, it hadn't hit him.

He felt the car shift again, now rightside up, perfectly safe. George looked at the pole, it had collapsed, away from him, fortunately, but it looked like it was in far better condition than himself.

He looked towards the door, it was damaged, and he doubted he'd be able to get it open.

On the bright side, he doubted he'd have to go to work.

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 9 hours
Posted on 04-21-07 09:18 PM Link | Quote
Chris was waiting at the intersection for the light to turn green, the moment the light turns green he floors it and keeps going his phone rings he bends down to pick it up off of the floor as he looks up he slams into a nondescript car in the intersection and the car flips as it hits the car, he blacks out for a second when he opens his eyes he is upside and all of his stuff is on the roof of his car, he unstraps his seatbelt and falls to the ground.

"Mother...FUCKER! What dumbass is FUCK! my head..."

Chris pulls himself out through the open window and examines himself finding no cuts only a few bruises he looks over towards the other car and goes over there to see if the other person was alright and to yell at his dumbass.

"Hey are you okay in there !?"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4931 days
Last activity: 4554 days
Posted on 04-21-07 11:34 PM Link | Quote
Ashton had been silently playing his blues chord with his Fender Stratocaster, enjoying the tranquility of the morning. A few weeks ago he had decided he wanted to be a guitarist, so he saved up and bought himself a guitar. He always did that: take money he should be saving for somewhere real to live and spend it on some passing obsession. Despite the fact he actually had a knack for playing the guitar, he subconsciously knew he'd probably get tired of it in a few weeks and sell it for some other shit.
As he placed down his guitar in the back seat, he opened the car door with his foot. He climbed out and shut the door, shooting a glance at traffic. He was hungry, that light dinner he had before going out last night was not going to sustain him until work. That had been a mistake in general, he didn't know that girl was married.
He crossed the street and was passing by a telephone pole when a car came crashing into it, foretold by a demonic screeching of rubber and metal. Thinking fast, Ashton leaped out of the way, hitting the sidewalk.


He rose to his feet just as the car flipped back over, and stood completely still for a moment. Mouth agape, Ashton stood in disbelief for a few moments before snapping to his senses. After composing his mental state, he walked over to the wrecked car. The door looked destroyed, and the old guy inside looked like he didn't have the strength to do it.

"Dude, you alright? Need help getting out?!"

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5969 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 04-22-07 04:40 PM Link | Quote
Rourke dried off and flipped on the radio. He caught announcement about an accident in route to his dealer. He pulled open the drawer where he kept his stash. The last of meth was almost gone. He palmed a mirror and tapped out the last of the sticky yellowish powder. Lightning went up his nose and he leaned back on his bed. He got dressed and made his way downtown to see if he could find some fun tonight.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 177 days
Last activity: 177 days
Posted on 04-22-07 05:59 PM Link | Quote
George groaned. Going from fourty to zero, to fourty again, and then to zero again was not a way to make a man feel good.

He looked up as a man with black eyes came up to him, and offered to help. He looked around. Could it be any less obvious that he needed a bti of help getting out?

"Yeah..." he responded a bit loudly. His ears were ringing.

It was a good thing he had insurance, although he had a feeling it would increase now that he crashed his vehicle. He really hoped the other guy had gotten thrown out of the windshield or something.

(Last edited by Vulkar on 04-22-07 09:00 PM)
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4931 days
Last activity: 4554 days
Posted on 04-22-07 06:20 PM Link | Quote
Ashton moved in at the old guy's order and inspected the damage. He turned to the college kid next to him.

"Call 911, man!"

Ashton then reached in through the window and pulled at the door as hard as he could. It budged a little, but no significant results. He noticed the obstruction: a warped piece of metal from the door. He rose his foot and kicked hard, three times, until it dented enough to make room. He then pulled again and the door opened. Ashton leaned in and stuck his hand out.

"Alright, man, climb on out. I got you."

Metal battleaxe
Is back. Kind of.

Since: 11-15-04

Since last post: 171 days
Last activity: 9 hours
Posted on 04-22-07 06:42 PM Link | Quote
Chris pulls his cellphone out of his pocket and dials 911 and informs them of the accident and its location, he hangs up and moves over to help the guy who told him to call 911.

"I dont think we should move him, its not a good idea somethign in his back could have shifted wait for the ambulance to get here they know what they are doing. You dont want to be responsible for paralyzing this man do you?"

Chris shakes his head sadly and murmers "Damnit...I am gonna be late for work..."


Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5173 days
Last activity: 4689 days
Posted on 04-22-07 08:04 PM Link | Quote
Business was slow. Even for ten in the morning business was slow.

Daren sighed and looked up from his book. He'd put down the particle accelerator
material and was currently reading a book involving neutron stars. The bar only had
three customers but he knew that come 4 to 5 in the afternoon he'd be up to his neck in customers and trying to handle everything by himself.

"I should really think about hiring some help," he muttered to himself as one of his
regulars came in and ordered a beer. While he was pouring he heard squeeling
tires and a loud crash somewhere outside. Traffic slowed considerably in the next
couple of minutes and he concluded that a crash must have taken place.

"Hope no one's hurt," he says as he goes back to his book.

Picking it up he looks around the bar and notices several more people coming in
meaning he'll have to put down his book. After a half an hour of serving and talking
to his customers he'd made up his mind.

"That's it," he says. On his way into the back to bring out some more bud light for
the cooler up front he grabs an old and dusty "Help Wanted' sign that he'd never
put up.

He set the sign in the window and was then taken up in the chaos of running an
establishment that serves alcohol.

Since: 01-22-05
From: The restaurant at the end of the universe....

Since last post: 5969 days
Last activity: 5234 days
Posted on 04-22-07 08:39 PM Link | Quote
Rourke drove, or rather crept his way to his dealer Finch's house. He came to a halt. After being there for a few minutes he lit a cigarette. "This fucking traffic.." He turned his head to find The Green Dragon bar. He'd been there a few times. He read a dusty Help Wanted sign. He pulled off the road that continued not to move and inch.

The bar was a bit crowded. Rourke sat on one of the stools and waited for the bartender to have a spare moment.


Since: 10-20-04

Since last post: 5173 days
Last activity: 4689 days
Posted on 04-22-07 11:10 PM Link | Quote
Daren looked around the bar, slightly exasperated and more than a little hagard.

"I swear I'm at the end of my fucking rope," he muttered to himself, pulling his braid
over his shoulder and giving it a sharp tug. A nervous tick he'd picked up once his
hair had actually gotten long enough to do it.

He sighed. He didn't actually dislike the bar. He loved it. He loved meeting people
and talking with all the new faces and old friends that came in. He loved the
atmosphere that he'd built into his work and his home.

Glancing around again he noticed a new comer down towards the end of the bar.
One that looked a little young to be in there. He flipped his braid back over his
shoulder and walked over, lighting a cigarette as he went.

When he got closer he noticed that while young looking the new guy was also
pretty good looking. Daren supressed a smirk but couldn't help licking his lips
slightly as he came even with the young man.

"Morning sir," he said as he stopped. He reached under the bar and pulled out a
glass. Setting it on the bar he put some ice in it and reached for the tab that would
pour Coke. "Can I get you something," he asked giving a slightly more than
friendly smile as he did, his eyes raking quickly over his torso.
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