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User Post

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 08-27-06 01:37 AM, in Woken Up By A Helicopter Almost Crashing Into My House... Link
I thought it was a really loud Flowmaster.

My mom's outside. Comes back in telling me that an old-looking helicopter just took the top off the neighbor's tree, stalled over our house, and has crash-landed at the school. I get up and look out the window, and sure enough, the entire neighborhood is rushing towards the elementary school. There was no crash, so I tossed a pair of shorts on and frantically searched for my video camera's battery. Not finding it, I grabbed the cell phone and took off towards the school.

CBS News Story
Long Beach PressTelegram Story

A few minutes later, I walked back home and found my video camera battery. I'm still in the process of editing together the footage. But, on the bright side, we got some action in our little town and I got a chocolate chip cookie from the FOX news van guy.

Shortly before touching down, many of the neighbors said they noticed that the rear rotor of the helicopter had stopped turning, and several neighbors said they heard and saw the helicopter stalling shortly before it emergency landed at the school. Nonetheless, it was still cool.

Something like twelve police cars, two ambulances, and two fire engines. No fire, though. And the pilot seemed to be okay...just a little rattled. There are still police helicopters circling over our homes. And something fell off and landed in my neighbor's yard. I wish I was up at the time. FOX would have killed for that footage.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 08-27-06 04:41 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 08-27-06 01:57 AM, in Woken Up By A Helicopter Almost Crashing Into My House... Link
Nope, it's just footage of me running around and the helicopter after the emergency landing. I wasn't up, remember? Hence the whole "woken up by a helicopter".

Episode 22 - The Helicopter Footage

(Last edited by Zabuza on 08-27-06 07:20 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 08-27-06 04:52 AM, in Soldier Disappears After Helicopter Crash? Link
Was YouTubin' again and found this:

Notice around second 00:13, a soldier falls out of the helicopter, stands up, and then seemingly disappears. Was he crushed by the fuselage? Did he jump back in on the other side? What happened to him?

I'm just randomly confused.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 08-27-06 07:52 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 08-27-06 07:27 PM, in Woken Up By A Helicopter Almost Crashing Into My House... Link
Oh, I know. But I couldn't find a person that was crying with a snotty nose. It was more of on-lookers and talking than crying. How bout Whitey playing with his lime? Or Fappy stuck in a cinder block?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 08-27-06 07:28 PM, in Soldier Disappears After Helicopter Crash? Link
Oh, you're right. On closer inspection, you can see him running away from the helicopter. Cool.

Still, I wouldn't want to be in that thing when that happened.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 08-29-06 08:00 AM, in Woken Up By A Helicopter Almost Crashing Into My House... Link
Yes, it would have killed them to be off by two blocks. And to report it as a "big field" rather than an elementary school. And to miss that chunk of tree at my neighbor's house. My story, however small, was at least accurate. Right down to the (now outdated) news ticker.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 08-29-06 01:03 PM, in Ask a BREW Ninja Link
It was late. We were all sleep and food deprived. The Sony BREW Ninja had spent the last few hours wandering the darkness of the cubicle farm in search of whiteboard pens they could bring back as offerings of honor to their BREW Ninja Master. In talking with a JAMDAR JV Samurai Master, the BREW Ninja Master was given an idea. Yes, it would be a parody of a stupid show on YouTube, but it would be an educational parody. And, he could easily accomplish it during the wee hours of the morning in between gaming testing and easy kills.

Thus, "Ask a BREW Ninja" was born, with the first episode providing a brief history of the BREW ninja's origins, an explanation of what BREW is, and the difference between standard ninja and BREW ninja.
EccentriCity Productions Channel

Failing YouTube having issues, there's Photobucket:

Ah, boredom and adulthood knowledge.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 08-29-06 11:25 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 08-29-06 07:16 PM, in Ask a BREW Ninja Link
The video has been updated. For some reason, it disappeared off of YouTube (I suspect rival JAMDAR samurai/ninja) but, it's been remastered (sound dropped off in the middle) and reposted.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-01-06 04:22 PM, in Ask a BREW Ninja Link
The cuts are supposed to be weird. And, it's hard to catch me in non-midsentence.

And they're just odd. Like the second episode.

But, somehow, I got that nice whoosh sound when I throw the shuriken across the room. I gotta work with what I got, and until I purchase a new PC box, this is it.

Website is up, though:

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-01-06 04:31 PM, in A Public Service Announcement from FX Link
My issue is that while, yes I work for Sony, I'm not connected to their movie division in any way, shape, or form. Therefore, I can't help you get any sort of "in" with Sony Productions. If you want that, you do it on your own. I don't want to be tied to anything that I think is crap.

Also, I am busy at work. And the few times when I'm not, I still don't want to be bothered. Other than that, I still don't think you're cool. Much like all the other "kids" on the board.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 09-01-06 07:34 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-02-06 05:59 PM, in OKgo! Here It Goes Again Link
They ruined it by doing the overhead shots, but other than that, I think it's awesome that they increased their presence by being so creative with their songs and choreography and by utilizing YouTube in that fashion.

I love them. I want their stuff. And, I'd move to the UK just for them.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-04-06 04:15 AM, in Howard Link
Tangled in the sheets fast asleep in his bed, wrangled in the covers at three in the morning. A distant ringing and buzzing merged into the caverns of his deep dream state. A heavy arm lurched outward, knocking over an half-full glass of water, and searched for the origin of the buzzing and ringing. He grasped onto the infernal contraption, rejecting all instinct to launch it across the room, and placed it near his ear.

"Hello?" his groggy voice filling the speaker on the other end, "okay. Now? Fine." His hand dropped, phone in hand, and he lay motionless for several minutes. An exasperated sigh left his lips as he struggled with the sheets and cover, rotating and sitting up in the darkness of his room. The ceiling fan slowly hummed above. He glanced at the digital clock across the room. 3:43 AM. Dropping a bare foot onto the water puddle near the fallen glass, he slowly stood up and stumbled across the warm hardwood floor to the bathroom.

The buzzing and ringing started up again, muffled from under his tossed covers. He emerged from his bathroom, fully dressed in a pressed black suit, and searched the bed for his cell phone. Missed call. A furry body rubbed up against his leg, leaving small tufts of grey and white fur on his pants. He huffed, flicked off the tufts, and walked towards the garage.

Moments later, he stood in an office park in the middle of Santa Monica's gaming district, in a stairwell facing the front parking lot, next to a slow trickle of crimson, below a dangling hand. Its pale skin tinged with the slow drizzle of blood. He sipped on his coffee, while forensic pathologists moved up and down the stairwells. A few officers arrived holding a large, black tarp and draped it across the fishbowl windows of the stairwell. A small group of people huddled outside in the parking lot, smoke rising from their cigarettes.

"Motive?" his still-groggy voice echoed through the quiet murmur in the stairwell.

A pathologist peered from over a railing up above, adjusting her glasses with a blood-stained, gloved hand. "Blow to the face with a blunt object," she held over a Game Cube controller, "and asphyxiation with an electrical device peripheral." She tossed the controller down to him.

"Typical," he finish his coffee and handed the empty cup to an officer, "I'll be in the basement. Don't let anyone leave the parking lot."

In the basement, the central operations for the OnSight's QA department, a sparse gathering of graveyard testers gathered in the breakroom. The smallest shift of the 24-hour rotation of testers, they completely filled the breakroom without much discomfort. A few more testers filtered in, after completing their smoking break in the parking lot. He stood at the doorway, perusing over the faces of each tester, watching their movements. "You," he pointed to a tall man, dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans, leaning against a soda machine in the corner, "come with me. The rest of you, remain here until I or another officer get you."

They sat in the empty cubicle bay of the project managers, in a desolate cubicle of a former producer. He ruffled his hair and stared into the eyes of the tester. "Name, title, and where were you tonight?"

"Isiah, QA Lead, and I was with my crew in there," he pointed to a semi-dark room just opposite the cubicle walls.

"Did you know the deceased?"

"Yeah, but not personally. I mean, he's our boss, but we never really saw him. We just heard of him. I didn't even know he was here at night."

He scribbled a few notes into his notebook, and drew a small, scraggly happy face next to his notes, "alright, you can go."

"That's it? Can I go back to my team, or..."

"The breakroom. Send me anyone of your choosing." And that was it. The morning ran on like that, until everyone in the building had been interviewed. The security guard confessed that he had been away from his desk at the time of the murder, making his rounds through the second floor. When asked if he had noticed anything unusual, he replied that not much could be unusual at a gaming company.

"The testers take liberty to walk through the entire building. Wherever they have access, they can go. There's nothing more on the other floors other than small kitchens and gaming tables and arcades near the elevators."

"Do you often find any testers that keep to themselves?"

The guard shifted in his chair at the front desk, "Oh yeah. Used to scare me sometimes. I'd find a tester sitting in the darkness of the executive atrium--not sleeping, but 'meditating'."

"Ah," he scribbled a bit in his pad and walked through the glass doors and out to the front of the building. The buzzing and ringing started up again. "What? No, still here. Again?" he glanced at his watch, "it's only seven AM, don't these people sleep?" And, he was off, walking drowsily through the crisp air handing off the Game Cube controller to a passing coroner, "document this for evidence. You'll find my prints on it, obviously," he continued walking and yelled back, "arrest me when you do!"

Standing in the shade of the towering office building in the quiet residential neighborhood on the edge of Los Angeles, nestled in between the junction of two major freeways, he stood staring up at the giant sign proclaiming the largest company's name to passing freeway inhabitants--ShoveThat Mobile. A small swarm of police personnel walked in and out of the lobby, in and out of the main elevator, up and down from the fifth floor offices. The early-bird members of the day crew had discovered him, hanging from the bulkhead in the ceiling of his office, strangled by a Nokia phone charger.

"I'm surprised it could hold his weight," he smirked while scribbling another sad face in his notebook.

"It's easier when he's already dead, Inspector," the stout pathologist spoke as she stood on the victim's death inspecting the tension on the cable, "it's quite taut over the bulkhead, but then Nokia is notorious for indestructable phones and accessories."

The inspector removed his cell phone from his holster, dialing up a few number and holding it fast to his ear while staring out at the traffic below, "Carter? Can you meet me at...what? Another one? It's only 9:30. Fine, meet me there." He grabbed a passing police officer, "I want to question everyone that was here in this office this morning, and the night security guard. I expect a full report on my desk when you're finished."

It was a relatively short drive that Monday morning heading down the main road through Culver City to the Duly Pictures Digital Entertainment JapanDigi Mobile building. He stood in the visitor's parking lot, watching the nearby stray cats walk about the nearby cemetary, leaning up against his car. A younger, 20-ish man in a blue cotton suit walked up to him, clipboard and zip lock bags in hand. He held out a pair of gloves, "Good morning, Inspector Howard."

"I don't need them," he grabbed at the man's clipboard, "what's happened here, Carter? Someone strangled with a gaming accessory? Someone hung themselves with a phone charger?"

"Not quite," Carter started, shifting his police identification to a more prominent location on his shoulder, "it appears to be a mild electrocution."

Howard stopped walking, "Well, if it's minor then how is it a homicide?"

"You'll see," he motioned for the detective to enter the building, "he was discovered by the morning security guard; thought the man was sleeping." They walked through a set of large, mohogany wood doors, to a row of cubicles. Another female pathologist walked up to Howard holding a slightly burned Samsung A990 cell phone.

"Minor electrocution? From a cell phone battery?" Howard asked, receiving the phone and handing off to Carter to place in an evidence bag.

She chuckled, "Yes, in fact, but more of the sense of several cell phone batteries. Something in the lot of two hundred handsets, all wired to each other and to two plates hidden within the victim's seat. The phones were placed in neat rows in an adjacent cubicle, all left on. It appears they were activated by a mass text message."

Howard turned to Carter, "Do you perchance know the message, Carter?"

Carter scrambled through his notepad, handing it to Howard. "Send key has no function. Awesome," Howard vaguely smiled. "Let me guess, this happened to occur when neither the night or morning guard was present." Carter nodded. "Lovely. Where's their kitchen?"

Carter stood near a doorway watching Howard sip on a cup of tea, "Do you think they're all connected?"

Howard inhaled deeply, allowing the rich aromas of the tea to permeate his lungs, "Well, let's look at the data. Three o'clock, a security guard finds the body of one of OnSight's VPs in the stairwell. Seven AM, a day crew lead discovers a manager hung in his own office. Nine o'clock AM, another security guard finds a senior producer 'mildly electrocuted' in his cubicle. I'd say their connected. Find me the common link, Carter."

"Do you think he or she will strike again?" Carter shifted his weight, ready to leave the building.

"It's only been," Howard glanced at the giant scrolling display on the breakroom wall, "eleven hours since the first discovery. I'd say our man or woman is heading to his or her next target, or they're at the Denny's around the corner. Check the Denny's. And the IHOP down the street for anybody looking weary and suspicious."

"Like you?"

"Yes, like me."

Howard gathered his belongings and sent off a police officer to interview the occupants of the building. He sauntered out to his car only to find a cute couple of tabbies joyously mating on top of it. The buzzing and ringing started up again.

"Inspector Howard. Geez, it's only 11. Dammit."

Carter met him at the Los Angeles International Airport, on the tarmac of runway 26.

"Blunt force trauma to the upper torso. Almost like a plane hit him," Carter loomed over the covered body on the closed runway.

"I sincerely doubt he was hit by a plane. What's his story?"

"Terminal Manager for Centurion Airlines, used to be government."

Howard's eyes perked, "How long ago?"

"Maybe a year ago, in the same terminal."

Howard knelt down over the victim, pulling a wallet from his coat pocket and his airport identification from his lapel, "Robert Stone. What branch?"

"Airline Security Sector. I don't think this one is connected to the other three."

"I doubt that." Howard walked to the back gate, noticing no forced entry. "How'd our hitman get out here, and what would he being doing this far down the runway."

Carter shrugged. "Find me answers, Carter."

Howard sighed deeply, sitting in his car watching planes take off into the low-lying fog. "It's gonna be a long day." Thirteen hours into his day, and already four stiffs under his belt. The day can only get brighter. His phone started up again. "Ugh...what now?"

"Another one, twenty miles south in Torrance. Head of security and loss prevention. Found shrink-wrapped on an inventory conveyor belt." Carter relayed.

"Oh, he's getting creative. I see."

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(Last edited by Zabuza on 11-09-07 09:40 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-04-06 04:10 PM, in croc hunter killed! Link
No, I share his opinion. But, I just don't actually post about it. But, given that:

It's a good thing a horribly inept man is off the air and off the planet. My condolences to his family, but good riddence. Bad name to Discovery Channel crowd. He died a stupid way, though. At least for him.


Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-05-06 05:05 AM, in croc hunter killed! Link
Trying to educate by taunting them so that he could profit from them? Please. I've seen better philanthopists at a Comic Book convention.

The man, while beloved in Australia, was a joke. I'm not saying that I'm happy that he's dead. I'm more happy that he's off the air. Stingray death aside, I'm glad to see him gone and off the air.

And, as an American (and an inherent bitter, heartless asshole) I'm entitled to both share my opinion about his leaving this planet, and about my utter dislike for him. There are other approaches towards education than being known as a person that taunted and wrestled with animals.

I admire his intelligence, and (former) pursuit to protect the endangered. I just didn't appreciate the matter in which he was conducting it.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-05-06 05:09 AM, in Single serving friends Link
I get them more often now, but last night I received a random IM from a person whom wanted to know about the LG VX9900 (he found a post I had made in the BREW forums). We talked, very briefly, about his obsession with the device, and about his current ownership of the LG VX9800. But, much to his dismay, I refused to give up anything on the details of the phone (it's not released yet, but work has them for testing purposes).

Once had a rather lengthy discussion about Star Trek with a complete stranger on the San Diego Troller (happened to be dressed in the DS9 uniform).

Ohter than that, I don't really remember the chance conversations as I try to avoid them at all costs. People are just annoying, in general.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-05-06 05:28 PM, in Single serving friends Link
Wait, wait. Remember Theater Boy and Anime Girl? Do those count? I mean, having some kid talk to you about the misadventures of his cat for the few minutes while I was gone to the bathroom and a few minutes after had to have been at least a single serving of an annoying friend. And, Anime Girl was just a piece of work.

Also, Anime Girl was shared among WhiteRose and Elara, I believe.

There were Disneyland Annual Passholder that I considered single serving friends, even if I did know them by name and I saw them practically everyday--if not every week. But, they were just people that were at Disneyland all the time, shared the same interest in what I was trained for, and knew me by name. Hell, a nice couple actually had my home address and sent me Christmas cards well after a year after I left Disneyland service. But, these people weren't friends. They were extended single serving friends. I only saw them at work, and while I did talk to them, I mostly did it out of obligation to do so.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-05-06 05:40 PM, in Your Manga Collection Link
Naruto 1 - 7 (English)
Naruto something (it runs together, Japanese)
Azumanga Daioh 1 - 4
Excel Saga 1 - 2
Cromartie High School 1

Megatokyo 1 - 4 (Autographed, kind of--Fred doesn't really sign his name)
Tales from the Closet (Anthology & one comic book)
Snake Pit (Anthology & 10 - 15)
The Collected Tall Tails Volume 2 & 3 (Furry Comic, it's supposed to be "Tails".)
Kindergoth 1 -5 (Autographed)
Kleeman and Mike (Autographed and non-autographed)
Kleeman and Mike: The Fellowship of the Parakeet (Autographed)
The Oswald Chronicles
Lenore (Anthology, 1 - 3, Noogies, and the one with thingies in the tummy.)

There's probably more. I haven't finished cleaning my room, and I'm running out of shelf space. Dammit.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-05-06 06:35 PM, in The Animals We Love...Kind of Link
I was bored. I had all these photos of Fappy & Miko (Rogue's Cat), Willie (Zoso's Cat), and Whitey (my dog) sitting on my hard drive. Made a video:

(Last edited by Zabuza on 09-05-06 09:35 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-05-06 07:21 PM, in Howard Link
Amid the sprawling morning traffic in beautiful Torrance, Howard pulled into the small parking lot of Skyscraper Records. The store had been closed prematurely and swarmed with police officials and forensic pathologists. He was led to the basement by the store's loss prevention agent--a shapely young woman, early to mid 20s--to the bottom of the conveyor belt. The victim, Michael Yurigama, lay in a prone position clinging to the shrink wrap. From the top side of the conveyor belt, a male pathologist crouched over the victim's head.

"What cha got?" Howard yelled up the conveyor belt.

The pathologist lifted Yurigama's torso, "It appears to be some kind of slice to the back of the neck, and then, judging from the position of his arms and hands, I'd say slow asphyxiation from being shrink-wrapped. Victim a-la-mode, complete with price tag and barcode. $0.99 cents."

Howard huffed, and walked back up the stairs to the assembled morning crew standing in the middle of the store. He walked up to the loss prevention agent, and pulled her aside.

"Who found him?"

"Our stock manager there", she pointed to a tall man wearing a baseball cap attempting to hide the long rocker-style type of long-flowing hair, "he came up to tell me as soon as he found the conveyor belt wouldn't budge."

"He probably had enemies, but were there any that could possible hold a grudge?" Howard pulled out his notepad as Carter interviewed the other employees.

"There was one, possibly, but I doubt he'd be able to take down Mike. I mean, Mike was ex-military."

"Ah," Howard exclamed, "who is this person?"

She motioned for him to follow her back to the loss prevention office, hidden behind a one-way mirror. Inside, she pulled a folder out from a file cabinet and laid it on the desk. The room was small, with a row of closed circuit televisions and a timelapse video recorder. A row of tapes marked with numbers--one for each day of the month--lined the desk. He picked up the file and opened it.

"Cross Dwiers, heh, family joke I suppose," he mumbled to himself.

"Yeah, he claimed to have worked for the Airline Security Service before being hired here. Told us he was forced to resign for reasons he couldn't repeat." She sat in the chair and watched the monitors. "Normally, we'd call Mike for situations like this. But, I don't know what to do now."

"Resigned, you say? Why would he leave a $40,000 a year career for an $8/hour loss prevention job? Hmm...can I take this?"

"Oh, sure. You're welcome."

"Yes, right." Howard walked out of the office and handed the file to Carter, "Find me this man, please."

Carter nodded while still on the phone, "Sir? There's been another one."

Howard grumbled and walked out the door.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 09-05-06 08:00 PM, in croc hunter killed! Link
Quit trying to be an ass Avatar, that's my job.

So, he died doing what he loves to do, so what? It's just another person gone from the planet. Why should he get more attention than a starving Ethiopian child, or anything else that's better suited for our attention?

I'm sorry he's gone, I'm sorry he's become a stingray statistic. But, it's done. Not much more we can do about it. And, I'm entitled to still dislike him. Nothing you can ever say will change that.
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