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03-12-25 11:25 PM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Himura_Kenshin
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User Post


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-14-05 03:31 AM, in The "Welcome Back" Battle... sure, why not. Link
Zabger abruptly drops to the ground and rolls to his left. Avoiding the fireball he lifts his legs up in the air and sends them straight for Tai's lower jaw.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-14-05 07:39 PM, in The "Welcome Back" Battle... sure, why not. Link
Zabger notices Tai a bit to late and is slashed along the back. He manages to dart away and pulls out a cats eye amulet and holds it near his forehead. The amulet disappears and Zabger's eyes begin to glow vibrantly. Then he places his swords together and they are engulfed in a white light. The light fades as quickly as it came and reveals a katana that Zabger now held in his hand. He places the katana on his belt and then makes a seal, it seemed as he was gathering energy.

*Falcons eye : Consumes one cats eye amulet when casted- This improves the casters sight, allowing them to notice movement in even the worst of conditions.

Mastery Over Wind and Earth : Combines the two swords (Earthcaller and Swiftwind) into one blade. The creation is a three foot long Katana doubled "Forest Stalker". This blade has incredible power, both the abilities of the swiftwind and Earthcaller, and some of its own unique abilities.*


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-17-05 05:31 PM, in Cairoi vs. Himura Link
Using the gravity as a small boost Zabger lands and rolls forward instantly jumping to his feet. He darts towards Cairoi and jumps right over him. The wind picks up and stop Zabger right behind Cairoi then drops him as he now stands back to back with Cairoi. Zabger Hoped that the rocks would have to go through Cairoi fist to get to him. Then he quickly spins his katana in his hand and attempts to stab Cairoi in the back.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-17-05 05:37 PM, in The "Welcome Back" Battle... sure, why not. Link
"Blind rage will get you no where." =P

Zabger just smiles at Tai and dashes towards him. He jumps sending his body fling clear over Tai spinning then landing behind him. He then makes the same seal but now begins to chant silently under his breath.

"I suggest thinking of something fast."


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-17-05 05:43 PM, in Act now for the low low price of 149.95 Link
The barrier tries to react to the attack but the amount of energy that was applied was too much for the barrier to handle. The barrier shatters leaving Zabger kneeling in the center. He turns and runs up a palm tree then jumps off fling towards Soala attempting to impale him with his katana.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-17-05 06:40 PM, in Cairoi vs. Himura Link
Zabger quickly turns around the katana in his right hand. He slashes straight up at the group of rocks as a swift wind shoots from his sword sending the rocks off in various directions. He jumps out the opening and lands on Cairoi's right.

"I take it something was funny?"

Zabger extends his right arm and spins clockwise sending his katana right at Cairoi's chest.



Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-18-05 04:49 PM, in Cairoi vs. Himura Link
Zabger hastily jumps back four feet. He holds his katana out horizontal. He places two fingers on the blades end connected to the hilt. He runs his fingers from one end to the other. As his fingers glided across the blade the mirrored metal began to glow a faint green. As Zabger's fingers touch the tip his quickly sheaths his sword and waits for Cairoi's move.

"Flashy... Now lets see what you can do."


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-19-05 04:59 AM, in Act now for the low low price of 149.95 Link
A faint click is heard from Zabger's head as his body glows a pale green, his resist discipline was now active. The holy energy hit him but had no effect. As the attack subsides Zabger pulls his sword from Soala's feet and begins walks ten feet from him. Zabger turns to Soala and sheaths his katana.

"I shall give you a short time to recover. That was a strong attack and I wouldnt doubt that you are very short of breath."

*Resist Discipline : A skill that can only be learned though vigorous training and experience. This discipline allows Zabger to resist any element or energy based attacks. This does nothing to the opponents attack but will allow Zabger to resist the attack. If the attack is element or energy based it will be resisted. When this discipline is active Zabger is limited to only melee based attacks. This discipline puts great stress on the users body and can only be active for 3 posts. Once the discipline ends it cant be used again in the current fight. Only one discipline can be active at a time.*


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-23-05 09:10 AM, in Top 5 Favorite Animes Link
1. Rurouni Kenshin
2. Naruto
3. Outlaw Star
4. Bleach
5. Tenchi Muyo or Tenchi Universe


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-24-05 08:32 PM, in The "Welcome Back" Battle... sure, why not. Link
The roots reach Zabger and bind to his arms and spreads them apart. Zabger stares blankly at Tai and sighs.

"I expected a larger attack from you. Well at least you force me to use some of my reserve."

Zabger's arms begin to bulge as his muscles expand a small amount. He begins to pull the roots out from the ground and frees his arms. He throws the roots into the air and grabs them spins them around like nun chucks (Sp). He then throws them at Tai and resumes the same seal and stance that he had before.

*Strength Of Nature : Grants the casters target with the strength of nature increasing their strength, attack speed, and reaction speed.*


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-25-05 08:12 PM, in The "Welcome Back" Battle... sure, why not. Link
Tai was a bit too quick for Zabger too dodge complete. Zabger dodges but is hit by Tai's attack along the right side of his body. A good chunk was Taken out of him but he forces himself to face Tai's back as he draws his katana and it erupts in a blue light. His eyes turned from emerald green to blood red as he raises his katana above his head and swings down at Tai's back. As he is in mid swing the light from Zabger's sword shoots off and surrounds Tai. The air around the two becomes a wild whirl wind as Zabger strikes.

" Forgotten Art of Hiten Mitsurugi, Dragon's Death Blade!"

*Hiten Mitsurugi Dragon's Death Blade : An attack that has been forgotten by the masters of Hiten Mitsurugi. This attack used the speed of the swordsman to create a massive increase in wind speed to slice the opponent. The attack causes the air around the opponent to speed up and act as if many swords were slashing at the opponent. This attack creates the illusion that the opponent is being struck by the heads of dragons. The attack takes at least three posts to charge and still takes a nice bit of strength from the user.*


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-26-05 12:09 PM, in The "Welcome Back" Battle... sure, why not. Link
Zabger drops to the ground and rolls forward after his attack. Mid way in the roll his pulls out four blaze shards which he slams on the ground and is abruptly surrounded by a red barrier. Tai's attack hits the barrier but the elements canceled each other out. Zabger sheaths his sword and clenches his chest from the pain. His wounds were bleeding badly so he pulls out a roll of bandages from his pocket. he rips off his shirt and applies the bandages, slowing the bleeding. He then makes a seal and begins to recover his own energy.

*Edit : forgot this - Elemental Bindings- Consumes 4 of which ever elemental stones Zabger wishes- Allows Zabger to raise a large barrier over himself of any element he uses as the component. This barrier can be penetrated but not easily. Any person that touches the barrier will be harmed according to the element of the barrier.*

(Last edited by Himura_Kenshin on 04-26-05 03:10 PM)


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-29-05 04:11 PM, in Rurouni Kenshin Link
*Sigh* Yes what toonami did to Rurouni Kenshin was quite horrible. The manga is so much better then the anime. Unless you get it uncut subbed or dubbed. Yes, even the uncut dubbed gets better. There is surprisingly a lot more depth in the manga and it also doesn’t throw in useless segments that have nothing to do with the actual series. If anyone out of manga choices and hasn’t read Rurouni Kenshin yet I highly suggest you should.

P.S. You spelt it right.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-29-05 05:07 PM, in Comedians Link
Dane Cook is good but i don’t think he’s the greatest. He’s just so random, but the randomness is funny. Now some other sane comedians that I can remember.

Adam Ferrara - My friends use to always talk about this guy and how funny he was. All his jokes were down to earth everyday occurrences. "At night I use to find the bathroom by sonar. Keep peeing till you hear water.

Gilbert Godfrey (Sp?) - I don’t know why but for the longest time I loved watching this guy make jokes. Most people don’t like him because of his voice but he still is pretty damn funny. This is a quote I remember of him. I was sleeping at a motel 6 and out of nowhere Jesus appears. I said "Hi Jesus" and he just looked down at me and said "Call me Jes"=

Ant from last comic standing - I don’t know why but this guy was always a favorite. He just loved to make fun of himself to make others laugh and I admired that. "In my country I am a princess." "Well in my country I’m a queen and I out rank you."

Ellen Degeneres - She was one of the first female standup comics I’ve seen and I was really impressed with how she preformed.

Triumph the insult comic dog - My god there isn’t anyone out there who can hate this guy. He makes fun of everyone and everything. He’s just a puppet but he’s still one of the funniest comics I’ve ever seen.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 04-29-05 08:07 PM, in Where's that level from, anyway? Link
Acutally I might know this one. I think its a level from Rogue Squadron 3 in which you need to save some prisoners in trasports. I think its like the first level on the right column of mission choices. There is a secret part that I stumbled across once. Your fling around a canyon and taking out turrents to get to a friend who was shot down on the planet. From your discription it sounds like that level, but im not to sure.

(Last edited by Himura_Kenshin on 04-29-05 11:09 PM)


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 05-08-05 05:36 AM, in The "Welcome Back" Battle... sure, why not. Link
Zabger grabs his sword and draws sending a blast of air towards the arrows enough to send them off course. He sheaths his sword again and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out four frost shards and hurls them into the air. Suddenly 4 large objects appeared in the sky heading towards Tai, each 35 feet in diameter. They closed in at an alarming rate. They came from in front of Tai, behind him, to the right of him and to the left of him.

*Ice age : Consumes four Frost shards when casted- Pulls multiple comets of ice to hit in one location. When these comets collide with something other then the caster they explode and shoot out 10 steel piecing ice shards in different direction. This spell damages everything but the caster.*


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 07-01-05 02:56 PM, in What kind of Shoes? Link
Normally ill wear Nike shocks. I find them to be extremely comfortable. Although seeing as I’m in Hawaii right now I’m wearing my sandals everywhere. Comfortable as they may be I still love my shocks.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 07-01-05 03:13 PM, in Naruto coming to USA Link
There are so many questions to how their going to do the Naruto stuff. I'm actually fearful yet excited to see what they do to the series. I'm just going to hope that later on they stick a uncut version on adult swim like they use to do with anime back in the day when toonami ran throughout the week.

The Naruto game I cant wait for thought. It just seems like it will be a great fighting game. I could really care less about the merchandise. Normally I would just get it off ebay and even with local retailers, ebay may still be the best choice. With all that said and done ill have my fingers crossed and hope for the best. It should be coming out this summer.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 07-24-05 06:54 PM, in Official Photo Album Thread Link
Just because Nataku and myself were bord today.....

And just because I can... A pic of a penguin named Icarus I found in Hawaii

The best ramen/saimen you would ever have in your life. Its from a place called Shiro's Saimen haven on the Hawaiian island of Oahu.


Since: 08-28-04
From: Clinton Twp mi

Since last post: 6788 days
Last activity: 5329 days
Posted on 07-29-05 09:41 PM, in Star Craft 2 Anyone Hear? Link
I was quite interested by this. I havent heard anything new for Blizzard that involving starcraft other the SC : Ghost, but thats for the major systems. So I went searching and all I could find was this ....

Doesnt look like its comeing out for a long long time. I hope they come out with another installment for the series. But all I can sayfor now is is "Damn it".
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Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Himura_Kenshin

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