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User Post

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 04:21 PM, in Project Dolphin team Link
Trust me, my computer won't slow down but my connection will from the occasional upload. I'd rather not have that, even if it is just a few kilobytes. I can go without, since I'm still on (forced) dial-up.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 04:29 PM, in I'm out of shape... Link
Originally posted by Elara

I ment Elias, not you. I was still at a decent 160lbs when I was with you.

I didn't mean me, I just couldn't remember whom you dated after me. I have What The Bleep, you can get it the next time I see you. I'm gonna go play with the still unnamed puppy. We should just name him Unnamed Puppy. That'd be funny.

Anyway, I get most of my abs exercise when I'm sick, all the coughing makes them ache, but the medicine takes care of that later...speaking of which...

**Runs off to find medicine, returning with green tea.**

...and washing the car is exercise in and of itself. I'm bored today, open offer to anyone with my cell phone number to go play tennis at school.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 05:33 PM, in Dark Diaries Link
Brandon turned to find Miko at his feet. He bent down picking up the gray kitty and walked towards the front door. He touched a few contacts on the door panel near the controls for the upright replicator. In a swirling flash of light, the machine generated his uniform for the Transportation Mobility Commission--the single agency responsible for all transportation systems on the planet--and a smaller rendition of the same uniform for Miko. He set the cat down, she walked away clearly displeased with having to wear anything.

"You'd think she'd figure out by now that I'd continue to do that every morning," he said as he brushed off his black and silver trimmed uniform. His brown hair still a mess, he almost resembled a hobbit or bear of sorts, he walked out into the yard and took a deep breath. The air still crisp from the morning dews of the Great Ocean and slightly chilly as was the customary temperature of mornings in Oakridge. Christine stood at the doorway watching Miko try to bite off the silver trimmings of her mini-TMC uniform as Fappy waddled up between Miko and Brandon carrying one of Christine's datadiscs. "Is that what you were looking for?"

Christine immediately snatched the disc from the pudgy one's mouth, "Yes, damn these cats. Carpooling?"

"No, I just don't know where I put the car," he scratched his head as he looked around the empty street for his HyWire Sentinel, "oh, wait." He pulled his computer from his front pocket and touched a few controls on the screen. The car materialized into view in front of the house as his computer began to ring. He lowered the still ringing computer and walked towards the vehicle, "I guess I forgot that it was cloaked."

Christine picked up the pudgy one and held him upside-down, "Have fun out there," she yelled, "because I know I won't today." She smiled as Fappy struggled to right himself, and walked back into the house shutting the door behind her. She set Fappy down on his head on the table and popped the disc into the holoviewer. The dome, once again, spun around and illuminated producing a video montage of the showers of yesteryear, the crowds that gathered to watch, and the ensuing explosion from the giant meteor that impacted the Mainland. That took place about fifteen years ago. It was forseen that something of that magnitude would happen again, this time affecting the Island, but research and exploration had shown that no meteors were located anywhere within the immediate space of Earth II.

On a recent trip to Nisia Prime, she had spoken to the scientist there about the incident on the Mainland involving the showers, and had learned that they too were tracking any unusual anomalies in the area for signs of impending destruction. During her stay on the planet, she was introduced to J'rek, a prominent scientist whose primary area of study centered upon the development of the Earth II artificial planet. J'rek, a man of great power amongst his peoples, offered to share information to the reporter that she wasn't supposed to acquire or know. Being the great reporter she is, she took the datadisc that day and smuggled it back to Earth II for her perusal. That disc now sat on her desk yet to be viewed.


Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 05:54 PM, in Past Lives Link
No, because the political correctness crap didn't start until late in our century, so you could have been those professions and still be called by the male version, since it was (and is) a male dominated world.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 05:58 PM, in Is there any possibility that...? Link
You realize that they are making reference to mythology and not specifically you. And, by you playing the game, its declaring that you are the father of yourself. So, you're the creepy one, and we're nothing related to you.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 06:45 PM, in A Poll... OF DOOM!!! Link
I'm sorry, I liked choice booyah baby. Whatev.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 07:43 PM, in So defined by human beings... Link
A brief (long) conversation with myself and Dekker Avesque, an old mod from the AR board, whom I think also graced this board with his eccentric presence. After this, I've decided that this is why I remain sane...

It's actually quite entertaining to see where our minds flow...

Dekker Avesque: Well what do you know? It's the man in
dark grey.
PriusHacker: yeah, well, blah.
Dekker Avesque: Huh?
Dekker Avesque: For a moment I thought ye inresponsive
Dekker Avesque: and I was disappointed, truly.
Dekker Avesque: Let's chat, Agent Smith.
PriusHacker: what about?
Dekker Avesque: You up for it?
Dekker Avesque: I care not.
PriusHacker: right.
PriusHacker: um...puh.
Dekker Avesque: Down, are we?
PriusHacker: kind of, its more like sick.
Dekker Avesque: Depressed? In the mood of our shade?
Dekker Avesque: Ah.
Dekker Avesque: Gotcha.
PriusHacker: o...kay.
Dekker Avesque: I'm playing a slightly different persona than
I did on past occasions which involved you.
Dekker Avesque: Discomforting, or somesuch?
PriusHacker: not really.
PriusHacker: just adds to the splendor of the
Dekker Avesque: So does proper spelling, sir splender.
Dekker Avesque:
Dekker Avesque: I shouldn't chide.
PriusHacker: no, it is splendor.
Dekker Avesque: you certain?
Dekker Avesque: if so i really shouldn't chide, eh?
Dekker Avesque: you're correct my good gent
PriusHacker: agent.
PriusHacker: and yes.
PriusHacker: considering i am still an agent for
something or other.
PriusHacker: see, but I can't be agent smith
because I'm more like neo than smith...although,
I like smith.
Dekker Avesque: ever heard of Kalocin?
Dekker Avesque: Don't bother looking it up.
Dekker Avesque: You'll just get a Micheal Crichton reference
Dekker Avesque: If anything...
Dekker Avesque: The word originates from a book...
Dekker Avesque: BUT
Dekker Avesque: I was wondering if you'd heard of the
PriusHacker: yes, i have, and no i won't, and no i
won't elaborate.
PriusHacker: why?
Dekker Avesque: wow.
Dekker Avesque: I'm amazed if it's true.
Dekker Avesque: Doth the government have files on us?
Dekker Avesque: lol
Dekker Avesque: Kalocin
Dekker Avesque: the street militia of the US
Dekker Avesque: is THAT the Kalocin
Dekker Avesque: you'd heard of?
PriusHacker: i'd rather not elaborate on any of
this...i'm watched enough as it is.
Dekker Avesque: because if you are sincere good sir you'd
make my day.
Dekker Avesque: can you answer that one question?
PriusHacker: what question?
Dekker Avesque: have you heard of
Dekker Avesque: what i have heard of?
PriusHacker: if that's the group you were
speaking of?
Dekker Avesque: yes
Dekker Avesque: trust me you won't reveal anything to me,
be the answer yes
PriusHacker: I'll give you this, "I can neither
deny nor confirm my knowledge of said
Dekker Avesque: damn you
Dekker Avesque: if there is a nother groupi
Dekker Avesque: *another group
Dekker Avesque: i know nothing of them
PriusHacker: ...which usually translates into yes.
Dekker Avesque: if there isn't, you won't reveal a damn thing
Dekker Avesque: ok
Dekker Avesque: hrm
Dekker Avesque: you've got an IRC client?
Dekker Avesque: better yet
PriusHacker: the above just rids me of stuff.
Dekker Avesque: even if you don't
Dekker Avesque:
PriusHacker: I don't have an IRC client on's on the Linux side.
Dekker Avesque: go there if you can
Dekker Avesque: great
Dekker Avesque: go there
PriusHacker: why?
Dekker Avesque: it's IRC
Dekker Avesque: i prefer IRC
PriusHacker: are you forming a militia? or are
you just paranoid like I am.
Dekker Avesque: it's a nice applet
Dekker Avesque: nope
Dekker Avesque: not forming one
Dekker Avesque: don't need to
Dekker Avesque: join good sir
PriusHacker: I used to prefer IRC back in the
days when that's all there was.
PriusHacker: I still do for reasons I can't
Dekker Avesque: IRC can be used to trick your network and
Dekker Avesque: *mine
Dekker Avesque: if that's what you're talking about ;-)
Dekker Avesque:
PriusHacker: i'll pass for the time being, but
I'll save the URL
Dekker Avesque: no no
PriusHacker: remember, electronic monitoring...
Dekker Avesque: please join it
Dekker Avesque: i care not
Dekker Avesque: lol
PriusHacker: then who are you working for?
Dekker Avesque: me
PriusHacker: right.
Dekker Avesque: more can be said in
Dekker Avesque: really
PriusHacker: who do i work for?
Dekker Avesque: this proxy won't last long
Dekker Avesque: i don't care
Dekker Avesque: lol
Dekker Avesque: this proxy-loop rather
PriusHacker: I'm not even on the linux side, that
involves shutting down and restarting..
Dekker Avesque: no
Dekker Avesque: listen
Dekker Avesque:
Dekker Avesque: click it
Dekker Avesque: it's a weblink
Dekker Avesque: HyperText
PriusHacker: and my dial-up doesn't work with
linux, so I'd have to go out to the globalnet
link, and that's government access.
Dekker Avesque: listen
Dekker Avesque: you don't need a client
Dekker Avesque: is a
Dekker Avesque: for IRC
Dekker Avesque: it's java
Dekker Avesque: Plouf's applet
Dekker Avesque: PJIRC
Dekker Avesque: (Plouf's Java Internet Relay Chat)
Dekker Avesque: props to plouf, he's pretty cool
PriusHacker: Yeah, but I just uninstalled the
Java Runtime Environment because I don't
want it on the computer.
Dekker Avesque: oh
Dekker Avesque: fuck
PriusHacker: So, I'm not going to install it
Dekker Avesque: gotcha
PriusHacker: as intriguing (not) that you've
made this...
Dekker Avesque: hrm
Dekker Avesque: whatever
Dekker Avesque: this isn't illegal
Dekker Avesque: i don't need so much protection
PriusHacker: i know it's not.
Dekker Avesque: i just don't like being watched
PriusHacker: i don't either, but i learned to live
with it.
PriusHacker: it's second nature now...every so
often you just mess with them.
Dekker Avesque: i guess AIM is relatively anonymous anyway
Dekker Avesque: unless we D/c
Dekker Avesque: *D/C
PriusHacker: like saying that you secretly
transport documents to al qaeda through a
secured weblink on the AR webpage...
Dekker Avesque: than packets will not contain the IP
Dekker Avesque: lol right
PriusHacker: My firewall is secured. My IP
may exist, but my computer doesn't exist
PriusHacker: I don't exist online.
Dekker Avesque: my firewall is pretty good
Dekker Avesque: i carved it myself
Dekker Avesque: yes, carve
Dekker Avesque: *carvd
Dekker Avesque: *CARVED
Dekker Avesque: out of the remains of Fire,
Dekker Avesque: a great oldschool firewall.
Dekker Avesque: Too bad it doesn't handle non-direct
Dekker Avesque: *connections
PriusHacker: right.
Dekker Avesque: took some fiddling to get it to work
Dekker Avesque: good thing it's open source
Dekker Avesque: fire is a neat little tool
Dekker Avesque: and i like the packet freezing
Dekker Avesque: i can slow down other people's computers,
Dekker Avesque: if they are on a poorly setup network
Dekker Avesque: IE, Window
Dekker Avesque: *Windows
Dekker Avesque: slow down their connection, I mean
Dekker Avesque: with stagnant packets
PriusHacker: yeah.
PriusHacker: did you notice that I had walked
away momentarily to make a phone call?
Dekker Avesque: noticing things like that can't be done online
Dekker Avesque: anyway don't you begin to chide me
Dekker Avesque: lol
Dekker Avesque: i've got people in california
Dekker Avesque: i never even knew that!
PriusHacker: are you in phoenix?
Dekker Avesque: nopr
Dekker Avesque: *nope
PriusHacker: k
PriusHacker: i've got people in california too.
PriusHacker: i'm in california.
Dekker Avesque: ok
Dekker Avesque: you don't understnad
Dekker Avesque: *understand
Dekker Avesque: I've got a gang-militia in california.
Dekker Avesque: A divion of it, at any rate.
Dekker Avesque: The summer I went mad it spread like
Dekker Avesque: It was a controlled experiment, but I let it
grow out of my own reach, for apathy took hold.
Dekker Avesque: now there's a lot of people waiting for a war
that's not gonna come
Dekker Avesque: hmph
PriusHacker: no, i understood.
PriusHacker: i'm in california, and i've got
people in DC.
PriusHacker: and LA.
PriusHacker: and NY for some reason.
Dekker Avesque: i've got people in all of those cities also
Dekker Avesque: let's see.. what states are covered?
PriusHacker: but i have no concern for any of
Dekker Avesque: penn, minn, ri...
PriusHacker: I'm government.
Dekker Avesque: wisconsin..
PriusHacker: I just don't care.
Dekker Avesque: florida
Dekker Avesque: lol
PriusHacker: america's wang.
Dekker Avesque: weell no harm should come
Dekker Avesque: i planned a war
PriusHacker: you do that.
Dekker Avesque: but i was under the influence of drugs
Dekker Avesque: i know
Dekker Avesque: it was stupid
PriusHacker: okay. i washed the car yesterday.
PriusHacker: and made waffles this morning, and
am cleaning the house right now.
Dekker Avesque: ok
PriusHacker: and went to the shooting range on
Dekker Avesque: well for the record fear not the militia
PriusHacker: your point being?
Dekker Avesque: it formed over a year ago
PriusHacker: again, your point being?
Dekker Avesque: it's dead
Dekker Avesque: no, not really
Dekker Avesque: but it's funny
PriusHacker: or rather, why should I care? So,
why waste my last half hour?
Dekker Avesque: they're like ants without a queen!
Dekker Avesque: it's hilarious how fast it ran
Dekker Avesque: your 'last half hour'?
PriusHacker: yes, my time.
PriusHacker: time i use to piddle around on my
own, waste my own time under my own
PriusHacker: my time.
Dekker Avesque: why is this your last half hour?
PriusHacker: well, it can be yours too, if you
want to share.
Dekker Avesque: ook then
PriusHacker: except, i don't share, so you'll just
have to create your own.
Dekker Avesque: your'e right
Dekker Avesque: you ARE like neo
Dekker Avesque: the MOST annoying dialogs EVER take
place with you around!
Dekker Avesque: "what.. do i do?"
Dekker Avesque: "you know what to do...'
Dekker Avesque: "how do i do it?"
Dekker Avesque: "you KNOW how to do it"
Dekker Avesque: "when will i start?"
Dekker Avesque: "you will KNOW when to start.."
Dekker Avesque: goddamn if only i could've socked the
fucking oracle and neo both
PriusHacker: but the oracle is all knowing, and
the most difficult database software ever.
Dekker Avesque: bullshit
Dekker Avesque: she knew nothing
Dekker Avesque: she just returned their questions in answer
Dekker Avesque: it's simple
Dekker Avesque: it engages the mind in thought
PriusHacker: anyway, while I try to get rid of
my headache, and you create your "half hour",
I'll be in the kitchen washing the dishes...
Dekker Avesque: it's a strong placebo
PriusHacker: what engages the mind in thought?
PriusHacker: a strong placebo, you say?
Dekker Avesque: you know what engages the mind in
Dekker Avesque: see? now you thought about it
Dekker Avesque: did you really know?
Dekker Avesque: no
PriusHacker: chocolate donuts?
Dekker Avesque: but maybe now you do
Dekker Avesque: now accept that as an answer and boom
Dekker Avesque: chocolate donuts engage the mind in
Dekker Avesque: you should be smart enough to figure this
one out, kid
PriusHacker: have you seen What The Bleep?
explain the entire universe and our existence
through quantum mechanics?
PriusHacker: i am, but i'd rather mess with's my nature.
Dekker Avesque: you cannot mess with me
Dekker Avesque: i might play a long but don't think for a
moment i'm decieved ;-)
PriusHacker: never...perish the thought.
Dekker Avesque: *along
PriusHacker: exactically.
Dekker Avesque: oh, sweet, vile submission
Dekker Avesque: a curse upon both your houses
PriusHacker: oh sweet vile domination, rather.
Dekker Avesque: i quoted shakespeare
Dekker Avesque: and you dominate only yourself
PriusHacker: nope, i'd rather take a spooge on
my houses. I know it's shakespeare you dolt.
Dekker Avesque: that much i will give you
Dekker Avesque: ok, fine
Dekker Avesque: here let's have at..
PriusHacker: now, why doth the check coolant
light illuminate when i have checked the
Dekker Avesque: hrm thinkng..
PriusHacker: *thinking
PriusHacker: ...and the coolant is fine.
PriusHacker: are you done?
Dekker Avesque: "in the morning i am to be a grave man"
Dekker Avesque: what play?
PriusHacker: oh god no...
Dekker Avesque: i can add onto it if you need it
PriusHacker: not this.
Dekker Avesque: and don't you google it
Dekker Avesque: lol
PriusHacker: i wasn't going to.
Dekker Avesque: you can google anything these days
Dekker Avesque: ok
PriusHacker: i know that.
Dekker Avesque: i'm sure
PriusHacker: that's how they found me.
Dekker Avesque: "love modestly"
Dekker Avesque: there's another quote from the same play
Dekker Avesque: this is eassy
Dekker Avesque: same play i quoted before
Dekker Avesque: know it now or know it not fair agent
PriusHacker: i want to say hamlet, but i'm now
thinking it was macbeth, and shall now just
reserve to answering nigh, for I doeth not
Dekker Avesque: romeo and juliette
PriusHacker: This agent shall rather not endulge
in the fleeting moments of ecstacy enduced
Dekker Avesque: it's the comedy the world took to be a
Dekker Avesque: did you know that, that the world got it all
PriusHacker: obviously.
PriusHacker: yes...because that's the way it
always works.
Dekker Avesque: alright
Dekker Avesque: not completely true
Dekker Avesque: but i just fin dit so hilarious that so many
eople think R and J is a tradgedy
PriusHacker: i'm going to stare at my foot now.
Dekker Avesque: when it's setup in comedic form
Dekker Avesque: and is filled with such satire
PriusHacker: it's a tragic comedy.
Dekker Avesque: not even!
Dekker Avesque: romeo and juiliette new each other for only
forty-eight hours!
Dekker Avesque: less!
Dekker Avesque: about thirty-six total
PriusHacker: yup.
PriusHacker: ooh, green day.
Dekker Avesque: he who knows not and knows not he
knows not is a fool
Dekker Avesque: shun him
Dekker Avesque: he who knows not and knows he knows
not is simple
Dekker Avesque: teach him
PriusHacker: i walked a lonely road...
Dekker Avesque: he who knows and knows not he knows is
Dekker Avesque: wake him
Dekker Avesque: he who knows and knows he knows is wise
Dekker Avesque: follow him
PriusHacker: i'd rather be asleep in the waiting
room of life.
Dekker Avesque: i can accept knowledge
Dekker Avesque: and i can accept ignorance
Dekker Avesque: only fools can only give the first
PriusHacker: you're bored, aren't you.
PriusHacker: ?
Dekker Avesque: remember that
PriusHacker: he who laughs last thinks the
Dekker Avesque: not always true
PriusHacker: if a mime is shot, is it better to
use a silencer?
Dekker Avesque: my points are static
Dekker Avesque: yours are dynamic
Dekker Avesque: choose stable ground
PriusHacker: no matter what the temperature, a
room is always room temperature.
PriusHacker: i'd rather not.
PriusHacker: stable is for the weak.
PriusHacker: dynamic for the pure.
PriusHacker: plasmic for the insane.
Dekker Avesque: not when it comes to basic principles
PriusHacker: and the real world for the strong.
Dekker Avesque: everything must be built on stability,
PriusHacker: or is it?
Dekker Avesque: even if it's stability within a dynamic system
Dekker Avesque: god damn you and your high strung,
mellow dramatic, arrogant, oracle-like attitude
PriusHacker: quantum mechanics my boy.
Dekker Avesque: you needn't act like you konw it all
PriusHacker: the certainty of the world is just
an uncertainty.
Dekker Avesque: like i said; only a fool cannot show
Dekker Avesque: god damn you it's ALL an uncertainty
Dekker Avesque: do not point this out
Dekker Avesque: it's far too obvious
PriusHacker: i don't know it all. yes, i know
enough to know that i don't know.
Dekker Avesque: there i sno certainty
Dekker Avesque: hopefully you know that.
Dekker Avesque: certainty is a myth
Dekker Avesque: if it weren't we couldn't be
PriusHacker: have you noticed that the word
"know" has lost all meaning?
Dekker Avesque: i have not
PriusHacker: just recently.
PriusHacker: in this convo only.
PriusHacker: not in general.
Dekker Avesque: how so?
Dekker Avesque: i don't think ithas
Dekker Avesque: *it has
Dekker Avesque: true one cannot know without certainty
PriusHacker: is your voice the one you hear, or the one the
outside world hears?
Dekker Avesque: i keep a seperate voice for myself
PriusHacker: the one you internalize, or the one you hear from
Dekker Avesque: what do you mean?
Dekker Avesque: i have two voices
Dekker Avesque: nay!
PriusHacker: in the end, we are all one.
Dekker Avesque: i have several voices
PriusHacker: we are all the same.
PriusHacker: there is no difference.
Dekker Avesque: no the difference exists it just does not
PriusHacker: we are all made of the same.
Dekker Avesque: it's all energy
Dekker Avesque: in different forms
Dekker Avesque: deviance is so common that it's not deviant
PriusHacker: just like something being chemically produced is
the same as naturally produced.
PriusHacker: and why is abbreviation such a long word?
PriusHacker: and how does the New York times make it to my
house the same morning as it does in New York?
Dekker Avesque: that's a moot point
Dekker Avesque: thosre both moot points
PriusHacker: why do dentists ask you to "open up" when the jaw
opens down?
Dekker Avesque: my brain's leaking
PriusHacker: it's working...
Dekker Avesque: my brain is breaking down
Dekker Avesque: no
Dekker Avesque: it isn't from you
PriusHacker: or is it?
Dekker Avesque: don't be so cocky
Dekker Avesque: it isn't
PriusHacker: i never am.
Dekker Avesque: iv'e ben hallucinating since sixth grade
Dekker Avesque: that is not your doing
Dekker Avesque: my brain is falling to pieces or cahnging
Dekker Avesque: or something
PriusHacker: i hallucinate every day, see what the world wants
me to see, as opposed to what is actually there.
Dekker Avesque: and it has nothing to do with you good si
Dekker Avesque: r
Dekker Avesque: ack you are
Dekker Avesque: you are so controlled by your cliches
Dekker Avesque: or at least, your facad is
Dekker Avesque: *facade
PriusHacker: for i do not possess the power to manipute my
outer world just yet.
PriusHacker: whatever.
Dekker Avesque: i mean real hallucinations
Dekker Avesque: even if that's an oxymoron
Dekker Avesque: i mean hallucinations as in
PriusHacker: cliches, facades, nonmenclatures, pedestrian
attitudes...all a form of thingies.
Dekker Avesque: right
PriusHacker: drug induced, or chemically imbalanced
Dekker Avesque: i don't know
Dekker Avesque: i don't know what's causign htem
Dekker Avesque: not drugs
PriusHacker: a product of a troubled mind forced to live within
the confines of a definite reality?
Dekker Avesque: that sounds good
Dekker Avesque: lol
Dekker Avesque: i do drugs
Dekker Avesque: not hallucinagenic though
Dekker Avesque: nothing that could even hve the possiblity
of flashbacks, either
PriusHacker: you worry me, only on the drugs front, everything
else is just too sublime.
Dekker Avesque: how do i worry you?
PriusHacker: This convo's not going to end up on the web, now
is it?
Dekker Avesque: do you you worry for me? how sweet
Dekker Avesque: no it isn't
PriusHacker: Not that I'd mind...
Dekker Avesque: well it started on the web
Dekker Avesque: so yes it'll end here
Dekker Avesque: but it won't be on a website
PriusHacker: I meant on a board.
Dekker Avesque: lol
Dekker Avesque: no, of course not
PriusHacker: or journal.
Dekker Avesque: i don't psot on boards anymore
Dekker Avesque: my journal doesn't care to see this if you
don't want it to
PriusHacker: too slow?
Dekker Avesque: huh?
PriusHacker: I don't particularly care.
Dekker Avesque: whatever
Dekker Avesque: you said it
PriusHacker: I'm out in the open, I'm not exactly the most
clandestine agent they'd like me to be.
Dekker Avesque: i see
Dekker Avesque: anyway what's this about drugs?
Dekker Avesque: i'm not worried about drugs
Dekker Avesque: i'm worried about what's gonna happen
when i don't have anything left
PriusHacker: don't believe in creating the ruse of a life i don't
actually live. no purpose to it.
Dekker Avesque: i mean, no drugs, and no one to keep me
PriusHacker: best not to worry.
PriusHacker: who's to say what "sane" is?
Dekker Avesque: no
Dekker Avesque: that's crazy-thought
PriusHacker: who defines good? who defines evil?
Dekker Avesque: i realize they're all out there
Dekker Avesque: but still
Dekker Avesque: i meant non-devient
Dekker Avesque: er, less deviant
PriusHacker: who defines insane, sane, and the like?
Dekker Avesque: legally sane, better?
Dekker Avesque: the law
PriusHacker: the law is a blasphemy.
Dekker Avesque: i care not
Dekker Avesque: you are going off ona tangent sir
Dekker Avesque: fuck what they call it
Dekker Avesque: i don't wanna go fucking insane
Dekker Avesque: i'm seeing shit more and more often
PriusHacker: and what does it matter, as long as you can
operate within the bounds of the established system, you're free to
be as sane (or insane) as you wish.
Dekker Avesque: getting strange feelings al lthe time
PriusHacker: just give in...join the dark side...
Dekker Avesque: i don't think i can operate with in the
bounds of this system
PriusHacker: it's better here...we've got cookies...wait, no,
they're waffles today.
Dekker Avesque: 8within
Dekker Avesque: *within
PriusHacker: i know, no need for corrections.
Dekker Avesque: i'm failing
Dekker Avesque: i'm failng miserably
Dekker Avesque: i retook an algebra class
Dekker Avesque: i've done more complex equations in 3d
physics engines
PriusHacker: I dropped my classes. I haven't been to a class
continually for about a year.
Dekker Avesque: and i can't pass algebra fucking one
Dekker Avesque: i'm in ninth grade
PriusHacker: I can't pass Trig, and I fully understand the
upper maths.
Dekker Avesque: i'm failing everything
Dekker Avesque: except gym
Dekker Avesque: and MAYBe social studies
Dekker Avesque: probably failing hta tnow, too
PriusHacker: funny, i passed everything except gym.
Dekker Avesque: might be able eto pass english
PriusHacker: i hope so.
PriusHacker: it's such a necessity to operating in america.
Dekker Avesque: i'm a great writer
Dekker Avesque: i'm good at english
Dekker Avesque: this my teachers have told me time and time
Dekker Avesque: godd dfucking damnn it
Dekker Avesque: i swear i'm going crazy
PriusHacker: pourquoi?
Dekker Avesque: i'm seeing things al the time
Dekker Avesque: i had a twenty minute conversation with
Dekker Avesque: on saturday night
PriusHacker: not a prob, I have fights and arguments with my public...out loud.
Dekker Avesque: i've had five minute talks with things i
cannot see smell touch or taste
PriusHacker: same here.
Dekker Avesque: it responds
Dekker Avesque: the pavement didn't
Dekker Avesque: but this thing/person did
Dekker Avesque: i'm not sure which to call him/her/it
PriusHacker: it's a transcended being.
Dekker Avesque: no it's me
Dekker Avesque: going crazy
PriusHacker: i've been in communication for years.
Dekker Avesque: there are no transcended beings
PriusHacker: no, it's not.
PriusHacker: okay, fair enough. believe what you must.
Dekker Avesque: it felt like something out of my brain, man
PriusHacker: my car talks to me. it has a spirit binded to it.
Dekker Avesque: i recognized its style of speech
Dekker Avesque: it copied me
Dekker Avesque: but it didn't really "copy"
PriusHacker: other cars talk to my friend...she hears cars.
PriusHacker: they adapt.
Dekker Avesque: because he was part of me
PriusHacker: to help with understanding.
Dekker Avesque: bull shit
Dekker Avesque: your friend is crazy
PriusHacker: it would seem as such, but really, we're just a
Dekker Avesque: no, you're really just fucking mad
Dekker Avesque: you think you're hearing things from other
Dekker Avesque: it's straight from you dude
Dekker Avesque: he didn't lie to me
Dekker Avesque: he didn't deny being part of me
PriusHacker: nope, we may be crazy by a societal standard of
crazy, but we're pretty sane by our standards.
Dekker Avesque: i was like "so, you're me, huh?"
Dekker Avesque: he goes "yeah. i guess so"
PriusHacker: Nope, I've operated in other realms, hell in this
realm, and the ones that are from within are from within.
Dekker Avesque: fuckk your standards
PriusHacker: the ones that are from without are from without.
done deal. next topic?
Dekker Avesque: one symptom of crazy is relying off your
standards over the public
PriusHacker: not my standards.
PriusHacker: so defined by human beings.

And, thus where it ends, and I move've been warned.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 07:52 PM, in Unnerving Calm Link
NOpe, just means that you've been desensitized by everything, and just have the wonderful numbness associated with being submerged into an eternal misery. It'll pass.

Oddly enough, I share in the same. People may call me heartless and uncaring, but the sick fact is that I don't care. If its not happening in a way that impacts the planet as a whole utopian Sim City society, I just don't care.

I have peeps overseas doing stuff as well, but I don't let it affect me at all. But, if my memory starts to mysteriously destroy data, I throw a fit. Eh, priorities, I guess.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 08:51 PM, in Domain Link
He stopped his walk to peruse a shadow lurking in the depths of the plaza. It moved quickly from one darkness to another before stopping just in front of him.

"The watch, now," the shadowy figure said from behind darkened glasses, his long trenchcoat fluttering slightly in the low breeze of the plaza. He stood just slightly taller than Pat, and by the act of wearing sunglasses late at night, Pat knew that was a being sensitive to all forms of light. Pat shifted his hand towards his computer, the shadowy figure leapt backwards, his trenchcoat flowing behind him, and landed a heavy thud a couple feet away sword gleaming in the light.

"I was just playing with it, no harm done." Pat yelled as he slowly removed his sword. He dropped down to a ready stance and moved his trenchcoat away from his shoulders. The coat melted to the floor revealing the Special Ops suit from the days of the old Mainland conflicts.

"No excuses, watch, now..." The shadow shed his coat as well revealing the upgraded Special Ops suit, then stowed his sword, "Don't make me take it from you."

"I'd like to see you try," Pat stowed his sword within its sheath, and motioned for his assailant to commence, "whenever you're ready." The shadow sighed greatly, rolled his eyes from beneath the dark glasses, and appeared before Pat just inches from his face.

A swift hand appeared on Pat’s right side; he shifted his weight and drew up his left arm allowing his assailant’s hand to strike the transporter contacts. Pat disappeared appearing just behind his assailant, a few feet above launching a drop kick to his attacker’s shoulder. Just before impacting, the dark shadow disappeared in a bright, white light, reappearing just in front of Pat’s outstretched leg. The dark shadow grabbed onto his foot and tweaked Pat around into a fast-spinning spiral. He leapt up into the air dropping down with an outstretched fist towards the spinning ex-agent, but stopped short as Pat had once again disappeared.

The dark shadow leapt backwards over Pat’s sweeping leg, landing behind him and executing two quick punches to the back of Pat’s neck before disappearing and reappearing in front of him. Pat dropped down, disappeared and reappeared in front of the dark shadow forcefully open-handedly punching him squarely in the chest launching the shadow backwards. The shadow flew backwards, but disappeared in a bright flash just before hitting the ground, reappearing behind Pat with his sword stopped just a few inches from Pat’s back. Pat quickly spun around, the blade cutting deeply into his uniform and back, and withdrew his sword. The two figures, dimly lit by the rays of Isis, stood watching each other before the flowing waters of the fountain. Pat quickly lunged forward, only to have his sword knocked out of his hands and embedded into a building wall. The dark figure reappeared above Pat, sword trained down towards his shoulder. Pat flinched slightly, disappearing and reappearing as the dark shadow dug his sword deep into the Plaza ground then flipped onto his feet again. They stood watching each other until the familiar lights and sirens from the Night Squadron vehicles filled the night air. The dark shadow leapt forward retrieving his sword from the ground in one motion landing again in front of Pat.

"Fine, but next time, I take the watch with or without your cooperation," the shadow figure cast his left arm towards the trenchcoat causing it to immediately fly into his grasp before turning to face Isis, "give my regards to T’om." He flipped backwards onto his feet once more before dissolving into the shadows of the surrounding buildings. Pat dropped to one knee to retrieve the identicard that had fallen from the shadow's coat. He picked it up, held it up to Isis, and stowed it in a pocket on his suit. After gathering his trenchcoat, Pat resumed his walk to his apartment building, retrieving his sword from the building wall and ignoring the approaching Night Squadron.

A low-lying swirling mist of blue began to appear just ahead of him giving an air of mischief abound. Not his, though, because he had just finished for the night. He took no interest in the mysterious fog, and continued the last few steps to the apartment doors.

"You still have that thing?" belowed the large Taroxian from his security desk as he sharpened the blade of his axe against the edge of the desk. Pat stopped in front of the desk, and moved aside his coat, "This old thing? You know, memories sake only," he moved past the desk to his mailbox again--nothing, "oh, and Lee sends his regards."

"Really, you saw him tonight? What's he been up to?" Tom stood from the desk and walked over to a monitor showing the north end of the 23rd floor. He pushed a contact on the panel showering the intruder above in a sticky cloud of fluid, then announced over the speakers "The Night Squadron will be here momentarily to remedy your situation." Tom stood taller than Pat as well, but he was a huskier pure race built for battle, hunting, and war, not sitting at a security desk for an apartment building. No third helix here.

"We didn't speak much. Did you know he's still with them?" Pat walked over to the monitors and watched the perpetrator struggle with the enclosing foam as a small troop of Night Squadron personnel ran through the lobby in front of him.

"No, he retired long ago. You know he runs HyWire now, right? He got me the X-drive for myself and Rosy. Speaking of which, have you seen Rosy?" Tom picked up his axe and lodged it into the tritanium wall.

Pat walked back around the counter and made his way towards the bank of lifts thinking back to the beginning of the night when he had spotted Rosy heading towards the Central Plaza, "No, I haven't." He motioned his retreat, and walked off towards the center lift as the Night Squadron personnel walked passed him rolling the sticky ball away. The last officer stopped to stare at Pat.

"Problem, officer?" Pat whispered as he stared at the awaiting lift.

"No," the officer said as he turned to catch up with his partners. No, indeed, Pat thought as he boarded the lift, scenes of the Mainland flooding his mind, remembering how Lee had acted then, and whether he had changed.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 07-06-05 05:13 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 09:07 PM, in The Answer Quiz Link
8) What is the longest word as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary? (P.S., we had this assignment in high school, I found this word while actually going through the dictionary word for word for about a week. Its meaning, "a fictitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust', but occurs chiefly as an instance of a very long word with a pseudo medical/scientific terminology syntax."

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 09:15 PM, in Naruto Fairytale Spinoff Link
It's so perfectly awesomely gayily (is that a word?) cool, that it just made me fall off my chair the first time I read that one. That was funny. "Do you have Uchiha in you?" Classic.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-07-05 09:26 PM, in Wha? Link
Dance the night away by karchan85
What you Look like
The MusicDDR
Quiz created with MemeGen!

So true...right down to the DDR and the coconut bra...

Dance the night away by karchan85
What you Look like
The MusicRap
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Zabuza is not pleased, but the kitty looks awesome...and rap? Can you really dance to rap? I think you can dance to hip hop, but not rap.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 04-08-05 12:27 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-08-05 02:18 AM, in Paradox Island Link
I'm rewriting Paradox's Chapter One---

Chapter I: Flashbacks

He stood anchored to the top of Edge City's Transportation Mobility Commission offices overlooking the greater area of downtown, the second of the three suns beating down upon his trenchcoat covered body. His coat swayed violently in the winds high above the city streets overlooking the sweeping hills of Erdu City as hyperjets flew by on their way to the air/space port. His chest expanded slowly in the thin air with each breath, his thoughts racing through the recesses of his mind. He would close his eyes occasionally, both to lubricate them and to view his inner mind, regressing back to the days of the Great War; back to the days when he worked both sides; back to the days when he belonged to no one but himself.

The winds around him deafened any sounds of the ringing phone in his pocket. He stood, his feet electromagnetically anchored to the building's roof, and allowed his mind to lead him through the paths of long ago, several years before the foundations of the TMC, before the modernization of Paradox Island, to the early days of the Great War, back to San Angeles on the Mainland. A sprawling metropolis with roadways as far as eternity and computer linkups to match, a difference of ideals, and the ensuing riot. That morning, a week before the main actions of the War, he had agreed to meet with his hacker compatriots on the beach near the city limits of San Angeles.

A hyperjet zoomed by his position violently waking him from his deep mental slumber, his eyes struggling to focus through the pitch black sunglasses. The air wave following the jet shot the glasses off his face sending them flying towards the street one hundred and fifty floors below. He immediately shielded his eyes, accidently breaking the electromagnetic hold launching his body off the tower across the gap between the other surrounding buildings and plummeting towards the cold, hard street below. He closed his eyes listening to the wind rushing through his coat and depressed a contact on the inside of his right arm. Engulfed in a bright white light, he reappeared on the ground standing at the exact spot where his sunglasses had violently bounced across the pavement.

He walked over to the glasses, picked them up, brushed them off, and placed them gently on his nose before glancing up towards the top of the building, the second sun just cresting the TransNet antenna fleetingly attempting to filter its rays down to the shaded street below. A BizTransNet single occupant vehicle pulled up in front of him, opened its door and awaited his boarding. He took a breath, readjusted his coat, then boarded the vehicle.

"Please choose destination." The vehicle chimed through the onboard speakers. He leaned forward and slid his identicard through a slot on the side of the monitor. "TMC Lot A." The vehicle moved slowly onto the road nestling itself behind a few other BizTransNet vehicles before accelerating to merge onto the main TransNet highway towards its destination on the outskirts of the city.

He leaned back into the seat watching the second sun, Solaris II, high above the City as the vehicle moved effortlessly through the dedicated lanes. "Music?" it asked. He closed his eyes thinking about some jazzy tune he had heard somewhere before, but not in his lifetime. "Terran Jazz, circa 1950s, 'Take Five' by Dave Brubeck," it announced within seconds confirming the activity of the neural identichip, engaging a soft piano tuned to optimum comfort levels. He drifted away again, his crimsom eyes shooting back and forth underneath his eyelids, back to that morning.

He had served as a freelancer, a term coined for hackers that neither served nor threatened the globalnet community, working for various agencies for years. Several of those occasions had introduced him to new learning experiences that were required for some of his future missions. He was immersed in new technologies, new ideas, and allowed to explore the vastness of his inner psyche. He worked both sides of his missions, serving as an adversary to himself. However, in his late adolescence, his skills and talent helped him acquire a position within the then developing Paradox Island Special Ops Division.

There he met T'om, the Taroxian refugee, whom had recruited himself to the fledgling agency in hopes of expanding his thirst for the battlefield, even if that field often rested in the digital realm. T'om's innate ability to manipulate large matrises of data proved to be an exquisite asset to the organization's goals.

But not him; he had been chosen because of his freelancer status. His mind worked differently than most being completely desensitized to everything and everyone. A small chime from the vehicle jostled him back from his dream state. "Destination in 10 minutes," the vehicle announced as it merged out of the dedicated lanes into the streets leading away from the City. He pulled his computer from his pocket holding it up in front of him, his reflection floating on the screen, as he read through the documents downloading from the DoxNet linkup. Another expedition into Xodan Flats today, and Brandon--the husband of his long time and only friend, Christine--would be heading up the site inspections.

The vehicle came to a stop outside the TMC lot, opened its door, and announced, "Thank you for your stay, today, Agent Almodovar." He stepped out, the door closing behind him, and walked towards his HyWire Marauder, his coat swaying slowly behind him as Solaris I and II glided slowly across the sky. His silver vehicle sat patiently awaiting his return, and powered to life as soon as his identichip came into range of the transceiver. He boarded his vehicle, the music from the BizTransNet vehicle transferring to his Marauder; the vehicle authorizing itself for the government only transit lanes--DoxTrans--and moved out of the lot onto the roadways leading towards the roads heading towards Oakridge.

He sat watching the other vehicles pass when he phone began to ring again. He fumbled through his pockets locating the phone and holding it up to read the screen. His pitch black sunglasses obscurred any attempt of reading the electroluminescent screen during the daylight hours. He silenced the phone and tossed it onto the seat next to him. Leaning forward towards the central control console, he activated the shading on the main windshield. With the windshield now providing the much needed protection from the suns' rays, he removed his sunglasses stowing them in the center storage areas of the car.

His eyes quickly adjusted to light hurting him at first, but subsided as the windshield increased its shading. Another call, this time through the vehicle's communications systems, forced him to deviate his attention from the upcoming task of controlling the vehicle. "Incoming secured communications from Erdu City..." He shifted forward in his seat moving into position to control the vehicle once it left the TransNet systems, touched a contact on his left wrist, and waited for his suit to disperse within his body.

During the first few weeks after joining Special Ops, he was chosen as the worthy recipient of a nanoarmor suit. Similar in appearence to the uniforms they all wore, but physically integrated with the physiological structures of his body, the suit offered more protection and flexibility than his meta-human body could ever provide. The suit also exploited the third helix abilities, amplifying them to the wearer's advantage. Years later, he still possesses the suit with the fully integrated ability to control it at will. The main control units embedded directly into his spine, his torso, his arms and legs with a control identichip installed deep inside his brain, he had developed ability to be the only being on the entire planet to personally link up to both DoxNet and GlobalNet without the use of an external device. He had become Special Ops' perfect agent, yet still possessed complete control over himself and his actions.

He possessed the ability to deploy armor throughout his entire body at will, the ability to control all connected systems using only his brainpower, the ability to allow the suit to control his body. Yet, he still had to uphold a secret persona to everyone except the one man who knew of his true identity. The man that he once trusted with the secrets of his technologies and the access to the specialized systems of DoxNet. The man that chose to betray him those many years ago.

The suit subsided leaving behind a slightly ruffled business suit, his hair slightly out of place. He removed the trenchcoat and tossed it onto the backseats, then searched his new suit's pocket for a small case housing two naturally adapting contact lenses. After inserting the lenses and allowing them to recolor his eyes to the desired brown shade, he depressed a contact on the screen allowing the call to flood the speakers.

"Meow?" he heard as he saw the image of Myst, Ryan's cat, walk passed the monitor.

"Ryan? Are you there?" he spoke as the vehicle transitioned off the TransNet systems and glided onto the gravel road towards Oakridge, the towering buildings of Edge City disappearing behind him as he approached one of the overcrossings for the suspended AeroTrain systems.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Hey, I had a question for you," Ryan moved towards his laptop computer peering at the agent, "how many systems are connected to my house?" Ryan knew only of the agent's cover life, his affiliation with the government had long ceased, he worked for himself as one of the larger companies on Paradox Island.

"Just your laptop, and the Electriz. Are you enjoying the car?" the agent twisted one of the control handles increasing the speed to the vehicle as he moved underneath the overcrossing, "Speaking of car, are you heading out to the showers this afternoon with Crystle and Tom?"

Ryan walked out of view from his laptop allowing Myst to sit in front of the computer, "Yes, and I'm already running late. I just needed to make sure that I don't have excess connections that I don't need."

"Not a problem. Hey, I gotta let you go, but I'll catch you later on...for lunch tomorrow maybe?" He squeezed the other control handle decreasing the vehicles speed on his approach towards the nonpaved area between Edge City's limits and Oakridge's limits.

"We'll see, and I will call you tomorrow. No backing out on me this time. Talk to you later, Lee." He moved into view and pressed a key on the laptop's keyboard before the screen returned to its neutral state. The music resumed after a few seconds; he blinked his eyes a few times to lubricate the contact lenses. The Marauder moved effortlessly over the dusty road enroute towards his home in Oakridge a few more miles away, his eyes adjusting to the light levels, his Eckta'arian characteristics trying to break through the cover he had to develop in order to live his two very different lives.

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

(Last edited by Zabuza on 11-09-07 09:44 PM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-05 12:32 AM, in I'm out of shape... Link
Damn your sexy muscular male bodies...**drool** damn it. You made me drool on the keyboard, eww...

Anyway, I have muscular definition as well, under the layer of protective fat. Instead, I'd prefer to gain a muscular boyfriend than the muscle myself. I can continue to play tennis and keep myself moderately fit, and I only need to be able to take down some random person that decides to steal from my store. Just long enough to get the handcuffs on them, then I can point and laugh (internally, we could get sued if I do it out loud).

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-05 12:40 AM, in If we, the Xeolians all met in person ... what would you do? Link
There...since people are such spoil sports at my ranting of killing with supersoakers, I shall have to tone it down since I'm always being threatened with my freedom being stripped away because some psycho sociopath somewhere has decided that they feel remotely threatened by my superior intellect and unbottled (non-existent) rage.

You all get hugs, okay? Then we'll play tennis, ending with a rousing game of Hide While I Drive Away With The Food.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-05 12:55 AM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
As the token gay gay, Xero's still hot. He's got you beat. But...nah, that's all I've got. Now, excuse me while I hunt down that photo of me at work...

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-05 01:02 AM, in Anybody live in Phoenix? Link


Your mind tricks are weak little ones. Philly will be another day. Until then, I have to be in Phoenix for a job interview, so I'm just going to have to deal. As soon as I find my WiFi card, I'll just have to deal with that. I'm perfectly content just staying online all night on the'd be just like home except with pictures, cable tv, and a maid cleaning my room daily.

Dancing Kitty!!

(Last edited by Zabuza on 04-09-05 04:03 AM)

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-05 01:05 AM, in Virgin? Link
I'm not a virgin, except to heterosexual sex, and that is going to stay that way. Unless I'm really really really really drunk. And, then, I don't want to remember or see pictures.

I'm an anal virgin, but we're leaving it at that. You can "eww" and "blah" or whatever, I've said it, and its done.

My lead agent is still a virgin, and she's 24.

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-05 01:07 AM, in Katamari Damacy II Link
I loved the first one so badly, I bought (and imported) the soundtrack ($35 plus shipping) and play it in my car whenever I get the chance. I'm still playing the first one, and I really want the second one. How could a game so simple and so tediously fun become such a wonderful success? And, why the mushrooms? Were they on them at the time of development?

Roy Koopa
Holy crap, it is the RoboCoonie!

Since: 08-20-04
From: California

Since last post: 978 days
Last activity: 978 days
Posted on 04-09-05 01:27 AM, in What? Link
In the pitch of darkness frozen in front of the soft glow of the LCD panel, hands resting gingerly on the keyboard typing out a short story, the sounds of an eighties comedian wafting from the speakers as he stares off passed the screen into worlds that don't exist. His deep intermittent breathing the only other sounds permeating his existence as the words onscreen, "In the pitch of darkness frozen in front of the soft glow of the LCD panel, hands resting gingerly on the keyboard typing out a short story, the sounds of an eighties comedian wafting from the speakers as he stares off passed the screen into worlds that don't exist. His deep intermittent breathing the only other sounds permeating his existence as the words onscreen, 'In the pitch of darkness frozen in front of the soft glow of the LCD panel, hands resting gingerly on the keyboard typing out a short story, the sounds of an eighties comedian wafting from the speakers as he stares off passed the screen into worlds that don't exist. His deep intermittent breathing the only other sounds permeating his existence as the words onscreen, `In the pitch of darkness frozen in front of the soft glow of the LCD panel, hands resting gingerly on the keyboard typing out a short story, the sounds of an eighties comedian wafting from the speakers as he stares off passed the screen into worlds that don't exist. His deep intermittent breathing the only other sounds permeating his existence as the words onscreen...continue to endlessly pour away, the repetitive OCD continuing to perpetually type until one day, he just ceases to exist.

That's all I've got...

(Last edited by Zabuza on 04-09-05 04:29 AM)
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